The Sober Squad- Alcohol Free Living



  • laurenq1991
    laurenq1991 Posts: 384 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Instead, I got up at 3:30 am, had breakfast, then walked for 9 hours and did 51 km / 32 miles.

    OMG, that's awesome!

  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    This is definately the group for me. In fact the only reason I jumped back onto MFP. Like several others, moderation with alcohol is no a skill I'm good at. I drink daily, and a decent amount, then take exederin for the headache I will have. I'll also smoke 20 cigarettes while smoking. I've only been doing this for about 5 years and feel 30 years older. It's just time to remember who I was before.

    Welcome to our group. My friend said the same thing. He said when you become sober, you get to re-discover who you really are. Your real self shines through without any chemical addiction. One day at a time. Also, see the first page of the thread called “Less Alcohol-December 2018” because it has a lot of great information for people wanting to cut back or quit. Xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    @Scomptonforceten I can relate to your struggle. Both vices are difficult to kick, but difficult is doable!!! I stopped smoking 24 years ago and just recently stopped alcohol. NEVER thought I'd develop a drinking problem, but what I didn't realize is that I've ALWAYS had a drinking problem from my first drink at 13 years of age. I was a trainwreck most of my teens & into my 20s but in spits & I suppose that is how I denied my problem for so long until it developed into a daily habit...again in spits & spurts so it took me awhile to stop for good. I'm hoping this is for good now!! 7 months in and SO thankful!

    You CAN do this & checking in on this thread & sharing your struggle will help you to succeed...lots of good support here. What helped me tremendously was watching Craig Beck & Alcohol Mastery on YouTube. I finally had my eyes opened and began to view my drinking in a new light. It is only when we realize that alcohol has NO benefits that we will succeed in staying AF. These guys helped me to think about alcohol differently & helped me to see the damage I was doing to myself....hoping you look into the help available. This is not a solo fix!!

    You are so right!
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    Nice going @RubyRed427!! That is frustrating if Hubs is drinking even more. My guess is you are like a mirror at times for him and he doesn't want to look at how much he is drinking.

    I can't do the bar scene. I did that long ago. Glad I was more of a drinker at home at the end . One less thing for me to deal with.