

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,686 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Penny ... this is what I send to my son when he doesn’t respond to texts or emails ..


    It also applies to husbands!

    LOVE, LOVE AND LOVE THIS!!!! I would tell my son that if he did not respond to my texts or emails or phone calls I was going to call the campus police...he started responding promptly.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Katlia-thank you for your response to my post. I hate to take meds but think it is time as I am getting older. I need to do a search on google to check the side effects and if it affects the kidneys. I don’t think my MD would prescribe it if it did.
    Lisa- great job on the weight loss and the grant writing.
    Today was day one for me of logging and clean eating and MFP says I didn’t eat enough. Grrrrrrr
    Count me as a no caviar person. When we were in Russia they fed us vodka and caviar and I didn’t eat either one.
    Suebdew in TX
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Katie sorry for the typeo.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well I did it again, KATIA.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2018
    I have never weighed raw vegetables and today I decided to since I am sticking to a strict Keto diet. I found out that I have been under estimating the amount I should be eating. Good for my low carb diet but I definitely liked finding out I get to eat much more extra food!

    Caviar I have never and will never try that or raw sushi dishes.


    Mary from Arizona
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,686 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 6.47min, 137mhr, 14.1amph. 1.5mi= 76c
    apple watch- 69c
    TREADMILL, walk- 17.27min, 3.6ap, 3.6-3.7sp, 1.0-9.0incline every 1/4mi, 98ahr, 141mhr, 1mi= 82c
    apple watch- 100c
    STAIRSTEPPER- 20min, 75floors, lvl6, 1190steps, 120ahr, 128mhr= 160c
    apple watch- 191c
    Floor exercises- 5.16min, 101mhr, 2 sets of 15ea, 4 diff exerc.= 26c
    apple watch- 40c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.29min, 129mhr, 16.2amph, 1.4mi= 49c
    apple watch- 42c
    bike ride puy to sumn sta- 13min, 14amph, 126ahr, 150mhr, 3mi= 150c
    apple watch- 134c
    jog sumn sta 2 wk- 4.38min, 149mhr, 135ahr, 9.09min mi, .5mi =60c
    apple watch- 55c
    Jog wk 2 sumn sta- 4.02min, 128ahr, 152mhr, 8.46min mi, .4mi= 58c
    apple watch- 52c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 17.57min, 8.7amph, 125ahr, 144mhr, 2.5mi= 176c
    apple watch- 147c

    total cal 816
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa in AR: I love the photos of your new home. It looks lovely and comfortable. I hope you love it there. :star:

    Wendy: It is great to hear that your DH appreciates your cooking. Perhaps being away from his desk will turn him into a happier person. :bigsmile:

    bwvetc: I love, What parents think when you don't answer your phone. :laugh:

    Sue: My German neighbor when I was a child called me Katia. You brought back a good memory of a nice lady. :flowerforyou: (My name here, KATLA, is a mix of my first name and my last name.)

    DH bought me the cutest little rototiller as a Mother's Day present, but it is too big to use in my limited flowerbeds so I planned to send it back. The UPS pick-up store is closed. Some kid learning to drive a car drove right through their front window. Last year, a kid learning to drive hit my parked car in the Fitness Center parking lot. Watch out everyone--it is crazy teenaged driver time in America! It is true in my area, and I'm betting it is true in many other places as well.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    We-e-e-ll, I do know enough to correct any Europeans pronounce it as though it rhymes with Kansas, which is most of them. :grumble:

    But, it is the Ar-Kansas river! Fact.

    (ducking before Dana can hit me!)

    Felicia, ex-Kansasan
    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    There is also an Ar-Kansas City, KS just north of the Oklahoma border. :)

    Penny, Arkansas is home to much of the Ozark Mountains, truly a beautiful area filled with lakes, rivers and springs. Love it.

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :star::heart: :star:
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well had a nice dinner with eldest son. We went to his townhouse about 5 minutes away, brought empty boxes for him, and picked up him and another big box full of his stuff. Keep this up he will only have his furniture come the end of the month to rent a uhaul for. He didn't want us going into his townhouse, so I'm guessing his roommate that hates us is home. You know the roommate that has been sponging off my son for 2 years now. And he wonders why he gets bad vibes from us! His arrangement to have a couple move in when our son moved out had fallen thru, so not sure what that manchild is going to do! When we stressed to our son once, (when he was trying to tell us his roommate was going thru a rough patch), of all the rent money, part of the utilities, that he could of saved if only his roommate had pulled his own weight. That made him think. In our sons eyes, he was paying the rent anyways, and the utilities came out of his paycheck automatically so what was the problem.
    I made kielbasa sausages and zucchini, and pork pot stickers for son and he inhaled it! For my husband it was 4 pieces of bacon, three scrambled eggs and toast. I had two pot stickers, and three slices of kielbasa. I did good!

    I think I used more plates, pans and items fixing this meal, and had to play puzzle loading the dishwasher!
    Take care everyone!

  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    {{{{{KAY@}}}}} - Losing a grandchild is hard - step-daughter lost her child at the age of 12; awful! Now we have not heard from her in 11 years. Has a child by present husband. Not since Louis' mother passed away. The only way we can look at this 'estrangement' is to tell ourselves they were transferred overseas and their plane went down. It hurt to think she does not want us in their lives when we don't really 'know' the reason ... can only 'assume'; but, you know what that does ... @$$ U Me. One day? But, I doubt it.

    Love the bling on the boot!

    R Can Saw - I sometimes find it difficult not to 'correct' people (Mother used to do it to me all the time, she was English/Lit/Grammar teacher). Then my middle GD corrected her Mother over the pronunciation of "Salmon"; now they have a commercial about "Almonds" ... I'm the guy jumping out of the car - or maybe 'pushed' out of the car. Haven't watched it close enough to tell. English, unless you've grown up speaking it all your life is probably the hardest language to learn correctly; but, I think we say that about any foreign language - even 'sign language. My niece did not learn it until the summer before she went to Gallaudet. BnL just did not want to admit that she was deaf. When she was little her hearing aid was worn on a harness; with earplugs. Sometimes Mother or Daddy would stroll her uptown and someone would stop them to talk; when Lynn got tired of it, she'd just pull the earplugs out and set them on the tray in front of her. One way to quickly end a conversation.

    Rori - How have the volcano eruptions affected y'all's property in Hawaii or have you already sold it. That isn't eve the island where the tourists go to see the active volcano is it? I thought that was on an outlying island. Saw a time-lapsed picture of it - somewhere (today). Nasty looking - like a burnt marshmallow.

    I'd love to have more irises. I have several scattered around in my large bed - wish I had the where-with-all to dig up all plants and plan the layout better. I thought surely they had been killed by all the cold weather we had over the winter; so I really just did not look at the bed much; but, surprise - surprise. Louis moved the farm truck and I bet I had 20 or more blooming. Mostly the white and yellow ones. I still have not seen the ones my BF gave me bloom and not real sure which fan(s) they are. She did say they were late bloomers. I have one pink one, one blue and white speckled one (that hasn't bloomed - or I missed it).

    Well, been off Nexium for about a month - not nearly the heartburn; but, still have to have the tube down the nose and into throat (swallow) ... Brandy is supposed to call Thursday to schedule that test; then, she will schedule a time for the procedure to treat Barrett's Esophagus. UGH! I am sure since they are going to have to put me into 'twilight' I will have to go through that 'clean my body out'. Already I have noticed a change in my BM - and not all that pleasant.

    Had to have a ring and 2 guards cut off today. Louis could not understand 'why I would have needed to do so'. Because, Louis, my knuckle is larger than the base of my finger by at least 1/2 size and I have tried everything to get them 'off'. Finger swelling and worst after trying to get them off. Jeweler said to keep it hydrated and then we can go back and check the size again. Definitely cutting into my finger. Of course, Louis has a permanent indention from his wedding band; and it used to have a pattern. No longer - it is smooth now. Ordered a birthstone ring and it is an 8; but, I will need to have them put that expander in so it will be a 7 1/2 once I get it on. Was going to give the aquamarine birthstone ring that my grandmother bought all the granddaughters when they turned 14 to my oldest granddaughter; I wear it on my pinkie finger; she couldn't even get it on her finger. Too big for a pinkie and too small to wear on ring finger. Maybe one day she will want it. I've come to the conclusion that maybe neither my sons nor my granddaughters willl want anything we have that is so important to me. Surprisingly, my DDnL#1 took a bowl and pitcher I had made in ceramics when I was a teenager when I put it aside to put into a garage sale and hasn't gotten rid of it. There have been other things they have gotten that they either gave away or let the dogs chew up. Suzanne gave me a hooked rug that Mimi made that no longer went with anything in her house. I need to look at it again and figure out where I might be able to use it. Taylor was afraid that Knox would do the same thing that Luna has done to one of the two rugs that Trey and Jennifer got from Mimi. My DDnL#2 has already said that she would love to get Mimi's Hoosier kitchen cabinet; they'll just need to have a wall to put it on.

    Chairs will be going to the Salvation Army, since they are the only charity that actually works hard at finding people who need donations. My BF said she has checked on non-profits and so many of the donations go to 'overhead'. I'll donate to Shriners or St. Jude's; but, other than that - I don't even let them finish their spiel.

    Well, have found a 'shake' at GNC that tastes like the ones I have been getting at the MD's office. Need to find a protein bar that I like. I got 2 protein bars that the guy said was their best sellers; but, it is larger and 70 more calories. I guess I will see if 1/2 of one will satisfy my 'treat' at night. Got 4 flavors (4 to a pack) and it was buy one, get one for 1/2 price. The other day I bought a 4-pack of Protein Premier. Put them in fridge and then opened one - thinking it was vanilla. Surprised that it was actually caramel. I think I was so surprised that I wasn't sure if I like it or not. At GNC - they let me taste one. Normally they keep some in the fridge for people to try; but, he had to give me a sip at room temperature - tasts exactly like thee ones I have been getting, although I have not bought any in several months. For $1 - you can get a full print-out about weight, height, BMI, and %'s of things. I did not have my glasses on, so I did not see that feature and could have gotten that, too. I weigh 20lbs more than BF; but her BMI is way up over mine. We both need to lose a minimum of 10lbs to get down to the weight that would get us back to a normal BMI; but, she doesn't exercise at all. At least I will get up on my treadmill (even though I would rather be knocked upside the head. Can't wait for the pool to be repaired; but, I have said that already.

    Mackla - Praying your DH continues improving and that PT and/or OT will help him a lot.

    Welcome to all the 'newbies'; and much 'love' to the 'oldies but goodies'.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member