July 2017 Running Challenge



  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Ive been on holiday for a week so lots to catch up on. DId some running but limited and it really showed when I went out for a run last night as was my slowest time in months. Hoping to pick back up pace this week as have first ever race on sunday (5k)

    1/7-4.7 Miles

    Total - 25.2/100
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    @angmarie28 Congrats on your marathon, that is great!!!
    @juliet3455 Congrats on your 15 k rae as well!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @angmarie28 Bravo, you marathoner, you!!!

    @RespectTheKitty You rock! I hope you know that.xx

    @HonuNui Happy anniversary! :heart:

    My ankle is feeling a lot better. I've been resting it, and just went swimming this morning. Will swim again tomorrow to be safe.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,121 Member
    04/07 3.79miles
    05/07 4.80 miles
    06/07 3.45 miles
    07/07 3.23 miles


  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @angiemarie28 and @RespectTheKitty great new on your accomplishments you both should be very proud.
    Today was supposed to be a 47 minute fast finish with the last 12 minutes in zone 3. I think I was close but probably a little too fast. Stretched it out to 56 minutes which should be ok.


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Well done @RespectTheKitty !!

    @HonuNui Happy anniversary! Congrats!! 41 years is quite a long time!
  • Don_WM_
    Don_WM_ Posts: 262 Member
    @angiemarie28 and @RespectTheKitty Very Awesome, WTG!!! :star::star:

    I'm behind schedule this month, but not giving up. :flushed:

    1-Jul Karate 2 lessons
    2-Jul nada
    3-Jul nada
    4-Jul nada
    5-Jul nada
    6-Jul C25K week 6 day 3...............................2.25
    7-Jul Karate & C25K week 7, Day 1................2.5
    8-Jul Karate
    9-Jul Rest

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    7/2 4.0 Mi 4.0 Mi 36.0 Mi
    7/4 3.4 Mi 7.4 Mi 32.6 Mi
    7/6 3.7 Mi 11.1Mi 28.9 Mi
    7/8 3.8 Mi 14.9Mi 25.1 Mi

    Yesterday was a planned possible rest day due to a weekend hockey tournament that was an hour and a half away. weird thing is even though I planned the missing miles into my monthly goal, I felt guilty missing it. I even considered bringing gear with me and running in the park next to the arena. The only thing that changed my mind is the lack of place to clean up afterward and the thought of being around people I don't know yet and being gross all day. Overall I am on track for the month. :smiley:

    2017 Races :
    4/29/2017 Pro Football Hall of Fame 5k - Done
    6/10/17 Run and Ride Cedar Point 5K (maybe) - Done
    9/9/17 Kick off 5k (race 2 of series)
    11/19/17 Halftime 10K (race 3 of series)
    2/4/18 Championship 5 miler (race 4 of series)
    4/29/18 Akron Half Marathon (Can sign up for $26.50 by 8/1 without getting a shirt for full or half)

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    edited July 2017
    @angiemarie28 Congrats on the marathon! Way to get it done despite the hip.

    @RespectTheKitty Congrats on the half! Running or walking, you covered the distance.

    @HonuNui Congrats on the anniversary! 41 years is amazing.
  • cameronheel
    cameronheel Posts: 191 Member
    July goal 100 miles

    July 1.........4.1 miles..........MTD 4.1
    July 2.........3.0 miles......... MTD 7.1
    July 3.........5.0 miles..........MTD 12.1
    July 4.........Rest Day..........MTD 12.1
    July 5.........8.5 miles..........MTD 20.6
    July 6.........3.1 miles..........MTD 23.7
    July 7.........3.5 miles..........MTD 27.2
    July 8.........Rest day..........MTD 27.2
    July 9.........8.5 miles.........MTD 35.7

    Happy Monday to all.

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    7/1 - 7 miles. Beautiful morning to run!
    7/2 - Rest day.
    7/3 - 5 miles. Kinda sloggish.
    7/4 - 5 miles. Humid.
    7/5 - Nothing so far, we'll see. Fireworks hangover, slept in.
    7/6 - 5 miles. Crazy humidity level...so sticky.
    7/7 - 4 miles.
    7/8 - 7.2 miles.
    7/9 - Rest day.
    7/10 - 5 very sweaty miles.

  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for all your advise with all my marathon questions, today was the day.
    Due to the high heat, they shortened the race from 7.5 to 6.5 hours, most the slow runners eother switched to the half or deferred to next year, but i was determined to do it. And my longest run to date was only 9 miles

    I was up at 3am, lost my bananas I brought and had the only motel room with no coffee pot, so had a rice krispie treat and a store bought bottled frappe drink (didn't think that through since dairy doesn't like me) then I realized I forgot my compression shorts at home, 5 hours away, so I didn't have the pockets I needed, luckily I packed my compression capris, so I put my belt on and tucked my chews in there, seemed great, got to the bus pick up and realized i left my cooling towel in the motel, well *kitten*, oh well. Got to the start, they had bananas, yayyy. Joined in the back of the pack, definetly not many slow runners, oh well, took off, all 4 packs of my chews fell out before i passed the start, ugh, guess I'll deal with the cliff shot gels they provide, never used them but had no choice.
    Felt great, was doing 12 min miles until mile 7, and my hip started hirting really bad, ugh, it's been an off and on issue for 2 months, but Bern fine the past month, still managed 12.5 to 13 min miles until mile 13, then there was 2 miles of a steep hill, my hip was not liking that, and I got passed by everyone on that hill. Ran with a lady up the hill, but she was so slow I had to move on or I wouldn't finish on time. Got to the top and passed one lady and left the lady I was with behind. They both ended up dropping out. Mile 19 I almost broke down, I was so sore and 8 miles left, At mile 20, their was a volunteer that asked if I was ok, I said ya, my hips killing me, but it's ok, he asked if he could ride hos bike beside me, I was really struggling so figured company was a good idea. At this point I had to do 15 Min miles to finish on time, mile 22 my hop finally loosened up, but my feet hurt so bad, felt like my shoes were shrinking, and it was as sooo hot, another volunteer kept bringing my frozen rags, and the other vopunter stuck with me (after all, I was last) mile 25 I realized I wasn't going to finish in 6:30:00, then I just wanted to cry, then I started having trouble breathing, I couldn't get breath on so I sat a minute, and vented to Tim (my volunteer buddy) that I wasn't going to finish on time, he told me if they weren't there to give me a medal, than he's find them and get me one, I got up and finished the damn race in dead last at 6:39:50, and got my medal, my husband was waiting at the end with me kids, 2 of them joined me the last 10 feet across the finish line. My final tome isn't "official"since I was 10 minutes past the cut off, but for not being a runner, and everything working against me, I really don't care, I finished it, and I'm pretty proud of that


    Amazing job @angmarie28 !