

  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    Lenora - thanks for the info about the posting process. I will try and see how it goes. I'm usually on my phone or iPad so all this is new to me. You know the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"? Well let's hope that's not the case. LOL
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    A HUNDRED new message? God bless!
    Hugs to you all, and back to work with me. :smile:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Joyce –
    Glad Charlie is doing better – I guess LOL on slipping some Lortab in his food…

    Penny – interesting insights, while I don’t have the DH – my friends and family are not supportive each in different ways. Which makes this group so important to me.

    Lisa – great thoughts…. I have some too and will share it soon

    Karen - I am in N. Cal (Northern California) so if you want to come out, I can do history: a gold rush tour, with a chance to pan for gold. A science tour (for the adults) : winery and breweries, San Francisco with tons of history and culture, marine biology with the Monterey bay aquarium… and I have a guest room!

    Happy Birthday Linda and Stumplovingly

    Paula - so the D is for darling or darn or …. Then the next letter is for who it is - so DH =darling husband, sometimes that means you have to do a bit of guessing as DS could be darling son/sister…

    Carol NC – thanks I would have been to afraid to do it if I had not been laid off and unable to find work – it is VERY scary some months. I wonder if you could to it to replace the job you have with the yucky people, then you would not have to make the full amount of money..

    Becca – thanks for the update - so glad to hear your sister stopped by, that mush have been a huge surprise, and what timing! You are getting to be a driving pro !

    Kat02092015- I have not heard of a manual – but do think you can take on one new thing at a time, and someone on this forum can probably help …

    Well I have a ton of work still to do.

    June Goals
    1 fun thing a week, graduation, visiting with Vickie, working in Eden garden,
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday


    Kim from N. California :smile:
  • tanyabnrd795
    tanyabnrd795 Posts: 25 Member
    This is Tanya in Kansas City Missouri relocating from Seattle Washington I love Seattle!
    My goal is to log in everything I eat and to exercise 3 times a week baby steps I need encouraging words
    Everyone is doing so well I love it
  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    Karen in Virginia

    p.s. to whoever was losing part of their posts that happens to me when I add an emoticon from my Edit feature, but not if I use their emoticons. I don't get it...

    Good to know Karen, thanks!

    Kat in Illinois
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Kim from N California - LOL! oops - well, I thought we would just pop down to North Carolina and see you...however, we could come to California on a field trip and while we were out that way, see my cousins in San Diego, Healdsburg, and Lone Pine as well as in Coeur d'Alene, ID and just make a trip of it! Sounds fun to me, and I am sure Griffin would love it!

    Carol Does your sweet Pom have a Thundershirt? It helps our Farley who is just beside himself when it thunders.

    Kat I don't know if it's relevent to your posting experience or not. Everything I enter after putting my own emoticon on my post disappears. Not the whole post. I would like to put some of these fun animated emoticons on but I have to figure out the problem first.

    Karen in Virginia
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    All of this Orlando shootings are horrible; I think people don't realize that we have gun control laws; it is the enforcement of them that is lacking. The wording of whatever the government has tried to dictate is so vague win they talk about 'assault' rifles and guns. You can commit 'assault' with an unloaded pistol, even a .22; then they could come in and say, you have to give us (government) ALL your guns. You can 'commit' assault by pointing a 'toy gun' that has had the orange dayglow tip taken off. They look so real if they don't have that tip; and, I doubt if one was pointed at me, I'd be asking 'isn't that supposed to have an orange tip on it'. I would, assume, like most people, ... that it is real. I don't think the hunters in the South and Midwest would easily go along with this program. But, we need to see what Britain and Australia have ended up doing, because of wording of a law. Chicago has the strictest gun control laws and the highest murder rate. Bad people (criminals) and some people who have mental issues will 'find' a way to get a gun. They are available for a price in just about any town or city. Maybe a longer 'cooling off period' and better 'background checks'. More checking when there are 'gun shows' that sell guns relating to 'cooling off periods and background checks'. It's a slippery slope for sure. We can't have the 2nd Amendment fiddled with because it is meant for us to be able to have guns for protection. Also, a LOT, and I mean a LOT of hunters put food on their tables for their family (with hunting rifles); and, if they shoot 'for sport' the taxidermist donates the meat to shelters and soup kitchens. But, I don't know of one 'hunter' that would take an AK-whatever out to shoot a deer or any other animal. Just wouldn't be done.

    End of rant - I know we have agreed not to discuss politics and religion.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Kelly I agree with your statement. I can't remember what book I read this. It was a story about an island in the south Pacific where the suicide rate was low. Then a popular young man committed suicide over a young woman. The suicide rate shot up because that got into that culture's consciousness on what to do when life became too hard. It became a rite of passage for some of these young men. We want to stop what is happening we need to have healthy alternatives for these young men have rites of passage into a healthy adulthood.

    Looking at the world as a village where we look out for each other could also prevent some of these tragedies. A young man up here was creating all kinds of bombs in a storage unit. Someone at the site noticed something was wrong and alerted the authorities. This young man was planning to use his bombs at a local high school.

    I remember an assembly where a Native American speaker talked about the importance of staying focused and pay attention to your surroundings because you never know when it might save your or someone else life.

    Will these ideas eliminate the current rash of tragedies. Unfortunately not. They could hopefully prevent some.

    :heart: Margaret
  • laoighse
    laoighse Posts: 22 Member
    Kim I am thinking about how to work out the home schooling which I would love to do or help with...problem is I am still working but I do have some control over my schedule - can work more weekends and evenings - I don't think I can do it by myself but there are other grandparents and aunts & uncles that might be able to help us brainstorm how to allow this boy to become an adult in a supportive environment & get a good education along the way.
    I'm so happy this little guy has a network of support. It's so hard when it's just the nuclear family ( they blow up, duh) home ed with a willing learner can be wonderful. I have many happy home ed friends. I'm a failed home edder in that my DD4 having refused school also refused home ed. It's complicated and she is in a healthier place now, despite missing four years formal education, she has continued to read and learn following her interests. I need to help her back on the getaneducationget a job track somehow, still I'm so glad she is actually here, at some times I worried she wouldn't see the next week, so much in pain was she.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    VA Karen ~ Thanks for the idea on the thundershirt. I looked it up and think it might be helpful for others problems. The Pom is very aggressive when I walk him...tries to attack people and cars. It has gotten to the point where I hate the walks but they are necessary. It seems like the shirt might help with this as I guess the aggressive behavior could be related to anxiety.

  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    Carol in NC...

    Your symptoms are like mine. Profuse sweating, shaky, woozy feeling, weak in the legs and if it's horrible I feel like passing out. All those were my symptoms of hypoglycemic attacks. Took awhile to figure out what was going on. And one weird thing is I get blinding white spots in my vision before the attacks sometimes. I now carry glucose tablets with me all the time now. One thing is for sure... When my diet is bad and I'm off track I have more of those attacks. Nutritionist said to have protein and some complex carbs to keep my blood sugar more level. So it's jerky or Greek yogurt or a cheese stick and a couple of triscuits etc. to keep me in line. Of course like everyone else sometimes I'm just not paying attention when I'm off track and I'll have one. Just some info Carol, hope you're feeling better.

    Kat in Illinois
  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    Linda in Iowa ... I will hold me head up without shame and admit to being a Bachelorette and Bachelor fan. And I think Bachelor in Paradise is back this summer. ABC Monday's is me drama night! :)

    I was going back to a couple of posts to be sure all the post posted this time. I read this one and my first thought was ... "When did I become Irish?" Lmao
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
    @laoighse I don't know how old your daughter is. I have lost 2 nuclear family members to suicide (nuclear families do blow up) and as I have mentioned previously, am not so naive as to think that my grandson is immune to thinking that might be a solution. At the age of 10 he has already mentioned that he doesn't want to live anymore on at least 2 occasions when things seemed bleak. I am also very glad you still have your daughter. I am sure you have done everything in your power to help her.

    Carol Thundershirt may be worth a try for your aggressive Pom. I am not a dog whisperer, but we noticed Farley started barking at shadows and realized his eyesight was failing. Vet says it isn't cataracts, but nuclear sclerosis. He can see far away but not as well close up and sometimes gets startled by something that pops into his visual field that is too close to make out. Good luck with your little Pom. I love Poms.

    Karen in Virginia
  • jchappe6
    jchappe6 Posts: 4 Member
    This looks like a good board for me since I am over fifty and am looking for support/encouragement to stay on track and be consistent for weight loss and general fitness. I get discouraged because of back pain, and lot of weight and SADD in winter. My motivational quote is "never underestimate the power of persistence." I also try to look at success stories frequently. Finding time is challenging too (as is with most people), I work part-time have a family, am in graduate school, studying for professional tests etc....My fitness goals are--3 days week aerobic (bike, swim, walk, or fitness dvd), 2 days a week Pilates/yoga class or dvd. Be consistent recording food and calories. Eating goals kind of more general-lower carbs, more veggies and fruit, watch portion sizes and not having seconds. I am scared to have a weight loss goal because it is so discouraging. I will need to read through the other posts when time.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Cheri, welcome home. I know you were ready to sleep in your own bed. Glad the kids are happy.

    Beth, great looking couple. I do think he’d look better without the beard.

    Re, what kind of work do you do? When I was working I never had a job where I could have gotten on the computer for personal use.

    Miriam, feel better soon.
    Dawn, wow wee you are going to be our new Poster Child for swimming! That is some serious exercise. Good for you. e42d.png

    Penny, great pictures. It does sound like living there is a never ending adventure. I love that you share it with us. Thanks.

    Mary, I think I’d have been more than a “little” scary if I had been that close to a whale on a jet ski. Yikes.

    Stump, welcome. Please tell us a bit more about yourself and sign each post with the name you want to be called. A general or specific location is also helpful for us to remember you. Happy Birthday! Sometimes when on a plateau it helps to change things up a little. More protein and less carbs is what seems to do it for a lot of folks. It sure sounds like you are getting the exercise. Good luck and come here often. 5.gif

    Anne, you can vent here any time. It is ashamed that people can’t just let others alone and that anyone has to live in fear.

    Dawn, don’t feel like you are alone. I’m not too technically challenged and it took me a while. I’m still not good enough to explain it to you. Sorry.

    Linda, Happy Birthday to you! I hope it’s a special day for you.

    Joyce, glad you and Charlie got to go out.

    Margaret, I agree that 5” of rain qualifies as a major rain. Glad you didn’t float away.

    Kim, that is funny about your godson and his hair.

    Marcelyn, sounds like you are having fun!

    JoyceSD, welcome back. It can be a challenge to get enough exercise when it’s really hot but we can move a lot in the house if we put forth the effort. Good luck.

    Barbie, I hope Jake will get cleared for the surgery. That is miserable to be in pain like that all the time.

    CJ, you tell those young whippersnapper sadists to go easy on you! LOL

    MicheleNC, I love your mermaid. It’s hard form the picture to tell how large it is? How tall is it? (I just read that Mary asked also.)

    Joyce, glad to hear Charlie is getting back to his old self.

    Penny, I love your post. Now we know what you do in the middle of the night! I am lucky enough to have a DH that is very supportive but it’s still not the same as you ladies. I am so thankful that I found you!!!

    Lisa, good point. I think I’d like a small town if everyone was nice but the few I’ve been in for any length of time just had too many busy bodies. Lol There is a lot to be said about city folk just thinking of everyone outside of their circle as an object or a number.

    Cheryl, welcome. Glad you got a FitBit and decided to start using MFP. This is a great place for support and information so I hope you’ll come often.

    Paula, I eat lean meats and lots of fresh veggies. Fresh fruit also but limit it due to the calories. I have chicken 4 or 5 times a week and happy it’s a favorite. I often have a salad for lunch but must have some protein on it or I think I haven’t had a meal. Now that you are off of fast food I’m sure things will start to happen for you. Especially if you start to get more rest.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    A little over a year ago or er ah, who knows it could have been two years ago, we switched from Time Warner for our TV Cable to a local service. That was because we kept having problems and DH got fed up. Now this service is having problems and reboots one or two times a day so we are switching back. They will be here Friday to install it. We are getting the whole house DVR where we can record 6 shows at once. Wow. That is actually good because it’s unreal how often there are two or three shows that we like and would record and then nothing for a week or two. We can watch them from the Family Room or the Master Bedroom. I just hope they have solved some of their other problems. DH has also been very unhappy with our Virus Protection on the computers so I just ordered Norton and installed it on his laptop. Now I need to get off of here so I can install it on my desktop. My laptop and phone will probably be tomorrow. I don’t want to get carried away. LOL As always, you ladies are in my heart and my prayers. I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! appearing-rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    I have been struggling since the holidays were over and still haven't lost quite all I gained through those months. And besides that I still had more weight to lose. If anyone wants a buddy to try and keep each other on track with their eating message me.

    Kat in Illinois
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited June 2016
    Attending tomorrows TOPS meeting, (because my husband says let me be already). Not looking forward to the actual number it says on the scale, but will be happy to be with my ladies. It's not about the losing or the gaining, its being accountable to the people that love you and support you. ((((((hugs))))
  • laoighse
    laoighse Posts: 22 Member
    @laoighse I don't know how old your daughter is. I have lost 2 nuclear family members to suicide (nuclear families do blow up) and as I have mentioned previously, am not so naive as to think that my grandson is immune to thinking that might be a solution. At the age of 10 he has already mentioned that he doesn't want to live anymore on at least 2 occasions when things seemed bleak. I am also very glad you still have your daughter. I am sure you have done everything in your power to help her.

    My lovely girl is 18 now, no longer depressed or very anxious but still autistic and still pretty easy to worry. I have five kids and neurology, like big feet, runs in families. Two are diagnosed on the spectrum, another I strongly suspect, all three are twice exceptional, very bright intellectually, very lost socially. I have one like me, clever but not scarily so, pretty scatty but probably could dodge ADHD with a following wind; we could have hacked all that but my #2 daughter is quite floridly disabled, moderately intellectually disabled and very lively. 25 year old toddler on speed. Life is good but pretty busy. *kitten* genetics.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Goals for June 2016

    -Go to bed with husband every night.
    -To not get lost in being a caregiver, but to appreciate my independent self.
    -To taste food I am eating. Amazingly enough, when your mind is elsewhere, food is tasteless.
    -To go with the flow of life, and not think so factually.
    -To Laugh at least a couple of times a day.
    -To breathe.

    Definitely different than my last couple of monthly goal listings. Refocus, live in the moment. Control only what I have control over. Oh and not be too controlling. Husband goes bonkers over that!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    Great cycle challenge- as of now
    Goal 400 mi
    272 mi ridden
    128 to go
    For the mo the of June only.
    I am almost there