Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning, scale up .4 - considering what I have consumed... I know it could be worse. Back into water and walking routine. Got extra dog walks in but still not as much walking as during the week.

    Weather still not sure what it wants to do, warmer weather and then possibly more rain......Gives me time to go into closet and do purge.....

    Baby blankets are done and hand is telling me just a little. Will start new blanket for me/dog that will use up 3 different blue/teal yarns.

    I was thinking of a question of the day/week to ask - same one as always - so if someone else has one......

    Lurking from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Good morning All~~

    Sara - you have gotten a LOT of knitting done lately--seems like more than your usual pace. There are many fortunate peeps out there who are the receivers of your generosity! Such good karma.

    Gloomy and gray here. Boohoo.

    Double Question Of The Week:
    1) What diet/method are you currently using?
    2) Do you eat sitting down for all meals?

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    1. portion control as much as possible and lower sodium
    2. I am so uncoordinated I have to - I had lunch in front of computer for first time in long time over the weekend, but I usually sit at table..... used to be coffee table.

    baby blankets are done before it gets too hot..... at work. Strong tea soon.
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    I’ll have to go back and read over today’s posts, but I want to check in and share...

    CW close!
    HW 268.7
    GW 225
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    WOW! I pop in today and it says there have been 39 posts!! This is gonna take a minute to catch up! LOL
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    edited April 2018
    Woke up to snow AGAIN! Its a lovely winter we're having this spring!

    Had gender reveal party this weekend - looks like I am getting another grandson!! :)

    Am gearing up for Tennessee Mountain Jeep Jamboree this week & weekend. So much to do and pack to get ready! Will try to pop in when I can while Jeepin but not really much cell coverage in the mountains!

    Lana - I LOVE Longmire! have watched from the beginning "pre-netflix" I was super excited when netflix decided to pick it up.

    Ash - oh boy! he likes you! will be interesting to see what he has planned! :)

    Sara - love your menu! i need to make more stuff like that.

    Dawn - with all this snow, i dont think the morels will ever show up!!

    Welcome birgit & lacey!
  • birgitwebster
    birgitwebster Posts: 64 Member
    hi all. the day is winding down over here...
    1) I try to log all my food and stay around 1,500 calories. I did interval fasting (8 pm - noon) during lent and decided to stick with it. i try to eat mostly healthy food but essentially eat whatever I want and don't deprive myself of chocolate and candy.
    2) I skip breakfast, eat lunch at the table in the break room. dinner we mostly eat while watching tv (not optimal, but it is what it is)

    today I made some zucchini lasagna for dinner, but after logging my recipe I am at 992 (!) cals per portion. that brought today's calories to 1,900. but I did take a brisk 30 min walk at lunch and did 2.3 miles on my treadmill after work.
    this morning weight was up one pound which coupled with an early morning migraine did not make me a happy camper most of the day.

    but my day is done, I'm about to curl up on the couch with my hubby and chill.

    have a great evening all!
  • birgitwebster
    birgitwebster Posts: 64 Member
    edited April 2018
    lasagne tasted great. I opted for half a portion, allowing for some garlic bread and some jelly beans for dessert.
  • birgitwebster
    birgitwebster Posts: 64 Member
    so why is this cutting off half of my post?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member
    edited April 2018
    Got a phone message from pcp, could I please call -test results.... on hold was making myself breathe as deeply as I could thinking "what is next?" - both tests were normal !!! Phew I almost started dancing in the kitchen. Celebrate however you like. I may go to bed early......

    Dog now happy she spent day in bedroom, with people working in laundry room. She is fed. I made 6 bean/cheese burritos wrapped in wax paper so they wont stick together and are freezing as we speak, have a couple left over to make this week as needed.

    Birgit - are you using your phone to post? Sometimes it is the website ....

    Dinner ready and my brain is fried. Wishing all a good night.
  • birgitwebster
    birgitwebster Posts: 64 Member
    hi tilliesmom - yay on those test results!!!

    i am using my phone to post. also figured it might not like the emojis?

    anywho - it's lunchtime, just had the second half of my zucchini lasagne. now it's off for my lunchtime walk... it's quite grey out, hope I don't get rained on.

    the weight was back down this morning; now to work on my water intake....

    have a great day all!
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Morning all!

    Birgit, you’re right - it’s the emojis. MFP doesn’t like the emojis from your phone; it will cut the message off. There are emojis you can use - if you look at the top of where you type in these messages (to the right of “Reply”) there is a drop down emoji list.

    Have a good day all. We’re supposed to get sun here - fingers crossed!


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,351 Member

    Good morning, wow I am #3 - unusual, but okay......

    Staring a blanket that wraps around as I knit (think looks like a square snail), as I am learning it is slow going, but will keep trucking on it.

    Nourish Bowl for lunch - bought the right one this time - not allergic to the sauce on this one......

    Tess- how is your weather? Possible rain today and weekend with a warming trend - Spring??

    Oatmeal is done and I need to scoot. Lurking from work big time today!!

    Wave to all who follow.
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    edited April 2018
    Good morning!

    Birgit-I figured out the emogi thing thensame way that was annoying.

    I love Longmire, too! I’m late to the conversation about that. I’ve been busy. Haha.

    We’ve had cold weather too, and it SNOWED on Saturday morning. It was really nice yesterday though.

    So, he asked me out! It was so sweet. He bought me a Ravenclaw shirt, and put it in a box. His sister told him about my “HI IM A RAVENCLAW DO YOU LIKE SOUP” Line from my rant, that I now call my “joke” because it was pretty funny.

    I’m trying to post a picture. On the top of the box, he printed out “I’m from Gryffindor and I like soup too” and he printed off the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor crests and put them on there. The font was like the HP font and it was printed on paper that looked like parchment. It is stinking adorable. :blush:

    Yesterday was super awesome. I was way under on my carbs and I went for a run/walk/jog. I took my Bible quiz and only missed one on the multiple choice. Moses met God on Mt. Sinai, not Mt. Moriah. Oh well. My essay was pretty good, I think. I hope! I am an English teacher after all!

    Well, I’ve got to go get ready. My meds are giving me a rough time. I’m dizzy and it’s hard to concentrate. I’m thankful for them though!

    Still praying for you all!!
    Much Love,

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    Good morning all~~

    Kathryn - congratulations on the news of the grandson!

    Sara - It's super that your test results came back OK. But what a scare to have a message to call back!

    Tess and Birgit - good to know about the phone and the emojis. Now, can i remember this? Probably not.

    Ash - Cool news about him asking you out! Hope you feel better (less dizzy) soon~~
    Double Question Of The Week:
    1) What diet/method are you currently using?
    2) Do you eat sitting down for all meals?

    My answers:
    1) Counting calories and logging everything into MFP.
    2) For the past couple of years, yes I do sit down at the table with no phone/computer, no TV, no diversions.

    Waving to Dawn and Saltine and Missy and anyone else who pops by today......


    237.6 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Pacer and MFP are not sharing my steps... I've had this problem before... very frustrating...I should not have to manually sync every day... blah...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    hi tilliesmom - yay on those test results!!!

    i am using my phone to post. also figured it might not like the emojis?

    anywho - it's lunchtime, just had the second half of my zucchini lasagne. now it's off for my lunchtime walk... it's quite grey out, hope I don't get rained on.

    the weight was back down this morning; now to work on my water intake....

    have a great day all!

    Yes! If I use emojis on my phone, it cuts off my post... if I use emojis on here, no problems.. don't get it
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    I’m keeping track of everything I eat. I’m not TRYING to diet, but I’ve been consistently improving my intake. I try to limit my carbs to around 200 a day and I try to exercise a few times a week.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,892 Member

    *Kitten* This isn't easy tracking and planning and juggling and trading calories to get a balanced day roughly within my calorie goal.
    .....I've done 8 days in a row, completed to the end. That's the most I've ever fully completed here on MFP.
    It is SO time consuming for me, but I have to say it is worth it.

    My old Weight Watchers leader used to say HIS old WW leader would bark in her gravelly voice "When you work it, it works."

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - great WI! Yer on a roll! Congrats!