July 2017 Running Challenge



  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    7/1 = gym day: 1 hour strength training
    7/2 = 13 miles with running group (run/walk)
    7/3 = 7.5 miles & 30 minutes strength training
    7/4 = Vinyasa yoga class & 4 miles hiking with hubby and pups
    7/5 = 7.5 miles (6 - 5 minutes speed intervals)
    7/6 = 5.5 miles
    7/7 = 3 miles (track workout: 2 laps warm up, x8 300m sprints, x8 100m recovery walk, 2 laps cool down) & gym Kettlebell workout
    7/8 = 5.5 miles
    7/9 = 13 miles
    7/10 = 7 miles & 45 minutes strength training

    I woke up at the ungodly hour of 4:30am to get my 5am run in this morning. Waking up that early sucks but the run is so much more pleasant without the stupid sun. I can't wait for summer to be over....

    My knee was a little tweaky today -- no running tomorrow. Yoga day instead. :)

    (July miles to date) 64/170 (July goal miles)

    Upcoming 2017 Races:
    8/12 = Verns No Frills 100 Anniversary 5K Race
    10/28 = Hill Country Halloween Half Marathon
    11/23 = Georgetown Turkey Trot
    12/10 = BCS Half Marathon
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    July 3 - 2.7 miles
    July 6 - 1.4 miles
    July 8 - 3.1 miles (Priority Health 5k)


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    40 oz PER HOUR? That's a lot of fluid. Why drink so much? Are you drinking to thirst?

    Yes, 40oz. I loose A LOT of water. 20 min run in say 80% humidity at say 75 degrees I will be so soaked that most people think I was caught in a thunderstorm (yes I have had strangers asked me that on SUNNY days- they figure that is the only way I could be that wet). I literally (not figuratively) could not get any wetter even if I fell in a pool. This is why so-called "sweat proof" headphones keep breaking on me after only a couple few weeks. They are getting too wet. (My current set is rated for underwater use. Hope they last!)

    That is with wearing all the UA Heat Gear tech clothes that wick and etc. Drinking that much in the summer is still a net loss for me, and even drinking that much I sometimes have dehydration symptoms (but its hard to carry more water bottles LOL). I am not overhydrating. Everyone's bodies are different and have different levels of need. You may need 10oz per hour, and someone else may need 30. That is normal and okay. :) Each person needs to listen to their own bodies and adjust to match.

    In the winter I can run in much colder temps and not need anywhere near as much water.

    This is me as well. I sweat so much.
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    @RespectTheKitty - Congrats on your first Half. That is awesome!
    @KatieJane83 - Great job on the 5k. - And not to cast shade - but I think those race predictors really tend to overestimate marathon paces - at least for first timers. My Half time also put me at well under 4 hours and while I did negative split and perhaps could have gone a little faster - I finished in just under 4:15.
    @HonuNui - Happy Anniversary!
    @shrcpr - Yes, looking at all the amazing people on here who churn out impressive mile totals every month - it is easy to forget that anyone who runs 17 miles is in pretty darn good shape!
    Coming off a working weekend so no runs for about a week. Heading out to Wyoming for a couple of weeks so I don't know how many I will work in out there with the hiking we have planned. July is going to be a real low mileage month for me.

    July 1 - 8 miles
    July 2 - 8.1 miles
    July 4- 10.2 miles
    July 10 - 10.1 miles 73F and 88% humidity at the start - 81F at the end. UGH!!!!

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    @KatieJane83 - Great job on the 5k. - And not to cast shade - but I think those race predictors really tend to overestimate marathon paces - at least for first timers. My Half time also put me at well under 4 hours and while I did negative split and perhaps could have gone a little faster - I finished in just under 4:15.

    Oh yeah, I wholeheartedly agree. I think it might be more accurate for someone who has been running a decently high volume of running for a solid amount of time, and who has also already done a marathon before. My head 100% knows that it's not something to actually aim for. It's just kinda fun/crazy seeing that number there, lol
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @KatieJane83 I saw this really interesting calculation for a marathon based on 800m runs. I believe its called the Vasso800. http://www.active.com/running/articles/how-to-use-yasso-800s-in-your-marathon-training
    If you can run 10 800 at a consistent pace that becomes your expected marathon with the simple conversion of minutes to hours and second to minutes. (I'd rather run a 5k and I'd expect you would to.) It wouldn't surprise me if you ran under 4 hours for your marathon but the trick is will you plan for it? If you try for a pace that's too ambitious in the beginning you'll either finish poorly or not finish. I wrestle with the thought myself as we are both venturing into the unknown. I may adjust later but my target is the 4 under 4 hours and I will pace myself based on that for now.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @juliet3455 awesome job on the race and nice bling
    @pastorvincent see you are in awesome shape! I have a guy in my neighborhood that you would swear jumps in a pool or lake before he runs, the water is literally pouring off his shorts. It's just the way he sweats.
    @respectthekitty awesome HM!! "let them bounce" best comment!!!
    @honunui 41 years, fantastic here's to many more and congrats!
  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member
    sbruggem wrote: »
    I've never joined this challenge before and I'm pretty inconsistent with running... So my goal is to run at least twice a week! I don't care the distance, just as long as I get out there and start running again!!

    This sounds like a great first goal for you. Last month was my first month in the challenge and it helped so much just to be part of joint effort and following along with the conversations here. Good luck!
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @MobyCarp my guess is that all these estimators think they're doing you a favor by estimating a low marathon time. But it seems obvious to me from all I have read that most marathon failures (especially by first timers.) comes from running to fast at the start. (I understand there are plenty of other causes.) It seems like the only problem with running too slow at the beginning is, you'll get to the end and think you could have run faster. So you train for next and set a more aggressive pace. You are evidence that you can run many marathons and still be trying to figure out what will work best. The no marathon people of the world would probably suggest that the problem starts with wanting to run a marathon in the first place.