Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    *** July 30 ***

    Good morning 🌼

    Sara - oh, your pretty pastel nail polish sounds lovely~ You are right about this being a good color for the season 💝 (no pastel pink hearts)

    Today I am going to have myself a very lazy day. Just is.

    *flopping down on favorite lounge chair for an early nap* 🌴


    271.0 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good afternoon.

    Picked up a 93 year old lady to go to church. Her normal ride couldnt make it. I tell you these ladies at church over 90 put a lot of us to shame. I hit a speed bump not seeing it and I asked if she was okay, then I asked if it was fun. She had to get back to her dh and had ordered lunch (she is in a senior living place) and so we both missed the potluck. All those wonderful calories had to stay behind.

    I might get steps in, and then I might not. Reading is on my to do list as I got laundry done.

    Wishing all a good day. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    *** July 31 ***

    Say goodbye to July 🌺

    Sara - that is cute about the 93 year old and the speed bump!

    My sister is coming to visit me a week from tomorrow; my goal is to have everything ready by end of day this Friday. What a Do List!!

    Stay cool everyone 🤗


    267.8 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good evening,

    That wave of relief is from those like me who are looking forward to the weekend.

    I get my hair colored tomorrow morning, so what did I do when I got home from work? washed my hair. I am so out of it.

    I dont know who is giving dragon grief but it is interesting to watch.

    Lana!! your sister is visiting - yay. That is always fun times for you. Get out walk a lot. Eat fun stuff.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good evening,

    Update, it is not Friday. How that got into my head is probably wishful thinking.

    So it is Monday/almost Tuesday. Repeat 3 times. only kidding.

    Have a good night.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    *** August 1 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Sara - I know how it is to get the days confused. So sorry that there are a few more days this week.
    Still, it's nice to look forward to having your hair done!
    Interesting that someone else is irking The Dragon 🐲 !

    I didn't feel right yesterday, so I didn't get any exercise. Today will be better.....

    *tossing beach bag onto favorite lounge chair for later*


    268.8 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,388 Member
    Hi All!

    Where is this summer going? Can’t believe it’s August already. Work and class have been keeping me very busy. How has everyone been?
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good evening,

    Second day in a row I got almost 7k. Not sure how long I can keep this up, but I will try.

    Had Pastrami sandwich for lunch. Told myself the pickle was a vegetable (at one point it was - now its just pickled).

    Will order food to have delivered after work tomorrow.

    August? Just shaking my head. Missy glad you are keeping yourself busy and on the right track.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    *** August 2 ***

    Here we are at the middle of the week~

    Missy ‼️ So glad that you stopped by! Yes, regular job and working towards your degree takes up all of your time. Hey - how are your mother and grandmother doing? and the puppers?

    Sara - Look at you and your steps! That is awesome 🏆
    I love pickles 😋

    Yesterday I went bonkers and bought troublesome things at the store. Today I'll portion that stuff off and put into the freezer.

    Waving to all who stop by today 👋🏻🧡


    270.4 yikes!
  • Scottish_charlene_84
    Scottish_charlene_84 Posts: 986 Member
    Yip, starting again for the millionth time !!! Never gets any easier but I am 100% in the zone and need to stay here!!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Waiting for groceries to be delivered. Then nap time.

    Getting variety in food which is nice because it stops me from adding junk food.

    Charlene - you are very welcome here and post when you get a chance. Stay in your zone.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    edited August 2023
    *** August 3 ***

    Welcome Charlene! Yes, stay in your zone!!

    Sara - ordering your groceries is smart, and you avoid impulse buying or thoughtless buying (like what I did the other day).

    It is a dark gray morning here. I've had to turn the lights on. Weather map shows a large blob coming my way. I may have to put on some music to get some life into the house.

    * 🌴waving at Alonzo for more coffee🌴 *


  • lwhelan2018
    lwhelan2018 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello friends! It’s been a busy few weeks and I feel so bad for not being here as much as I wanted to be but I have been thinking about you all!

    Hit a major milestone today… down 40 pounds!! 🎊🎊. 30 more to go!

    Son and I are headed to Disneyland with my friend and her son for his birthday. That should be fun- hot but fun.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day and I will be back online next week.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Lisa - congratulations on the great loss!! And bon voyage to Disneyland!
    Take a sun hat with you and don't be shy about keeping your hair wet - it can help!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good evening,

    Lisa thanks for posting and letting us know how well you are doing with your weight. Sunscreen also at Disneyland. You could be standing in lines - or not.

    Another fun day at the zoo and the calendar says tomorrow is Friday (finally) so that is always good.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    *** August 4 ***

    Well, we finally made it to Friday! Hurray!

    *The Cabana Boys are getting ready for the big Friday Happy Hour 🌺 Foot massages and pillow fluffing by the pool~! 🌴*


    269.0 today
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Happy Friday,

    I will enjoy the cboys massages and fluffing . Today I could not find a big enough shovel to deal with the manure someone was shoveling my way. It says more about that other person. Someone heard me swear and I try really hard not to at work.

    Hair cut and color tomorrow will make me feel better. I was going to buy lottery tickets, but I dont want to do anything but sleep for awhile, so be it.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member
    edited August 2023
    *** August 5 ***

    Boy oh boy am I sleepy this morning!

    *🌴 flagging down Antonio for another cup of coffee 🌴* 😴

    Sara - I want to come along with you to the salon~


    269.0 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,388 Member
    *** August 2 ***

    Here we are at the middle of the week~

    Missy ‼️ So glad that you stopped by! Yes, regular job and working towards your degree takes up all of your time. Hey - how are your mother and grandmother doing? and the puppers?

    Sara - Look at you and your steps! That is awesome 🏆
    I love pickles 😋

    Yesterday I went bonkers and bought troublesome things at the store. Today I'll portion that stuff off and put into the freezer.

    Waving to all who stop by today 👋🏻🧡


    270.4 yikes!

    Mom and grandma are doing good. Gram is definitely having issues with the dementia progressing. Pups are doing great now that the heat and humidity broke.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good evening,

    Lana we may have to do virtual salon day in that you do yours and I do mine and we compare notes. Bring it on!!

    Missy - glad humans and dogs are holding on. Fall is on its way!!

    I got a new cell phone system and with all the bells whistles I am so lost, but I got phone # put in. For now that is good enough. Next step who knows.

    I am doing laundry and then dishes it is late- ish and electricity prices drop after 7, I spent a bit of time in the phone store as the system was not working (technology is so wonderful until it decides to get an attitude and not work). It was the salesman's issue and the a/c was on so it was fine. So my to do list got pushed later.

    Better food choices got 7k 3 times this week and over 6k except Friday I got 5k,but the increase in steps and less sugar will show up on the scale with any luck.