I called oatmeal cookies unhealthy and I got blasted - why?



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    karyabc wrote: »
    :o oatmeal cookies unhealthy? lollllll I think I have the dirtiest diet ever in mfp history!

    basically is either eat clean or stuff your face with junk? On the scale of one to even.. I just can't

    seriously clean diet people get all the time their own threads and I respect that, I demand a thread for the proud dirty eater crowd soon #WhereAreYouPeople?

    Waves vigorously... hi! Hi! Hi!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    food cannot be healthy it cannot have a state of being. well or ill It can be more healthful in terms of nutrients, but food is not black and white. Sugar supply calories, flour supplies b vitamins, protein, and carbohydrates, raisins provide iron, oatmeal fiber, chocolate excellent source of Mg, butter fatty acids even the antivral like butyric acid. You combine that it provides a great source of our macronutrients and some of the micronutrients we need in a day.

    Get outta here with that rational analysis nonsense and that bull**** healthy relationship with food. What kind of place do you think this is?!?

    Youre right cookies bad, evil and demonic and broccoli is the Messiah of food oh hail broccoli

    Broccoli? When the hell did we change to broccoli?

    Granted, if we're all on the broccoli bandwagon now, I'll take all of it, roasted with garlic and olive oil, thank you! :laugh:

    Um you know olive oil has fat in it right? Remember Susan Powers from the 90's fat makes you fat! Good job making broccoli sin.

    Well, I am known as the go-to person if you want anyone or anything to be corrupted so.... ;)
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Great job guys. Now I've switched from moderation to a cookie monster and it's all your fault. Stupid cookie conversation. WHY DO YOU ALL TRY TO SABOTAGE MY DIET?!?!?!?

    Yes, my plan is working. :naughty:
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,952 Member
    I stated they had butter, white sugar, flour, chocolate chips, ect.
    I consider all these things unhealthy.
    But a couple of people say everything is healthy.
    Is my wording wrong?
    What would be unhealthy to those people in a cookie?

    BTW - I like to eat in volumes.
    I have never been able to do portion control in my entire life.
    Oatmeal is a food I can eat and be full and be happy without guilt.

    Because you can not determine a foods value without looking at it in context of the overall diet.

    Example, a couple of cookies as a treat, with the rest of the diet consisting of nutrient dense whole foods IMO would be fine. As apposed to a few nutrient dense whole foods with the rest of the diet consisting of cookies...
  • andrikosDE
    andrikosDE Posts: 383 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    It can be more healthful in terms of nutrients, but food is not black and white. S

    Oh yeah??? What about THIS!? That looks pretty black and white to me!


    Oh hey, how do you guys call those? We call them Americans.

    They are called Amerikaner in Germany.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    If we've moved past cookies and into alternative uses for oats... I give you the amazing blueberry crumble recipe that I have made the last two weekends in my cast iron skillet...


    I love crumbles. I am an oat fan anyway, but crumbles ARE the best and highest use of them.

    I'm going to have to try this one.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    It can be more healthful in terms of nutrients, but food is not black and white. S

    Oh yeah??? What about THIS!? That looks pretty black and white to me!


    Oh hey, how do you guys call those? We call them Americans.

  • esmesqualor
    esmesqualor Posts: 85 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    gothchiq wrote: »
    MFP has a... thing about this. I have never seen a diet and fitness site like this before. People get criticized for avoiding excess sugar, junk food, highly processed items, etc. I may very occasionally permit myself such an item, but I'm not going to pretend it's *healthy* AKA high in nutrients, because it isn't! Folks will equate the "processing" of placing fruit or vegetables in a bag with the processing of mashing things to a pulp, adding a ton of preservatives, artificial flavors and salt, and frying it. To avoid criticism, the only thing to do is to eat healthy for your own sake but never mention it anywhere but on your own home page. *smh*

    You're right. It's mind-boggling.

    I agree, it's idiotic. Foods may not necessarily be Unhealthy (like oatmeal cookies in moderation) but they are certainly not healthy! Many people when attempting to lose weight (and other times) would like to make all of the calories that go in to their bodies actually nutritious. I think this is a great goal! Why put "empty" calories in to one's body when it can be avoided. Not to say that there should't be room for some treats now and then, just don't fool yourself in to thinking you are doing something good for yourself!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    just don't fool yourself in to thinking you are doing something good for yourself!

    Is there a particular post you are referring to? Because you don't seem to be referring to anything said in the discussion.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    edited August 2015
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    gothchiq wrote: »
    MFP has a... thing about this. I have never seen a diet and fitness site like this before. People get criticized for avoiding excess sugar, junk food, highly processed items, etc. I may very occasionally permit myself such an item, but I'm not going to pretend it's *healthy* AKA high in nutrients, because it isn't! Folks will equate the "processing" of placing fruit or vegetables in a bag with the processing of mashing things to a pulp, adding a ton of preservatives, artificial flavors and salt, and frying it. To avoid criticism, the only thing to do is to eat healthy for your own sake but never mention it anywhere but on your own home page. *smh*

    You're right. It's mind-boggling.

    I agree, it's idiotic. Foods may not necessarily be Unhealthy (like oatmeal cookies in moderation) but they are certainly not healthy! Many people when attempting to lose weight (and other times) would like to make all of the calories that go in to their bodies actually nutritious. I think this is a great goal! Why put "empty" calories in to one's body when it can be avoided. Not to say that there should't be room for some treats now and then, just don't fool yourself in to thinking you are doing something good for yourself!

    Because health is a lot more than what you put in your body. And sometimes the enjoyment of eating a cookie or ice cream goes a long way for mental health. Daily Klondikes have kept me in the game for a long time. When i cut them all out, while going paleo, i binged. So let me ask you what is more healthy. .. a diet that is 90% nutrient dense and 10% personal enjoyment or a diet where i binge?

    So my "idotic" diet has been my success. And i know its success because all my numbers improve and i keep hitting PRs every lifting session.
  • esmesqualor
    esmesqualor Posts: 85 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    gothchiq wrote: »
    MFP has a... thing about this. I have never seen a diet and fitness site like this before. People get criticized for avoiding excess sugar, junk food, highly processed items, etc. I may very occasionally permit myself such an item, but I'm not going to pretend it's *healthy* AKA high in nutrients, because it isn't! Folks will equate the "processing" of placing fruit or vegetables in a bag with the processing of mashing things to a pulp, adding a ton of preservatives, artificial flavors and salt, and frying it. To avoid criticism, the only thing to do is to eat healthy for your own sake but never mention it anywhere but on your own home page. *smh*

    You're right. It's mind-boggling.

    I agree, it's idiotic. Foods may not necessarily be Unhealthy (like oatmeal cookies in moderation) but they are certainly not healthy! Many people when attempting to lose weight (and other times) would like to make all of the calories that go in to their bodies actually nutritious. I think this is a great goal! Why put "empty" calories in to one's body when it can be avoided. Not to say that there should't be room for some treats now and then, just don't fool yourself in to thinking you are doing something good for yourself!

    Because health is a lot more than what you put in your body. And sometimes the enjoyment of eating a cookie or ice cream goes a long way for mental health. Daily Klondikes have kept me in the game for a long time. When i cut them all out, while going paleo, i binged. So let me ask you what is more healthy. .. a diet that is 90% nutrient dense and 10% personal enjoyment or a diet where i binge?

    Obviously bingeing is not physically or emotionally healthy. I agree, treats in moderation are just fine!

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    psulemon wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    gothchiq wrote: »
    MFP has a... thing about this. I have never seen a diet and fitness site like this before. People get criticized for avoiding excess sugar, junk food, highly processed items, etc. I may very occasionally permit myself such an item, but I'm not going to pretend it's *healthy* AKA high in nutrients, because it isn't! Folks will equate the "processing" of placing fruit or vegetables in a bag with the processing of mashing things to a pulp, adding a ton of preservatives, artificial flavors and salt, and frying it. To avoid criticism, the only thing to do is to eat healthy for your own sake but never mention it anywhere but on your own home page. *smh*

    You're right. It's mind-boggling.

    I agree, it's idiotic. Foods may not necessarily be Unhealthy (like oatmeal cookies in moderation) but they are certainly not healthy! Many people when attempting to lose weight (and other times) would like to make all of the calories that go in to their bodies actually nutritious. I think this is a great goal! Why put "empty" calories in to one's body when it can be avoided. Not to say that there should't be room for some treats now and then, just don't fool yourself in to thinking you are doing something good for yourself!

    Because health is a lot more than what you put in your body. And sometimes the enjoyment of eating a cookie or ice cream goes a long way for mental health. Daily Klondikes have kept me in the game for a long time. When i cut them all out, while going paleo, i binged. So let me ask you what is more healthy. .. a diet that is 90% nutrient dense and 10% personal enjoyment or a diet where i binge?

    Obviously bingeing is not physically or emotionally healthy. I agree, treats in moderation are just fine!

    I updated my post to add more.

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    gothchiq wrote: »
    MFP has a... thing about this. I have never seen a diet and fitness site like this before. People get criticized for avoiding excess sugar, junk food, highly processed items, etc. I may very occasionally permit myself such an item, but I'm not going to pretend it's *healthy* AKA high in nutrients, because it isn't! Folks will equate the "processing" of placing fruit or vegetables in a bag with the processing of mashing things to a pulp, adding a ton of preservatives, artificial flavors and salt, and frying it. To avoid criticism, the only thing to do is to eat healthy for your own sake but never mention it anywhere but on your own home page. *smh*

    You're right. It's mind-boggling.

    I agree, it's idiotic. Foods may not necessarily be Unhealthy (like oatmeal cookies in moderation) but they are certainly not healthy! Many people when attempting to lose weight (and other times) would like to make all of the calories that go in to their bodies actually nutritious. I think this is a great goal! Why put "empty" calories in to one's body when it can be avoided. Not to say that there should't be room for some treats now and then, just don't fool yourself in to thinking you are doing something good for yourself!

    You confuse me, you say one thing and then another thing. :/
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    andrikosDE wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    It can be more healthful in terms of nutrients, but food is not black and white. S

    Oh yeah??? What about THIS!? That looks pretty black and white to me!


    Oh hey, how do you guys call those? We call them Americans.

    They are called Amerikaner in Germany.

    'Mericans in so cal:)
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    karyabc wrote: »
    :o oatmeal cookies unhealthy? lollllll I think I have the dirtiest diet ever in mfp history!

    basically is either eat clean or stuff your face with junk? On the scale of one to even.. I just can't

    seriously clean diet people get all the time their own threads and I respect that, I demand a thread for the proud dirty eater crowd soon #WhereAreYouPeople?

    Waves vigorously... hi! Hi! Hi!

    hi5 to you too! ;)/
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    Did anything happen on here while I was out running? When I got back (8 miles, very pleasant, light rain), I did this:

    Preheat oven to 180C/350F & grease 2 baking sheets.
    Sift 125g fine oatmeal, 50g wholemeal rye flour, 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda and 1/4 tsp salt into a bowl.
    In another bowl or mixer beat 125ml rapeseed oil (or other flavourless oil) with 50g golden caster sugar and 70g light muscovado sugar. Add 1 egg and 1/2 tsp vanilla essence.
    Fold flour mixture into oil mixture, then stir in: 150g raisins or sultanas, 50g dried cranberries, 25g pumpkin seeds, 50g oats.
    Spoon heaped teaspoonfuls onto baking sheets and bake for 12-14 minutes until light golden and set at the edges but still very slightly soft in the centre.
    Leave on baking sheets to cool for a few minutes then transfer to a wire rack. If you can wait until they're completely cold, they should be nice and chewy. :) I made 32 cookies at 97 cals each. Then I ate three.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    karyabc wrote: »
    :o oatmeal cookies unhealthy? lollllll I think I have the dirtiest diet ever in mfp history!

    basically is either eat clean or stuff your face with junk? On the scale of one to even.. I just can't

    seriously clean diet people get all the time their own threads and I respect that, I demand a thread for the proud dirty eater crowd soon #WhereAreYouPeople?


    how you doin'? ;)
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    gothchiq wrote: »
    MFP has a... thing about this. I have never seen a diet and fitness site like this before. People get criticized for avoiding excess sugar, junk food, highly processed items, etc. I may very occasionally permit myself such an item, but I'm not going to pretend it's *healthy* AKA high in nutrients, because it isn't! Folks will equate the "processing" of placing fruit or vegetables in a bag with the processing of mashing things to a pulp, adding a ton of preservatives, artificial flavors and salt, and frying it. To avoid criticism, the only thing to do is to eat healthy for your own sake but never mention it anywhere but on your own home page. *smh*

    You're right. It's mind-boggling.

    I agree, it's idiotic. Foods may not necessarily be Unhealthy (like oatmeal cookies in moderation) but they are certainly not healthy! Many people when attempting to lose weight (and other times) would like to make all of the calories that go in to their bodies actually nutritious. I think this is a great goal! Why put "empty" calories in to one's body when it can be avoided. Not to say that there should't be room for some treats now and then, just don't fool yourself in to thinking you are doing something good for yourself!

    If you're going by nothing but nutrition, your diet should be entirely made up of protein shakes and multivitamin pills.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    Moving on, what oatmeal cookie recipes do you guys use? I now want to make some and I don't have a good recipe. I like chewy/soft cookies.

    No banana or applesauce.

    I realize this was three pages ago, but these cookies are awesome.

    Use the Quaker oats recipe from the lid of the canister, omit raisins and add dried cranberries and white chocolate chips. You're welcome.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    So, let's take the following scenario: I have met my carb requirement for the day, but I'm a little under on fat and protein. My micros are in good shape, too, plus I hedge my bets there with a multi-vitamin. I have 200 calories left in my food budget. There are two things left in the house: exactly 200 calories of delicious cookies with just enough protein and fat to hit my targets AND exactly 200 calories of carrots. Which option is healthier for me?