Minor rant



  • kendragetshealthy
    Ignore the judgment. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks but you. You have to remember that you are in this for your own life, not anyone else's. It surprises me that even on this forum where we are all trying to better ourselves and get healthy, people are judging you, your weight, your stats, etc.

    That said, it is difficult not to take any kind of feedback to heart. God bless you for taking care of you and being strong and healthy. That's really all that matters, isn't it?

    (Now I need to remember this myself). Good luck to you and remember the only person you really have to live with day in and day out is you... And if you are happy with you, then go girl!

    Congratulations on all your success! You are an inspiration to many, including me.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    I find it hilarious that you see me as result off too much cardio and undereating.

    I haven't done pure cardio in about 3 years. I lift heavy 3x a week, incorporating free weights and body weight training.

    I eat about 2200 calories a day.

    Go ahead and keep defending your choice to skinny/body shame somebody. Better yet, I would love to see you do it to somebody in real life. Let me know how that black eye works for you.


    ...to learn more about people who actually throw punches over being told that they may be a little underweight..

    (I've always been told that I wouldn't say in person what I say on the forums...which I believe to be totally untrue and am actually more outspoken IRL...but if there are people out there who routinely throw punches over stuff like this, maybe I need to reconsider...for my own physical well-being.)
    One time a friend of mine told me that I might be losing too much weight (back when I was around 135). I replay that moment in my head as if I had been awarded the Nobel prize.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Iron Feline - I don't belong to a gym, so I don't have access to benches, and heavier weights.

    That's okay, I'm so glad your workout is superior to mine.

    You don't have a clue what weights I am using for Jillian Michaels, so you have no idea if I am lifting heavy or not.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I never said my workout was superior - reading into things much?

    I have and still do JM workouts occasionally - you cannot lift heavy on them, they are too fast with too many reps to be considered heavy lifting.

    Please do not tell people that JM is heavy lifting. I have NO issue with doing JM (I have done and will do it occasionally) I DO have issue with you claiming to lift heavy when you do not.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Well, any strength training that isn't cardio I consider to be lifting heavy. Push ups, lunges, bench press, etc. Maybe that's not true for other people, but it's true for me.

    I could be wrong, but if you work out at a gym, chances your routine is a lot different than mine. That's okay. Obviously both of them have worked for us and that's what matters.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Some people do look better with a tiny bit of excess weight, but not 200lbs. No one looks better at 200lbs than they do your size!

    There are PLENTY of men who look damn fine at 200lbs. :angry:
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    Some people do look better with a tiny bit of excess weight, but not 200lbs. No one looks better at 200lbs than they do your size!

    There are PLENTY of men who look damn fine at 200lbs. :angry:

    Men are different from women. 200 is a fine weight for men, not for women.
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    Maybe she doesn't like having attractive competition in the office? :P

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Some people do look better with a tiny bit of excess weight, but not 200lbs. No one looks better at 200lbs than they do your size!

    There are PLENTY of men who look damn fine at 200lbs. :angry:

    Men are different from women. 200 is a fine weight for men, not for women.
    Unless she's 6'-plus and very muscular.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Some people do look better with a tiny bit of excess weight, but not 200lbs. No one looks better at 200lbs than they do your size!

    There are PLENTY of men who look damn fine at 200lbs. :angry:

    Men are different from women. 200 is a fine weight for men, not for women.

    There was no differentiation from men or women in her original statement.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Some people do look better with a tiny bit of excess weight, but not 200lbs. No one looks better at 200lbs than they do your size!

    There are PLENTY of men who look damn fine at 200lbs. :angry:

    well, i WOULD look better at 200 pounds than what i am now,, so i partially agree with the statement that "no one looks better at 200 pounds" ;) i will eventually get there though !
  • rainness
    rainness Posts: 13 Member
    My thoughts exactly. Jealous
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Well, any strength training that isn't cardio I consider to be lifting heavy. Push ups, lunges, bench press, etc. Maybe that's not true for other people, but it's true for me.

    I could be wrong, but if you work out at a gym, chances your routine is a lot different than mine. That's okay. Obviously both of them have worked for us and that's what matters.

    Not that lifting light weights doesn't feel heavy eventually, but that's not the definition of heavy lifting. When someone refers to heavy lifting on a fitness site it is usually in terms of strength training, not "this feels heavy". Lifting heavy in terms of strength training is referring to "heavy lifting" for 1-5 reps. The heavier the weight, the fewer reps you do, thus less reps are heavy lifting. When you 'lift heavy' the goal is usually strength, not endurance (see table at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strength_training). "The first exercise uses a heavy weight (~85% of 1 rep max) for around five reps, the second a medium weight (~70% of 1 rep max) for around twelve reps, and finally the third exercise is performed with a light weight (~50% of 1 rep max) for twenty to thirty reps, or even lighter (~40% of 1 rep max) for forty or more reps." As indicated on wikipedia and many other sites, lifting heavy is when it's heavy to lift for 1-5 reps. I don't do Jillian Michaels but I do do the mens version of Spartacus which is the same idea (HIIT). I lift 2x20lb dumbbells for that. Spartacus is not heavy lifting because I can get through the whole workout doing a lot more then 5 reps at a time. Not to put those workouts down, they can be hard when you want them to be, and as the reps go up, I find it to be fantastic endurance/cardio.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    You know what they say: opinions are like a-holes. Everybody has one, and most of them stink.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Okay I get it, and can see the difference now. The weights I use range anywhere from 2x 3 lb to 2x 12 lb, depending on the exercise. Depending on the exercise, the 3 lbs weights can feel excrutiating. On other exercises, the 12 lbs feel like they are not enough.

    I love HIIT training because it has been really effective for me, and I'm always doing something different. I've gotten so much more out of it than when I was doing 30 minutes on a treadmill, bored to tears.

    I haven't heard of Spartacus, but it sounds fun.
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    Some people do look better with a tiny bit of excess weight, but not 200lbs. No one looks better at 200lbs than they do your size!

    There are PLENTY of men who look damn fine at 200lbs. :angry:

    Men are different from women. 200 is a fine weight for men, not for women.
    Unless she's 6'-plus and very muscular.

    Women don't look good "very muscular"
    Plus, women don't have the hormones to bulk up(like men). The 200lb gook looking men are very bulky.
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    Some people do look better with a tiny bit of excess weight, but not 200lbs. No one looks better at 200lbs than they do your size!

    There are PLENTY of men who look damn fine at 200lbs. :angry:

    Men are different from women. 200 is a fine weight for men, not for women.

    There was no differentiation from men or women in her original statement.

    Pretty sure it's implied
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Some people do look better with a tiny bit of excess weight, but not 200lbs. No one looks better at 200lbs than they do your size!

    There are PLENTY of men who look damn fine at 200lbs. :angry:

    Men are different from women. 200 is a fine weight for men, not for women.

    There was no differentiation from men or women in her original statement.

    Pretty sure it's implied

    Not really.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Some people are jealous when other people have attention or accomplish something awesome. To make herself feel better, she put an accomplishment of yours in a negative light.

    Brush it off and show her it doesn't bother you even if it does.

    You look great, btw. :) Good job.

    This. She may be fit, but that's not saying too much if you're fit AND lost 100lbs to get there. You've one upped her.

    Don't let her get to you- you look FANTASTIC!!! and you know you're healthy, which is what matters.

    ET fix my numbers... just noticed you originally weighed more than 200... 100 lbs is still an awesome loss.
    And ignore the fools saying women don't look good muscular.... if you can't, go look in a mirror. That should work ;)
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    She's one brain cell short of a brain stem. Write it off.
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