Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** May 28 ***

    Happy Sunday Y'all~

    Lisa - what a great thing to have an exchange student! You've got me thinking.... πŸ˜†

    Sara - I hope that your weather is good enough to get some steps in today.

    It's raining here, so free water to top up the pool. Maybe I'll do some grocery shopping today and then some meal prep?

    *tossing beach bag onto favorite lounge chair for later 🌴*


    268.4 today
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** May 29 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Just getting us started.....



    269.2 today
  • lwhelan2018
    lwhelan2018 Posts: 68 Member
    Good day! Getting ready to head out with the family and visitors. Going to take a short boat tour and do some sightseeing.

    Hard to eat right with visitors, but just eating less so doing what I can.

    Tired. Looking forward to getting back on track tomorrow.

    Hope all have a great day.

    - Lisa

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** May 30 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - sending you good vibes ✨ Let us know how today goes; I'll be thinking of you 🌸

    Lisa - trusting that you are having/had a good adventure with your visitors 😁

    It is so dreary here in NC. I've got to maintain mental altitude in order to get things done and not want to crawl back into bed.....

    Waves to all who stop by later on πŸ‘‹πŸ»πŸŒ΄


    269.2 ugh
  • lwhelan2018
    lwhelan2018 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning and happy Tuesday! I managed to put .8 lbs back on, but it's not horrible and probably some water weight from eating out.

    Our sightseeing was fun, had a nice weekend.

    Lana, I can understand, I didn't want to get out of bed today lol. Our weekend was so busy. I need to try and stay active this week as lazy as Ifeel right now.

    Sara, hoping you have a great day today!

    Here's wishing everyone a successful day towards your goals!! πŸ’–

    - Lisa
    203.8 ugh
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    One more day of dragon, she was in her office most of the day. With any luck she will work from home. Then my month away from work starts.

    Got my 5k.

    Hope I get more sleep tonight. Had great coffee chocolate ice cream, too much and too late last night -- now I know why I didnt sleep. Connecting the dots is not a strong skill today.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • lwhelan2018
    lwhelan2018 Posts: 68 Member
    Happy Wednesday.

    Sara, hope you got some good sleep last night and that today is good day for you!

    I got back on the wagon yesterday and more so today. I did my in home cavitation and got on the elliptical for 17 min. My goal is 15 and I did an extra 2 just to push myself a little. I sweat like crazy which felt pretty good too, but not as good as the shower afterwards πŸ˜….

    Weight is a little harder to get off this week compared to last week. But that's how it goes sometimes.

    Wishing everyone a great day! πŸ’–

    - Lisa
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    edited May 2023

    Hi Lisa πŸ‘‹πŸ» You will see results this week - keep at it!

    Sara - What is this "month away from work" you speak of?


    269.4 today
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** June 1 ***

    Good morning All~~

    Just getting us started. Time for a shower and a walk and some work in the back yard....

    *tossing beach bag onto fav lounge chair for later ⛱️*


    269.0 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Lana - boss got me between a rock and a hard place - seems my work has too many mistakes. There has always been a question of lack of training that has been denied. So I am taking FMLA for June to stop me from doing something unprofessional.

    More online technology that is beyond me in filing for FMLA, I hope to get this done today/tomorrow.

    Right hand and left hand are not talking at work for this leave. I am glad to be home so I can walk and take naps.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** June 2 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - What a situation you are in. I am so sorry. Sending you hugs and metta and wishes for some clarity to see your best way forward, whatever that may mean for your safe and healthy future.
    Get your walking/exercise in every day, for the mental health factor! πŸ€—

    Needless to say, the Cabana Boys will be having a very special Friday Happy Hour today! β›±οΈπŸŒ΄

    Waves to all who stop by today 🌺


    270.0 what is going on?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    My normal nap didnt happen and then I fell asleep after an early dinner, so before I am wide awake at 3am (nothing wrong with that, but not my formal schedule) I am awake and "finishing my evening".

    Lana - thank you. Too many weird things going on and I need to stop and think. Cant do that while fighting a dragon and staying out of bad karmas way.

    One of my jobs is to get outside and walk or just not be alone all day. The other is to eat better. The ice cream is gone and it is not allowed in the house for awhile. Hot temps are coming but there is more than one way to deal with it and be good to myself.

    I weighed myself in my long nightgown - our temps have been weirdly cold. Weighed again 2 pounds lighter. Lana did you have your heavy shoes on when you weighed Friday?

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** June 3 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - You are so funny! No I didn't have my heavy shoes on 🀣
    You know, I never thought to weigh my steel-toe work boots back when I was working. They are in NYC right now, but I bet they weigh at least 2 pounds apiece!
    (I weigh first thing in the morning, after the bathroom, in my birthday suit.)

    Seriously though, maybe you can do some extra volunteering at the church or something to help other people. They say being helpful to others is one of the best things for loneliness/isolation, and I know that you have a church you belong to.

    Time to get going now......

    *tossing beach bag and trashy novel onto fav lounge chair for later 🌴*


    268.4 today
  • lwhelan2018
    lwhelan2018 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello and good morning!

    I had a touch of the stomach flu so, had been down for the count. All I could eat were crackers n toast. Yesterday was back to normal and hubby took me out for date night. I did really well eating out and was proud of myself. I ordered steak n lobster and as badly as I wanted a loaded baked potato and some of their yummy bread, I got a side salad and Brussel sprouts instead. That was hard bc hubby got loaded mashed potatoes and I wanted some, but held firm.

    I am on the cusp of onederland.... 200.6 and it's the gotta try not to sabotage it. Fingers crossed for 199 in the next few days!

    Tomorrow we are driving to Yuma to meet our 2 kids who are in the Navy, stationed in San Diego, for lunch. It's a 3 hr drive for each of us to Yuma. His daughter is 21, my son is 21, and they call themselves "the twins" 🀣 they just moved off base and got an apartment together so we are bringing them a few things to get them started. We are so fortunate that not only do all the kids get along in our blended family, but that they both got stationed so close to home.

    Sara, I hope you enjoy your month off and can refocus your energy on you (hugs).

    Lana, stop holding on to your weights when you get on the scale! LoL.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

    - Lisa
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member

    Lisa - good for you on skipping the loaded baked potato. They are a meal by themselves!

    Holy cow, you are right there at Onederland!! We are cheering you on!

    That is cool about your two kids! Enjoy the day tomorrow 😁

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    Today was pedicure day. Since I cant safely cut my toenails this is the best option.

    Spent rest of day at hairdressers knitting. One of the customers was someone I knew over 10 years ago and it was good to see her.

    Dinner choices are getting better and the ice cream is gone.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** June 4 ***

    Happy Sunday β˜€οΈ

    Boy, it is dark and gloomy here in NC. I will pretend that it is a gloriously sunny day in order to boost myself up to have a good day.

    Sara - Sounds like you have the perfect hairdresser and salon--a bit old-fashioned, with a warm vibe.

    Waves to Lisa and all who stop by later on 🌸


    269.0 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,350 Member
    Good evening,

    94 here, so the weather people are beginning to do things right.

    Bills to pay - and speaking of pains, Father messed up and Step-witch will be there Thursday and no she does not want a sandwich. I will get him in the car and drive somewhere. I need her insults like I need 50 pounds.

    Slept today and got 3500 steps. It is what it is.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    edited June 2023
    *** June 5th ***

    Good morning to us all~~

    Sara -Call your father today and tell him he should come alone on Thursday because his wife is mean and hurtful towards you, which will no longer be tolerated.
    If that can't happen, and she does come on Thursday, then buck up and straightaway tell her, at the first insult, that her ugly behavior towards you will no longer be tolerated, and show them both the door.
    This is self care that you must do, dear one. πŸ€—πŸ˜˜


    269.2 today
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,890 Member
    *** June 6 ***

    β˜€οΈ Good morning ⛱️

    Just getting us started....
    ....another day of helping Sisyphus with that dang rock....


    270.6 today