

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Barbie sending hugs and love <3 your way!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hey there!

    Party over. Went very well, except the hyper cousin was a bit hyper by the end. They stayed a bit too long. I calmed him down with meatballs. :D Otherwise it was great, with perfect weather. Sunny, but not too hot.
    Now DH is reading bedtime stories. <3 Bea is asleep. Dinner prepared and will take 12 mins to cook. I am planning one glass of wine. :D

    This morning I was 141 lbs. That means I have lost 2 and a half pounds in the last two weeks. Sooooooooooooo happy! :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Photos later.

    So happy the party went well for you. Loved the cake! Congrats on the weight loss! I look forward to being 141 lbs someday! Looking forward to the pics. Ooops hadn't read back far enough and now there are pics...lovely!

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Barbie: :heartbreak::disappointed::angry: Whatever support you need, whenever you need it, we are here for YOU.

    Heather: Oh, that Bea. That photo of her is the antidote to all sadness. Can you just slow down time and keep her as a darling toddler forever?

    Pip: How can you resist those pups. Doesn't Yogi need a little brother?

    DJ: Sorry to hear things are little tense with DD in the house. You're such a loving person and most deserving of happiness and harmony.

    Completed a deep cleaning of my office, including shampooing the carpet. Took all day, but well worth it. Clearing the clutter undeniably improves the flow and it just feels so good. I'm exhausted, my back hurts, but I'm bound and determined to keep at it and tackle another room tomorrow.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Lenora. I think the area you are talking about in the Bar that the ships cross from the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. That is in our area presently. Whidbey island is up from us. Portsmouth being one of the places you can take a ferry from Washington state mainland to the island. Driving the long way up via I-5 its like 7 hrs, and driving thru Seattle there is always traffic!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: We like living in a small town near a big city. A beach suburb would be very nice, too. I hope you enjoy Tasmania. :bigsmile:

    Lanette: I love the photo of the sleeping baby and dogs. Thank you!!! :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos of the children and yourself. They make me happy! :smiley:

    Joyce: You are brilliant and wise. I love this: "You just make a conscious choice to be happy. That is me to a T. And that is mine and DH arguments to a T also!!!!!! HE thinks I don't see the bad in the world because I don't make comments about it and get upset that that is all he sees. When I am at an intersection and see a car not come to a complete stop and zoom out, I see it, I just choose to not let it make me angry and he says how in the world can it not make a person angry."

    Pip: I love the pups. I had no idea Mastiff pups are so cute :smiley:

    Barbie: You are wise to take one day at a time and also to open a bank account of your own. I am sending prayers for your happiness. :heart:

    Becca: Good luck! We have visited Whidbey Island on several occasions. It is a nice spot to visit and I think it would be a fun place to live. We avoid going through Seattle to get anywhere if possible, and Whidbey Island is included. We have gone to Port Townsend instead and taken the ferry over to Whidbey. You might want to see if that will be better for you, too. I-5 from North Olympia onward is very unpleasant driving in my opinion. Some of the Washington Ferries have a reservation system. See if the ferry to Whidbey is one of them. :flowerforyou:

    I had an amazingly fun riding lesson today. A group of four of us had a lesson how to cut cattle from a very nice man who leads clinics. Picture four 50+ female riders and one 35-40 something man. He was very nice and we all had a great time. My riding teacher set this up for us all. The work we focused on was getting the horses to turn left and right to stay with the "cow." The "cow" was a stuffed toy that was moved back and forth on a remote control pulley system. The teacher had the controls and saw to it that the speed was easy enough for all of us to be successful. I hope I get to do it again someday soon. Arrow was a good boy today. :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Heather - I love that you were able to calm the hyper cousin with meatballs. Wouldn't it be great if we could solve all of our trials with meatballs?
    That is a great photo with the cake and the two oldest grandchildren.
    Thanks for the Bea fix.

    Barbie - Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

    Dana - Love the new wine glasses. I really want DD to paint me some more.

    My brother won the bid for 2 of the horses. I haven't spoken directly to him but he must be happy today.

    I went out and bought some more plants today. I wonder how I will afford this obsession once I am retired. Good thing I have quite a few perennials. I will be planting tomorrow morning for a bit. The purple tie dye trailing petunia is looking great. Hopefully I will get most of it done. I think I have been throwing too much weight on to my other leg by favouring my ankle. Good thing the garden centres have benches. It was nice to see DGD's enthusiasm for some of the flowers. She whispered today that one of the boys in her class told her that he still has a crush on her and asked what her favourite candy is. Her poor Daddy! 7 going on 17.

    DS and DH are in charge of our BBQ for Mother's Day. I guess the menu is burgers and hot dogs. Not what I was hoping for but hey ! I don't have to prep, cook or clean up. Probably a good thing as most of my energy will be directed to digging in the dirt.

    Hugs to all that need them. My ex left myself and DS (3 mths at the time). Said he was going to visit his sick sister in Guyana. I found out about another woman when her photo fell out of a letter he had sent my DBIL from Europe. It's nice to have a partner but it is also nice to know you can take care of yourself. Liking ourselves is the most important part.

    Thinking of you all

    -Sharon in Lethbridge, Alberta
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Karla. Yep I misspoke the name of the ferry. Port Townsend, not Portsmouth! Oopsy. It should definitely be a fun thing.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Margaret, how sad that the special needs teacher does not have a more collegial approach. You definitely deserve more respect!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,435 Member
    Kate - Happy Birthday! <3

    Becca- Whidbey Island is lovely! Haven't been there in a few years but always thought it was very unique and picturesque. Would be so neat for you guys to be there! Crossing fingers! :)

    Lisa - your mom, like you = gorgeous! <3

    Heather - glad the party went well! Cute kids! Way to go on the 141 lbs! You have this maintenance thing down pat - what a great inspiration. B)

    Barbie - good move with the finances. ;)

    Katla - what a thrill to be able to "cut cattle" on Arrow! I can't remember - have you ridden horses a lot in your life or was this on your "bucket list"? B)

    Yesterday our BFF stopped by with a gorgeous flower basket for me from "the kids" - she does this every year and claims Sophie and the kitties put her up to it. <3<3o:) She is such a special person.



    SW WA State

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all that celebrate..
    The only card I got was from my DB and DSIL .. my DD wished me a Happy Mothers day on Facebook and I am sure my son will do the same..
    I wont get to see either today which sorta bums me out but did wish Faith a Happy Mother's Day.. bless her heart..
    Rained from late morning all night and still raining this morning with scattered showers today..
    Think Sean and Jean are going to the 9 -11 memorial today...
    I sorta live vicariously through them as I dont have the time or money to do all they do.. I am hoping someday to be able to do some traveling..
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Dana, yep I would miss our little coastal towns, but my son still lives near the water, more specifically on an island. Look up Whidbey Island, off the coast of Washington state. It doesn't feel like an island, being 55 miles long, and only 12 miles wide. Dramatic craggy rocks, and rolling hills of farmland. It does get a lot of rain, but its not too cold in the winter. There is more to do there than here, free wise.

    Becca, this sounds like a wonderful idea and I hope it works out for all of you. How wonderful that your son has made the offer. What a wonderful Mother's Day gift.

    Chris in MA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning! I am going to enjoy a day of channelling Rori and clean up around the house! Looking forward to the weather turning more towards spring, I'm weary of this cloudy, wet spring.

    Chris you are doing so well on this journey, so many nsv's!

    Becca the offer to move onto base with your ds sounds like such a wonderful opportunity, exciting!

    Beth love that you've set up a really fun reward for yourself....I sometimes watch that old show "What not to wear" and yep I am that schlub that is happy wearing raggedy shoes and the same work outfit day after day cause hey at least it's clean and comfortable! It would be fun to have somebody give me the style and colors that work best for me.

    Margaret glad you vented about that "colleague" (sarcastic air quotes on that word) The longer I stay in the career the more speed bumps like her come along...I often feel I have to model to certain folks how to focus on the whole child, not the protocols, or paper work demands, they look at me with skepticism if I just want to strike up a conversation about something wonderful, interesting or curious that a child said or did!!! Yikes!

    Happy Sunday everyone, NYKAREN
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    To be fair I did get off on the wrong side of her. The week I started they wanted me to walk 25 Kindergartners to another location so we could do something called Starlab. It is a portable planetarium. Basically it is a big tent. The students take their shoes off and the lights go out. At the time I knew I could not walk that far because of my knee and you also have to teach the lesson on the stars. A colleague offered to take my class who was knew the lesson well, and then she proceeded to gum up her knee. I did not feel right having her have to take this child who does not function well in the classroom especially with her bad knee. If he had been in regular ed due to his behavior he would not go. The special ed teacher was upset with me when I said we were not going to go because I knew I it would be a bad situation even with an aide. She felt I was denying him his education. I wanted to say I'll stay and teach your kids if you are willing to do this. Instead I solved the problem by teaching the material in class and it was one of my best lessons with the students so far.

    We have another walking field trip to a Fires station. That one is much more reasonable. No tent no lights out. I told her at the time of our discussion I had no problem with that one.

    She is dedicated to her students like a mom, so I think she was offended by my attitude of the first field trip. I want to say REALLY! 25 Kinders no shoes, no lights, and this boy is known for inappropriate touching. I said I would not be legally responsible for that. Enough said.

    :heart: Margaret