
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited July 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Am having friends over for dinner. I've just put a plum cake in the oven, and am about to start on an aloo gobi (cauliflower & potato curry). My husband is making his ferocious madras which is way too hot for me!

    Just took daughter for another blood test and will call dr for a follow-up appointment this week. She's still weepy and exhausted all the time - something has to be done, this is going on too long.

    Hope everyone's enjoying their weekends!

    Assuming by now you have updated us on said blood test and how she is?
    Nope. Couldn't get an appointment until first week of April. Fortunately she's a bit cheerier this week - she got a job she really wanted and that's given her a big boost. Still very, very tired, but not crying so much, so that's better at least.
    ETA: Oops, not April, August!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I drove 200 miles last night to end my relationships. I talked a lot. Couldn't bring myself to say the words. I didn't think it would be possible for my heart to be so broken again.

    I am so incredibly sorry! I hope you are doing alright, and taking care of yourself!

    I must ask, and if you do not want to answer just say so,, but why end them both if it is only him that is being an asshat?

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    I am hoping by the time I catch up that things are looking a bit better for you! <3
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    I'm out of sorts today. My daughter called while I was getting ready for work. She was crying so hard I could barely understand what she was saying. I so wish she didn't live 200+ miles away right now, it's killing me.

    That is really hard! My daughter had a scary experience last year while she was away at school, and while everything turned out alright, it was hard not to be able to be there! I totally understand! I hope she is feeling better by now!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm almost done with Survivor 29 and I am really upset by the final three. One of them I like ok (and I think for sure is going to win), the other two I never really liked... and the person I wanted to win got voted out in fourth place. ARGH. Hate it when that happens.

    On another note, I keep hearing some weird sound coming from my kitchen and I'm not sure what it could be. I told my boyfriend our apartment must be haunted or something. It almost sounds like some water is splashing on the floor violently, but I can't find anything wrong. We recently had an ant infestation so maybe a big ant is making noise in our wall as revenge for our ant murder.

    Creepy. I hope you can figure out what it is. If you do, let us know.

    Back in about 2009 or 2010, we had a few months were my whole family was experiencing weird things (in different locations) that I've never been able to explain to this day. It was really weird... I felt like we were all haunted for a while too.
    I feel like I MIGHT be able to get some idea of an exact location if I always stand in the kitchen on the lookout, but sometimes these sounds are hours apart. Still going on today and they didn't happen before we went to Punta Cana. My boyfriend keeps saying that there might be a rat in the wall or something and I hope that's not the case.
    spamarie wrote: »
    Congrats @bkhamill !!!

    I confess that I am only 21 years old and don't think I'm ready to have a baby by any means, but sometimes I have dreams that I am very pregnant or have an infant and wake up feeling strangely empty, confused, and sad. Any one else do this? Or did this?

    I used to have those all the time in my early 20s. Now I actually am pregnant, my dreams have been completely devoid of anything baby-related. Funny how the brain works. I did dream my mattress was made of cheese the other night. I had to lie really still and evenly to avoid crumbling it!
    I heard that your dreams get extra crazy when you're pregnant. I love dreams and keep a dream diary on my computer. Last night I dreamed that I had something stuck in my teeth... and I finally managed to pull it out- a long string of spaghetti. Then more and more kept coming, so it turns out I had like 20 strings of spaghetti stuck in that spot between my teeth. It was kind of freaky for some reason.

    For me, that was absolutely true. My dreams were much more vivid, and weird as all get out. Has anyone read Anne Rice's witch series? Before I found out I was pregnant with my son, I had a dream that I gave birth to a fully grown man (like in those books). Seriously creepy.

    i used to be a total anne rice addict. Total.
    i loved those books, but really how strange would it be like oh! here's my baby! then by the morning it's a grown dude? creeeeepy

    Me too! I still have the Mayfair Witch series and probably about 10 of the Vampire books on a shelf. I had a total gothic horror phase, and it started with her books. I don't think it ever really ended.

    If ya wanna get racy, read her Sleeping Beauty series that she wrote as Anne Rampling!!

    everyone that's all 50 shades! OMG!!
    i can't help but think, dude, you have NO

    I never read 50 Shades, and do not care to. I was forced to go see the movie, and it was cheesy, and from my understanding, should have ended exactly where it did, without more books.

    Exit to Eden was pretty good....although it got kinda love story-ish at the end, that is where it loses me.....
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Eve53 wrote: »
    Ok, I'll try to keep up. I got another confession though... I use mens shampoo/body wash at the gym because I can't find an all in one that is made for women, and don't want to be bothered with more than one bottle.

    Also, I don't wear undies or a bra when I leave the gym because I don't want the trouble of trying to get them back on when I'm all spent from working out, lol.

    I confess that this morning I got up at around 5:30 AM to get a shower & after putting Herbal Essence 2 in 1 in my hair I almost put body wash in my hair.

    I also confess that some days I forget to wear deodorant to work.
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @Tubbs216 don't worry about keeping up/responding just don't leave us!!!
    Aw, thank you. I'm not going anywhere - sometimes I get overwhelmed about trying to thoroughly read everything and respond to everyone.

    Just do what you can...only us OCD folks need to read everything!

    You know! Here I am, over on page 1244.....I have made a LOT of head way this weekend, but I am scared to go into the week behind!! I do have Tuesday night home alone though, I am gonna have to make sure I get all my steps in early so I can come home and hang out here for a few hours before bed, lol.

    I know how you feel. I have about 2 days I am still not caught up on that I MUST read. It was my plan for tonight but a colicky horse stopped that. I didn't get home til after 11 and I was too tired to even go get my McDonald's ice cream for national ice cream day. I am allowing myself a rain check.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Still on vacation. Just dropping by to share this photo.
    Great photo!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Home sweet home! I missed you all and hope you haven't forgotten me. It was just too busy too post although I did try and skim through a few pages every night before bed which incidentally was never before midnight.

    We had a ball. Tubing, swimming, quadding. A bonfire every night and too much junk food but I did manage to get lots of steps in. My 2 SILs and I walked about 4 miles each morning before anyone got out of bed.

    No one has seen me since Christmas and since then I have lost about 37 pounds so I got lots of compliments. One of my nephews didn't recognize me at first lol.

    Well I am off to unpack but wanted to check in. I have lots I want to respond too. Maybe I will get to it later. I did want to quickly say glad you are back @Italian_Buju

    I think the nephew not recognizing you is this week's NSV. Great job!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I am incredibly tired today. I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night. My dog had me up several times with an upset stomach, and then we had a brief, but loud, thunderstorm. I asked my dad to go check on her today while I am at work and she messed in the house, which is very out of character. I'm hoping it's just something that didn't agree with her and is making its way out of her system. (She's still acting normal otherwise.)

    I have my weekly training session tonight and I hate that I'm so tired for it, since I know I won't be able to push myself as hard as normal, and then I feel like I'm letting my trainer down.

    Basically I'm just feeling whiny and emotional from the lack of sleep. This morning I had to stop to put air in one of my tires, and I was ready to cry because the hose wouldn't wrap up properly when I was done. (I don't deal well with lack of sleep lol)

    I SO relate to this. If I don't get sleep, it messes me up so bad. I can relate to crying over things like that due to lack of sleep. I'm sorry that you didn't sleep well.

    I REALLY hope your dog is doing okay.

    She is doing better now. I ended up taking her to the vet yesterday. Three nights of waking up every two hours (or less) was too much. She's on some meds that seem to be helping already & will have her back to normal soon (I hope!)

    I saw your post that you were having a tough time, and I hope today is a better day for you :heart:

    Is she good now?
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Sigh I pretty much own this page. So for today:

    I miss checking in with you guys during the day, I really don't like this posting of stuff all at once, I feel like I miss all the action, but I really do need to focus on work.

    Our daily motivations are really starting to work for me. I didn't want to fail again today so I made myself go out at 11:20 to run for 30 minutes so I could keep my commitment.

    I liked hot yoga. Sweat like crazy. And the calorie burn can't be beat.

    I have a random and rather narcissistic confession. When I run these days I tend to keep touching my sides and my stomach. I love how it feels with all the muscles working and only a little skin and fat under there...and no love handles. When I run with my friend I hope she doesn't notice I do it. Its become almost automatic every few minutes. Kind of weird...but it is motivating for me!

    I think hot yoga would just make me feel sick.....

    It does the first time you go. It makes you dizzy. Then you know what to expect the next time and it didn't make me dizzy at all. I am going again tomorrow.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    This is a three day work week for me! I have a Girl’s Weekend with my girlfriends in Lexington, Kentucky! Woohoo! It is the middle of our three locations, and we did this two years ago. Really excited! Anyone live in/near the area and have suggestions on restaurants or things to do?

    Then next Friday I leave to go to Illinois for eight days to visit my family, which won’t be as fun as the Girl’s Weekend. I haven’t mentioned this on here yet, but my dad was in a really bad car accident back in late May. He was traveling for work in Pennsylvania. He was in a hospital there for a week and then was transported back to Illinois and was in rehab for a week. He was able to go home even though he was still in quite a bit of pain. He started having really bad back pain, where he couldn’t walk, so he went to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and they did surgery on his back. A week later they were getting ready to discharge him to rehab again and discovered that the incision was infected, so another surgery was done. He is currently still in rehab and physical therapy seems to be getting better, not great but better. He is scheduled to be discharged from rehab on Thursday, but that may change. I am going up there to hopefully help in any way that I can. He and my stepmom (who doesn’t drive) live with my grandmother (93), who can’t be left alone anymore. My aunt has been driving my stepmom back and forth to the hospital while a caregiver stays with my grandmother during the day. My one brother, who still lives in the area, is not helpful. The whole situation is not good and I really wish I lived closer so I could help. The hubby and kiddos are going on the trip too so please pray for me!

    Really not sure I’ll be able to keep up over the next few weeks, which makes me a little sad. Even though I tell people to just jump back in; I’ll feel like I missed something.

    I hope the best for your father! I will say a prayer!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    That sewing machine! I want!

    Mine is just a basic little Brother but it is pale pink - I can't claim responsibility for that though as it was my mother's before she decided she needed a fancier one.

    I'm glad you all understand my feelings about frying food in the house. Soooo stinky. We don't have an exhaust fan over our stove either (or anywhere in the kitchen), so everything I cook lingers unless I open the windows. Not too practical in our minus 40 degree winters either as it's a recipe for a burst water pipe.

    The smell of Saturday morning bacon haunts me all weekend, too, it's terrible.

    So this doesn't help in the winter, but fry outside! I used to have a fry daddy that I could plug in, so I would plug it into the outdoor outlet and fry away. I'm debating setting up my camping stove outside the next time I do fried chicken to keep the fry smell outside, and I feel like that should work as well.

    Re gross girls: I was an odd combination of total tomboy that loved to get dirty and rough house, but I would do it while wearing the most frilly dresses possible. My face and hair was always a super-mess though.

    My daughters hair!.... I brush it constantly. Knotted up. I keep pushing her to be more SELF AWARE and start doing things for herself and without prompts. The struggle is real.

    I will say I am quite proficient at simple braids though. I need to learn to french braid.

    Yeah, I'm sure my hair embarrassed my parents. I would brush it sometimes, but it just would get crazy tangled anyway.

    Mastering the braid will do wonders for you - I'm 33 and until I chopped all my hair off (pixie cut for the win!), my hair lived in a messy bun. I never really figured the hair thing out.

    BTW - awesome on the amusement park NSV! I LOVE roller coasters.

    Thanks! Worst times are after swimming or after waking up. I've made it a habit to braid her hair after her shower or before bedtime and that helps a LOT the next day.

    I love coasters, too! The BEST part is Kings Dominion is a mere <15 minutes from home. We get season passes every year and we burn em up! It also has a water park inside so we often go swim then dry off by riding coasters before we leave. We also have a Busch Gardens-Water Country less than an hour away as well. Blessed!

    Coaster fiend here. We have been known to book holidays based on what coasters were nearby. We were lucky enough to visit Ceder Point in Ohio a few years ago which I loved. I'd love to go back but it's a bit of a trek from the UK! Our most local proper coaster park is Alton Towers. Unfortunately there was a crash there on the Smiler last month and two teenagers had to have legs amputated! Hasn't put me off since I believe it to be a one-off and I'm sorry for those teens, but I'm sad the coaster will inevitably go - I've ridden it and it was a fun one!

    That reminds me. Does anyone ever go to that site It has stories like that on there. They are scary.

    However, I love going to the amusement park as well and LOVE coasters. I haven't been in a long time.

    When I was a kid, I watched a girl freak out on top of a ride, it was like one of those rides with several arms and a few carts on each arm that went up and down and spin. Anyway, she stood up, and fell out of the ride while she was in the up position.....I swear the whole park gasped. She broke her forearm, and the body was sticking straight out of it, like literally broken in half, directly out the top of her arm, through the skin.

    She must have been in shock, because she stood up and walked calmly with an employee to the medical center. She is lucky she did not crack her head open!

    Oh that is terrible. She is so lucky she didn't die.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited July 2015
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm almost done with Survivor 29 and I am really upset by the final three. One of them I like ok (and I think for sure is going to win), the other two I never really liked... and the person I wanted to win got voted out in fourth place. ARGH. Hate it when that happens.

    On another note, I keep hearing some weird sound coming from my kitchen and I'm not sure what it could be. I told my boyfriend our apartment must be haunted or something. It almost sounds like some water is splashing on the floor violently, but I can't find anything wrong. We recently had an ant infestation so maybe a big ant is making noise in our wall as revenge for our ant murder.

    Creepy. I hope you can figure out what it is. If you do, let us know.

    Back in about 2009 or 2010, we had a few months were my whole family was experiencing weird things (in different locations) that I've never been able to explain to this day. It was really weird... I felt like we were all haunted for a while too.
    I feel like I MIGHT be able to get some idea of an exact location if I always stand in the kitchen on the lookout, but sometimes these sounds are hours apart. Still going on today and they didn't happen before we went to Punta Cana. My boyfriend keeps saying that there might be a rat in the wall or something and I hope that's not the case.
    spamarie wrote: »
    Congrats @bkhamill !!!

    I confess that I am only 21 years old and don't think I'm ready to have a baby by any means, but sometimes I have dreams that I am very pregnant or have an infant and wake up feeling strangely empty, confused, and sad. Any one else do this? Or did this?

    I used to have those all the time in my early 20s. Now I actually am pregnant, my dreams have been completely devoid of anything baby-related. Funny how the brain works. I did dream my mattress was made of cheese the other night. I had to lie really still and evenly to avoid crumbling it!
    I heard that your dreams get extra crazy when you're pregnant. I love dreams and keep a dream diary on my computer. Last night I dreamed that I had something stuck in my teeth... and I finally managed to pull it out- a long string of spaghetti. Then more and more kept coming, so it turns out I had like 20 strings of spaghetti stuck in that spot between my teeth. It was kind of freaky for some reason.

    For me, that was absolutely true. My dreams were much more vivid, and weird as all get out. Has anyone read Anne Rice's witch series? Before I found out I was pregnant with my son, I had a dream that I gave birth to a fully grown man (like in those books). Seriously creepy.

    i used to be a total anne rice addict. Total.
    i loved those books, but really how strange would it be like oh! here's my baby! then by the morning it's a grown dude? creeeeepy

    Me too! I still have the Mayfair Witch series and probably about 10 of the Vampire books on a shelf. I had a total gothic horror phase, and it started with her books. I don't think it ever really ended.

    If ya wanna get racy, read her Sleeping Beauty series that she wrote as Anne Rampling!!

    everyone that's all 50 shades! OMG!!
    i can't help but think, dude, you have NO

    I never read 50 Shades, and do not care to. I was forced to go see the movie, and it was cheesy, and from my understanding, should have ended exactly where it did, without more books.

    Exit to Eden was pretty good....although it got kinda love story-ish at the end, that is where it loses me.....
    This review is one of the funniest things I've read and a very good depiction of a truly awful book.
    Warning: some quite a lot of swear words.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    That sewing machine! I want!

    Mine is just a basic little Brother but it is pale pink - I can't claim responsibility for that though as it was my mother's before she decided she needed a fancier one.

    I'm glad you all understand my feelings about frying food in the house. Soooo stinky. We don't have an exhaust fan over our stove either (or anywhere in the kitchen), so everything I cook lingers unless I open the windows. Not too practical in our minus 40 degree winters either as it's a recipe for a burst water pipe.

    The smell of Saturday morning bacon haunts me all weekend, too, it's terrible.

    So this doesn't help in the winter, but fry outside! I used to have a fry daddy that I could plug in, so I would plug it into the outdoor outlet and fry away. I'm debating setting up my camping stove outside the next time I do fried chicken to keep the fry smell outside, and I feel like that should work as well.

    Re gross girls: I was an odd combination of total tomboy that loved to get dirty and rough house, but I would do it while wearing the most frilly dresses possible. My face and hair was always a super-mess though.

    My daughters hair!.... I brush it constantly. Knotted up. I keep pushing her to be more SELF AWARE and start doing things for herself and without prompts. The struggle is real.

    I will say I am quite proficient at simple braids though. I need to learn to french braid.

    Yeah, I'm sure my hair embarrassed my parents. I would brush it sometimes, but it just would get crazy tangled anyway.

    Mastering the braid will do wonders for you - I'm 33 and until I chopped all my hair off (pixie cut for the win!), my hair lived in a messy bun. I never really figured the hair thing out.

    BTW - awesome on the amusement park NSV! I LOVE roller coasters.

    Thanks! Worst times are after swimming or after waking up. I've made it a habit to braid her hair after her shower or before bedtime and that helps a LOT the next day.

    I love coasters, too! The BEST part is Kings Dominion is a mere <15 minutes from home. We get season passes every year and we burn em up! It also has a water park inside so we often go swim then dry off by riding coasters before we leave. We also have a Busch Gardens-Water Country less than an hour away as well. Blessed!

    Coaster fiend here. We have been known to book holidays based on what coasters were nearby. We were lucky enough to visit Ceder Point in Ohio a few years ago which I loved. I'd love to go back but it's a bit of a trek from the UK! Our most local proper coaster park is Alton Towers. Unfortunately there was a crash there on the Smiler last month and two teenagers had to have legs amputated! Hasn't put me off since I believe it to be a one-off and I'm sorry for those teens, but I'm sad the coaster will inevitably go - I've ridden it and it was a fun one!

    That reminds me. Does anyone ever go to that site It has stories like that on there. They are scary.

    However, I love going to the amusement park as well and LOVE coasters. I haven't been in a long time.

    When I was a kid, I watched a girl freak out on top of a ride, it was like one of those rides with several arms and a few carts on each arm that went up and down and spin. Anyway, she stood up, and fell out of the ride while she was in the up position.....I swear the whole park gasped. She broke her forearm, and the body was sticking straight out of it, like literally broken in half, directly out the top of her arm, through the skin.

    She must have been in shock, because she stood up and walked calmly with an employee to the medical center. She is lucky she did not crack her head open!

    Oh that is terrible. She is so lucky she didn't die.
    When we were at Disneyland we saw someone being taken off Space Mountain obviously suffering a seizure. I figured someone who knew they might have a seizure probably wouldn't choose to go on Space Mountain, so chances are it was her first one - what a way to find out you have epilepsy (or whatever it was that caused it) Poor thing. :/

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I dropped a big blog of peanut butter onto the crotch of my black pants. I tried to clean it off, but peanut butter isn't the most cooperative, so I will most likely have this awful stain on the crotch of my pants all day.

    I really don't like the word crotch.

    Tehe I've done this with avocado before :D

    I'm not a huge fan of the word crotch either but as much as I dislike it it makes me giggle!

    This reminds me.....I bought Wholly Guacamole today, single serve, spicy.....I have not tried it yet, but when I do, it is the first time ever.....I know to eat it with nacho chips, but do I also use salsa? Cheese dip? Anything else?? LOL
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited July 2015
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I dropped a big blog of peanut butter onto the crotch of my black pants. I tried to clean it off, but peanut butter isn't the most cooperative, so I will most likely have this awful stain on the crotch of my pants all day.

    I really don't like the word crotch.

    Tehe I've done this with avocado before :D

    I'm not a huge fan of the word crotch either but as much as I dislike it it makes me giggle!

    This reminds me.....I bought Wholly Guacamole today, single serve, spicy.....I have not tried it yet, but when I do, it is the first time ever.....I know to eat it with nacho chips, but do I also use salsa? Cheese dip? Anything else?? LOL
    No idea about that brand, but I love homemade guac and would happily eat it with a spoon. Otherwise, in wraps/sandwiches instead of mayo. As a dip, with salsa as well if you like, I guess. With chips, raw veggies. Anything really. Just think of how you'd eat a creamy dip and guac will work.
    ETA: Fajitas!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 –yay. I’m glad you can walk again and got to go out for a bit. Congrats on the loss.

    @peleroja –I’m so happy that you are able to go on the trip. It sounds like it will be amazing. I’m weird but I would kind of hope to be the only people on the tour haha.

    @orangesmartie –Congrats on the weight loss. 67 lbs is AMAZING! Hope things are going ok…

    @quiksylver296 –I’m still jealous you are going to the Oregon coast if that makes you feel better.

    How are things with you froggy?

    I was doing okay but now I'm dealing with some really bad depression. I couldn't stop crying last night so I didn't sleep too well. It's my TOM so that doesn't help of course. :)

    How are you?

    ((HUGS)) to you froggy, I'm glad you're here interacting with us, I know things are tough but it will get better- time heals all (I hated when people said that to me after I broke off my engagement when found out trashbag ex was cheating buuuut unfortunately it's true- time really does heal all)

    Thank you. I was cleaning this weekend and found an old birthday card from him that said he was so lucky to have me and he wanted to be by my side forever etc. It just got to me really bad. We haven't decided anything for sure yet but I still haven't heard a thing from him since last Sunday (the 5th). I just want him to wake up...I love him and want to work it out but I can't do this alone obviously. I want the old him back.

    Please everyone, don't judge me for this. It's been hard and I'm so torn. I don't know what I want right now.

    I am not judging YOU, I am judging him.....that is some crap, even if it is over, after so many years, how can he go so long without at least checking in on you.....that is some seriously crap!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm almost done with Survivor 29 and I am really upset by the final three. One of them I like ok (and I think for sure is going to win), the other two I never really liked... and the person I wanted to win got voted out in fourth place. ARGH. Hate it when that happens.

    On another note, I keep hearing some weird sound coming from my kitchen and I'm not sure what it could be. I told my boyfriend our apartment must be haunted or something. It almost sounds like some water is splashing on the floor violently, but I can't find anything wrong. We recently had an ant infestation so maybe a big ant is making noise in our wall as revenge for our ant murder.

    Creepy. I hope you can figure out what it is. If you do, let us know.

    Back in about 2009 or 2010, we had a few months were my whole family was experiencing weird things (in different locations) that I've never been able to explain to this day. It was really weird... I felt like we were all haunted for a while too.
    I feel like I MIGHT be able to get some idea of an exact location if I always stand in the kitchen on the lookout, but sometimes these sounds are hours apart. Still going on today and they didn't happen before we went to Punta Cana. My boyfriend keeps saying that there might be a rat in the wall or something and I hope that's not the case.
    spamarie wrote: »
    Congrats @bkhamill !!!

    I confess that I am only 21 years old and don't think I'm ready to have a baby by any means, but sometimes I have dreams that I am very pregnant or have an infant and wake up feeling strangely empty, confused, and sad. Any one else do this? Or did this?

    I used to have those all the time in my early 20s. Now I actually am pregnant, my dreams have been completely devoid of anything baby-related. Funny how the brain works. I did dream my mattress was made of cheese the other night. I had to lie really still and evenly to avoid crumbling it!
    I heard that your dreams get extra crazy when you're pregnant. I love dreams and keep a dream diary on my computer. Last night I dreamed that I had something stuck in my teeth... and I finally managed to pull it out- a long string of spaghetti. Then more and more kept coming, so it turns out I had like 20 strings of spaghetti stuck in that spot between my teeth. It was kind of freaky for some reason.

    For me, that was absolutely true. My dreams were much more vivid, and weird as all get out. Has anyone read Anne Rice's witch series? Before I found out I was pregnant with my son, I had a dream that I gave birth to a fully grown man (like in those books). Seriously creepy.

    i used to be a total anne rice addict. Total.
    i loved those books, but really how strange would it be like oh! here's my baby! then by the morning it's a grown dude? creeeeepy

    Me too! I still have the Mayfair Witch series and probably about 10 of the Vampire books on a shelf. I had a total gothic horror phase, and it started with her books. I don't think it ever really ended.

    If ya wanna get racy, read her Sleeping Beauty series that she wrote as Anne Rampling!!

    everyone that's all 50 shades! OMG!!
    i can't help but think, dude, you have NO

    I never read 50 Shades, and do not care to. I was forced to go see the movie, and it was cheesy, and from my understanding, should have ended exactly where it did, without more books.

    Exit to Eden was pretty good....although it got kinda love story-ish at the end, that is where it loses me.....
    This review is one of the funniest things I've read and a very good depiction of a truly awful book.
    Warning: some quite a lot of swear words.

    It was a good thing you edited that post. ..every other word was a swear word! I never read the books either. I can't stand bad writing but all the other stuff this review talks about further convinced me I don't want to.

    Ok last post of the night I am falling asleep typing.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I'm almost done with Survivor 29 and I am really upset by the final three. One of them I like ok (and I think for sure is going to win), the other two I never really liked... and the person I wanted to win got voted out in fourth place. ARGH. Hate it when that happens.

    On another note, I keep hearing some weird sound coming from my kitchen and I'm not sure what it could be. I told my boyfriend our apartment must be haunted or something. It almost sounds like some water is splashing on the floor violently, but I can't find anything wrong. We recently had an ant infestation so maybe a big ant is making noise in our wall as revenge for our ant murder.

    Creepy. I hope you can figure out what it is. If you do, let us know.

    Back in about 2009 or 2010, we had a few months were my whole family was experiencing weird things (in different locations) that I've never been able to explain to this day. It was really weird... I felt like we were all haunted for a while too.
    I feel like I MIGHT be able to get some idea of an exact location if I always stand in the kitchen on the lookout, but sometimes these sounds are hours apart. Still going on today and they didn't happen before we went to Punta Cana. My boyfriend keeps saying that there might be a rat in the wall or something and I hope that's not the case.
    spamarie wrote: »
    Congrats @bkhamill !!!

    I confess that I am only 21 years old and don't think I'm ready to have a baby by any means, but sometimes I have dreams that I am very pregnant or have an infant and wake up feeling strangely empty, confused, and sad. Any one else do this? Or did this?

    I used to have those all the time in my early 20s. Now I actually am pregnant, my dreams have been completely devoid of anything baby-related. Funny how the brain works. I did dream my mattress was made of cheese the other night. I had to lie really still and evenly to avoid crumbling it!
    I heard that your dreams get extra crazy when you're pregnant. I love dreams and keep a dream diary on my computer. Last night I dreamed that I had something stuck in my teeth... and I finally managed to pull it out- a long string of spaghetti. Then more and more kept coming, so it turns out I had like 20 strings of spaghetti stuck in that spot between my teeth. It was kind of freaky for some reason.

    For me, that was absolutely true. My dreams were much more vivid, and weird as all get out. Has anyone read Anne Rice's witch series? Before I found out I was pregnant with my son, I had a dream that I gave birth to a fully grown man (like in those books). Seriously creepy.

    i used to be a total anne rice addict. Total.
    i loved those books, but really how strange would it be like oh! here's my baby! then by the morning it's a grown dude? creeeeepy

    Me too! I still have the Mayfair Witch series and probably about 10 of the Vampire books on a shelf. I had a total gothic horror phase, and it started with her books. I don't think it ever really ended.

    If ya wanna get racy, read her Sleeping Beauty series that she wrote as Anne Rampling!!

    everyone that's all 50 shades! OMG!!
    i can't help but think, dude, you have NO

    I never read 50 Shades, and do not care to. I was forced to go see the movie, and it was cheesy, and from my understanding, should have ended exactly where it did, without more books.

    Exit to Eden was pretty good....although it got kinda love story-ish at the end, that is where it loses me.....
    This review is one of the funniest things I've read and a very good depiction of a truly awful book.
    Warning: some quite a lot of swear words.

    It was a good thing you edited that post. ..every other word was a swear word! I never read the books either. I can't stand bad writing but all the other stuff this review talks about further convinced me I don't want to.

    Ok last post of the night I am falling asleep typing.
    Yeah, sorry. Don't read if you're offended by rude words. Oops.

    Sweet dreams - hope you're full of energy tomorrow!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    pootle1972 wrote: »
    I totally wee in the shower.

    Um, didn't the same poster post this a few pages back :|