

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lanette That saying reminded me of one my mother used to say. "Do everything within your power to get the outcome you want. Then let go of the outcome." Easier said than done...

    Penny LOL! Novel idea for young people...move out and get a job...

    Karen in Virginia

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Yvonne- I'm so sorry for your loss (((hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Yvonne sorry about your mother. This was my first Mother's Day without my mom. Miss her. My niece did a nice tribute to her mom who past (My sister) on Facebook.

    :heart: Margaret
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette: I just checked my channel list and we do get AMC. :smiley: I think I'll give it a watch and enjoy the view. Thanks for the tip and the photos. :star:

    Yvonne: I'm sorry for the loss of your Mom. (((HUGS)))

    Heather: I'm sorry the woman put her house back on the market. If yours does get a good offer, perhaps you'll be able to buy it anyway, or find something you like even better. :flowerforyou:

    KJLaMore: I loved the old Remington Steele series, too. I wonder what became of Stephanie Zimbalist. :star:

    We have spent a bunch of $$$ on our cars. We had DH's car fixed up at VW and a small dent fixed on mine, plus now need to buy tires for mine. AARRGGGHHH! After we get my car out of the paint shop I'm going to go to the eye clinic and get my prescription checked while DH deals with tires. My right eye loves the new lenses but my left eye aches. I wonder whether they got the RX wrong, or just mounted the lens wrong.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." Friedrich Nietzsche

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Yvonne in TX So sorry for your loss. May her blessed memory be of comfort.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    Hi all! Just checking in. Allergies full force with the sun today.

    Talk later,
    Rita in NE CT
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Went to the grand son's first grade play this AM. It was about garden vegetables with lots of singing, dancing and cute lines. Grandson was a French fry. I couldn't see very well as I am too short and everyone else is too tall. :) But, I enjoyed it and the grandson loved having us there.

    Carol in GA
  • MartiB856
    MartiB856 Posts: 85 Member
    Good morning,
    Raining and windy here today, so will not be getting out in the garden/yard.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
    Marti from Ontario, Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited May 2017
    Busy day. Phew!
    Yoga, after yoga coffee in the pub, hair appointment, quick tidy up, weeding, raking the gravel, out for the viewing down to the shops to buy stuff for my brother's birthday meal. Lots of walking, especially as I was trying to find Grand Marnier for the Crepes Suzette.. :D Surprisingly difficult. Managed on the 5th attempt.
    Haven't heard how the viewing went.
    DH also bought a pair of cargo pants (he loves the pockets ) and I chose him a great short sleeved flowery shirt. B) He liked the pants so much he has ordered another pair in navy. I like to see him happy. <3
    Now for a relaxing evening watching undemanding TV. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    So it just got done hailing....in May??
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    So yesterday I made blueberry muffins, using my food bank "all purpose baking mix". On the outside, there is a recipe for pancakes , biscuits, so I was thinking this must be like Bisqick mix. So this is what I did:
    2 cups of the baking mix
    2 eggs
    3 T of sugar
    Dash of vanilla
    1 cup milk
    1/3 cup oil
    1 cup blueberries

    They came out looking pretty, but they don't have a muffin taste but a biscuit taste. Today I just cut my blueberry wannabe muffin and spread a bit of margarine and nuked them. Baking on the fly is like a mad scientist with food!!! Bwahaha!
    Any hints would be appreciated on what I should've done different.
    So not Julius Child in
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ I loved my grandmother's tea cake cookies. I tried to make them when I was 10. Didn't know you were not to use self-rising flour and they came out like sweet biscuits.

    Pip ~ Love that tree!

    Heather ~ Just believe that the right house will be there for you and that your house will sell.

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    It's Sea Monkey Day!

    A tribute to the triumph of advertising that convinced millions of kids that brine shrimp wore little crowns and were thrilled to frolic around in their fishbowls.


    Joyce - I suppose knocking on the refrigerator door gives you a chance to see what you want and where to reach for it, thus reducing the time spent with the door open. But I'm with you, it seems like a pricey and unnecessary gimmick. I think I inherited my dad's tendency to think of a lot of bells and whistles as "just another thing to break."

    Lanette - Forget it, I have dibs on Pierce Brosnan!

    Barbie - You're in my thoughts. It sounds like you're handling Jake's questioning far better than I could!

    Becca - I'm impressed with your ability to discuss the issue of computer use in a healthy way and come up with ways to meet both your needs.

    Heather - My sweetie also loves cargo pants and cargo shorts! People tell me they're a fashion faux pas, but I don't care as long as he's comfortable. Philip has never been much of a clothes horse.

    In case I wasn't clear, my mom passed away in 2005. But the loss is still keen - I suppose it always will be - and it colored my view of Mothers Day forever. Mom was awesome... wish I were more like her!

    Yesterday was a long, long day. I didn't get done with work until about 7:30, then I spent two full hours trying to balance the checkbook (which I hate doing). By the time I was done I was completely frazzled. I had a ridiculous dinner of two mini cheese wheels followed by a big bowl of ice cream. Fit it into my calorie plan, too! But I don't suppose I ought to do that too often.

    Today I'm going to make shrimp and grits to take to our friend who had brain surgery. This was the electrode placement for Parkinson's. Modern medicine is so amazing. He has a remote control for his brain! At brunch on Saturday he was showing us how he could place the remote up next to his skin over where the control unit was implanted, and then use it to adjust the settings. We could see how his tremors reacted as he changed the levels. Incredible.

    Pet your sea monkeys today!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi ladies -

    Summery day in TN today. Had a good session with my counselor. Leaning seriously toward leaving hubby but taking it one day at a time right now. Work later. Hope to spend some time sorting and pitching before I leave for the Y.

    Meg - I thought I was dreaming that someone had a b-day so I looked back through the posts and IT WAS YOU!!!!!!! Happy birthday!

    Heather - sorry about the Hove house.

    Rita - Hugs about the allergies.

    Yvonne - so sorry about your mom.

    Penny and Machka - love your pictures!

    Pip - I would love to sit under that tree and let it "rain" down on me!

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather Dang it! Well, maybe they will lower the price and your house will sell and you can buy the Hove house after all & for a lower price. Or maybe you will find another house needing less work nearby...I will keep my fingers crossed for you...

    Meg Happy Birthday to you! t3348.gif

    Toni You will figure out what you have to do. Glad you have a counselor to help you work through this.((Hugs))

    Yvonne Sea Monkeys! I remember those. I think my brother had some...

    Becca I will be the first to admit I am not an expert, but I think muffins are light & moist partly because they have a lot of sugar in them. Biscuits usually don't have as much sugar. Sugar creamed with butter attracts & holds moisture and also acts as a leavening agent to some extent.

    PIP Your yard is pink.

    Today we cut down a Forsythia and a white lilac that were diseased. Made me a little sad, but they both needed to be gone. Plants don't last forever. We are trying to get our perennial planting area so that we can run the mower over it and mulch everything in place each fall. Taking the 2 diseased bushes out is progress toward that goal, as we will remove the stumps entirely. Our neighbor does that and he has the most beautiful perennial beds with no weeds. He just mow-mulches the leaves and drying perennial stalks/leaves right in place every fall, and rakes it even and leaves it over the winter. In the spring the perennials sprout anew right through the now composted natural mulch. I want that.

    I just went through a frustrating little waste of time on my Mac. Popup windows repeatedly came up about "Keychain" and demanding passwords for this and that, and I couldn't cancel it out no matter what I did. Finally I restarted the computer in emergency mode and found a link on how to repair it. So far so good, but that was nervewracking. I may have to take my Apple baby to the Apple fix-it store just to be sure everything is OK. I hate it when my computer isn't working right.

    Karen in Virginia
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pip, your picture made me wan to sneeze!

    Oh Heather, I am so sorry. I remember your concerns about all the money you were going to have to put in the new home though.

    Kelly, I am the eternal optimist and Charlie is the eternal pessimist. They do say that opposites attract. But our differing opinions do get us in some good 'discussions'. I still have hope for him though.

    I am sorry dear ladies, but Pierce is mine! I fell in love with him during the Remington Steele series. I have all the seasons on DVD. Funny, I have never even thought of his side kick.

    Barbie, I haven't read the book on the Love Languages but have heard enough about it to realize that his language is service. I guess I need to read it to see what mine is and to see how the two of them can co-exist. I can't remember who wrote it yesterday but she was talking about the fact that they have just agreed to love each other and not get any gifts for each other since he never did anyway. I talked to my daughter yesterday about this. I really do need to realize what all he does for me and those things are his gifts. I don't know how I am going to get over the hurt of not getting that 'Happy Mother's Day' though. It doesn't take him going out to purchase something for me. It jsut takes him opening his brain and his mouth at the same time. Usually the mouth opens and the brain hasn't been engaged yet.

    Well my cat has really been telling me she wants a kitten. We have finally listened and are looking into the rescuse group Michelle is involved in and how we got her 3 years ago. I wish I had a playful cat and I am hoping having a kitten in the house will help bring that out. Several times a week, I can see that feisty cat in her. Our main criteria in a kitten would be that Melody has to fully accept. So when we do find a kitten, we would foster to adopt which is what we did with Melody. If she doesn't accept a new member, then it won't happen. I know it is controversial, but one thing I love having in a cat is to have them declawed, especially front claws. But I guess it is considered torture now. But I remember what those claws can do. Melody is front declawed. She occasionally goes outside but as soon as she hears any kind of noise she gets freaked out and runs inside. I would never have an outdoor cat declawed.

    Was sorry to see Simone go home last night on Dancing with the stars. As good as she was, she had trouble connecting to people. My favorite now is Rashad.

    Joyce, Indiana