December 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    edited December 2018
    @PastorVincent HAHAHAHA They really do need to add a "love" and "laughter" button to this thread. If baking cookies don't count as running, it should. ;)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @mbaker566 please stop. Or tell me that you have close-up pictures of centipedes or millipedes behind that spoiler tag and then I won't click on it (I'm okay with other creepy crawlies, and gory pictures with blood in. Not so keen on pink fluffy sickly sweet stuff)

    I am totally in love with Grizzly. I am clawing at my computer screen just to get at it . And the others too. I love the expressions on Speed Demons face - tells it all!!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    No run yesterday, was planning to go to a drive-through Christmas lights show, but traffic was a big snarl, so we stayed in and baked cookies instead. Pretty sure that counts as running.

    did you wear your garmin whilst baking cookies and is it on Strava? If not, it does not count. >:)

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    No run yesterday, was planning to go to a drive-through Christmas lights show, but traffic was a big snarl, so we stayed in and baked cookies instead. Pretty sure that counts as running.

    did you wear your garmin whilst baking cookies and is it on Strava? If not, it does not count. >:)

    Actually, I did wear my Garmin, and it does track my steps/etc and pushed it up to Garmin Connect, Apple Health and MyFitnessPal :lol:
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    @mbaker566 please stop. Or tell me that you have close-up pictures of centipedes or millipedes behind that spoiler tag and then I won't click on it (I'm okay with other creepy crawlies, and gory pictures with blood in. Not so keen on pink fluffy sickly sweet stuff)

    I am totally in love with Grizzly. I am clawing at my computer screen just to get at it . And the others too. I love the expressions on Speed Demons face - tells it all!!

    grizzly is the size of a grapefruit while sleeping and a solid 12 lbs mystery mutt. he makes getting up early and running pretty darn impossible

    i have a picture of a spider and a banana slug someplace
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    I had my final (hopefully) appointment with the surgeon yesterday.

    Good news: There is no more pain. The swelling is nearly gone. Everything is healing quite well. Doc is happy with the strength in my toe. I'm no longer hobbling when I walk. Best of all, I no longer need to wear a boot!

    Bad news: The surgeon really put the kibosh on my plans to ramp up my walking so aggressively for the next 6 weeks before I can run. As he said, "That right, you do crazy things like run obscenely long distances. I need to rephrase my recommendation". He says I need to take it easy for at least the next two weeks, then I can start one hour walks, and two weeks later, two hour walks. He didn't say how long I had to wait between walks, so there is that loophole ;)

    Rough terrain is out during that time, so there goes my plan to hike the hills in the park nearby. I was really hoping I could start training by hiking the trails. KITTEN!!! He did say that at 12 week post-op everything will be healed up as much as it's ever going to be, so that will open up what I can do. When asking him about how I'll know how aggressively I can ramp up the distance and terrain, he said what I already suspected...Listen to your body. What that tells me is no long out & backs. I'll need be able to bail out if I start getting pain.

    As far as my 50 mile race in April, he didn't know what to tell me. He said he can't know what will happen to my tendon (obviously). Of course, going from 0 to 50 in 3.5 months is an aggressive proposition even without the injury. I told him I was more then prepared to DNF, which I am. It's a two pronged out & back so I just want to be able to get through most of the trails at least one way. 21.8 miles is the end of the first prong but to get to the end of the second prong is 37 miles, with options for bailing out at 27 and 32.

    To add to that bad news, I've been organizing old photos in my down time and that's been hard one me...going through pictures of our kids when they were little and knowing those days are long gone, and going through pictures of my dad, oldest brother, and oldest sister, and missing them like crazy.

    I was pretty down last night, but today's a new day. I'm going to try to make the most of it.

    Blech, that stinks. Glad it's healing well, at least!
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I did something to my left hip running on Tuesday and had pretty bad pain radiating into my back Wednesday and yesterday, but I can tell it's improving today so I should be able to run tomorrow. This happens to me 1-2x per year whether I'm running or not and typically lasts less than a week. Frustrating though.

    Can this awful injury-plagued fall be over with already?


    Off to pick up my race packet for the 10K + 5K tomorrow. The pickup is on one of my 5K routes so I'm going to see how running with a small backpack under my windbreaker works. It's a balmy 18-feels-like-6 but the sun is currently shining, so maybe that will keep up for a little bit!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hi All. I haven't been checking in here but I thought this was a nice big group of runners so hopefully it's ok for me to ask a question here. Recently (within the last 5 days or so) the bone on the outside of my foot under my pinky toe (so the opposite side from the bunion?) has been sore and it's protruding more so than it normally does? The bump is a lot bigger than it is on my other foot. Does this sound like anything to any of you? Could it be from running? I don't really want to go to the dr. for it if it's like, no big deal. just thought I'd ask.