

  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Yesterday - We'd have rain (sometimes very heavy); then sunshine about once every hours where you can still see the clouds. So I repotted more of my plants and still have another couple of ferns that need to be repotted; and 2 strawberry plant jars; and, I will get a strawberry plant (maybe 2 and/or another airplane plants and put the babies in the side holes.

    My geranium is doing great since I put it where it would get some sun, beginning to flower again as well. My other plants, which I have no idea what it is; but, has thick leaves and puts out a cluster of waxy pink flowers. I was a 'mother plant' at a nursey in Cobb, GA that had been hit by a tornado and they were having a 'going out of business sale'. I tried to buy another plant; but, was told I could not buy it because they were not selling any of the plants in the last greenhouse because they were 'mother' plants. Little did they know that is where I got the 'mother' plant. I've only repotted it once in the 5+ years since I bought it.

    I guess today I won't go out in just my night gown on like I did on Monday. My hair was a real mess and Louis asked me 'who I looked like'? I said "Jerry Garcia"; he laughed and said, 'no, your grandmother'! I've taken a shower for the past 4 days because I have been covered in dirt. Makes my skin dry; but, today after taking my shower, I will rub coconut oil into my skin.

    Might take a 'before' and 'after' picture of me without, then with make-up. That should be scary!

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Good morning Ladies -

    I had a great weekend! We got to spend the day with my best friends son while she worked. It was great to get caught up with him. He is starting his Sr. year of college in the fall. We visited with her and met her hub for dinner (he was working evenings). Headed out the next morning to meet my Aunt for a late lunch. Got to visit with one of my Jr. High teachers for a while which was a treat. Her middle son and my brother were friends and her youngest son and I are friends. We also packed in visits with two of my girlfriends Mom's and an old family friend. I only missed getting to see one friends parents, so it was a good day. Lunch was fantastic!! Enjoyed it very much. We drove home after lupper and got back about midnight, which is late for us.

    Spent Sunday afternoon at the neighbors and had brisket and ribs. It was an enjoyable afternoon/evening with several neighbors. We didn't do a lot on Monday, just enjoyed the day.

    Work has slowed down, so I'm itching to find another project to delve in to.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Michele, who wouldn’t want something homemade? Denise is missing out on so many things made with love.

    Lisa, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that you that they accept your bid. You’re wise to have a backup plan with an investment this big.

    Allie, rose brown is nice. As a former hairdresser, I recommend that you do a small test first to make sure that you like it and that your own hair color takes it to the color you want. Sometimes when you have a lot of red in your hair, the color turns out more of a red. That is what happened to me and I always had to do a color with ash in it. I never heard of anyone having a picnic wedding. I think that’s wonderful.

    Becca, thanks for the owl pics.

    Katla, good luck on the RV.

    Rye, love the photography explanation. Wish you were closer so you could help me take pictures of my jewelry in the light box I made. Got to get gong on that.

    Kelly, could it be allergies?

    Heather, so glad to hear you survived the wedding. Families are so interesting. Guess everyone is crazy in their own special way.

    Lenora, you couldn’t look more scary than me without make up. I look like I have no eyelashes and my eyes are so small.

    Nice day here today. It’s good to see the sun. DH is home again. Not sleeping due to his heart skipping beats. We’ll be so glad when he has seen the dr and had that procedure. Dentist appointment for us both this afternoon for a cleaning.

    Take care ladies, Terry
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Having computer trouble this morning. I'll be back later.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Great Picture, Rita!
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Evelyn - Hugs! I’m so sorry the wedding was a bad experience.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Evelyn - I love your dress - so pretty. Can I borrow it for the cruise? It would be just right when I am invited to the Captain's table! B) Aren't weddings strange things? I felt our nephew's mother was ignored a bit too. It's all about the bride and the bride's parents. They certainly hogged the show.

    My brother rang me this evening. I had sent him three invitations to take him out for a birthday meal with no response. I thought he might be upset with me about my book. No. He's fine and probably hasn't read it. He just wanted to know if we had got the Facebook invitation to their vows renewal in July. I hadn't. I'm not on their Facebook. DH won't want to go to a 'vows renewal', I'm sure, especially as he really doesn't get on with my extended family. Nor does he have much truck with vows. :o If he can't be persuaded to go purely to accompany me I will go on my own, much as I disagree with the whole occasion. It's my brother after all. He said he will send me some dates for a meal out at a place of his choosing when we are back from the cruise.

    Went for my run today. Then I slept on the sofa. Still tired from yesterday.
    Tomorrow the grandchildren! <3 Weather forecast not brilliant.

    Our buyers are expecting a second baby later this year, so they are keen to move. Our vendors still haven't found anywhere to buy.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Evelyn ... sorry the wedding was difficult ... I'll be praying your OS opens his eyes soon. You and your husband look great though!

    Lisa ... was the house a foreclosure? Wondering why bids at a certain time. Hoping you get it!

    Rye ... kudos to you for fitting into your wedding dress! I just want to say, I really enjoy your perspective on life ... you have a lovely, kind soul ...

    Question: If you take curcumin/tumeric for inflammation, what dose are you using? My doctor ok'd me to try it instead of the NSAID I've been taking ... but she told me she was unaware of long term studies to suggest therapeutic levels or side effects.

    Finishing up what I'm calling "phase 1" of medical appointments ... these were the big ones I'd been avoiding ... gynecologist, internist, colonoscopy, mammogram and ophthalmologist. Everything is going well ... some unexpected results with the gynecologist, but not anything life-threatening. "Phase 2" to begin in June ... dermatologist for a skin check, podiatrist for some foot issues, urologist for recurring UTIs, and finally an audiologist to pursue cochlear implants. I've finally had enough with my hearing loss. I'm 55 years old and people treat me like I'm 100 because I can't understand anything being said around me. Sheesh.

    It is very hot here in Buffalo, NY. We started May with a snowstorm and we are ending the month with 90 degree weather! No transition at all.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Beth (I think - @bwcetc ) - Yep, apparently it was. I did some research in the county files, and found that there were two different listings for the same property, one that said it was owned by a couple, and one that it was owned by the Department of Veteran Affairs. Which means that a veteran defaulted on a VA loan... and the VA is just trying to recover the amount owed, rather than actual value. Which makes more sense of the price... but makes me very sad. My fertile imagination keeps making up stories of what happened.

    And it makes more sense of some of the questions asked in the paperwork, including whether the offeror had ever had a VA loan, etc. And I have had one, which we successfully paid off, and I'm the veteran--oddly enough, I was the first name on the papers, due to the fact that, 9 years later, Corey's credit still suffers from his ex-wife's bad decisions, so my credit rating's higher.

    And, just got a phone call from the Quicken Loans people--which is who I used for this, and they told me they certified us with a "guaranteed close," which might affect the decision as well. Who knows?

    Lisa in AR
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    The bride and groom, my son and daughter in law. The professional photographer was taking photos and I just snapped this in between and from a different angle. Perhaps that's why nobody is smiling....yee5vnteg72f.jpg
    Hubby and I in our wedding finery.
    Glad the wedding is over with, got snubbed by the bride, she didn't even come over and say anything to us after the dinner, son came over, but only briefly. The bride's aunts and siblings were far more welcoming and friendly than she was. Our son, when he was standing and waiting for his bride didn't even look in our direction. We were less than 10 feet away, might as well have been on the moon. Our grandson was there, of course, but we hadn't seen him since Easter and he's not quite two, pretty sure he didn't know who we were. Knew his maternal grandparents just fine, but not us. All in all, I'm glad it's over. It was so nice to see our younger son, although his visit was much shorter than I would have liked, but he's the man in charge at his work, so.... He also brought his cat with him, said he couldn't find anyone to take the cat and apparently he has separation anxiety. lol. Fortunately, we like cats, and he's a sweetie. Picture following.wmm16c9wehae.jpg
    Younger son told older son that he didn't care if he forgot about him, but he should remember mom. Older son had, and probably still has, no idea what YS was talking about, I do tho. OS still hasn't said anything to me about Mother's Day. As in "Happy Mother's Day Mom". He tried to ask me what was wrong at the wedding, we were getting ready to leave. I just told him that this wasn't the time. I dropped their gift off the next day at the house, DIL actually said hello and got GS into the house to "say hi to gramma". He had been playing in the yard and didn't really want to come in the house and say hi to anybody. And when I left OS said "see you soon". Really? Will we?
    Oh well, it is what it is. I do hope we can get this all out soon and maybe open their eyes a bit.
    Enough of my pity party.
    Lisa, hoping you get the best news about the house.
    Kelly, hope you feel better soon!
    Rye, thanks for explaining the F stuff and aperture so well! I'm not that into photography, but I do like to know a bit about different subjects. I must confess to glossing over that kind of stuff because it's usually so dry, but using the kitties (beautiful cats, btw!) was just brilliant! Made it ever so easy to understand!
    Lenora, I think the plant you have is a hoya. I have one that hasn't bloomed in forever. sigh. I love the smell of the flowers!
    So many more to comment on, but have to settle for hugs for those who need them, kudos to those celebrating, healing thoughts for those who are unwell (or who have family members who are unwell!) and welcome to the newbies.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

    I hope your son realizes how important you are soon, he should have spoken up on your behalf.

    My daughter that is getting married next year wants to ensure her fiance's Mom is a big part of her wedding. She lives in Manitoba so we have to do some juggling, but she is coming in February for a week for her and I to go shopping for dresses together and so she can be here when we make the invitations. She, my daughter, also has created a fb group that includes her future MIL, her bridal party and myself so anything she comes up with is shared there. My daughter is changing things up a bit on the wedding day as well. His parents are divorced and they get along OK, but his Father gets on his Mother's nerves quickly. My future son in law will be walking both Mother's down the aisle at the same time and there is going to be one big parents table so we are all together. I think it's a shame that some brides are selfish and believe it is all about "their day" and not the grooms as well.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    im home and tired ,didnt sleep well ,going to bed soon..
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Beth (I think - @bwcetc ) - Yep, apparently it was. I did some research in the county files, and found that there were two different listings for the same property, one that said it was owned by a couple, and one that it was owned by the Department of Veteran Affairs. Which means that a veteran defaulted on a VA loan... and the VA is just trying to recover the amount owed, rather than actual value. Which makes more sense of the price... but makes me very sad. My fertile imagination keeps making up stories of what happened.

    And it makes more sense of some of the questions asked in the paperwork, including whether the offeror had ever had a VA loan, etc. And I have had one, which we successfully paid off, and I'm the veteran--oddly enough, I was the first name on the papers, due to the fact that, 9 years later, Corey's credit still suffers from his ex-wife's bad decisions, so my credit rating's higher.

    And, just got a phone call from the Quicken Loans people--which is who I used for this, and they told me they certified us with a "guaranteed close," which might affect the decision as well. Who knows?

    Lisa in AR

    Ok! That house was too lovely to devalue by half! Sad to hear about a veteran defaulting on a loan, but glad to hear that the lower price wasn't due to hidden problems.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Evelyn, I’m sorry the wedding wasn’t something you could enjoy and feel included. I believe in karma so hopefully what goes around comes around. You looked lovely though.

    Got through the dentist appointment and only have to have an old filling replaced. Going to have that done in 6 months at my next cleaning. I usually go every 6 months for a cleaning but life got in the way and it had been 2 years!

    Wasn’t able to move my foot appointment any earlier. I’ll have to just stick with the 12th.

    DH wasn’t feeling well today so stayed home. His heart again. His appointment is on the 19th. We are hoping that they decide to do a procedure where they “zap” some nerves that are causing the heart to misfire or skip. The procedure should fix the problem for life. Guess it’s a fairly routine procedure.

    Well that’s about it for today.

    Terry In VT
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,424 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Evelyn I like that blue dress.

    Karen in Virginia
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited May 2018
    Oh dear, lost my post. My fault for trying to sneak it in at work, I guess.

    Beth that is such a lovely thing to say. The timing was perfect too, I was feeling a little down when I saw it, thank you so much!

    I don’t do turmeric but I do eat a serving of dried Montmorency tart cherries which also supposed t to have a good anti inflammatory effect. Also they are purported to help one fall asleep. I think Heather does tart cherry juice.

    Good for you making all those health tests and things a priority. I need to emulate you.


    How nice that my aperture explanation was helpful to so many of you! I’ll be following up with another part soon.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member