

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 you are wonder woman good luck doing the Iron man!!

    It's only a 1/2 but thanks!

    Good luck...excited for your update!
    @riderfangal, nothing wrong with new clothes!
    @spacequiztime, hope your shoulder feels better soon!
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Well, now that I'm a little calmer, I think I can update everyone on Raelynn's situation. (( Cliff noting what the doctor said and it's a bit long. ))

    -She has been officially and definitely diagnosed with SPD and Anxiety.

    -The only treatment for her SPD and (at her age) Anxiety is occupational and behavioral therapy. Unfortunately, we can't afford the therapy, so that can't happen until we get approved for TEFRA (secondary Medicaid for special needs and insurance), but:

    -She is being referred to ChildFind (services through the school district), but the county/district we live in is notoriously difficult for getting kids in. We'll have to see what they tell us.

    -Doctor also gave us information on some community resources that may be available for us, just depends on if there is anything in Laurens County.

    -She scored an 81 on the tests they did yesterday, which puts her right below "average" for her age and development, but the score for "average" runs between an 85-115 (low average-high average) so according to that she's just below which could mean she will be denied TEFRA. Doctor did tell me to be prepared to file an appeal should that happen and she will help us with it.

    -She's been having issues with going to sleep for a while now, like fighting sleep and crying at bedtime, and waking up multiple times in a night so we have to start her on melatonin 2 hours before bedtime, because she's so wound up she can't go to sleep (SPD effect). We also have to start her on a fiber regimen, because she has a terrible habit of holding poops (major SPD problem).

    -Basically, we have to keep her life as routine and rigid as possible. No potty training, no big changes, just making sure she knows what to expect every day so hopefully it will help alleviate some of her anxiety issues until we can get therapy going. (Needless to say, our plans of "expanding our family" are on hold until further notice since that would obviously be a huge change in her life. Which, if putting that on hold makes her life easier and we can help her, I'm okay with that.)

    She's got a long way to go, but we're going to do everything that we can to help her!

    This must be so difficult for you. Best if luck getting her the treatment she deserves. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    Thank you, Patricia! ❤️

    I've had many times where I've just broken down and cried for her, I remember doing that in front of her therapist a few months back before we had to stop it and she hugged me and said "God gives special needs children to special parents for a reason." I always try to remember that when I get depressed or upset about her situation, because God gave me her for a reason, and I know she needs me and her daddy to be strong and help her. :)

    I believe this. I always end up with 'special needs' animals. I think they find us.
    I firmly believe this too! We have said so many times that our beloved dachshund wouldn't have lived even half of his years if he hadn't found us for "parents"...he had everything wrong with him and we did so much for him! We joked that he was the million dollar dachshund...his vet file was about 3 inches thick! And our cat, Tater needs insulin shots 2x daily. We need to fill his prescription monthly...$275...every darn month. He knew where to find us! ;) Cats/dogs that need special attention or medication often get turned away...but we could never do it.

    Me either. The needier the better. My Oberon had issues practically from the beginning. Lots of people advised me to sell him early on then to retire him in VA, where it was cheaper. No way. I gave him EVERY care he needed until the end. I wasn't able to ride him the last 6 or so years so I just grazed him for hours, groomed him, bathed him and loved him with all my heart. If he had live to 40 instead of 21 that would have continued. He enriched my life every day.

    ETA I am not drunk and can't type. :)

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    For me, today's magic number must be 2.

    Recorded a 2.2 lbs loss this AM.
    Rode 2 extra miles on the way to work.
    Found a washed and crumpled $2 in my jeans pocket once I got to work.

    Great scale victory & you can't go wrong with finding extra money.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Quite an exciting weekend lined up for me. We'll be telling my parents we're expecting their first grandchild. My mother will be ridiculously pleased as she's been dropping 'I wish I was a Grandma' hints for years. Although I am slightly wary as I value my privacy and this will truly let the cat out of the bag as she can't keep her mouth closed at all. All peace and quiet will be shattered!

    Is it bad that I'm also pretty excited because there will be nice food? I've planned to tell them before dinner simply so I can eat cake without getting the usual 'aren't you watching your weight?' spiel.

    This is wonderful and I am so honored that you shared this with us first.

    I missed this original post too..what's going on today?
    Anyway, yay!! I'm excited for her to get the news...and also think it's pretty cool that you shared with us so long ago! :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    4.5 hours til holidays start. I don't think the clock can move any slower today!

    I didn't realize you were going on vacation too! Where are you going?

    We are going camping with my 3 brothers and 1 sister and their respective spouses and kids. 10 kids all together. We do it every year. It is lots of fun but I am not gonna lie I am usually ready to come home to some piece and quiet when it is over. It's about a 5 hour drive for me to get there and we are leaving Sunday after I pick Kypton up from the exes.

    Sounds fun! But I find my family exhausting too. I used to book a week or 10 days to visit my sister in Seattle but by the end we are always fighting and she is the only one I get along with! I try to keep it to a few days now. Just enough time to have fun and not start to get fed up with each other. Good luck!

    Thanks I think I will need a bit of that. Did I mention we are all fairly loud opinionated people lol

    Just like my family!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited July 2015
    So, kind of funny story. You guys know how I go for walks with my son all the time.. Well, the other day we saw 3 traps (picture 1) using marshmallows as bait and couldn't imagine what they would be trying to catch. Well, mystery solved! As we walked by this afternoon, I heard scratching and banging noises coming from their yard, looked over and saw this little guy scaling the side of the house and crawling under the roofing! Look closely (picture 2)...see him peeking at us? psgs1ibx5g6w.jpg0zoyzx2r0hzl.jpg

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I'm joining the gym today. It will be my first official workout at the gym with my boyfriend. I'm excited though! Sure I'll be unable to move later...

    Hope you crushed your first workout!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Well, now that I'm a little calmer, I think I can update everyone on Raelynn's situation. (( Cliff noting what the doctor said and it's a bit long. ))

    -She has been officially and definitely diagnosed with SPD and Anxiety.

    -The only treatment for her SPD and (at her age) Anxiety is occupational and behavioral therapy. Unfortunately, we can't afford the therapy, so that can't happen until we get approved for TEFRA (secondary Medicaid for special needs and insurance), but:

    -She is being referred to ChildFind (services through the school district), but the county/district we live in is notoriously difficult for getting kids in. We'll have to see what they tell us.

    -Doctor also gave us information on some community resources that may be available for us, just depends on if there is anything in Laurens County.

    -She scored an 81 on the tests they did yesterday, which puts her right below "average" for her age and development, but the score for "average" runs between an 85-115 (low average-high average) so according to that she's just below which could mean she will be denied TEFRA. Doctor did tell me to be prepared to file an appeal should that happen and she will help us with it.

    -She's been having issues with going to sleep for a while now, like fighting sleep and crying at bedtime, and waking up multiple times in a night so we have to start her on melatonin 2 hours before bedtime, because she's so wound up she can't go to sleep (SPD effect). We also have to start her on a fiber regimen, because she has a terrible habit of holding poops (major SPD problem).

    -Basically, we have to keep her life as routine and rigid as possible. No potty training, no big changes, just making sure she knows what to expect every day so hopefully it will help alleviate some of her anxiety issues until we can get therapy going. (Needless to say, our plans of "expanding our family" are on hold until further notice since that would obviously be a huge change in her life. Which, if putting that on hold makes her life easier and we can help her, I'm okay with that.)

    She's got a long way to go, but we're going to do everything that we can to help her!

    I am sorry your daughter suffers with this and your family is going through this things. However, I am glad that she has you because you sound absolutely fabulous as a parent. It seems like there is a lot of love in your household and that is lovely. :)

    Thank you! ❤️ I call her my "fooled you" baby! In 2009 when I was 17, I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, a bulging disc, and there are a lot of pinched nerves in my lower back. I was engaged (to a complete waste of space of a person but I won't get into that) at the time and we wanted to have kids after we married when I turned 18, and the doctor told me that having a child would be too difficult with all my problems and that I didn't need to try. So I just figured I'd never get my dream of being a mom and left it alone for awhile. That fiancé and I broke up a short time later, and the next year I reconnected with my now husband and the month after we married we found out I was pregnant with Raelynn. I did have some issues but I did carry her to term and attempted to deliver naturally until I needed a c-section when Raelynn's heart rate shot up too high. She's the child I shouldn't have had, but God has a wonderful sense of humor. :)

    I probably shouldn't be pushing my luck with the idea of another child once Raelynn's SPD and Anxiety issues are under control, but I've always been too stubborn to just walk away from things lol.

    I just realized part of my post is a bit confusing. To clarify, I didn't reconnect with the ex-fiancé, rather hubby and I reconnected on Facebook 4 years after we met at a church function lol! I confused my own self haha! :flushed:

    I wasn't confused but I liked the story of how you met! Very cute!

    Aww thank you! Lol! Did I ever mention how we never figured out how we knew each other until the night before we got married? It was cute and funny at the same time! :laugh:

    That is awesome.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    So... I went grocery shopping. I rested up a bit after going out for iftar and told my husband that I thought I was up to it. It was a nightmare. :( For some reason, I expected the supermarket to be empty and so didn't steel myself for dealing with any crowd--physically I was somewhat okay (I used my husband and the shopping cart to keep me upright), but I got stressed and anxious out of my mind. If I hadn't had my shopping list in my hand, I would have forgotten everything I wanted to buy. As it is, I kept having to ask my husband to retrace our steps because I kept passing everything I wanted and having to go back for it again after reading it on the list. Ugh. :s

    On a bright note, I have the ingredients I need to make AMAZING desserts for Eid! I'm making THREE peanut butter pies in an Oreo crust, topped with chocolate ganache and whipped cream with chocolate shavings--two of these will be going to my in-laws and we'll keep one--and a big pan of chocolate chip cookie cheesecake bars, 2/3rds of which will also be going to the in-laws. This is going to be FUN! :smiley:

    Post pictures!

    Believe me, I will! I'll also post the recipes in the Super Great Recipe thread if they turn out well--I don't like to post anything that I haven't tried myself first. :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    SandyBVTN wrote: »
    I just dropped a bunch of my salad into the crack of the couch and pulled it out, cat hair and all, and ate it. I had logged it already, so...

    I swear, 90% of the food I eat is covered in cat hair.

    Haha yeah me too. Sometimes I look down and see one floating on top of my food and I'm just like "meh, whatever" and continue eating.

    Ha! I find cat hair everywhere too!

    Since my baby Zainab loved to sleep on my head, my comb always seemed to be full of cat hair when I combed my hair with a fine-toothed comb! O.o It had more of her hair than mine, 99% of the time!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Yay for getting the groceries Susie. Too bad the shopping trip sucked though.

    I have to admit that I'm giddy with the crazy amount of stuff I bought. Check out the list I made:
     Brown Sugar – One package, light, 500 grams
     Cream cheese – One kilo
     Eggs – 15 eggs
     Chocolate chips, milk – Two packages, 600 grams
     Chocolate chips, white – One package, 300 grams
     Whipping cream – One package, 500mL
     Cool Whip – Three containers, 225 grams EACH, OR add one liter of whipping cream
     Dark chocolate bars – 300 grams OR use existing semi sweet chips?
     Oreos – Two family packages OR 50 individual cookies in available packaging.
     Cadbury Flake bars – Three bars
    o Powdered Sugar – One package, 500 grams
    o Vanilla extract – One bottle
     Peanut butter – One kilo
     Butter – Three bricks, 600 grams

    This is going to be awesome! I'm so excited that I want to start NOW!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    When I've had a really bad day, calorie wise, if I think I can average it out through the week, I'll move 100-200 calories worth of food to each day afterward until I'm in the green. Like, if I ate 7 cookies and went over my calorie goal, I'll log one of them into each day for the rest of the week until today's goal is green... And that is my "placeholder" for those calories for the rest of the week to make sure I reverse the damage completely. ;)

    I think this is actually really smart! I may have to try this!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    When I've had a really bad day, calorie wise, if I think I can average it out through the week, I'll move 100-200 calories worth of food to each day afterward until I'm in the green. Like, if I ate 7 cookies and went over my calorie goal, I'll log one of them into each day for the rest of the week until today's goal is green... And that is my "placeholder" for those calories for the rest of the week to make sure I reverse the damage completely. ;)

    I think this is actually really smart! I may have to try this!

    This post is so old that I wouldn't be surprised to learn that it was my very first contribution to this thread. :p You must be at least 1000 pages behind right now! :o
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @MoHousdon this makes me so angry on so many fronts for you and your husband and the cat. I hope that cat comes back as a shadow cat and haunts her dreams.

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @kelly_c_77 eeee he's so cute!! Haha I almost missed him that's so funny!! But I wouldn't want raccoons in my house! :s
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I wanted to share a small victory too. I ate A LOT last weekend (each day had to have been thousands over with the bbq, cake, smores, Old Chicagos, alcohol etc). I figured I'd weigh in today and be about 10 lbs heavier like I did when I overate during Memorial day weekend. Today though, I had a 1 lb loss! No idea how that happened. I was good the rest of the week. I figured it was maybe the swimming on Friday and Saturday helped (or maybe just stress haha). That made my morning.

    I'm now .6 lbs from having lost 60. I still have a ways to go though.

    I did compare my pictures from my birthday this year to in years past and I can see a difference. Maybe I'll get brave and share something if I can figure out how. :)

    That's an awesome scale victory! Awesome job on having lost almost 60 pounds.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Yay for getting the groceries Susie. Too bad the shopping trip sucked though.

    I have to admit that I'm giddy with the crazy amount of stuff I bought. Check out the list I made:
     Brown Sugar – One package, light, 500 grams
     Cream cheese – One kilo
     Eggs – 15 eggs
     Chocolate chips, milk – Two packages, 600 grams
     Chocolate chips, white – One package, 300 grams
     Whipping cream – One package, 500mL
     Cool Whip – Three containers, 225 grams EACH, OR add one liter of whipping cream
     Dark chocolate bars – 300 grams OR use existing semi sweet chips?
     Oreos – Two family packages OR 50 individual cookies in available packaging.
     Cadbury Flake bars – Three bars
    o Powdered Sugar – One package, 500 grams
    o Vanilla extract – One bottle
     Peanut butter – One kilo
     Butter – Three bricks, 600 grams

    This is going to be awesome! I'm so excited that I want to start NOW!

    Your husband is one lucky guy to have a wife who bakes such wonderful treats!! I'm so excited for you!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    I BOOKED IT! We're going!! And they'll guarantee it even if we're the only people on it and will run the whole trek privately for us for a small fee, which is amazing. I am so excited! Cannot concentrate at work.

    Whoo! Take loads of pictures. From the pictures you posted it looks so beautiful!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 you are wonder woman good luck doing the Iron man!!

    It's only a 1/2 but thanks!

    Glad you made it safely and good luck. You will rock it!

    Thank you! And to anyone else who wished me luck so I don't keep repeating myself. :)
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    So I mentioned about my bf the other night and the blame thing. He's just provided me with an example. He was out at a dinner at work. He drove and got the train back. I'm going to take him to get his car tomorrow and picked him up from a station in a different village which is on the right train line to save him having to change trains. He's come home and we put a TV show on before bed, then the tv wouldn't turn off, and I said it'd done it earlier. He gets in a bit of a huff and starts on 'I don't know what you've done to it' our tv has been having issues lately where it turns itself off at random. I point this out, and get told that's totally different. It just really winds me up that it always has to have been something I've done.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Guess who can walk today?! :smiley:

    Okay, so it's not exactly walking. I can use my walker or lean on Mr. Susie's arm and walk almost normally for short distances, or I can toddle very, very slowly like a baby just learning to walk by myself for very short distances.

    Since I could walk a little, we got to go out to Subway for iftar today! :smiley: Now I'm exhausted, but it was nice to get out, even if just for a meal. :)

    Also, I was able to stand long enough to weigh myself today, and I've lost 1.1 kilos! That's almost exactly two pounds on the button. That means that I only have 3.1 kilos left to get my Fitbit! That's 6.8 pounds. :)

    I am so happy to see that you could at least get around a little easier today. What's your favorite thing to order in Subway? Do you have any things there that are special for Saudi Arabia?

    Great job on losing weight. How are you doing on your Fitbit goal?