

  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Oh, after browsing around Academy this evening, I finally picked out what I want as an anniversary gift this year: a bike with appropriate gear, a seat for Raelynn to ride in along with gear for her, and more workout clothes! I was wanting to go to Charleston or Hilton Head again, but I'd rather have the bike and workout clothes now lol! I'll have to get it all next week sometime since that check will be bigger and more spending money, but it still counts!

    I'm excited, and still amazed I found someone willing to deal with me and all my issues. 4 years married August 8th, together 5 years November 15th (and yes we celebrate both), and he still makes me fall in love with him more every single day. ❤️

    (Ahem, by the way, @TigerNY128 Raelynn and I will be in Greenville again on Wednesday! ;) )

    Awesome! If you have any bike purchasing questions, feel free to ask. (starting with don't buy from a department store) I cycle pretty much every single day. :smiley:
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm almost done with Survivor 29 and I am really upset by the final three. One of them I like ok (and I think for sure is going to win), the other two I never really liked... and the person I wanted to win got voted out in fourth place. ARGH. Hate it when that happens.

    On another note, I keep hearing some weird sound coming from my kitchen and I'm not sure what it could be. I told my boyfriend our apartment must be haunted or something. It almost sounds like some water is splashing on the floor violently, but I can't find anything wrong. We recently had an ant infestation so maybe a big ant is making noise in our wall as revenge for our ant murder.

    Creepy. I hope you can figure out what it is. If you do, let us know.

    Back in about 2009 or 2010, we had a few months were my whole family was experiencing weird things (in different locations) that I've never been able to explain to this day. It was really weird... I felt like we were all haunted for a while too.
    I feel like I MIGHT be able to get some idea of an exact location if I always stand in the kitchen on the lookout, but sometimes these sounds are hours apart. Still going on today and they didn't happen before we went to Punta Cana. My boyfriend keeps saying that there might be a rat in the wall or something and I hope that's not the case.
    spamarie wrote: »
    Congrats @bkhamill !!!

    I confess that I am only 21 years old and don't think I'm ready to have a baby by any means, but sometimes I have dreams that I am very pregnant or have an infant and wake up feeling strangely empty, confused, and sad. Any one else do this? Or did this?

    I used to have those all the time in my early 20s. Now I actually am pregnant, my dreams have been completely devoid of anything baby-related. Funny how the brain works. I did dream my mattress was made of cheese the other night. I had to lie really still and evenly to avoid crumbling it!
    I heard that your dreams get extra crazy when you're pregnant. I love dreams and keep a dream diary on my computer. Last night I dreamed that I had something stuck in my teeth... and I finally managed to pull it out- a long string of spaghetti. Then more and more kept coming, so it turns out I had like 20 strings of spaghetti stuck in that spot between my teeth. It was kind of freaky for some reason.

    For me, that was absolutely true. My dreams were much more vivid, and weird as all get out. Has anyone read Anne Rice's witch series? Before I found out I was pregnant with my son, I had a dream that I gave birth to a fully grown man (like in those books). Seriously creepy.
    My pregnancy dreams were super vivid like in extra bright technicolor. One of the funniest to me was that I was HUGELY pregnant and wearing a metallic gold dress and went to a church to see a play or musical or something and I got stuck in the pew. While I was trying to extract myself Bud Bundy from Married with Children (and I didn't really watch TV) came and talked to me. He would not stop talking to me and I was stuck and could not get away. It was really funny to me because my perspective in the dream was that I was watching myself from about 10 feet behind me. Overall I loved my preg dreams because they were so vivid and crazy in just weird ways.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I'm on page 1219 right now. I will not catch all the way up but I'll see what I can do. SO is well into his bike ride. I dropped him off and went back to bed for a few hours. Any day I sleep beyond 5:45 or 6:00 a.m. is sleeping in to me. I slept until 8 a.m. (well 7:00 a.m. in my timezone.) I'm in a charming cabin in a charming town having coffee in front of a little stove. My cousin will be here in an hour, followed by lunch and a hike with friends. At some point in the evening I'll go pick up a very tired SO.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Confession: My daughter is very pregnant and I don't want to wait any longer to meet my granddaughter! Have that baby already!

    Ooo you're going to be a grammy!! Do you know what you would like to be called? Congrats!!

    I already have a grandson - Noah James, he calls me Nana. He is getting a the little sister. (I also have two angel babies whose names are Lauren Adel and Landon David - my oldest sons babies who were born with a genetic disorder)

    Aw yay!! I love the name Nana, that's what I want to be when I have grandkids too!

    Me too! That's what we called both of our grandmothers and that's what my mom wanted to be called by her grandkids. Our son has "Nana and Grampy" (my parents...RIP Mom), "Grandma and Grandpa" (my husband's mom and step dad) and a "MeMe and Pops" (husband's dad and step mom).

    Isn't it funny how many different names there are for grandparents? I think I want to be a Mimi when my kid has kids of his own. That's what I called my grandmother.

    My mother was called Nanny, I chose Nana. My grandma was grandma.
    My kids called my grandmother GG for great grandma. Gigi really suited her well and soon everyone in the family referred to her as Gigi. I miss her! It is just over a year since she passed away.

    Big hugs to you
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I'm on page 1219 right now. I will not catch all the way up but I'll see what I can do. SO is well into his bike ride. I dropped him off and went back to bed for a few hours. Any day I sleep beyond 5:45 or 6:00 a.m. is sleeping in to me. I slept until 8 a.m. (well 7:00 a.m. in my timezone.) I'm in a charming cabin in a charming town having coffee in front of a little stove. My cousin will be here in an hour, followed by lunch and a hike with friends. At some point in the evening I'll go pick up a very tired SO.

    Sounds like a wonderful day!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Well, now that I'm a little calmer, I think I can update everyone on Raelynn's situation. (( Cliff noting what the doctor said and it's a bit long. ))

    -She has been officially and definitely diagnosed with SPD and Anxiety.

    -The only treatment for her SPD and (at her age) Anxiety is occupational and behavioral therapy. Unfortunately, we can't afford the therapy, so that can't happen until we get approved for TEFRA (secondary Medicaid for special needs and insurance), but:

    -She is being referred to ChildFind (services through the school district), but the county/district we live in is notoriously difficult for getting kids in. We'll have to see what they tell us.

    -Doctor also gave us information on some community resources that may be available for us, just depends on if there is anything in Laurens County.

    -She scored an 81 on the tests they did yesterday, which puts her right below "average" for her age and development, but the score for "average" runs between an 85-115 (low average-high average) so according to that she's just below which could mean she will be denied TEFRA. Doctor did tell me to be prepared to file an appeal should that happen and she will help us with it.

    -She's been having issues with going to sleep for a while now, like fighting sleep and crying at bedtime, and waking up multiple times in a night so we have to start her on melatonin 2 hours before bedtime, because she's so wound up she can't go to sleep (SPD effect). We also have to start her on a fiber regimen, because she has a terrible habit of holding poops (major SPD problem).

    -Basically, we have to keep her life as routine and rigid as possible. No potty training, no big changes, just making sure she knows what to expect every day so hopefully it will help alleviate some of her anxiety issues until we can get therapy going. (Needless to say, our plans of "expanding our family" are on hold until further notice since that would obviously be a huge change in her life. Which, if putting that on hold makes her life easier and we can help her, I'm okay with that.)

    She's got a long way to go, but we're going to do everything that we can to help her!
    I did a lot of research on the clinical trials of kids with special needs and melatonin a number of years ago. I went to the actual clinical trial papers (perk of being a grad student at the time I could access almost any journal). For a "normal" kid there is no real benefit but for kids with certain special needs it made a huge difference. I put my son on a very low dose and it changed our lives. I had previously put him to bed more than 70 times in one night. After I saw how well it worked for a month or two I told his doctors what I had done and both the primary ped. and cardiologist were all for it. The two hours seems a long time to me, for us about 30-45 minutes works great so you may need to fiddle with that window a little bit if the two hours is too long before bed. Good luck!

    I REALLY understand appeals and avocating for our children. You can do this.
    Absolutely! I used to feel bad being the 'pushy mum' - I even got to the point of having a court date to force our local authority to provide the services they were legally obliged (but refusing) to provide for my son. Fortunately they caved before the date and agreed, but it was all very stressful. What I learned during that period was NOT to sit back and wait for someone to do the right thing. Nobody cares as much about your child as you do and nobody will advocate for them the way a parent can. You're doing a great thing for your daughter and it will pay off.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I'm on page 1219 right now. I will not catch all the way up but I'll see what I can do. SO is well into his bike ride. I dropped him off and went back to bed for a few hours. Any day I sleep beyond 5:45 or 6:00 a.m. is sleeping in to me. I slept until 8 a.m. (well 7:00 a.m. in my timezone.) I'm in a charming cabin in a charming town having coffee in front of a little stove. My cousin will be here in an hour, followed by lunch and a hike with friends. At some point in the evening I'll go pick up a very tired SO.
    Ooh, enjoy your day. Sounds delightful!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Am I the only one who loves oven roasted carrots as part of a roasted root vegetable dish? A little olive oil and paprika and cover and roast onions, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnip, beets. YUM. That's fine. Leave them all for me. Good with or without gravy. My favorite side dish at Thanksgiving and Christmas. mmmmmm
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Am I the only one who loves oven roasted carrots as part of a roasted root vegetable dish? A little olive oil and paprika and cover and roast onions, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnip, beets. YUM. That's fine. Leave them all for me. Good with or without gravy. My favorite side dish at Thanksgiving and Christmas. mmmmmm
    Your description actually made my mouth water! I also LOVE roasted root veggies. A little rosemary and a couple of cloves of garlic chopped and sprinkled over the top.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @nonoelmo and @WestCoastJo82 I am really behind today and won't be fully caught up til tomorrow, but I do want to say I appreciate you sharing your experiences in similar situations. It is something that does make me question things sometimes.

    I can ONLY speak for my own experiences but I wish I'd listened to my intuition and gotten out years earlier. I ignored a lot for a long time. I had no idea how unhappy I was or how much of myself I'd packed away and I am a very strong person. I can not even begin to tell you what is right for you or if your situation is the same. The blame game is a red flag that I will not ignore. HUGS whatever you decide is right for you.

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    kyrah702 wrote: »
    Confession: I'm in constant pain lately and due to a knee injury, can't exercise(Most things are too much impact and I'm in screaming pain for weeks afterwards). It's been over a year since the injury happened and I had started walking again without my cane but now I'm back to almost needing it again.

    SO. Today, after I saw some of the suggestions to go swimming(I like being in water but I hate the upkeep of shaving etc to get to the pool) I decided to look for a full body swimsuit because I'm uncomfortable in regular 1 or 2 piece suits. I found one on my lunch today and bought it, along with a swim cap so that I can finally feel confident enough to go and do something for myself that hopefully won't end in pain! I'm really excited and I know I'll get weird looks at the pool but I don't care.

    Also got a referral for physio so hopefully the combination will help!

    That sounds like a great solution!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    This is going to sound weird but I wish I knew you guys IRL lol…it helps SO much to be able to talk to someone. I’m the only one in my friend group that has kids, so sometimes I feel like I’m the “weirdo”.

    Another woosh last night so I’m only 2 lb away from my first goal now. That’s nice, but all I can see is how far I have left to go :(
    And…would this bother anyone else? My brother in law gave us his car to either keep or sell and use the $ for the boy’s college tuition fund. I was thinking I’d drive it and sell mine. DH was off work yesterday and went and registered it at the Secretary of State. I realized if I sell my car, I will have nothing in my name. Bills, utilities, credit cards are in his name, his car is in his name, mine is in mine, but if I keep BIL’s car, it’s all in his name. It vaguely bothers me, like it’s the 1950’s and everything has to be in the man’s name. I work, I make 2/3 of what he does, but I contribute significantly. Am I being weird about this?

    Nope. I had fully established credit and added (now ex) hubby to it. When we divorced 16 years later I had to start all over again because all joint accounts had to be closed. No fun. Even if all is great and well you can have your own credit. Get just a small card or something in just your name or a small savings account or both. The world is a crazy place and you can't predict what will happen. Even something small like what I mentioned could make a big difference if for any reason you had to start again on your own.

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I had the exact thoughts about getting banana gunk on your hands :tongue:

    Also, I grew up in South Carolina and I have never had a banana and mayo sandwich. Not only that, but it sounds disgusting to me! I already don't like mayonnaise that much, but maybe I'd like the sandwich. Who knows? I think it was Italian_Buju who mentioned eating tomato and peanut butter sandwiches. All kinds of combinations you'd never think to try out there.

    Oh banana sandwiches are heavenly! I need one in my life here soon I do believe! Try it, it's better when there's not a lot of mayo, and it must be dukes mayo! ;)

    I agree. They are good. Better than PB & banana. It has to be the grand a perfectly ripened banana, good mayo spread at the perfect thickness and soft, moist bread.

    Ugh another who just can't wrap their head around mayo and bananas! I like bananas, they're not my favorite thing in the world but I LOVE mayonnaise- on LOTS.

    I can't stomach mayonnaise. Never liked it.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Am I the only one who loves oven roasted carrots as part of a roasted root vegetable dish? A little olive oil and paprika and cover and roast onions, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnip, beets. YUM. That's fine. Leave them all for me. Good with or without gravy. My favorite side dish at Thanksgiving and Christmas. mmmmmm
    Your description actually made my mouth water! I also LOVE roasted root veggies. A little rosemary and a couple of cloves of garlic chopped and sprinkled over the top.

    Mine too. Now I am thinking about cooking a small chicken for supper with all these yummy veggies!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    Oh, after browsing around Academy this evening, I finally picked out what I want as an anniversary gift this year: a bike with appropriate gear, a seat for Raelynn to ride in along with gear for her, and more workout clothes! I was wanting to go to Charleston or Hilton Head again, but I'd rather have the bike and workout clothes now lol! I'll have to get it all next week sometime since that check will be bigger and more spending money, but it still counts!

    I'm excited, and still amazed I found someone willing to deal with me and all my issues. 4 years married August 8th, together 5 years November 15th (and yes we celebrate both), and he still makes me fall in love with him more every single day. ❤️

    (Ahem, by the way, @TigerNY128 Raelynn and I will be in Greenville again on Wednesday! ;) )

    I am in a 2 day finance conference next week...which sucks for many reasons...mainly, the fact that I'm in a 2 day finance conference! Lol. I think it's Tuesday and Wednesday but I'll let you know for sure when I know! We definitely need to meet up sometime!!!

    Okay! :)
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    This is going to sound weird but I wish I knew you guys IRL lol…it helps SO much to be able to talk to someone. I’m the only one in my friend group that has kids, so sometimes I feel like I’m the “weirdo”.

    Another woosh last night so I’m only 2 lb away from my first goal now. That’s nice, but all I can see is how far I have left to go :(
    And…would this bother anyone else? My brother in law gave us his car to either keep or sell and use the $ for the boy’s college tuition fund. I was thinking I’d drive it and sell mine. DH was off work yesterday and went and registered it at the Secretary of State. I realized if I sell my car, I will have nothing in my name. Bills, utilities, credit cards are in his name, his car is in his name, mine is in mine, but if I keep BIL’s car, it’s all in his name. It vaguely bothers me, like it’s the 1950’s and everything has to be in the man’s name. I work, I make 2/3 of what he does, but I contribute significantly. Am I being weird about this?

    Nope. I had fully established credit and added (now ex) hubby to it. When we divorced 16 years later I had to start all over again because all joint accounts had to be closed. No fun. Even if all is great and well you can have your own credit. Get just a small card or something in just your name or a small savings account or both. The world is a crazy place and you can't predict what will happen. Even something small like what I mentioned could make a big difference if for any reason you had to start again on your own.
    I agree with all of this. I don't think it's unreasonable for you to feel the way you do. Is it possible to add your name to the bills without making a big deal about it?
    I've been happily married for 21 years, but I have my own private credit card that he has nothing to do with. I like that I can buy his birthday gifts without him knowing!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    It's finally strawberry season!

    I get really jealous of people who find their farmers market a cheaper place for fresh produce though.

    I bought a bunch of radishes, a bunch of beets, some onions, 2 heads of romaine, a cucumber, 3 tomatoes and a 5 lb bag of potatoes, a tiny container of strawberries and spent the best part of $40.

    All that at the grocery store would have been closer to $20.

    But it's all fresh and delicious.
    Oh yes! I got caught out last year at the farmers' market and paid $12 for two sweet potatoes. I normally would have laughed and said 'WHAT??? No thank you' when they rang it up, but my FIL was with me, and I didn't want to make a scene. I guess they were organic, or gold-encrusted, or something....

    My trick is to go 30 min before closing time. They'll lower the price to keep from taking it home.

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Had a lovely day at the farm with charlie. Now resting ahead of tonight's 10 mile charity walk
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    This is going to sound weird but I wish I knew you guys IRL lol…it helps SO much to be able to talk to someone. I’m the only one in my friend group that has kids, so sometimes I feel like I’m the “weirdo”.

    Another woosh last night so I’m only 2 lb away from my first goal now. That’s nice, but all I can see is how far I have left to go :(
    And…would this bother anyone else? My brother in law gave us his car to either keep or sell and use the $ for the boy’s college tuition fund. I was thinking I’d drive it and sell mine. DH was off work yesterday and went and registered it at the Secretary of State. I realized if I sell my car, I will have nothing in my name. Bills, utilities, credit cards are in his name, his car is in his name, mine is in mine, but if I keep BIL’s car, it’s all in his name. It vaguely bothers me, like it’s the 1950’s and everything has to be in the man’s name. I work, I make 2/3 of what he does, but I contribute significantly. Am I being weird about this?

    Nope. I had fully established credit and added (now ex) hubby to it. When we divorced 16 years later I had to start all over again because all joint accounts had to be closed. No fun. Even if all is great and well you can have your own credit. Get just a small card or something in just your name or a small savings account or both. The world is a crazy place and you can't predict what will happen. Even something small like what I mentioned could make a big difference if for any reason you had to start again on your own.

    Yep from my experience too. I will never again not have little something put away just in case. Its a moot point right now because I am single but if I ever decide to live with/marry again I will make sure if it doesnt work out I wont be left high and dry.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Confession: My husband is really, really bad with names. When referring to this thread and mentioning various people, he (we?) have coined various terms to help him keep track of who I'm talking about. A few of these are:

    - The horse lady (@pofoster21)
    - The llama lady (@ythannah)
    - The friendly lady (@LBuehrle8)
    - The cookie-face lady (@spamarie)
    - The Dr. Elmo lady (obviously @nonoelmo)
    - The Mo lady (@MoHousdon)

    ... Among others. Don't blame me for your new names though... I swear they're his fault! :p

    Those are too cute! Good job @mrsusie

    I have to start posting more. I want a nickname.

    You have one already... He calls you the Canada flag lady :D
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Confession: My husband is really, really bad with names. When referring to this thread and mentioning various people, he (we?) have coined various terms to help him keep track of who I'm talking about. A few of these are:

    - The horse lady (@pofoster21)
    - The llama lady (@ythannah)
    - The friendly lady (@LBuehrle8)
    - The cookie-face lady (@spamarie)
    - The Dr. Elmo lady (obviously @nonoelmo)
    - The Mo lady (@MoHousdon)

    ... Among others. Don't blame me for your new names though... I swear they're his fault! :p

    Those are too cute! Good job @mrsusie

    I have to start posting more. I want a nickname.

    Me too lol

    You don't have one yet, but I described you to him as "The lady with the picture of her son in floaties," and he went "Ohhh, her." :p

    @LBuehrle8 Oops!! That happened to me the first time I bought it as well--I had more self control the second time. ;) We haven't bought it again, though, because it's really expensive for a very small jar. :)

    @RaelynnsMama52512 Nope, not yet--at least not that I recall anyway. He usually bases his nickname on pictures, and yours doesn't show very clearly from the forum.

    @pofoster21 Good afternoon! Hope you have fun on your practice swim and practice ride today (or were those yesterday?). Is the half today or on Sunday? I just remember that it's on the weekend... :p I'll do your grocery shopping for you!! ;)

    Aww, I think I'm going to have to find a new picture. I want a nickname lol!