September 2018 Running Challenge



  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    @mbaker566 I have this one

    I really like it. It’s comfortable doesn’t chafe and holds 2 liters in the bladder. There is a front pocket that is big enough to hold another bottle if you wanted.

    I actually only fill it halfway then refill at 7-11s along the way. I’m a shorty and carrying too much water literally feels like it’s weighing me down.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    5 trail miles at the lake, hot but otherwise lovely. Going for my stretch goal of 50 miles.

    So, this is odd... I got the link today to the finish line video for my 5k. Looked at myself, usually I look like a shambling zombie by the end of a race but this time I looked almost perky, that was nice. What's odd is that I looked up my AG winners out of curiosity and my AG was won by a tall, athletic young man visibly wearing the bib number of the AG winner for the female 50-54 winner.

    Also, the female masters winner is slowly walking a dog, and clearly her 23 minute time is her walking the mile walk, not running the 5k. And the second place finisher in the AG is also a walker with not a hair out of place. It's theoretically possible that both of these women ran like hell for the first 2.8 miles and then slowed to a casual walk when they turned the corner in view of the finish camera, but it seems damned unlikely. The course was set up so the mile walk started 15 minutes after the 5k and has the same start and finish, with the middle cut out.

    I reported the man. The woman whose bib it was has run a couple of other local races and ordinarily runs 13 minute miles. It seems weird that anyone would deliberately cheat on a charity 5k, so maybe she gave her bib to her son or something without realizing he would win the AG. If he just ran with her bib that would be one thing, but he actually took the award away from the next person...

    Wow. Cheating is sooooo frowned upon... I'm glad you caught it and reported it. I dont see how when they handed the AG award for a womans AG, they didn't notice the man wasn't a woman...

    You can always post that on FB or uh, another runners site, I cant remember, letsrun maybe, if you dont get satisfaction.
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    2.28 miles of speedwork this morning, R knee hurting just a bit this evening. 34.35/60.5 for the month. Tomorrow should be a lift day with a short run or a long slow run for fun haven't decided yet. Will see how knee feels.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Yeah, I'm wishing now we saw the awards ceremony... we stayed until after 11 and it was supposed to be at 10, but I never saw it, we left right after the Survivor's thingy which was I think supposed to be before the awards. I'm dying to know whether the woman actually accepted the AG award or whether she never was there at all.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Has anyone ever won one of the challenges through myfitnesspal? I have an email saying I won and the attached rules match the ones for the challenge except for some date/prize changes. The addresses and phone numbers all match. I am just nervous about sending my name, address, phone and DOB.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    @travelling_lots Thanks! You had so much useful information for me. I am sorry you have gone through it. I am happy to hear you have been clear for so long!