October 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    AprilRN10 wrote: »

    As for today's run, I fell and have a nasty elbow as a trophy. I took a pic, but didn't think most of you here would care to see it!

    Can't compete with the osteomyelitic foot with purulent drainage from the non-compliant diabetic I sent out to the hospital with sepsis last night. :D
    ETA: he was a recent recipient of yet another foot revision, I think that was number 5 between the two.

    Nope can't and don't want to compete with that!
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    @juliet3455 - fantastic advice! I copied & pasted into a Word document so I don't lose it. Thanks.

    @AprilRN10 - very impressive weight loss - you go girl.

    Thanks! I'm getting close to goal and not much focussed on it anymore!
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    AprilRN10 wrote: »
    I've been super busy guys, but I did pick up on a few things here!

    Re: HM training/training in general

    I tried C25K when I was starting and couldn't do it because it progressed too quickly for me. I switched to a John Bingham plan then. It got me to a 5k. Then I switched to Hal Higdon to get faster. Then did his 10k plan several times, and now the HM intermediate plan. I follow the plans pretty closely, but I don't taper as much as they say to.

    Re: deficit while running/eating while running

    I have been in a deficit the entire time I've been a runner. I've lost about 115 pounds. I feel fine so I keep doing what I do. I don't carb load or change my eating in any way prior to a race.

    As for today's run, I fell and have a nasty elbow as a trophy. I took a pic, but didn't think most of you here would care to see it!

    Thanks for all that. Basically its a You Do You situation. love it, best way to be. I admit Ive attempted both the C25K and a bridge to 10k and never completed any of them. this plan I'm currently doing, I love because its working for me, slowly building up etc. will see when I complete the half.

    Oh ouch elbows are never nice to injure. I would love to see pics, but I work in a hospital and am a complete trauma junkie lol

    I know, right! I thought you and @workaholic_nurse would want to see! I always document my injuries. Ha!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    The doctor I saw about my marathon "episode" said she didn’t think it was exercise-induced asthma / bronchioconstriction, as it doesn’t hit you this late in life. It sounded more like just one of those things in marathons when you push your body to its limits. High heart rate spike (195 BPM), needing lots of oxygen, hot conditions, no shade. She said to just see if it happens again on a 30ish km run in the cool, and if so, she'd refer me to a sports clinic.

    But a once-off like this sounded like my body's fairly normal reaction to tough conditions at the time. If it was asthma, I wouldn't have breathed easier after walking a minute or two.

    Both my husband and father first developed exercise induced asthma in their late 40's. That doesn't mean that's what happened to you, but it can and does happen.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq - could you wear another top underneath of your Captain Marvel shirt to prevent the chafing and provide some extra warmth if needed?
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    This is not my photo, but from someone I know. This is the mud on the course during my race last weekend, where folks were going around it as I splashed through it. Now doesn't that looks like a whole lotta fun!?!
    If people were in my way, I think I'd go down the middle, too. But otherwise I'd probably stay on the side to avoid slipping and falling ;) Looks like fun!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Question regarding nutrition. I've been doing a calorie deficit for the last (forever) few months to get back on track, and I'm within a kg of my lowest weight (almost 23kg/48lb lost since Jan 2017). But I'm thinking with the amount of ks I'm now doing, and my focus for the next 4 weeks is HM prep, I've been doing a bit of reading. The idea around deficit seems to be mixed, some saying a small deficit is ok, some saying eat maintenance. What are ya'alls thoughts (is that the right usage lol). My ultimate aim for my weight is to lose another 4kg (around 8lb) but my not stressed about it, I'd rather run a good HM

    @Avidkeo it depends on which goal is more important. For me, I want to go into a big race feeling my best and that means eating at maintenance for 2 or 3 week prior to the race. If it's a race that's not a big deal to me I'll stay at a deficit until a few days before the race.

    After the race, either way, stay at maintenance for several days while you recover. Then go back to a deficit.

    Great job getting nearly back to your lowest! After a summer of gluttony I'm trying to get back on track myself and unfortunately have 13 pounds to go to reach my lowest, and 16 to go for my goal, but I'm rededicating myself to the effort as of yesterday.

    Yeah, as always the answer "it depends" is always the right one. :lol:

    There are those that say being lighter on race day means you will run faster. There is this whole concept of "ideal race weight" which, if you are dieting, I am going to guess you are over. Given that some would tell you to eat at a loss so that you can have a good weight at the start. *shrugs*, in this case, do whatever feels right to you. :)

    Lol I very much doubt the 1kg (2lb) I would lose in the next month will make that much of a difference to my race day pace. That said, i was reading about carb loading and the writer kept referring to an average runner of 150lb. I had to google what my current weight is in pounds, and its 149lb!!!!! whooo hooo lol. Does that make me an average runner then, even though I'm short (5'3")?

    Yeah this race means a lot to me, I've been building toward it for a whole year, it is my year goal and the culmination of slow and steady build up, following an actual training plan and goofing off with you guys, so race beats weight loss. Besides, I'm so close to ideal weight I almost don't care, happy to lose it if/when it comes off. This weight feels pretty good. So Race first!

    extending the topic, who carb loads before a half? worth it or not really? I'm thinking of doing it 2 days before the 20k run in 2 weeks, see how that goes, and then tweak for the half. or waste of time?

    Since I just did my first 13 mile run, I'm not exactly an expert but I do get to see under the hood as it were through blood glucose testing, so I thought you might be interested in my observations. I usually eat a big carby oatmeal breakfast the day of, an orange shortly before, and skip any glycogen-depleting activity such as heavy lifting the day before, when I'm planning to run hard. For this run I did all of that and also brought along some gummies which are 24 carbs per serving of three. I ended up eating three gummies, two at the six mile mark, and one at the ten mile mark when I started to feel bonky, and felt just fine, like I had fueled exactly right for me.

    Then I ate 3300 calories between then and bed, no lie, and my blood glucose never went above 100. Kept waking up all night feeling starving. And I ate a whole lotta carbs the next day and my blood glucose levels dropped as fast as I could eat. This lasted three days before it wore off. So my observation as a diabetic would be, no real need to carb load per se, as long as you don't actually deplete your carbs ahead of time so you have a normal full supply in your muscles and liver, and bring a little fuel for hours two and three (if you run more than two hours.) My body, at least, was happy to wait to strip carbs until after the run was over!

    Wow that's really fascinating! I love numbers and "experiments" and that's a neat one. Interesting what happened over the next few days! And kind of a relief. I remember not being hungry for several hrs after my 14k run, but being ravenous when it kicked in!

    It soulike I'm probably on the right track then, and I don't need to do much different, yay!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I thought this was cool and quickly took a photo.

    This guy passed me at the 10 km mark of the marathon.


    Those legs are neat
    Amazing feet of engineering
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,129 Member
    06/10 3.17 miles
    10/10 3.19 miles
    11/10 3.19 miles
    14/10 5.05 miles
    17/10 3.18 miles
