

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    machka lovely new hair color, glad it’s giving you a lift.

    Beth great plan to deal with your brother and even better for you and your dad

    Pip glad Kirby’s home, I know you are watching like a hawk. His fitness really is an advantage to healing

    Karen Va what a beautiful description of DIL’s fathers passing.
    ((( <3 )))

    Gym, groceries and a bit of cleaning today, I am enjoying making hats on my circle loom. First hat was a bit short but the next one will be the right length—DD loves it already. Fun and easy to make—thanks for the encouragement michelle

    Enjoy the day everyone. NYKAREN
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Kelly - your comment on the girlfriend reminded me of something my husband told me when I told him I liked our daughter's boyfriend. His comment to me was, "Don't get attached." He was right! Both my daughter and the boyfriend are now happily married to other people, each with one boy and one girl. Oh... and nice flip on the coal. :smiley:

    Pip - glad you've got Kirby home. Impacted bowels are incredibly painful. Hope everything comes out fine (sorry, there's no other way to say it!) :).

    Quiet morning, got a couple hours of grant work in, just trying to get sorted what the current status is on everything... got a lot of outside work done yesterday, and a project lined up for my sis and the girls if they feel like jumping in while they're here... and if they don't, then we'll just relax and enjoy the only full day that they're here. I think I'll get son and husband to construct some makeshift benches out by the firepit - I have no intentions of letting my good chairs go outside, as they won't get back in overnight, I know this bunch of coconuts.

    Time to write out my "Looking Back, Looking Forward" for the year... I've gotten so far away from handwriting, as I'm on the computer all the time, and blogging has taken the place of journaling for me, so these lists of all the good things that happened the last year and all the things I'm looking forward to are the only things I write by hand anymore! I like looking back over the lists from years past... and a long time ago, I decided to "only count the sunny days," like the old inscription on a sundial.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in Arkansas
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Karen ib VA

    Thank you for your moving tribute. That is what I will keep in mind as I move forward into my later years of life, that my family, loved ones and friends will honor my life with your very poignant statement "Beloved by many. A life well lived."

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    My step daughter has left and that us our last visitor. :D I've loved seeing everyone, but hosting and catering is very tiring, mainly because I'm such a perfectionist. :/ Today's meal went very well as I chose her favourite things, but she is a very fussy eater. Afterwards we went for a walk along the seafront to the ice cream shop and beyond. As I did my exercises this morning I have raked up a respectable 800 calories in total.

    Now to relax.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Warning, religious themed lyrics, but the music made me post.
    https://youtu.be/woNE7LY1otA Thank Goodness for Marty Haugen.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Kelly - your comment on the girlfriend reminded me of something my husband told me when I told him I liked our daughter's boyfriend. His comment to me was, "Don't get attached." He was right! Both my daughter and the boyfriend are now happily married to other people, each with one boy and one girl. Oh... and nice flip on the coal. :smiley:

    Pip - glad you've got Kirby home. Impacted bowels are incredibly painful. Hope everything comes out fine (sorry, there's no other way to say it!) :).

    Quiet morning, got a couple hours of grant work in, just trying to get sorted what the current status is on everything... got a lot of outside work done yesterday, and a project lined up for my sis and the girls if they feel like jumping in while they're here... and if they don't, then we'll just relax and enjoy the only full day that they're here. I think I'll get son and husband to construct some makeshift benches out by the firepit - I have no intentions of letting my good chairs go outside, as they won't get back in overnight, I know this bunch of coconuts.

    Time to write out my "Looking Back, Looking Forward" for the year... I've gotten so far away from handwriting, as I'm on the computer all the time, and blogging has taken the place of journaling for me, so these lists of all the good things that happened the last year and all the things I'm looking forward to are the only things I write by hand anymore! I like looking back over the lists from years past... and a long time ago, I decided to "only count the sunny days," like the old inscription on a sundial.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in Arkansas

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    I made the mini pecan pies and they wont come out of the pan..... grrrrr so will end up making a regular pie in a pie pan and call it a day.. was invited to a christmas party tonight at 5.. my best friend and her hubby are up from North Carolina for Christmas , so should be fun..
    found a great pandora station Roger Whittaker radio... has all sorts of music that I love, and Roger Whittaker was one of mom's favorites.. Doris Day was my dads ....
    brought Alfie down to visit all the dog loving people at the nursing home where my DFIL is... even though alot of them have colds... they so enjoy seeing him.. I plunk him right in there lap or on there bed and he sucks up all the love, and so do they... he isn't a trained therapy dog,but he just instinctly knows to just stay still and let them pet him...
    going to take a bit of a nap and then hop in the shower and and go to the party...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    Kelly That would require a tremendous amount of sphincter tone. Are you sure he's up to the task? :D

    Machka Your hair is so pretty. I'm going to make some guesses at your garden pics: bleeding heart, shallots, cauliflower, and apple. And doggie. How far off am I?

    Pip I hope Kirby is farting up a storm this morning. :D:D:D Seriously, I hope his small bowel is much improved. Did you find out why it happened? Adhesions?

    My daughter-in-law's nuclear family is very tight-knit and very remarkable. Here is her Facebook post, which I loved:
    "My Daddy is gone, but oh the celebration of life has already begun. I didn't know it was possible to grieve, laugh, remember, love, cry, & be overwhelmed all at once in the presence of death."

    Karen in Virginia

    no farting. he burps more than he farts. doc says gas is gas. this morning he says he feels fine, he can breathe deep which was hard for him to do yesterday
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Well, I need to get moving because my own personal Grinch is following me around and grumbling about things. He is like this EVERY Christmas. If I were Santa, I would give him coal. To flip this situation, I would suggest putting the coal where the sun doesn't shine and maybe in time I will have a DIAMOND! Thanks for the laugh today Kelly!
    Pip, sounds like Kirby is on the mend, sure hope this is a continuing trend! Enjoying the ornament a day photo.
    Heather, love the photos of the kids and everyone else. So wonderful to live so close to them to be able to just "pop" over!
    Machka, love the hair! Love the photos too, but did experience a few pangs of envy seeing the nice sunshine, the gardens and the beach, so lovely....
    Lisa, sounds like you are truly enjoying your time off, so happy for you in your new job and all the perks that have already come with it! Photos of you and Corey look amazing! I know this bunch of coconuts. Made me LOL!
    Karen in VA condolences on the loss of your daughter in law's father, so nice that the family can be together remembering the good times while grieving.

    Been busy, busy, busy! Had last week all planned out as far as cleaning and baking went, then found out Tues evening that we were invited to a potluck! This was put on by a member of our strata council and she only invited the members of the council, and their spouses too of course. Because we are all of the same mind on a lot of things in regards to the strata, it was a very enjoyable evening, but it did mean that I had to change my plans drastically. It also meant that the bathrooms didn't get done this week. Oh well, I did change towels in our bathroom and the others just don't get used enough to worry too much about it. I have been working all weekend, but will be off til next Friday, so will get caught up on everything in the next few days. Our daughter in laws parents invited us over for Christmas dinner, the kids are coming over to our place on Boxing day, so it would have just been the two of us on Christmas day, which would have been okay, but it will be nice to go out somewhere. Anyway, I offered to make some dessert, which Marie took me up on, she says dessert is not her strong suit so I plan on making some tarts - butter, pumpkin and pecan - and a dessert that hubby likes. There will be 11 people, so most of it will probably get eaten. Actually, I do need to remember that two of those people are just little! Our grandson, who is 2 1/2 and his little cousin who is not quite 2. Oh well, if I bring some home with us, that's okay too, they will just get put out the next day! I'm not planning on making a whole big bunch, too much work to do that.
    I don't know how much I will be on here for the next few days, so I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!
    May your celebrations be just what you want them to be!
    Hugs to those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island where the wind has stopped, for now..... (but the rain continues!)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    Yesterday’s ornament

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did the Warrior Workout (yoga). The plan for tomorrow is to hold my plank and then take the extremepump class.

    Allison – thanks for the update about Kirby. I sure hope he gets better fast.

    Our church is having a community dinner on Christmas day. I’m thinking that I may help serve. Hopefully, that’ll get my mind off the fact that no one is here. I don’t want to stay home and I know that Vince does. So what to do???

    Katie – what was the door prize?

    Pip – Kirby IS amazing. Let’s pray that he doesn’t throw up.

    Laura – welcome!

    Karen in VA – so sorry about your DIL’s father. He sounds like a truly amazing man

    Barbara – well, calories are afraid of heights so they jump right out of the cookies……. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it…..lol

    Penny – what a neat poem! Thanks for sharing

    NYKaren – So glad you find the loom hats fun to make. Next you’ll have to make a loom scarf. Believe it or not, I think in some ways it’s even easier than a hat. I find that a good project to do at the Green Room since I can put it down, answer the phone, then pick it back up. Then I donate the hats to the soup kitchen.

    KJ – LOL getting a diamond!!!

    Katla – I, too, will be very sad tomorrow. I’m thinking that I’ll maybe volunteer at the church’s community dinner. Hopefully, that’ll keep my mind busy.

    Made a cream cheese chocolate pound cake for Jess to take. I bet she’ll go to VA for New Year’s. I can totally understand her not wanting to be with mom and dad. She gets back from Idaho on the 29th. I won’t tell her there’s cream cheese in it or she wouldn’t eat it. I actually had some cream cheese that I wanted to use up.

    Michele in NC
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Gah! Karen VA You are forbidden to hide your babies in a spoiler! That goes for every one else, too!