

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Oh, after browsing around Academy this evening, I finally picked out what I want as an anniversary gift this year: a bike with appropriate gear, a seat for Raelynn to ride in along with gear for her, and more workout clothes! I was wanting to go to Charleston or Hilton Head again, but I'd rather have the bike and workout clothes now lol! I'll have to get it all next week sometime since that check will be bigger and more spending money, but it still counts!

    I'm excited, and still amazed I found someone willing to deal with me and all my issues. 4 years married August 8th, together 5 years November 15th (and yes we celebrate both), and he still makes me fall in love with him more every single day. ❤️

    (Ahem, by the way, @TigerNY128 Raelynn and I will be in Greenville again on Wednesday! ;) )

    I hope you can get your bike & gear. Raelynn & you would have so much fun going on mommy & daughter bike rides.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    How do I tell my DOH! that the dress I bought at the thrift shop today is the same one I donated 8 months ago because I couldn't squeeze into it?

    LOL @ first I thought you were going to say you donated it & then bought it again forgetting that you had donated it. Do you think he'd realize if you didn't tell him? If not it can be your secret:).
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @ohgeeque my husband would find that funny - and then he'd be proud of me.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Confession: My husband is really, really bad with names. When referring to this thread and mentioning various people, he (we?) have coined various terms to help him keep track of who I'm talking about. A few of these are:

    - The horse lady (@pofoster21)
    - The llama lady (@ythannah)
    - The friendly lady (@LBuehrle8)
    - The cookie-face lady (@spamarie)
    - The Dr. Elmo lady (obviously @nonoelmo)
    - The Mo lady (@MoHousdon)

    ... Among others. Don't blame me for your new names though... I swear they're his fault! :p

    Those are too cute! Good job @mrsusie

    I have to start posting more. I want a nickname.

    You have one already... He calls you the Canada flag lady :D
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Confession: My husband is really, really bad with names. When referring to this thread and mentioning various people, he (we?) have coined various terms to help him keep track of who I'm talking about. A few of these are:

    - The horse lady (@pofoster21)
    - The llama lady (@ythannah)
    - The friendly lady (@LBuehrle8)
    - The cookie-face lady (@spamarie)
    - The Dr. Elmo lady (obviously @nonoelmo)
    - The Mo lady (@MoHousdon)

    ... Among others. Don't blame me for your new names though... I swear they're his fault! :p

    Those are too cute! Good job @mrsusie

    I have to start posting more. I want a nickname.

    Me too lol

    You don't have one yet, but I described you to him as "The lady with the picture of her son in floaties," and he went "Ohhh, her." :p

    @LBuehrle8 Oops!! That happened to me the first time I bought it as well--I had more self control the second time. ;) We haven't bought it again, though, because it's really expensive for a very small jar. :)

    @RaelynnsMama52512 Nope, not yet--at least not that I recall anyway. He usually bases his nickname on pictures, and yours doesn't show very clearly from the forum.

    @pofoster21 Good afternoon! Hope you have fun on your practice swim and practice ride today (or were those yesterday?). Is the half today or on Sunday? I just remember that it's on the weekend... :p I'll do your grocery shopping for you!! ;)

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Her competition is today.

    Yay! I have a nickname.

    Do you want to come do my grocery shopping?

    Actually I only have a small list. 4 stops though.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    How do I tell my DOH! that the dress I bought at the thrift shop today is the same one I donated 8 months ago because I couldn't squeeze into it?
    That's actually hilarious! I have no idea how you're going to tell him that. :D

    misskarne wrote: »
    Hey @Susieq_1994, I have a couple more questions that just popped into my head. So I was wondering, since you were sick, do you get a special exclusion from prayers, or do you have to make them up later (I think you mentioned it before)?

    Also, I've been watching The Ashes (cricket for those who don't know) and one of the English players, Moeen Ali, is a Muslim, and I read an article saying that he is observing Ramadan. I don't know that I've ever seen him take a drink during the drinks breaks, but it has been unseasonably hot (well, the English definition of the word "hot"), so I was wondering if he would also have to "make up" fasting when the series is over?

    Nope, as I mentioned before, nobody is excused from prayer unless they're insane. Sick people have special allowances on HOW they can pray, depending on their capability. They can pray standing as usual, seated, or lying down in bed. Those who are completely paralyzed have to pray as well, and they can indicate their prayer movements by simply blinking their eyes. I've been praying seated, because I can't stand unsupported for more than a few seconds. :)

    You don't get excused from fasting for your job. Most people work through the year--if their job became an excuse not to fast, Ramadan would never be fasted. This includes those who work physical or outdoor jobs. You can only break your fast under special circumstances: Severe sickness, such as having a fever--not just being tired or headachey from the fast; Travelling, because fasting is a burden on a traveler; and severe hunger or thirst, to the point that you feel you might become extremely sick or die if you don't eat or drink something.

    Also, for those who have chronic illnesses that prevent them from being able to ever fast, they must feed a poor person for each day of fasting that they couldn't fast, and this will be their "fasting". :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Her competition is today.

    Yay! I have a nickname.

    Do you want to come do my grocery shopping?

    Actually I only have a small list. 4 stops though.

    Oops! All the best @pofoster21! Have fun. :smiley:

    I'd love to do your shopping for you. :p I'd spend the whoooole day in grocery stores if I could. *dreamy sigh* When I'm visiting a new supermarket for the first time, my husband knows to set aside at least two hours just so I can wander around oohing and aahing at everything. :D

    Off-topic, but made me giggle: Autocorrect changed my oohing to oozing... :p
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    One farmers market, two supermarkets and Canadian tire (I don't know what to call them - they sell everything from tires to pots and pans but no clothes except for hunting and fishing so not a department store).

    I could keep you busy for a few hours. :)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Confession: My husband is really, really bad with names. When referring to this thread and mentioning various people, he (we?) have coined various terms to help him keep track of who I'm talking about. A few of these are:

    - The horse lady (@pofoster21)
    - The llama lady (@ythannah)
    - The friendly lady (@LBuehrle8)
    - The cookie-face lady (@spamarie)
    - The Dr. Elmo lady (obviously @nonoelmo)
    - The Mo lady (@MoHousdon)

    ... Among others. Don't blame me for your new names though... I swear they're his fault! :p

    Those are too cute! Good job @mrsusie

    I have to start posting more. I want a nickname.

    You have one already... He calls you the Canada flag lady :D
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Confession: My husband is really, really bad with names. When referring to this thread and mentioning various people, he (we?) have coined various terms to help him keep track of who I'm talking about. A few of these are:

    - The horse lady (@pofoster21)
    - The llama lady (@ythannah)
    - The friendly lady (@LBuehrle8)
    - The cookie-face lady (@spamarie)
    - The Dr. Elmo lady (obviously @nonoelmo)
    - The Mo lady (@MoHousdon)

    ... Among others. Don't blame me for your new names though... I swear they're his fault! :p

    Those are too cute! Good job @mrsusie

    I have to start posting more. I want a nickname.

    Me too lol

    You don't have one yet, but I described you to him as "The lady with the picture of her son in floaties," and he went "Ohhh, her." :p

    @LBuehrle8 Oops!! That happened to me the first time I bought it as well--I had more self control the second time. ;) We haven't bought it again, though, because it's really expensive for a very small jar. :)

    @RaelynnsMama52512 Nope, not yet--at least not that I recall anyway. He usually bases his nickname on pictures, and yours doesn't show very clearly from the forum.

    @pofoster21 Good afternoon! Hope you have fun on your practice swim and practice ride today (or were those yesterday?). Is the half today or on Sunday? I just remember that it's on the weekend... :p I'll do your grocery shopping for you!! ;)

    Do I have one yet? :)
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I like going to the supermarket as well. Grocery shopping is one of my favorite thingd. I can wander arounf for hours but only if I am by myself if I have the little man it is definitely in and out.

    I like the description you use for me when you talk to your hubby lol.

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    One farmers market, two supermarkets and Canadian tire (I don't know what to call them - they sell everything from tires to pots and pans but no clothes except for hunting and fishing so not a department store).

    I could keep you busy for a few hours. :)

    I mostly read this thread and don't say much, but I think my grandmother called it the mercantile? Except she could buy cloth there and sew her clothes. Sounds like a fascinating store though. If it has car stuff AND hunting stuff, I wouldn't be able to get my husband out. LOL!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    My first day of holidays and I have been up for an hour and its only 6 AM.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    One farmers market, two supermarkets and Canadian tire (I don't know what to call them - they sell everything from tires to pots and pans but no clothes except for hunting and fishing so not a department store).

    I could keep you busy for a few hours. :)

    I mostly read this thread and don't say much, but I think my grandmother called it the mercantile? Except she could buy cloth there and sew her clothes. Sounds like a fascinating store though. If it has car stuff AND hunting stuff, I wouldn't be able to get my husband out. LOL!

    You cant get most men oit of there lol
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    My first day of holidays and I have been up for an hour and its only 6 AM.

    And I thought I was an early riser. I got up at 6:30 this morning and started packing my 9 year old for three nights at Scout camp. His dad is going to, leaving me here with 2 teenage boys. I think I drew the short straw. LOL!

    Here's hoping you can sleep later tomorrow.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Okay four weeks from today I'm headed to the UK!!!! :):) Strictly staying under calories and doing my workouts until London!! Woot woot!!

    Wahoo!!!! :)
    @Glinda1971, I hope you get to cross those two things off your bucket list! :)
    @riderfangal, I know it's the next morning now...but hopefully someone helped motivate you to get off the couch...and stay away from the peanut butter!!! It's the devil! ;)

    I did get motivated but I still had a teaspoon of peanut butter lol
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    @pofoster21 good luck today! Keep us posted
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I'm still terribly behind, hello from page 1136, but I have a few updates/things I need to get off my chest. This may be long so please bear with me. I won't be offended if you don't read it/care.

    SD called Mr. Mo last night in tears because her mom is moving in with her boyfriend and she can't move with them. He told her she always has a place with us (which, believe it or not, I support) but she used the excuse it's too far for her to drive back and forth to work from our house. Mind you, in our city, you can get from one end to the other in around 20 minutes using the highways. Besides, what else does she have to pay for besides gas because she sure in the heck isn't paying for tags/insurance/car payment! (more on that later) Mr. Mo was VERY sympathetic, I was not. We're giving you place (nice) to stay RENT EFFING FREE but you can't afford the gas in a 4 cylinder Kia to drive to and from work?! Give me a break. I wish she'd just come out and say WHY she doesn't want to live with us so she can save up money for her own place.

    While we were on vacation, she called him and said she had the money for her tags and would be by last weekend to get the registration/sticker and drop off the money. Well, big surprise, she never showed or called. Fast forward to last night where she has to use the tag money to pay for utilities or something in a friend's house she'll be temporarily staying in. Asinine if you ask me...see above bolded part.

    On top of all of this, she tells Mr. Mo that she did end up taking Rory to the humane society but they had to put her down because she attacked a few of the volunteers. I'm sure this was due to being locked in a confined room for several years before coming to stay with us (where she also attacked Mr. Mo a few times). This really sucks because I think with the right family (earlier in life, she was 5) she could have been a great cat.

    After Mr. Mo got off the phone with her, he was upset/sad, I was just upset. We tried talking about it, but I just got mad because I'm so sick and tired of her always having an excuse for everything, and the continuation of her taking advantage of her dad, and him letting her because he feels so guilty for not being able to be there for her while she was growing up. He was in tears by the time we were done talking because he just doesn't know what to do. I HATE seeing him cry. It breaks my heart and I will do everything in my power to keep it from happening.

    Anyway, I'm not sure how this weekend will go. If she'll show up or not, or if she does, how the talk will go. We need to get this nonsense figured out so we don't end up fighting, or worse, stop talking altogether.

    I am sorry that the SD is doing this to you. He has been more than fair and very generous with her. I won't say what he needs to do, I am sure he knows. Spending the tag money on a friend's utilities because she is staying there temporarily. Sounds like a form of rent which she never offered to your family for taking her in, even if she neglected to be there. She avoids all contact. I can't see constantly paying anything else for her. Guilt can only get you so much and I think Mr. Mo has overpaid on that score. Sorry so long.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    edited July 2015
    Please someone motivate me to get off this couch and go for a walk. I have zero energy and my little man is at his dads. If drastic measures aren't taken I will sit here and eat everything in sight. I have already been eyeing the jar of PB

    Tough love ahead:

    GET OFF THE SOFA! Go for a walk or a swim or something, so you have something to tell little man when he gets back. Otherwise he'll soon cotton on you're miserable when he's not there and that's not a burden he should be carrying. Make use of this time to look after you. So he comes back to the best you possible, relaxed and refreshed, not sick and guilty

    Eta: sorry, that might be a bit late

    You are absolutely right! I did get up and get moving . Thanks @orangesmartie. And today I am going to head to the lake with some friends. IF iget all my packing done!

    Also the term cotton on makes me smile
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited July 2015
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Okay four weeks from today I'm headed to the UK!!!! :):) Strictly staying under calories and doing my workouts until London!! Woot woot!!

    Wahoo!!!! :)
    @Glinda1971, I hope you get to cross those two things off your bucket list! :)
    @riderfangal, I know it's the next morning now...but hopefully someone helped motivate you to get off the couch...and stay away from the peanut butter!!! It's the devil! ;)

    I did get motivated but I still had a teaspoon of peanut butter lol

    Holy cow! How on Earth can you stop at ONE TEASPOON? I wish I had that control!!!
    edit: spelling is not easy :)
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Okay four weeks from today I'm headed to the UK!!!! :):) Strictly staying under calories and doing my workouts until London!! Woot woot!!

    Wahoo!!!! :)
    @Glinda1971, I hope you get to cross those two things off your bucket list! :)
    @riderfangal, I know it's the next morning now...but hopefully someone helped motivate you to get off the couch...and stay away from the peanut butter!!! It's the devil! ;)

    I did get motivated but I still had a teaspoon of peanut butter lol

    Holy cow! How on Earth can you stop at ONE TEASPOON? I wish I had that control!!!
    edit: spelling is not easy :)

    Haha tnat control only extends to some things. I will post a pic later of my son eating PB right from the jar on one of our camping trips. I think he gets that from me lol