

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Just checking in..... Taco Bell for lunch... not the best choice..:(......

    DH napping. Watching the Flying Nun! What a hoot bringing back memories!

    Rita from CT
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    Happy Saturday, It is my weekend to work so working 6-4:30 today and tomorrow. Weather is to be pretty warm so may end up turning the AC on. Guess since we are on budget I shouldn't worry to much.

    Barbie--Hugs to you and Jake. The changes in what we can do and want to do can be depressing. Glad you didn't have to call 911.

    Heather-- What a beautiful cake.

    Well out of time for today. I need to make cheesey potatoes for church tonight. We always have pot luck before church on Saturday evenings. I do enjoy the relaxed way the service is done. Take carel
    Blessings, Vicki Grand Island, NE
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Barbie Thank you for sharing your secret. I hope you will continue to share details as needed. Hard to imagine Jake being better off with an ex in California when he has you! Men sometimes mistake infatuation for love. It's maddening. I hope he can work through this soon, and I hope you are okay. (((Hugs)))

    I love the pictures of babies, grandchildren, puppies, and lovely glass!

    Karen in Virginia with a sore throat
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    made Faith some baked chicken thighs with roasted mushrooms and some salad.. she loved it... and the pup went out and did his business... so thinking of getting into my jammies... Sean and Jean wont be home until 8 tomorrow night.. so Tom is on his own all weekend and .. so he can get used to being on his own..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    stats for the day:

    Rowing machine- 20min, 56aw, 142mhr, 3268meters = 146c
    Apple Watch- 165c
    Day 21-Plyometrics exercises- 31.42min, 5sets of 10each, squats, burpees, running stationary lunges, single leg toe touches, ceiling to fl toe touch single leg, hamstring leglifts, crunches, situps, push-ups, 143mhr = 213c
    Apple Watch- 181c
    S Matrix machine - 10min, 138ahr, 160mhr, = 110c
    Apple Watch- 100c
    rope pull- 20min, 101ahr, 125mhr, 104ftpmin, midset, 1997ft = 128c
    Apple Watch- forgot to start
    bosu ball- 12min, 113ahr, 125mhr, 1 set of 15ea, 5 different exercises w/10# weights= 101c
    Apple Watch- 150c

    total cal 698
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    PIP - are those your puppies? TOO CUTE!!!!


    they are the neighbors two remaining puppies that haven't been sold yet, mastiffs
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Oh my, oh my! I skip one day and so much has happened.

    Big step, Allie. I'm proud of you.

    Barbie, hugs for your news. It sounds like Jake is really torn and does love you and your life together, too. Prayers that the situation will work out the way it is supposed to, whatever that is. The good news is that you are a strong woman and will be okay. I have no doubt of that.

    I'm enjoying the life stories that many of you are sharing. They are so interesting and varied and from all over the world. I love it.

    NYKaren, I'm glad your daughter is finally getting some closure and can move on from her horrific year.

    Well, my physical revealed a UTI. I had no symptoms but am now on an antibiotic. I canceled my dermatology appointment because my huge ugly growth between my boobs just fell off. How weird is that? I just got up Thursday morning and it was gone!

    Then, our water heater started giving us problems. It was fine for a shower or washing dishes but would not hold out for enough water for a bath. $900 for a new water heater. Gracious! Happy Mother's Day to me! Thank goodness for the emergency fund.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Dana, yep I would miss our little coastal towns, but my son still lives near the water, more specifically on an island. Look up Whidbey Island, off the coast of Washington state. It doesn't feel like an island, being 55 miles long, and only 12 miles wide. Dramatic craggy rocks, and rolling hills of farmland. It does get a lot of rain, but its not too cold in the winter. There is more to do there than here, free wise.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Dana. Great wine glasses find! There is a couple of nice antique malls near me, and if I have $5 burning a hole in my pocket, I go there!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    edited May 2017
    Barbie ... so saddened to hear that you and Jake are having difficulties. Did I understand that he hasn't seen this ex in 40 years? Trying to relive one's youth is always a mistake ... but men are strange creatures.

    Becca ... love the dream garden photo. I have a neighbor who has a garden like that ... I often pull my car to the side of the road to enjoy her garden ... I've never had one that looked so neat.

    Rita ... nice to see you and the photos! Thought the stump burner was interesting!

    NYKaren ...so sorry your daughter had such a bad experience at school, but yay for her ability to cope with the situation. You raised her well!

    Because I absolutely refuse to be the cause of my son regaining any of his weight loss, I am cooking only healthy food. Any processed stuff that was here before his arrival home, has been eaten (by him) and now it's just good stuff. Will bake a pie tomorrow because I promised my guys one homemade baked good on Sundays ... so will keep that promise. He still plans to work on losing more weight and has been faithfully exercising, but I know how too easy it is to put weight on if it's in plain sight. So none will be here. I've lost 2 pounds this past week as a result!

    I have been trying to think of something to reward myself with as I lose weight ... have not done that before .. and I think that if I get to onederland ... I am going to try that "thred up" service that has a personal assistant pick out clothes for you ... kind of excited by that as I'm not particularly stylish by any means.

    Beth near Buffalo

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – Pansies down here in SW GA are ‘Fall’ flowers; the heat just kills them. There used to be an ‘office’ in a home that had 1000s of them planted in beds from the corner or the door, weaving across the front yard out to a tree and around it. They were beautiful; but he had to have spent a SMALL FORTUNE on them.

    The Garden is to ‘die’ for. I have a HS friend whose garden is about this neat; but, it is planted in a circle; with beans running up a trellis. He is always posting his yard on FB. Since he is now retired, that must be his hobby, or something. He is extremely proud of it; he also does the landscaping around the church they go to.

    That sounds like a win-win proposition. When DOS got divorced, we did our dead level best to try to get him to move back home and save the rent, utilities, phone, and so much more and work and go back to school. He ‘now’ regrets that he didn’t. He said the other day (yesterday, in fact) that he does NOT want to take over his Dad’s business because it is impossible to find good, honest help. I told him that he needed to get on the stick and start looking for something. DDnL#1 went on an interview for a different job (it also has health insurance and Trey told her to make sure that it covers the family, not just her) if she gets the job. It’ll be in Albany, so here we go back to ‘how to get the girls home’ or ‘if they can ride the bus into town and be picked up and brought back to work’. I’m not sure that is a ‘workable’ solution. I’m trying to totally stay ‘out of it’. She isn’t bringing home enough money where she is; and, the PO that just got transferred over there told her that ‘she did NOT want to work at the Dawson office, the woman there, in charge, is a B****, one reason she transferred out of there. That and not getting a raise in 13 years or more. Hell, I would have been ‘outta’ there if I had not gotten a raise long before then. I could not even believe that she did not get a ‘cost of living raise’ … something sounds a bit ‘fishy’ on that.

    Whidbey Island; isn’t that where the really bad currents are? I remember my FnL saying something about it when I first married Louis. He was talking about all the places they had been. He was stationed somewhere in the NW in the Navy and “Mom” (DMnL) rode the train from Savannah, GA to Seattle, WA (with 2 babies) and they went all over the area looking around. Is it the Columbia River where it hits the Pacific that has the conflicting waves from the Pacific and a Bay where they have to 'time' the ships leaving out of it. Maybe not, I don't know. I do remember him talking about somewhere up there where they had boats, big ones, sink because of the currents and waves.

    Barbie – Louis’ Urologist gave him a ‘disc’ that we are supposed to watch. I don’t think Louis wants to ‘think’ about it; but, I don’t want to be the one to ‘make’ that decision if these twice a year procedures don’t continue working. They might have to do a permanent procedure and I don’t know how he truly feels about it. It is sort of ‘like’ the ‘elephant in the room’; the disc is on the table between our chairs. Asked him about it and he said, ‘well I am not there yet’; ‘well, I don’t want the one who has to make that decision’. Why would you? If he can’t clear the blockage, then they might have to do that and I don’t want to be the one who has to ‘make that decision’. Eeeehhhhh! That is what I am dealing with. Just watch the damn thing and let’s talk about the ‘what if’s’. Ahead of time.

    If Louis ever wanted to be with his ‘ex’ after more than 50 years? I’d have him ‘committed’. LOL! Why did they break up in the first place? Maybe you should say, ‘great, then she can take care of you, I will be traveling all over by the time I clean your clock in divorce court’. LOL!!!!!

    Lanette – When I worked L’eggs stockings are all I ever wore. So disappointed that you can't find those stands anymore. I bought a pair of stocking that I never wore. The woman told me that I’d wear a “D” in them. I got home, pulled them out of the package and held them up, literally ‘over’ my head with the toe just brushing the ground; packaged them back up and went back and got a refund. I like the L’eggs because you had to be really brutal to them for them to ‘run’ unlike the sheers that I was buying. I would have put a run in them just trying to get them on.

    Dana – That table is a ‘catch-all’" You ought to see my kitchen counter; everything that comes in the back door gets thrown on it. I don’t have much counter space to begin with. I have not figured out where to put it all. This weekend I am going through the stuff I have on a metal bookshelf at the end of the counter; and, go through it, and, only put my cookbooks and books of recipes I have taken out of my magazines. I now have 5 big binders of recipes. I look through them and ‘think’ ‘MMMmmmm, that looks good’!!!!

    The glasses are beautiful! Good job!

    Joyce – I made a comment about my Mother drooling to the point of always having a tissue in her hand and wondered ‘out loud’ in front of both sister about maybe she had had a mini-stroke. Oldest sister did not see it; but, middle sister said, “I think you are right.” She had several mini-strokes before she had a big one. When she did have one, she had just pulled up to the front of the beauty shop she went to. Put the car in park; but, never got out. One of the ladies went out and she was ‘in a daze’, so they called the ambulance and sure enough, she had had a fairly significant one. Spend a week in the hospital, went home; but, we ended up having to put her into an A.L.F., because she was not doing the things that she had always been able to do for herself. Was a time that ‘if’ she did not pay a bill, the electric company would call her and ask if maybe it did not get put in the mail. That was then; and, then it was now - so oldest sister took over her bill paying. The church in the next block had already purchased her block and 3 houses that were on it. She rented it back from them at what we thought was a very good price. We tried to let her live at home; but, it just got to the point where we had to do something. When she was in it at first, it was right across the street from the church we grew up in; and, she kept wanting to ‘go home’. She knew she lived only 2 blocks away. They’d walk her over so she could go to Sunday School, most of the time, she either went to Sunday School or church; but, not both. Then they bought the old Parsonage and moved there, she never said any more about ‘going home’. At that place, we could bring things from ‘home’ so that she would ‘feel like the surroundings were home’. I think that was a lot better. Run by the mother and sister of a boy in middle sister’s class that she dated off and on. Nothing ever serious. They were so good to her, too. Treated her ‘like family’.

    If you husband is ‘right-handed’ and put that sleeve on first, I think it is normal that they try to put their left arm up and put it on that way. I would ‘think’ if he put his left arm in, then leaned to the right it might be easier to get his right arm in last, since he would not actually have to ‘reach back’ to try to grab the coat. I know when I had my right rotator cuff repaired twice and in a sling; it was always easier for me to put my coat on, lean over to the right and grab the cuff by the left hand.

    Pip – AWWEEE, are you getting a ‘new’ puppy? They’re so cute! But, looks like someone has been ‘slutting around’ with those ‘white’ tips on the toes. Oh, Mastiffs … they get big and eat a lot; almost as much as a Great Dane. A Great Dane is like having a small horse in the house. LOL!!!!! I though they were just big labs with a lot of 'extra skin'.

  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Thinking of you Barbie & Allie:

    Hugs everyone.
    Paula Y