October 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Erf. I was thinking I would run at lunch today... but I did not plan for the high temp being HALF of what it was a few days ago. I only have hot weather gear with me. Ah well. *grumble*
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    Lots and lots of cold rain. Woke up yesterday, looked out of the window, cold rain vs warm bed...nope, no contest, especially as I knew I had the VO2Max and LT tests coming up this afternoon and so I felt it would be better to stay rested. Same deal this morning, even if wasn't raining, I need stay well rested for the tests.

    You use the same place i use for dxa and rmr, dexafit there on Trinity Mills? Grab me a Panera bread lemon cookie will ya.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Erf. I was thinking I would run at lunch today... but I did not plan for the high temp being HALF of what it was a few days ago. I only have hot weather gear with me. Ah well. *grumble*

    I will assume this means SNOW at the very least. Sure nothing else would stop you. Were we not all moaning about the heat very recently? I was thinking just this morning on my run how wonderful it was not to be too hot!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Erf. I was thinking I would run at lunch today... but I did not plan for the high temp being HALF of what it was a few days ago. I only have hot weather gear with me. Ah well. *grumble*

    I will assume this means SNOW at the very least. Sure nothing else would stop you. Were we not all moaning about the heat very recently? I was thinking just this morning on my run how wonderful it was not to be too hot!

    No snow, but it is cold enough and all I have with me is a singlet and shorts! Cold is a much bigger issue for me for medical reasons. I can and do run in the heat (though I try to shift runs to cooler times of day) but I can only run in sub 40F with proper gear none of which I have with me.

    Like I have said. I am much crazier than a runner should be but that is cause I know my own limits and am willing to abort as needed. I am not a true believer in "death before DNF" unlike some people in this thread. :smiley:
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Erf. I was thinking I would run at lunch today... but I did not plan for the high temp being HALF of what it was a few days ago. I only have hot weather gear with me. Ah well. *grumble*

    I will assume this means SNOW at the very least. Sure nothing else would stop you. Were we not all moaning about the heat very recently? I was thinking just this morning on my run how wonderful it was not to be too hot!

    No snow, but it is cold enough and all I have with me is a singlet and shorts! Cold is a much bigger issue for me for medical reasons. I can and do run in the heat (though I try to shift runs to cooler times of day) but I can only run in sub 40F with proper gear none of which I have with me.

    Like I have said. I am much crazier than a runner should be but that is cause I know my own limits and am willing to abort as needed. I am not a true believer in "death before DNF" unlike some people in this thread. :smiley:

    Fair enough! We have a cold/wet front approaching again with warnings of flash floods and storms for Thursday to Sunday. I'm looking at the weather forecasts and preparing my sandwich bag for my phone :-D

  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited October 2018
    Re the Hal Higdon half marathon plan: I see the mileage as a conservative minimum aimed at getting most people to finish without hurting themselves. I’ve been using the program as a rough guideline for the last couple of months, but running higher milage than recommended because I was confidant that my body could handle it. I also mixed in some casual speedwork, again because I’d learned that my body is up for it. Long story short, @eleanorhawkins, I don't think you need to worry about the plan being low mileage, and could probably be fine increasing the distance if you continue to recover well, or sticking with the recommendations if that works better for you right now. Don't underestimate the impact of not sleeping well!

    @Avidkeo: I've gathered from my research (and very limited experience!) that most beginners don't need much taper for a half if your primary goal is finishing. I ran 10 miles on Sunday and plan to average another 4 miles a day for the next three days, then take two days off before the half on Sunday. Given my experience with my half last month, I’m pretty confident that will be fine. I'd only run 9 miles when I did that, but have run 10-12 miles 3-4 times since then, partly because I wanted to and partly in the hopes that my second half would be a little less of a mind-game in the last few miles. Plus, now I know for sure that I can recover from that distance in a day or two, and run it on only a day of rest. My primary goal is to finish so I'm not planning much of a difference in strategy between it and my long runs.
    hesn92 wrote: »
    girlinahat wrote: »
    hesn92 wrote: »

    Only one more day of C25k! Although I won't be running a 5k next time if I'm only running for 30 minutes lol. The name of the program should be C230Minutes. I think after I do 30 min runs for a little while I'll pick a route that is 5K and start running that?

    definitely agree c25k should be renamed - I don't know if ANYONE has ever run a 5k straight away at the end of it.

    What you could do is start adding minutes to your runs, one minute at a time per couple of runs, until you hit 5k in distance. OR, and then after, look at doing a Bridge to 10k plan. Running further tends to be the way people get faster, as it helps build endurance. Certainly I think most people would recommend increasing the distance and therefore endurance before adding in things like speedwork drills. You want to get to a point where running for 30 mins or so is comfortable for you and you want to start pushing it further.

    Actually, what you SHOULD do, is find a 5k race and sign up for it!! :p

    Well I'd like to do the 10k plan that comes after but....... I don't really want to be running an hour+ on weekday mornings because then I'd have to wake up even earlier! LOL! I like having plenty of time to lounge on the couch and drink my coffee :# Weekends would be fine for that. So I think I'll just try tacking on minutes for now. My sister told me a couple months ago that we should sign up for a 5k together and I was like... nahhh... but now I'll have to :) I worried about being annoying and slowing her down but I supposed we don't have to run together. She's probably a lot faster than me.

    Hah, this is how I felt about C25K when I started running last year - "I have to do a half hour on weekdays? Forget that!" I pretty much stuck to 10-15 minutes on weekdays and a half hour on weekends until this spring when I started a more flexible job working from home and got bit by the running bug super bad. Now I'm trying to dial my weekday runs back under an hour!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @PastorVincent - a little cold is going to keep you from running? C'mon! 😬

    Oh, I have run with a cold many times. If that was the issue, I would be heading to the gym right now. :lol::wink:

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @PastorVincent - a little cold is going to keep you from running? C'mon! 😬

    Oh, I have run with a cold many times. If that was the issue, I would be heading to the gym right now. :lol::wink:
    Guess I should have been more specific... 'a little cold weather outside...' 🤣
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @PastorVincent - a little cold is going to keep you from running? C'mon! 😬

    Oh, I have run with a cold many times. If that was the issue, I would be heading to the gym right now. :lol::wink:
    Guess I should have been more specific... 'a little cold weather outside...' 🤣

    The weather predicts to be up to 50F when I leave work, so that is my plan for now but that time slot is tight due to company coming over. Might not happen. Tonight I will repack my gym bag to have cold weather gear in it. Well, I will probably forget, but I will try! :lol:
  • zeesparrow
    zeesparrow Posts: 348 Member
    @zeesparrow "Made to be Broken" is also available on Netflix and well worth watching. About those crazy people who run the Appalachian Trail. Someone on here recommended it, and it's really good.

    I'll check it out. Thanks!