

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I am incredibly tired today. I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night. My dog had me up several times with an upset stomach, and then we had a brief, but loud, thunderstorm. I asked my dad to go check on her today while I am at work and she messed in the house, which is very out of character. I'm hoping it's just something that didn't agree with her and is making its way out of her system. (She's still acting normal otherwise.)

    I have my weekly training session tonight and I hate that I'm so tired for it, since I know I won't be able to push myself as hard as normal, and then I feel like I'm letting my trainer down.

    Basically I'm just feeling whiny and emotional from the lack of sleep. This morning I had to stop to put air in one of my tires, and I was ready to cry because the hose wouldn't wrap up properly when I was done. (I don't deal well with lack of sleep lol)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I'm running off and going birthday shopping for the mancreature (he's in dire need of shorts and pants, so he's being dragged along). I've been trying to be good and save, I really really really want to spend money on myself tooo! Lol

    LOL. have fun!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    snooksmama wrote: »
    i dont see any reason to 'hide' anything - i am trying to 'chart' everything as i eat it, and i am not allowing myself to be ashamed. I am doing this to wake myself up to what i am eating. Its a tool. I dont think anyone else sees my food logs and if they do, I couldn't care less.

    BUT...that being said, I only chart my weight when I can log a LOSS. I went about a week of a few ups and downs and I didn't chart my weight at all. I like to see that graph going DOWN. I must be doing something right; I have lost over 12 lbs since early May.

    Cheers to everyone, you are going a great job! Just being on here and using the app - we are all human and certainly not perfect, and doing the best we can!!

    Good job, I like your mindset! :) Welcome to the thread!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I am incredibly tired today. I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night. My dog had me up several times with an upset stomach, and then we had a brief, but loud, thunderstorm. I asked my dad to go check on her today while I am at work and she messed in the house, which is very out of character. I'm hoping it's just something that didn't agree with her and is making its way out of her system. (She's still acting normal otherwise.)

    I have my weekly training session tonight and I hate that I'm so tired for it, since I know I won't be able to push myself as hard as normal, and then I feel like I'm letting my trainer down.

    Basically I'm just feeling whiny and emotional from the lack of sleep. This morning I had to stop to put air in one of my tires, and I was ready to cry because the hose wouldn't wrap up properly when I was done. (I don't deal well with lack of sleep lol)

    Maybe you should reschedule? When I feel like that going home and to bed is the best option. Even lots of caffeine can just make me feel edgy if I am way over tired.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    My friend and I just saw Jurassic World. Great movie. And Chris Pratt...mmmmm. Pedicures now!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    This is sort of a confession. I'm not that good with words. I'm not a quick thinker at all. I'm one of those people that thinks of the perfect thing to say 10 minutes after the conversation is over. Sometimes on here I want to comment but can't think of anything useful to say so I just don't comment or I wait for someone else to say what I'm feeling and say "yeah, me too!" Anyway, the other day I was talking to a coworker and she commented on how good I looked, had I lost more weight, yadda, yadda. (which I'm kinda uncomfortable talking about my weight loss) I mumbled something about "ha, I wish" but she has recently lost some weight too and I didn't even think to say anything to her until I walked away. I felt bad. I'm pretty sure she was fishing for a compliment and I completely blew it, I would have given it to her too cause she looks great but sometimes I'm incredibly self centered.

    I am the exact same way. I've started replies to posts on here then abandon them because I can't figure out how to properly word them (and now I'm worried that this one won't make sense). I don't think it's about being self-centered, I think it's more of an anxiety thing. It's like I get overwhelmed trying to form an appropriate response, then I miss the opportunities to ask questions or compliment the other person. I always have snappy responses after the fact :disappointed:

    I will say though that just because someone compliments you does not mean that you have to compliment them back. If at another time you think she's looking great then say so. It will seem more sincere since you've brought it up on your own.

    I have this problem in real life all the time... especially in an argument. In here I have no issues...I probably say too much! But the beauty of this is you can take as long as you like for the perfect response. ;)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I am incredibly tired today. I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night. My dog had me up several times with an upset stomach, and then we had a brief, but loud, thunderstorm. I asked my dad to go check on her today while I am at work and she messed in the house, which is very out of character. I'm hoping it's just something that didn't agree with her and is making its way out of her system. (She's still acting normal otherwise.)

    I have my weekly training session tonight and I hate that I'm so tired for it, since I know I won't be able to push myself as hard as normal, and then I feel like I'm letting my trainer down.

    Basically I'm just feeling whiny and emotional from the lack of sleep. This morning I had to stop to put air in one of my tires, and I was ready to cry because the hose wouldn't wrap up properly when I was done. (I don't deal well with lack of sleep lol)

    Maybe you should reschedule? When I feel like that going home and to bed is the best option. Even lots of caffeine can just make me feel edgy if I am way over tired.

    My trainer was away last week and will be gone the next two weeks. It's nearly impossible to schedule for a different day because she's busy with other clients & teaching kids' classes. I don't want to go over a month without a session so I will have to push through. And I'd also feel like I was letting my gym partner down if I cancel.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    My friend and I just saw Jurassic World. Great movie. And Chris Pratt...mmmmm. Pedicures now!

    This sounds like a great outing!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Good luck this weekend, Patricia!

    Thank you!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited July 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    This is sort of a confession. I'm not that good with words. I'm not a quick thinker at all. I'm one of those people that thinks of the perfect thing to say 10 minutes after the conversation is over. Sometimes on here I want to comment but can't think of anything useful to say so I just don't comment or I wait for someone else to say what I'm feeling and say "yeah, me too!" Anyway, the other day I was talking to a coworker and she commented on how good I looked, had I lost more weight, yadda, yadda. (which I'm kinda uncomfortable talking about my weight loss) I mumbled something about "ha, I wish" but she has recently lost some weight too and I didn't even think to say anything to her until I walked away. I felt bad. I'm pretty sure she was fishing for a compliment and I completely blew it, I would have given it to her too cause she looks great but sometimes I'm incredibly self centered.

    I am the exact same way. I've started replies to posts on here then abandon them because I can't figure out how to properly word them (and now I'm worried that this one won't make sense). I don't think it's about being self-centered, I think it's more of an anxiety thing. It's like I get overwhelmed trying to form an appropriate response, then I miss the opportunities to ask questions or compliment the other person. I always have snappy responses after the fact :disappointed:

    I will say though that just because someone compliments you does not mean that you have to compliment them back. If at another time you think she's looking great then say so. It will seem more sincere since you've brought it up on your own.

    I have this problem in real life all the time... especially in an argument. In here I have no issues...I probably say too much! But the beauty of this is you can take as long as you like for the perfect response. ;)

    Did you ever watch the show "Sabrina the Teenage Witch"? She could stop time whenever she wanted. I've always wanted this skill. When I get stumped for a response, I could freeze time and form a witty reply before unfreezing. People would think I was so clever.

    ETA: I also still want the ability to change my outfit/hair style with a snap of my fingers.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 you are wonder woman good luck doing the Iron man!!

    It's only a 1/2 but thanks!

    "only" she says :lol:

    Haha that was my thought too!! Humblebrag away Patricia ;) And I'm totally kidding...and completely jealous! My goal is to maybe do a half marathon before I die

    Oh dear now I embarrassed. I just didn't want anyone thinking I was doing the full! Sorry. And I keep sharing all the details as I enjoy having you guys along for the ride. It's okay to tell me to shut up!

    And Laura...If you want we can pick a 1/2 and I'll meet you. I love running with newbies in longer races. My friends always warn people I lure them into racing. Just because it's a great experience!

    There is a half in Boston that opens next wed. It will sell out fast and my BFF isn't interested. .. or the CMM also has a could join us!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Well, now that I'm a little calmer, I think I can update everyone on Raelynn's situation. (( Cliff noting what the doctor said and it's a bit long. ))

    -She has been officially and definitely diagnosed with SPD and Anxiety.

    -The only treatment for her SPD and (at her age) Anxiety is occupational and behavioral therapy. Unfortunately, we can't afford the therapy, so that can't happen until we get approved for TEFRA (secondary Medicaid for special needs and insurance), but:

    -She is being referred to ChildFind (services through the school district), but the county/district we live in is notoriously difficult for getting kids in. We'll have to see what they tell us.

    -Doctor also gave us information on some community resources that may be available for us, just depends on if there is anything in Laurens County.

    -She scored an 81 on the tests they did yesterday, which puts her right below "average" for her age and development, but the score for "average" runs between an 85-115 (low average-high average) so according to that she's just below which could mean she will be denied TEFRA. Doctor did tell me to be prepared to file an appeal should that happen and she will help us with it.

    -She's been having issues with going to sleep for a while now, like fighting sleep and crying at bedtime, and waking up multiple times in a night so we have to start her on melatonin 2 hours before bedtime, because she's so wound up she can't go to sleep (SPD effect). We also have to start her on a fiber regimen, because she has a terrible habit of holding poops (major SPD problem).

    -Basically, we have to keep her life as routine and rigid as possible. No potty training, no big changes, just making sure she knows what to expect every day so hopefully it will help alleviate some of her anxiety issues until we can get therapy going. (Needless to say, our plans of "expanding our family" are on hold until further notice since that would obviously be a huge change in her life. Which, if putting that on hold makes her life easier and we can help her, I'm okay with that.)

    She's got a long way to go, but we're going to do everything that we can to help her!

    I am sorry your daughter suffers with this and your family is going through this things. However, I am glad that she has you because you sound absolutely fabulous as a parent. It seems like there is a lot of love in your household and that is lovely. :)

    Thank you! ❤️ I call her my "fooled you" baby! In 2009 when I was 17, I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, a bulging disc, and there are a lot of pinched nerves in my lower back. I was engaged (to a complete waste of space of a person but I won't get into that) at the time and we wanted to have kids after we married when I turned 18, and the doctor told me that having a child would be too difficult with all my problems and that I didn't need to try. So I just figured I'd never get my dream of being a mom and left it alone for awhile. That fiancé and I broke up a short time later, and the next year I reconnected with my now husband and the month after we married we found out I was pregnant with Raelynn. I did have some issues but I did carry her to term and attempted to deliver naturally until I needed a c-section when Raelynn's heart rate shot up too high. She's the child I shouldn't have had, but God has a wonderful sense of humor. :)

    I probably shouldn't be pushing my luck with the idea of another child once Raelynn's SPD and Anxiety issues are under control, but I've always been too stubborn to just walk away from things lol.

    I just realized part of my post is a bit confusing. To clarify, I didn't reconnect with the ex-fiancé, rather hubby and I reconnected on Facebook 4 years after we met at a church function lol! I confused my own self haha! :flushed:

    I wasn't confused but I liked the story of how you met! Very cute!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Well, now that I'm a little calmer, I think I can update everyone on Raelynn's situation. (( Cliff noting what the doctor said and it's a bit long. ))

    -She has been officially and definitely diagnosed with SPD and Anxiety.

    -The only treatment for her SPD and (at her age) Anxiety is occupational and behavioral therapy. Unfortunately, we can't afford the therapy, so that can't happen until we get approved for TEFRA (secondary Medicaid for special needs and insurance), but:

    -She is being referred to ChildFind (services through the school district), but the county/district we live in is notoriously difficult for getting kids in. We'll have to see what they tell us.

    -Doctor also gave us information on some community resources that may be available for us, just depends on if there is anything in Laurens County.

    -She scored an 81 on the tests they did yesterday, which puts her right below "average" for her age and development, but the score for "average" runs between an 85-115 (low average-high average) so according to that she's just below which could mean she will be denied TEFRA. Doctor did tell me to be prepared to file an appeal should that happen and she will help us with it.

    -She's been having issues with going to sleep for a while now, like fighting sleep and crying at bedtime, and waking up multiple times in a night so we have to start her on melatonin 2 hours before bedtime, because she's so wound up she can't go to sleep (SPD effect). We also have to start her on a fiber regimen, because she has a terrible habit of holding poops (major SPD problem).

    -Basically, we have to keep her life as routine and rigid as possible. No potty training, no big changes, just making sure she knows what to expect every day so hopefully it will help alleviate some of her anxiety issues until we can get therapy going. (Needless to say, our plans of "expanding our family" are on hold until further notice since that would obviously be a huge change in her life. Which, if putting that on hold makes her life easier and we can help her, I'm okay with that.)

    She's got a long way to go, but we're going to do everything that we can to help her!

    I am sorry your daughter suffers with this and your family is going through this things. However, I am glad that she has you because you sound absolutely fabulous as a parent. It seems like there is a lot of love in your household and that is lovely. :)

    Thank you! ❤️ I call her my "fooled you" baby! In 2009 when I was 17, I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, a bulging disc, and there are a lot of pinched nerves in my lower back. I was engaged (to a complete waste of space of a person but I won't get into that) at the time and we wanted to have kids after we married when I turned 18, and the doctor told me that having a child would be too difficult with all my problems and that I didn't need to try. So I just figured I'd never get my dream of being a mom and left it alone for awhile. That fiancé and I broke up a short time later, and the next year I reconnected with my now husband and the month after we married we found out I was pregnant with Raelynn. I did have some issues but I did carry her to term and attempted to deliver naturally until I needed a c-section when Raelynn's heart rate shot up too high. She's the child I shouldn't have had, but God has a wonderful sense of humor. :)

    I probably shouldn't be pushing my luck with the idea of another child once Raelynn's SPD and Anxiety issues are under control, but I've always been too stubborn to just walk away from things lol.

    I'm so glad you get to have that dream especially since you seem to be so great at it!!!

    Aww, thank you! :blush: I try to do my best for her, she's my best friend and my whole world lol!

    I know exactly how you feel. My daughter is my whole world. So much in fact, I worry that I'm neglecting my husband. It's weird because I'm obviously her favorite person. I just try to enjoy it because I know it most likely will not always be that way.

    Me too. I even told her doctor that I probably come across as that crazy obsessive mom type, but I didn't have parents that cared to get me help when I was a child and I suffered (and still) do from that. I'd rather be the mom that cared too much than the mom that didn't care enough.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @kelly_c_77 for me vertigo makes me feel off balance- it's kind of a hard feeling to explain. Definitely have some type of the spins when I lay down. My doctor told me stress typically can bring on an episode. For me they usually last about a week. Something about an inbalance of things in your ears is why is happens? Who knows, it's just not a fun feeling you'll get up to walk and feel like you have to hold onto something to keep steady.

    That's what it was. I felt like I couldn't get my I needed to hold on to something so I wouldn't fall over. I didn't even feel comfortable holding my son's hand in the parking I might pull him down with me if I fell. And my eyes felt all shifty, unable to focus...once we were seated. And the spins so bad once I laid if I had just finished a night of drinking! :( If this goes on for a week, I will go crazy...

    My friend gets this and I agree sounds like vertigo. Feel better!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited July 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 you are wonder woman good luck doing the Iron man!!

    It's only a 1/2 but thanks!

    "only" she says :lol:

    Haha that was my thought too!! Humblebrag away Patricia ;) And I'm totally kidding...and completely jealous! My goal is to maybe do a half marathon before I die

    Oh dear now I embarrassed. I just didn't want anyone thinking I was doing the full! Sorry. And I keep sharing all the details as I enjoy having you guys along for the ride. It's okay to tell me to shut up!

    And Laura...If you want we can pick a 1/2 and I'll meet you. I love running with newbies in longer races. My friends always warn people I lure them into racing. Just because it's a great experience!

    There is a half in Boston that opens next wed. It will sell out fast and my BFF isn't interested. .. or the CMM also has a could join us!

    Don't be, we were just teasing :smile: I still think a half is very impressive!

    ETA; Good luck!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    last night I was stressed because my daughter was being a terror so my hubby and I opened a bag of tortilla chips and ate the entire thing in one sitting!
    p.s for some reason I'm up 2 lbs today. lol

    The food thing is it will be gone soon! Water weight! Welcome... I love your user name. :)
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Well, now that I'm a little calmer, I think I can update everyone on Raelynn's situation. (( Cliff noting what the doctor said and it's a bit long. ))

    -She has been officially and definitely diagnosed with SPD and Anxiety.

    -The only treatment for her SPD and (at her age) Anxiety is occupational and behavioral therapy. Unfortunately, we can't afford the therapy, so that can't happen until we get approved for TEFRA (secondary Medicaid for special needs and insurance), but:

    -She is being referred to ChildFind (services through the school district), but the county/district we live in is notoriously difficult for getting kids in. We'll have to see what they tell us.

    -Doctor also gave us information on some community resources that may be available for us, just depends on if there is anything in Laurens County.

    -She scored an 81 on the tests they did yesterday, which puts her right below "average" for her age and development, but the score for "average" runs between an 85-115 (low average-high average) so according to that she's just below which could mean she will be denied TEFRA. Doctor did tell me to be prepared to file an appeal should that happen and she will help us with it.

    -She's been having issues with going to sleep for a while now, like fighting sleep and crying at bedtime, and waking up multiple times in a night so we have to start her on melatonin 2 hours before bedtime, because she's so wound up she can't go to sleep (SPD effect). We also have to start her on a fiber regimen, because she has a terrible habit of holding poops (major SPD problem).

    -Basically, we have to keep her life as routine and rigid as possible. No potty training, no big changes, just making sure she knows what to expect every day so hopefully it will help alleviate some of her anxiety issues until we can get therapy going. (Needless to say, our plans of "expanding our family" are on hold until further notice since that would obviously be a huge change in her life. Which, if putting that on hold makes her life easier and we can help her, I'm okay with that.)

    She's got a long way to go, but we're going to do everything that we can to help her!

    I am sorry your daughter suffers with this and your family is going through this things. However, I am glad that she has you because you sound absolutely fabulous as a parent. It seems like there is a lot of love in your household and that is lovely. :)

    Thank you! ❤️ I call her my "fooled you" baby! In 2009 when I was 17, I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, a bulging disc, and there are a lot of pinched nerves in my lower back. I was engaged (to a complete waste of space of a person but I won't get into that) at the time and we wanted to have kids after we married when I turned 18, and the doctor told me that having a child would be too difficult with all my problems and that I didn't need to try. So I just figured I'd never get my dream of being a mom and left it alone for awhile. That fiancé and I broke up a short time later, and the next year I reconnected with my now husband and the month after we married we found out I was pregnant with Raelynn. I did have some issues but I did carry her to term and attempted to deliver naturally until I needed a c-section when Raelynn's heart rate shot up too high. She's the child I shouldn't have had, but God has a wonderful sense of humor. :)

    I probably shouldn't be pushing my luck with the idea of another child once Raelynn's SPD and Anxiety issues are under control, but I've always been too stubborn to just walk away from things lol.

    I just realized part of my post is a bit confusing. To clarify, I didn't reconnect with the ex-fiancé, rather hubby and I reconnected on Facebook 4 years after we met at a church function lol! I confused my own self haha! :flushed:

    I wasn't confused but I liked the story of how you met! Very cute!

    Aww thank you! Lol! Did I ever mention how we never figured out how we knew each other until the night before we got married? It was cute and funny at the same time! :laugh:
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    4.5 hours til holidays start. I don't think the clock can move any slower today!

    I didn't realize you were going on vacation too! Where are you going?

    We are going camping with my 3 brothers and 1 sister and their respective spouses and kids. 10 kids all together. We do it every year. It is lots of fun but I am not gonna lie I am usually ready to come home to some piece and quiet when it is over. It's about a 5 hour drive for me to get there and we are leaving Sunday after I pick Kypton up from the exes.

    Sounds fun! But I find my family exhausting too. I used to book a week or 10 days to visit my sister in Seattle but by the end we are always fighting and she is the only one I get along with! I try to keep it to a few days now. Just enough time to have fun and not start to get fed up with each other. Good luck!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Guess who can walk today?! :smiley:

    Okay, so it's not exactly walking. I can use my walker or lean on Mr. Susie's arm and walk almost normally for short distances, or I can toddle very, very slowly like a baby just learning to walk by myself for very short distances.

    Since I could walk a little, we got to go out to Subway for iftar today! :smiley: Now I'm exhausted, but it was nice to get out, even if just for a meal. :)

    Also, I was able to stand long enough to weigh myself today, and I've lost 1.1 kilos! That's almost exactly two pounds on the button. That means that I only have 3.1 kilos left to get my Fitbit! That's 6.8 pounds. :)

    This is so fantastic! Yay! Will @susieqhusband buy it for you early if you achieve your goal before October?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So I have a small confession: I’m scared to go into maintenance. I keep lowering my goal weight because I know it’ll delay maintenance. I’m scared for the stupidest reason, too- I know I’ll pack on like 3-4 lbs of water (bc I always do) as soon as I start lifting and eating more. I’m planning on slowly increasing calories like 70-100/wk and I’m dieting down even lower to account for the gain but I HATE the gain. Stupid, right?

    I don't think it's stupid at all. I think about it too and I still have 40lbs to lose haha.

    I'm scared I'll never get there. I've lost 67lbs so far and still got at least 63lbs to go!

    You so can do this! Look at what you have accomplished! And we'll all celebrate together!