

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Well, I skimmed most of the pages I missed, I'm back now. Lots of work travel the past few weeks.

    I'm a little freaked out this week, I'm going in for a colonoscopy on Thursday. Fun prep day tomorrow.
    No, I'm not old enough for it to be needed, but there is a TON of colon cancer in my family, so I'm being safe.

    I missed commenting on a ton of things, but just know that I care deeply and I'm going to try to do a better job of keeping up even when I'm on the road.

    Glad you're back. Hope things go well on Thursday! Keep us in the loop!
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    My cat is the proverbially scardey-cat. I don't think she would ever forgive me if I brought home a roomba - or come out from under the couch.

  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    My cat is the proverbially scardey-cat. I don't think she would ever forgive me if I brought home a roomba - or come out from under the couch.

    After having two dogs in the house, I think I would be perpetually emptying the container from the Roomba if I ever got one.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    My cat is the proverbially scardey-cat. I don't think she would ever forgive me if I brought home a roomba - or come out from under the couch.

    Some cats love them though!

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    My cat is the proverbially scardey-cat. I don't think she would ever forgive me if I brought home a roomba - or come out from under the couch.

    I love the videos of the cats riding Roombas! The best is the cat dressed as a shark riding the Roomba! Not sure if you guys know what I'm talking about.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    My cat is the proverbially scardey-cat. I don't think she would ever forgive me if I brought home a roomba - or come out from under the couch.

    Until one day when the cat has finally had enough :D

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    @TigerNY128 is the tiger in your name a clemson thing then?

    @girldownsouth Yep! I graduated from Clemson!

    That's very observant of you, @girldownsouth, especially since you live in another country! USC graduate here, @TigerNY128. :* That would be awesome if you, @raelynnsmama52512, and I could get together. Although almost every weekend is booked up for us until school starts back in late August.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Omg, ha! just realized that someone posted the Shark cat!!! :)
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    seriously? yeah because trying to guilt me into letting you come over to my place is an AWESOME first date.

    then i get home and i have all these msg's from him saying he's leaving the dating website he found me on because he just can't handle how ppl are, and what was my problem that i couldn't trust him?!

    well duh, we live in the same area, of course that makes him trustworthy!

    sigh... :s

    Because he can't handle how dating website girls aren't easy lays?

    Since "snuggle" sounds like code for "go to your place and proceed to manipulate/coerce/guilt trip you into putting out", I'd say you dodged a bullet with that one. Ick.

    Isn't that what Tinder is for?

    (I've never used it so don't actually know how it works)

    I thought it was a legit dating site (saw a show about it, maybe Doc Zone??) but that -- like every other dating site, says my cynical side -- it was primarily used as a hookup site.

    The one that really bugs me is Ashley Madison, which apparently is specifically for married/committed dudes to find a discreet piece on the side. >:)

    For the record, I have nothing against casual hookups provided all parties involved are on the same page about the nature of the interaction. Hidden agendas and pretense always annoy me.

    I think everyone can sleep with whoever they want as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. If you want multiple partners say so, don't cheat! I think there would be way less arguments and divorces if people were just open about what they wanted and could commit to.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    My cat is the proverbially scardey-cat. I don't think she would ever forgive me if I brought home a roomba - or come out from under the couch.

    Both my cat and dog are giant wusses. Muffin (the cat) in particular was terrified of the vacuum. The roomba is quieter than the regular vacuum though and she actually will be in the same room as it and watch it. I'll never get an awesome video like this:,d.cGU but she does OK.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Some good, some bad & a confession..

    Good: I cycled for over 500 miles this month, for the first time, ever. My previous high was around 467. Very proud today.

    Bad: I discovered last night, the first girl I fell in love with and was always special to me, died back in 2011 from a prescription pain pill overdose. They found her unresponsive and shut down life support some days later. She left behind 2 grown daughters and a toddler daughter. Tragic.

    Confession: When I brought my work clothes to work yesterday (to wear today) I forgot to pack boxer briefs so I am forced to go commando all day. lol

    So sorry about your friend. Fantastic on your NSV. I have frequently done that. And forgot shoes, pants, clothes and computer. When I worked in Manhattan it was no problem I just went to gap. Now that I work in NJ back home I go....
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    My cat is the proverbially scardey-cat. I don't think she would ever forgive me if I brought home a roomba - or come out from under the couch.

    After having two dogs in the house, I think I would be perpetually emptying the container from the Roomba if I ever got one.

    I hear ya. My two hairballs are in full shed mode right now and I had to empty the stick vac TWICE when I vacuumed on the weekend. Oh, and Littlest Hairball barks absolutely nonstop when the vacuum is on, so it can only be done when they're outside.

    Confession: I'd like to murder whomever decided bagless vacuums were the way to go... I end up dusty (which I'm allergic to!) every time I empty the thing. I know, I know... the stick vac holds less... but wrestling off the canister on the upright created even more of a mess, at least the stick is easier to empty.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    I DID IT!!! I went down cautiously at first and saw that nobody was outside of the apartments, so I went all out: I CLIMBED NINE FLIGHTS OF STAIRS!!!! :smiley:

    I admit that I was lazy and went down in the elevator the second time, then climbed back up the three flights, took the elevator back down, repeat. :p At least I did the "up" part, right? ;)

    Sooo much awesomeness! WELL DONE!!

    Yes, going up stairs is the hard part, that's the one that counts.

    I did it again!! Nine flights up, nine flights down. But now I'm thirsty and I still have three hours of fasting to go. :p

    Uh-oh. Are you allowed to suck on an ice cube or something to rehydrate a little, or will that compromise fasting?

    You can rinse your mouth, but you can't swallow. But I'm alright now that I've rested a bit and stopped breathing hard. ;) But I may have overdone it; my legs are all a-wobble like jell-O! :o

    You'll probably be sore but that is how you know you are working hard. And stairs are HARD!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    edited June 2015
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    My cat is the proverbially scardey-cat. I don't think she would ever forgive me if I brought home a roomba - or come out from under the couch.

    After having two dogs in the house, I think I would be perpetually emptying the container from the Roomba if I ever got one.

    Yes and no. I run it everyday, because why not, and at first it was super gross and couldn't get through a carpeted room without needing to be emptied. SOO much hair (large dog and long-haired cat) and it clearly did a better job than I or my husband did. But after about a week, it can can do its whole job without needing to be emptied.

    Editted: it's vs its error that would make me crazy
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Yes, this is totally surprising to me! I'm glad to see all the housekeeper talk. I've wanted to get one and my husband has been super resistant. We both grew up pretty poor, so paying someone to clean our house seems really extravagant (he says: "we're not those type of people". Um, yes, we are two professors, we actually could be those type of people now). Our compromise was getting a roomba - which is awesome and has reduced cleaning time - but I still would love an every-other week cleaner.

    My cat is the proverbially scardey-cat. I don't think she would ever forgive me if I brought home a roomba - or come out from under the couch.

    I love the videos of the cats riding Roombas! The best is the cat dressed as a shark riding the Roomba! Not sure if you guys know what I'm talking about.

    Ha! Great minds :) That's the video I posted.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Too heavy for this thread.

  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Omg T-2 days until Darius Rucker! I'm thinking about getting a new outfit today for it, if I can convince RaelynnsDaddy to go shop with me haha! ;)

    Make sure you scream HOOTIE. He looooves that. Ask me how I know. o:)>:)

    :laugh: will do

    Actually, DR haaates that. So unless you want the stink eye, don't do it! (DR was at a benefit and my friend got hammered and kept calling him Hootie all night, DR was not amused... but I sure as hell was!)

    I figured you were using satire there lol. ;)
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    @TigerNY128 is the tiger in your name a clemson thing then?

    @girldownsouth Yep! I graduated from Clemson!

    That's very observant of you, @girldownsouth, especially since you live in another country! USC graduate here, @TigerNY128. :* That would be awesome if you, @raelynnsmama52512, and I could get together. Although almost every weekend is booked up for us until school starts back in late August.

    I'm in! :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    ETA this truncating of posts just doesn't work sometimes.

    You have to make sure you don't delete the coding at the beginning or the quotes won't show in their own boxes. :) For example, when quoting this post I removed all of the other quotes that got messed up, but I left the part at the beginning that says: quote="pofoster21;33077019" within a pair of brackets. That's what creates the quote box, and adding /quote within brackets is what ends the quote box.

    Yeah I try to do that. But I think sometimes I may be overzealous in the deleting on my phone....

    I wouldn't even try on my phone! Highlighting blocks of text to delete isn't a great success, and I'd have to backspace for hours to get rid of it otherwise... then it suddenly speeds up of its own accord and deletes stuff I wanted to retain.

    I pretty much only use my phone to see images that get blocked at work.

    That is EXACTLY what happens to me. Hence the weird posts sometimes.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Susie great job on the stairs! I ran 60 min! So we are each good on one goal!

    You know I was thinking as I was running we make fun of ourselves for scaring off the men but if I was a guy I would love this thread. It gives you a lot of insight into a woman's mind!

    We're super great and super awesome! ;) I'm actually seriously considering going and doing it again.

    True! But the mind of a woman is a terribly scary place. >:)

    Too true. And you are super super great. You did it twice!