What nobody tells you about losing weight



  • Jezreel12
    Jezreel12 Posts: 246 Member

    I've been know to complain that thin people in my life would talk a big talk when it comes to food and then don't follow through. For example, if a thin friend of mine said: "Man, I'm so hungry I could eat a whole pizza!" and then proceeded to eat 1.5 slices and call it a night, I would consider that being hypocritical. Because I would say "Yeah, me too!" and then eat my own pizza and the rest of theirs.

    Well, what nobody told me about losing weight is that I would start doing exactly that myself.

    I can't even help it. If I'm very hungry in my mind I think I could totally eat a whole pizza all by myself....then I hit two slices and find I'm very satisfied and stop. It drives my husband nuts, especially when it comes to ice cream: I have never in my life ordered or eaten less than two scoops of ice-cream. But now I find I get about halfway through it and it starts tasting sickeningly sweet...But I still order the two-scooper 'cause I think there's no way I'll be satisfied with just one.

    Don't get me wrong, I can still down a whole thing of cookies when TOM rolls around. But on a normal, everyday basis, my talk is definitely bigger than my stomach. Would that be a case of eating my own words? :D
    Lol ! You're so right. I love it

  • Hungry_Shopgirl
    Hungry_Shopgirl Posts: 329 Member
    edited September 2017
    Deleted post.
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