

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    We attended a Christmas service this morning ... with the first nativity play I've seen in a long time!

    And now ... the dying process has begun. Going from brownish grey to ... well, we'll see. :)
    My hair has been going grey since I was in my early 30s, but for some reason this year, it took a decided and quite noticeable step in that direction.

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did Mel B Workout DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Warrior Workout (yoga)

    The friend’s husband who came over last night is a black belt. He’s recently gotten into tai chi. With my extremely tight hamstrings, maybe I should give it a try. I don’t know.

    Barbara – regarding my “accidentally dropped” insurance. They did say that should something have happened and I needed to go to the hospital, they would have made it retroactive. But I’m just glad that nothing did happen. At least it’s all straightened out. I called the doctor’s office and told them that they can again submit the order for my Prolia and it won’t get rejected. I’m ever so grateful the lady called me to tell me that the first time it was denied. What would have happened should I have needed to go to the hospital and they told me that I wasn’t covered? But, fortunately, that didn’t happen

    Have a Medicare question. I’ll be going on it in 2 years. When you use the Silver Sneakers, is it good for any gym class (assuming the gym partakes with Silver Sneakers) or only the Silver Sneakers classes?

    Shadow and Bonnie are still vying for the title of Alpha Cat. It’s interesting, I’m the person who is saying “leave them alone unless there is direct confrontation”. They will need to work this out. Vince is the person who whenever there is a bit of growling, he steps in to make sure they don’t have any eye contact. Last night Shadow came out of the room, hissed a bit, but then walked by one of our cats. As if she was saying “I’m walking by you, but don’t you try to be friends” Not sure which cat it was.

    Lisa – glad to hear that Egg is spayed. All of our cats are spayed. We didn’t know that this was possible. But the Humane Society spays cats before you get them. Well, after we had Bonnie for a few months, she started making this howling sound, a sound she never made before. One time we saw Clyde humping Bonnie. We’re thinking “that can’t be, she’s spayed”. Well, it turns out that when they spayed her a tiny bit of the tissue was left, so she had to be re-spayed. Boy, were we shocked to find this out! There wasn’t enough tissue to get her pg, but there was just enough for her to act like she was in heat.

    Mrs. Cott – butt in all you like, we’re glad to have you with us

    Cari – and if you put cookies on top of the refrigerator, the calories will jump out

    Jennifer – congrats on the win/loss. Good luck on your next challenge. I know you can do it

    Katie – good advice to Mrs. Cott…great words

    Pip – prayers for Kirby

    Barbie – get well soon

    Betsy – happy early birthday

    Michele in NC
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,583 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good evening. Praying for Kirby. That is pretty scary.

    We are at my mom's for the next few days. It is good to see her.

    Thanks for the gift advice for my hubby. I ended up getting him a NW forest pass from REI which will get us in to national forest recreation areas in Oregon and Washington for a year, and a large world map art piece to hang above our bed. I also got him a travel national park trivia game. He is not a gamer, but I thought we could keep it in the RV and play trivia while we are driving. I do usually also get him nuts, but I didn't this year. My mom has a lot of nuts already.

    My mom made fudge that is amazing, and I am going to splurge on some other things over the next couple days, but I am going to try to walk and hope to minimize the damage.

    Sorry for those of you who will have quiet, low key Christmases. I have been there before and know it can be hard to get very excited about it. My two boys don't come to my mom's until tomorrow night and have to go back home for work Christmas after dinner, but I am trying not to let that get to me. It just seems funny to be here without them.

    Much love to all and warm welcome to the new folks.

    Usually in Willamette Valley, Oregon but currently on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hugs and healing for our Kirby and Pip💗👍🙏!
  • bigwimp10021
    bigwimp10021 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone; My name is Laura and I am new here and to myfitnesspal. I am 61years old and struggling to lose weight while dealing with IBS. My goal for this week is no candy and for this month to lose weight and not go up and down anymore. I do not paint my nails cause I am a nail biter. Weather is mild here in Wisconsin and no snow.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Merry Christmas! Haven't put up a tree for at least 3 years, blamed it on Joe's resistance but truth was I was just too lazy. Really missed it. Mentioned wanting a tree to Joe once or twice ;) the past two weeks, finally asked him where we could put a tree that he wouldn't object to. "Outside on the front deck where you can see it through the window." LOL :noway: can you see my precious memory ornaments out in a winter storm? :noway: Think again! "We could move the table across the dining area to next to the peninsula, and put the tree where the table was. You could see it while you're playing in the kitchen and it might look like two trees, reflecting in the glass slider. Just look at the ceiling and don't get a real big tree." Bingo! Found a lovely 5' noble fir for half price at the local lumber yard. Joe sawed off the end (not enough imho, it's not taking up any water), set it in the stand and brought it in. I started putting lights (the dreaded task) right away. Will add another string and start adding ornaments tomorrow. So much more what I really wanted to do than make the 4 lbs of fudge that was on "the list". And calorie burning instead of otherwise. Win WIN. :)

    Yvonne, thanks for the MIley Cyrus, I laughed out loud! So much better than Eartha Kitt prostituting herself. That having been said, I never thought of "Baby it's cold outside" as predatory, just flirtatious.
    Happy birthday Betsy!
    Machka "...for some reason this year..." gee, I don't know... could stress cause grey hair? ;)
    cari (calories flowing out of broken cookies) and Michele (calories jumping out of cookies stored above the fridge) LOL!
    Kay "pa rum pum pum is the same in English and Spanish" . . . so are the smiles :smile: Well done!
    pip Thankful Kirby (and you) are so amazingly healthy that he didn't have to stay over in the hospital. Hugs and prayers for you both.
    Karen in VA "a life well lived" sorry for your and DIL's loss, glad for his example.

    Welcome MrsCot45, Jennifurbballs, Laura in WI.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 16/22, 60 g protein 15/22, rx/vits 17/22, meditate 18/22, knee exercises 18/22, SWSY UP 0/8, SWSY LOW 0/8, core 0/8, play with Tumble 10/22, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 14/22.
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Karen UK - I forgot to mention - Happy Birthday and that jug is a keeper!!! Did she hand-paint that scene on there? I love unique pottery like that. It's very special <3

    - take care of yourself! Did Jake catch it yet? We are sneezing at our house but no sore throat or other symptoms, must be dust/mold from the firewood. Crossing fingers.


    Thanks Lanette:- Lucy didn't paint the scene. She printed the picture onto tissue paper and then very cleverly decoupaged it into the jug. She painted the jug and decorated it with twine and shells. It's unique and very special and I love it!
    Hope your cold symptoms don't materialise into a cold.
    All the best
    Karen UK
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Laura Welcome!

    Pip Wishing the amazing Kirby a rapid recovery!


    My daughter-in-law's father passed away yesterday at 78. Congestive heart failure.
    Just a couple of weeks ago, he & his wife decided to involve hospice, and a DNR order was written. We are so grateful for this, as he was able to have a peaceful end. He and his wife were taking a nap together, and when she awakened, she realized he wasn't breathing any more.
    We had been to see them the day before. He was not coherent, except for one sweet glimmer of lucidity. He flapped his hand towards his wife & with a hint of a smile said, "I think she likes me." So adorable.
    He was one terrific man, kind & funny & smart. Beloved by many. A life well lived.

    Karen in Virginia

    How sad, Karen, but also very lovely. It made me cry.
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Happy Birthday Betsy!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    nice M ~
    I am up and having my tea..
    going to feed DFIL and then back here to bake and clean up... will check in later
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Betsy ... Happy Birthday!