Anyone fancy doing a juice detox?



  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    blitz2011 wrote: »

    I know juicing diet/detox has mixed opinions on here and I'm not interested in getting into a debate :)
    Is there anyone who fancies juicing for 30 days and to share stories and keep each other motivated?

    Thanks :)

    What juice should I drink to remove lead ? I want to remove any lead that may have accumulated over the years.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    My husband always says "there are 2 types of people---those who will listen to good advice and take it, and those who have to fall on their face before they get it". Sorry, I'm translating an italian saying, but it sure applies here. OP, good luck, got to hand it to you you're set on something and won't quit. Too bad you won't apply that determination to eating right, and losing right. Let us know how you make out in a couple of months. Luck.
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for the comments ppl, it's hard to answer everyone, i will write a detailed post about why i am doing this and how it has helped me in the past as there still seems to be misunderstanding but i can see why. (hopefully i will find time tomorrow to write it)
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    I have not officially started my juicing and hope to complete it, i have started doing some more research on the subjects and here is one for the people crying fiber: I never had any problems...

    Gee...and coincidentally enough, Joe has a quite extensive store on his website in which he sells books and juicers!
    For a mere $149.00 he offers a "15-day guided reboot". If you're more into the "30-day guided reboot", that's a mere $289.00. For another $49.00 he offers a "reboot recipe package". Such a deal!

    Pro tip: Reading a site where a scammer is peddling snake oil based upon bogus "documentaries" does not equal "doing some more research on the subjects".

    Pro tip #2: Your body/metabolism isn't a car or a computer. You can't "jump start" it or "reboot" it.

    I know all of this is falling on deaf ears as far as the OP because he's determined to do this despite being told over and over again that it's a bad idea, unhealthy and won't have any positive results. But maybe it'll help somebody else further down the line before they jump into doing something silly and counterproductive.
  • JoshLikesBeer
    JoshLikesBeer Posts: 88 Member
    I know you didn't want debate, but we wouldn't be doing our job as a fitness community if we didn't try to talk our fellow members out of doing something dangerous. Listen to the people in this thread. It is a really bad idea to go for so long with so little fat and protein.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    Does anyone else think OP is a troll? Come on, 5 pages in and he's still insisting that a juice fast is going to change his life? No one could be this dense.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    pobalita wrote: »
    Does anyone else think OP is a troll? Come on, 5 pages in and he's still insisting that a juice fast is going to change his life? No one could be this dense.

    Not a troll, just not ready
  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    Lol juice cooked meat... For 30 days u don't really need it, I tried organise proline powder in some juices for a bit but did not like it.

    I did a 60 day juice detox last year and lost over 3 stone and basically felt amazing, my dry skin disappeared and I did not get sick for months after. It can be hard at first but if u get past day 5 then it gets much easier.

    It sort of reset my eating brain process, it would get to lunch time and I would get up to go for lunch and realise I was not even hungry, it's just I'm program to eat at certain times, I don't even think I knew what hunger really was, I used to think it was when my stomach was not full...

    Just for argument sake, if someone said things like what you said: feel skin is better, appetite control, lots of energy, not feeling sick, but said they did it using meth, would you accept their testimony?
    When the person and the mind commit to something, especially so daunting as being on a starvation malnutrition plan, they tend to create confirmation bias to justify all that effort. You might have felt great doing it, and you might have convinced yourself you had condition improvements - maybe you even did by eliminating an allergen from your diet though I doubt it - but the facts don't support this being good for you.
    So just as you ( I hope) or I would want a meth user to listen to the science about it over a short experience or testimonial, I hope you'll do the same with the evidence presented here. Please reconsider. The people here may seem abrasive because they don't say what you want to here but consider they're doing so because they're more concerned about your health than giving you unconditional support.

    Really love the meth analogy!

    Your body detoxifies itself naturally through the action of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These organs remove toxins or harmful substances so since the body is always in a natural state of cleansing itself, nobody needs to do a juice cleanse or follow a liquid detox diet to be healthy.

    During the first few days of a juice cleanse, you will initially burn your glycogen stores for energy which pulls a lot of water out of the body (which shows up as weight loss on the scale). But the loss of water weight comes at the expense of a loss of muscle, which is a steep price to pay. Weight loss is not just about numbers on a scale, it's also about the ratio of body fat compared to lean muscle mass and the optimum outcome of a weight-loss program is to lose more fat than muscle. This won't happen on a restrictive diet like a cleanse because it's low in dietary protein and calories, and while doing one, someone might not have the energy to exercise, which can build muscle. Having more lean muscle and less body fat means burning more calories and boosting metabolism in the long run.

    Like other fad diets, cleansing and so-called detox diets promise a quick fix.
    Cleansing may produce short-term results, but it definitely doesn't produce long-term benefits.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    Glad to see this has sparked some debate...
    @forgtmenot i went vegetarian after juicing last year and i loved it, when i was on holiday i decided to go back to meat and found it to hard to leave it again (damn u tasty animals)... I want to go 100% veg after juicing this time too, hopefully i can.

    The point of this is not a long term thing, i think some people think i will want to do this all the time but it's just a detox to me, and just now i very much need a detox... It also seems to help me to do lots of other things like manage food cravings and altogether give me a better appreciation for food. As i said before this helped me loads before and i hope it will do the same this time. regaining the weight was as a result of returning to old eating habits after a holiday and not doing any exercise while working infront of a computer for 12 hours a day...

    I have not officially started my juicing and hope to complete it, i have started doing some more research on the subjects and here is one for the people crying fiber: I never had any problems...

    For protein i did try spirulina powder for a while but really did not like the taste so gave it up, i'll research to see if i can find some better replacement if i go for 60 days like i think i am now going to do.

    Out of interest has anyone see the film which inspired me to do this the first time?

    It's bogus!!
    How so?

    @shell1005 It's just stupid sauce!

    When stupidsauce gets put in Websters Dictionary.....I totally want credit.

    I'm looking forward to trying to use the word stupidsauce in real life today!
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    I know you didn't want debate, but we wouldn't be doing our job as a fitness community if we didn't try to talk our fellow members out of doing something dangerous. Listen to the people in this thread. It is a really bad idea to go for so long with so little fat and protein.

    Hi Josh, this seems to be the most sensible comment in a while. I have done this in the past and felt really healthy, i had no bad side effects infact only very very good side effects, i don't consider it dangerous i have done it and felt great. I do plan to take some sort of protein supplement, hopefully something i can juice, i did use some natural algae stuff last time but it did not taste good so i did not take very much. For the fats i'm not sure i need them, i had zero last time bar whatever i got from the juice, i have been tempted to have a few cashew nuts or something but to me that would be technically breaking the juicing and might lead to me failing.
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    OK instead of trying to reply to all the other comments hopefully this will explain things a little but knowing my luck will enrage you more lol.

    I started a blog site about my juicing and no this is not some marketing scam, i'm not selling anything, i am simply a webdeveloper and wanted to blog about it (i bought the domain after this post was started, you can check)

    OK here goes… Firstly i am a 30 year old male and i have struggled with my weight for about the last 10 years, when i was younger i played a lot of football (soccer for the americans) and didn’t have any problems then.

    My job means i am behind a computer for about 10-12 hours a day and find it hard to find the time to exercise. I am a web developer hence the website (i said developer, NOT designer).

    Past success and failures:
    My usual weight for the last 5 years has been about 265-280lb though in 2011 i lost a load of weigh through exercise and a calorie controlled diet, i don’t remember the exact weight i got down to, the last entry i had was 238lb but i am sure it was more than that. After a short holiday i really struggled to get back into the exercise routine and slowly started to get back into bad habits and put the weight back on. Back then when i was doing my calorie controlled diet i was eating very unhealthily, my average day would consist of some cereal in the morning, some super noodles and a can of tuna for lunch and usually one of those again for dinner.

    In 2014 i did my first 60 day juice, i had watched the film “fat sick and nearly dead” where the presenter does a 60 day juice. I was a bit sceptical at first and thought there is no way someone could survive on only juice for 60 days but watching the film and reading other peoples success stories convinced me to give it a try. I set out to do 10 days at first but after 10 days it was finding it easy and was full of energy and feeling healthy so i continued on for another 50 days. The result was i lost over 50lb in 60 days! The weight was not the only thing though, i felt much healthier in general, my dry skin on my face was gone and i did not get a single cold, flu or bug for about 7 months which is highly unusual for me.

    The juicing in 2014 has a few unexpected consequences, I had learned to know when i was hungry and when i was full, this might sound strange but my usual “hunger” signals i felt seems to be just when my stomach was not full instead of actual hunger, from then on after the juicing i would try to eat only when actually hungry. It also made me read up on nutrition and healthy foods and i ended up watching a lot of cookery programmes on youtube while juicing and once i finished i was cooking for me and my partner everyday and cooking good healthy food, making my own hummus, curries, soups and allsorts, i had stopped buying processed food altogether and was making everything fresh, i really enjoyed the cooking and the food, any leftovers i would freeze and could have the nights i did not fancy cooking. I kept this up and was eating healthy for 5 months, then i had a holiday to Germany and i sort of went into this holiday mode where i would just eat and drink as much as possible, i was eating until absolutely stuffed and when i got back from holiday that trend continued, this was me falling into my old ways, i can see it now but then when you are going off the rails you tend to avoid the scales and deny it. I had got back into the habit of eating takeaways and eating whenever i was not full instead of only when hungry and again eating until it was uncomfortable and put the weight back on.

    Why am i fat?
    Well to be honest monday-friday i don’t really eat very much, not more than my partner but she had a job where she is on her feet all day and i have a job where i am on a computer all day… When i am busy with work i can end up working over 12 hours a day and i struggle to find the time to exercise. My main problem is the weekend, i go out with friends or even have some drinks in the house, usually it will involve takeaways also and when i am drunk i will eat everything in sight, even to the point where it really hurts my stomach and on those days i must consume a crazy amount of calories. I would see this when i was going to they gym every night, i would lose weight mon-fri and then after the weekend and the monday weigh-in i would have put most of it back on.

    The future plans:
    I hope this time i can learn from my past failures and get to a healthy weight. The 60 day juice helped me get to the point i was happy and healthy and cooking good food, infact i learned so much about cooking when i was juicing just from watching youtube videos. I hope this time it will have the same results and it will break my bad habits and i can relearn the good ones. During the juicing i plan to go swimming every morning and do a daily weigh-in, i will try and increase my swim times each week but starting off slow. After the juicing my plan is to start hitting the gym and get my cardio levels up so hopefully i can get back into the sports. I plan on cooking healthy meals like i was before and really learning from my mistakes, by that i plan to weigh myself 1-2 times a week at least as i know when things go bad i avoid the scales and things just get worse. I also hope i can break the cycle of boozy weekends and takeaways, infact i hope to avoid takeaways completely and if hunger strikes i can go to my freezer for some of my healthy stuff. If i can get back into football i know that will help and be much more fun than jogging on a treadmill and i also plan on climbing a few mountains.

    That’s the plan anyway, let’s see how it goes…
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    OK instead of trying to reply to all the other comments hopefully this will explain things a little but knowing my luck will enrage you more lol.

    I started a blog site about my juicing and no this is not some marketing scam, i'm not selling anything, i am simply a webdeveloper and wanted to blog about it (i bought the domain after this post was started, you can check)

    OK here goes… Firstly i am a 30 year old male and i have struggled with my weight for about the last 10 years, when i was younger i played a lot of football (soccer for the americans) and didn’t have any problems then.

    My job means i am behind a computer for about 10-12 hours a day and find it hard to find the time to exercise. I am a web developer hence the website (i said developer, NOT designer).

    Past success and failures:
    My usual weight for the last 5 years has been about 265-280lb though in 2011 i lost a load of weigh through exercise and a calorie controlled diet, i don’t remember the exact weight i got down to, the last entry i had was 238lb but i am sure it was more than that. After a short holiday i really struggled to get back into the exercise routine and slowly started to get back into bad habits and put the weight back on. Back then when i was doing my calorie controlled diet i was eating very unhealthily, my average day would consist of some cereal in the morning, some super noodles and a can of tuna for lunch and usually one of those again for dinner.

    In 2014 i did my first 60 day juice, i had watched the film “fat sick and nearly dead” where the presenter does a 60 day juice. I was a bit sceptical at first and thought there is no way someone could survive on only juice for 60 days but watching the film and reading other peoples success stories convinced me to give it a try. I set out to do 10 days at first but after 10 days it was finding it easy and was full of energy and feeling healthy so i continued on for another 50 days. The result was i lost over 50lb in 60 days! The weight was not the only thing though, i felt much healthier in general, my dry skin on my face was gone and i did not get a single cold, flu or bug for about 7 months which is highly unusual for me.

    The juicing in 2014 has a few unexpected consequences, I had learned to know when i was hungry and when i was full, this might sound strange but my usual “hunger” signals i felt seems to be just when my stomach was not full instead of actual hunger, from then on after the juicing i would try to eat only when actually hungry. It also made me read up on nutrition and healthy foods and i ended up watching a lot of cookery programmes on youtube while juicing and once i finished i was cooking for me and my partner everyday and cooking good healthy food, making my own hummus, curries, soups and allsorts, i had stopped buying processed food altogether and was making everything fresh, i really enjoyed the cooking and the food, any leftovers i would freeze and could have the nights i did not fancy cooking. I kept this up and was eating healthy for 5 months, then i had a holiday to Germany and i sort of went into this holiday mode where i would just eat and drink as much as possible, i was eating until absolutely stuffed and when i got back from holiday that trend continued, this was me falling into my old ways, i can see it now but then when you are going off the rails you tend to avoid the scales and deny it. I had got back into the habit of eating takeaways and eating whenever i was not full instead of only when hungry and again eating until it was uncomfortable and put the weight back on.

    Why am i fat?
    Well to be honest monday-friday i don’t really eat very much, not more than my partner but she had a job where she is on her feet all day and i have a job where i am on a computer all day… When i am busy with work i can end up working over 12 hours a day and i struggle to find the time to exercise. My main problem is the weekend, i go out with friends or even have some drinks in the house, usually it will involve takeaways also and when i am drunk i will eat everything in sight, even to the point where it really hurts my stomach and on those days i must consume a crazy amount of calories. I would see this when i was going to they gym every night, i would lose weight mon-fri and then after the weekend and the monday weigh-in i would have put most of it back on.

    The future plans:
    I hope this time i can learn from my past failures and get to a healthy weight. The 60 day juice helped me get to the point i was happy and healthy and cooking good food, infact i learned so much about cooking when i was juicing just from watching youtube videos. I hope this time it will have the same results and it will break my bad habits and i can relearn the good ones. During the juicing i plan to go swimming every morning and do a daily weigh-in, i will try and increase my swim times each week but starting off slow. After the juicing my plan is to start hitting the gym and get my cardio levels up so hopefully i can get back into the sports. I plan on cooking healthy meals like i was before and really learning from my mistakes, by that i plan to weigh myself 1-2 times a week at least as i know when things go bad i avoid the scales and things just get worse. I also hope i can break the cycle of boozy weekends and takeaways, infact i hope to avoid takeaways completely and if hunger strikes i can go to my freezer for some of my healthy stuff. If i can get back into football i know that will help and be much more fun than jogging on a treadmill and i also plan on climbing a few mountains.

    That’s the plan anyway, let’s see how it goes…

    You paid to have a place that you could write about the juice you drank? Dude, ever heard of WORD?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Blitz thanks for taking the time to write your last post. Can I ask, how does your partner go when you're juicing? Does she cook for herself or do the juice with you?
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    Blitz thanks for taking the time to write your last post. Can I ask, how does your partner go when you're juicing? Does she cook for herself or do the juice with you?

    Hi, she will just cook for herself, she tried the juicing once but did not last a day, i think you really need to be self motivated for it to work. She is only very slightly overweight and that is only a recent thing from a back injury. She can get a bit annoyed sometimes when we can't really invite people around to dinner as often as usually we would both cook but i don't when i juice, but we do still sometimes and i will sit with my juice :)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Wow, I admire your willpower to not pick off of her plate. If you can do that, then you should have no probs losing weight when you get back to eating normal food.
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    Wow, I admire your willpower to not pick off of her plate. If you can do that, then you should have no probs losing weight when you get back to eating normal food.

    haha yes it is hard, especially when she never finishes a meal and i hate to see waste, my brain is like "just eat it, ur hungry and it's just going to go to waste anyway"... I try to have my evening juice before she starts cooking.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    That sounds utterly miserable. I'm so glad I got off the fads and quick fixed and lost 73lbs eating real food.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    You could write an entire book about it - still doesn't change the fact that it's a bad idea from a nutritional/health standpoint. More words don't make it any more legitimate or reasonable.

    It's a bad idea and I hope that anybody who reads this thread in the future pays attention to the multitudes of people who have told you so and explained why, rather than focusing on your unhealthy and counterproductive plan.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    For the fats i'm not sure i need them

    I just wanted to say one quick thing: Fats are essential for proper organ function.

    Even Dr. Oz doesn't endorse juicing alone. He says to use them before a meal, not as a meal replacement. And I never listen to Dr. Oz, but in this case, he's right.

    Consuming nothing but sugar water with some vitamins for 30 days isn't just unhealthy and borderline dangerous, it's crazy.

    Okay, so that was three things.
  • blitz2011
    blitz2011 Posts: 58 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    You could write an entire book about it - still doesn't change the fact that it's a bad idea from a nutritional/health standpoint. More words don't make it any more legitimate or reasonable.

    It's a bad idea and I hope that anybody who reads this thread in the future pays attention to the multitudes of people who have told you so and explained why, rather than focusing on your unhealthy and counterproductive plan.
    Where is your evidence it is unhealthy? There are thousands success stories out there, there have been people who have got all the medical tests done and then done it and are far healthier when done. Just because something is unconventional and you have not tried it does not make it unhealthy. Usually people do this because their current lifestyle is unhealthy and this helps with bad habits and is intended as a sort of kickstart not a solution inonitself.

  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    blitz2011 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    You could write an entire book about it - still doesn't change the fact that it's a bad idea from a nutritional/health standpoint. More words don't make it any more legitimate or reasonable.

    It's a bad idea and I hope that anybody who reads this thread in the future pays attention to the multitudes of people who have told you so and explained why, rather than focusing on your unhealthy and counterproductive plan.
    Where is your evidence it is unhealthy? There are thousands success stories out there, there have been people who have got all the medical tests done and then done it and are far healthier when done. Just because something is unconventional and you have not tried it does not make it unhealthy. Usually people do this because their current lifestyle is unhealthy and this helps with bad habits and is intended as a sort of kickstart not a solution inonitself.

    And those all talk about juice cleanses up to 10 days.
This discussion has been closed.