

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    'Ware the Ides of March!

    "The Roman calendar, which dates back to 753 BCE, had three fixed points throughout the month: Nones, Ides, and Kalends. Ides took place around the midpoint of each month, occurring on the 13th or 15th. In March it took place on the 15th. The Ides of March is most remembered as being the anniversary of the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated, in 44 BCE. The day did, however, have some significance before this infamous event. It had long been a day of religious observances. The Ides of each month was sacred to Jupiter, Rome's supreme deity. The first part of March consisted of new year's celebrations, as March was the first month of the Roman calendar. The Feast of Anna Perenna, a goddess of the year, was a festival held on the Ides that closed down the new year's celebrations. Celebrants gathered outside of Rome, along the banks of the Tiber River, for food, drink, music, and sacrifices to Anna Perenna for a prosperous new year. The Ides of March was also used by Romans as a deadline for settling debts."

    Katla - Dark chocolate is one of my go-to treats. I buy really high quality chocolate, take my time with it, and enjoy it a square at a time.

    Dana - My best friend was nearly six feet tall. When we'd go shopping we used to joke about cutting off all the extra length on my pants and sewing it onto hers.

    b4leaving - They are beautiful tuxedo cats. Very elegant!

    Well, I had no ill effects from Wednesday's PiYo class. Maybe a few little sore spots, but nothing worth noticing. I didn't really enjoy the class so I'm thinking about trying the Body Tone class at the gym next week. It sounds like it's more about strength training, which I really do need to incorporate into my routine. They only have one pure yoga class per week and it's on Saturday mornings, which is a deal breaker. Maybe I'll join one of the other local yoga classes instead.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Regarding jobs ... I found that "temping", especially through an employment agency, was a great way to go. I am under the impression that back in the old days, "temping" wasn't considered a particularly good option. But now, using an employment agency can be a very good choice.

    One place I worked, through an employment agency, only hired people through an employment agency. They did not place ads and hire people themselves and instead of having a large HR department, they left it all up to the employment agency. So everyone from cleaners to receptionists to doc control people to engineers to technical people were hired through the employment agency. After you'd been there for 2 or 3 years, you could then apply for permanent internal positions.

    For me, employment agencies had a lot to offer, including:

    -- flexibility. I told them when I wanted to work. For example, I used employment agencies for summer employment between years of university. I told them I was available from a date in April to a date in early August, and then I took most of August off to go travel, and in September I was back in uni.

    -- benefits. In Canada, employment agencies provide benefits like medical, dental etc. (That's not an option here in Australia because jobs don't provide benefits)

    -- education. Many employment agencies offer online courses on MS Office and other things.

    So ... after good experiences with employment agencies in Canada, I signed up with one when I was able to work in Australia, and got a 4-month position ... which turned into a 1-year position ... which morphed into a full-time fixed-term position for a couple years.

    In fact, several of my "temp" experiences have turned into much more permanent work. You get your foot in the door, learn all you can, be as valuable as you can ... and next thing you know, you're there for 8 years or something. :)

    The only negative (and somewhat funny) experience I had with an employment agency was a small, local one (in Canada) which I signed up with just to cover all my bases. I walked into their office, and had one of those involuntary shudders and really debated if I wanted to sign up with them, but decided to go for it. In my application I indicated I was interested in office work.

    A couple days later, I got a call from them. They had a job for me! For one evening. I was to go to the local hockey arena, dress up as a clown, and be a cheerleader for the game ... jumping around, yelling, screaming, etc. etc. The usual clown cheerleader had left or was ill or something. And they'd pay me $25 or so. They also hinted that if I turned it down, they'd have to indicate on my application that I wasn't very compliant or interested in work.

    Me ... an introverted, 38-year old woman ...

    I turned it down, and to my relief, never heard from them again.

    A week or so later, I got the job I mentioned in my second paragraph and stayed with them, on and off through a much, much better agency, for 4 years. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita: Your pup looks like a little kid who got spaghetti sauce all over his face. :laugh:

    Margaret: I’m happy that your basement is dry! Yay!!! :star:

    Pip: I see three bikes-Oregon Ducks, Oregon Beavers, and chocolate ice cream. I hope you enjoy them all. :wink:

    I have no plans for tomorrow as of yet, but Sunday I have a riding lesson. Yay!!!! Sunday is also St Patrick’s Day. I don’t actually have any Irish ancestors, but I love St Patrick’s Day anyway. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    edited March 2019
    We cycled again today!! :)

    Distance: 27.06km
    Elevation: 169m
    Moving Time: 1:28:20
    Elapsed Time: 1:31:15
    Speed: Avg: 18.4km/h | Max: 29.2km/h


    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    thanks for all the work tips, I have worked through employment agencies before And I put this in the good lords hands..he has never let me down.. right now with my DFIL in the nursing home and me going daily.. I think that is important,and walking the dogs as both dogs and DFIL wont be here forever.. so I do what I think is important earlier in the morning.. then go to my paying job after.. I wouldn't be able to do it without the alimony...
    today last working Saterday for awhile...
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Vickie good to see you back.
    Heather ditto other's comments about enjoying vicariously all your activities in your new home town. Lovely!
    Connie con VERY grats on making your first goal and setting a new one, building on your success!
    KJ "... and smell the wonderful smell of Spring (dirt and worms)" Amen sister!
    Beth "...awakened..." How very very scary!
    Karen in BC hope you feel better soon.
    Lisa :heart: your "worry" wisdom.
    Allie the better-for-you job is out there, hoping you find it soon!
    Viv count me in on the waste-too-many-calories on sweets group. :(
    Tracey, really admire your "more time to prepare" attitude.
    Margaret so glad all your hard work (ice chipping, shoveling, roof raking) is protecting your basement. SO ready for Spring.
    pip please help me to understand the bikes on boards pic?
    Shannon Joe had his follow up the next day, and the Dr. said all's well, go back to the last drops and see you in six weeks. It IS a miracle how moving the body can change how you feel in just a short time. Well done!
    b4leaving love hearing about Cardigan and Trolley. What lucky boys to have you find them!
    Kim your worksearch story is absolutely inspiring. Well done!
    Machka had you not declined the hockey clown mascot job what other horrors would they have asked of you? :noway:
    Welcome Nicole!
    Yvonne my best friend was also 6' tall. We called ourselves "Mutt and Jeff." As for the Ides of March, this made me laugh...

    Glorious sunlight, blue skies and temp finally warmed up enough to enjoy going outside. Could it be Spring?
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 15/31, 60 g protein 14/31, rx/vits 14/31, meditate 10/31, knee exercises 10/31, SWSY 1/8, play with Tumble 10/31, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 11/31.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    03/15 LT: SWSY-N MT: start artichoke, cucumber, tomato, pak choi, quinoa, red romaine, snow peas-Y ST:Scooter ears-
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    did someone say SPRING? oh joy, I certainly hope so. I want to shrug off the winter blues asap!
    Barbara love that salad pic, lol

    Heading to a family b-day gathering out of town today, this is the event that created great drama and a whole lot of hurt feelings with DYS and DSIL so won't that be fun when we all sit down together??? Ah well, it is at a public restaurant so hopefully DYS will be on her best behavior. The day entails me driving a total of 6 hours, so hoping for good road/weather conditions.

    Sunday plans include work week prep and getting in my steps! <3<3<3 NYKAREN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    Karen ~ try and have a good time
    me I will be home this afternoon and throw a load into the wash and my patio furniture came in 2 big boxes I am pretty good at putting things together but dont really have anywhere to put it yet lol. so might just leave it boxed up for another month, but I know myself. I wont be able to wait ..
    thinking back even though being married and having someone there with you is nice.. I quite enjoy being on my own,at least this time I can squeak by financially for now.God is good and I know will always take care of me..
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    Got some really good news on the professional front yesterday. Them upstairs (C-level, C-suite, everyone with "chief" at the front end of their title. :) ) decided that they do want to move forward with next steps for two of the federal grants I researched and put in front of them in the past few months. One will be due in August, one in November. I'm looking forward to the challenge... so much so that I was tossing and turning last night until well past midnight trying to peer into my own private crystal ball. Which is apparently on the blink. Good stress is still stress--and by the way, this is what I get for trying to be the still calm voice of reason for my son. Having to take my own advice. :smiley:

    So much fun working for people that believe in me! Kinda like being here, in this group of ladies. :blush:

    Back to reality with a bump... today and tomorrow is removing all the screens on the house, fixing those that can be fixed, and when the men come back from their shopping, they will be washing all the outside windows. Guess who gets to wash the insides of the windows? The highest only requires stepping up on a stepstool, so not that big a deal for me. The washing outside will take a long-handled squeegee and some hose-spray Windex, so I'll let them play in the water. :)

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Vickie good to see you back.
    Heather ditto other's comments about enjoying vicariously all your activities in your new home town. Lovely!
    Connie con VERY grats on making your first goal and setting a new one, building on your success!
    KJ "... and smell the wonderful smell of Spring (dirt and worms)" Amen sister!
    Beth "...awakened..." How very very scary!
    Karen in BC hope you feel better soon.
    Lisa :heart: your "worry" wisdom.
    Allie the better-for-you job is out there, hoping you find it soon!
    Viv count me in on the waste-too-many-calories on sweets group. :(
    Tracey, really admire your "more time to prepare" attitude.
    Margaret so glad all your hard work (ice chipping, shoveling, roof raking) is protecting your basement. SO ready for Spring.
    pip please help me to understand the bikes on boards pic?
    Shannon Joe had his follow up the next day, and the Dr. said all's well, go back to the last drops and see you in six weeks. It IS a miracle how moving the body can change how you feel in just a short time. Well done!
    b4leaving love hearing about Cardigan and Trolley. What lucky boys to have you find them!
    Kim your worksearch story is absolutely inspiring. Well done!
    Machka had you not declined the hockey clown mascot job what other horrors would they have asked of you? :noway:
    Welcome Nicole!
    Yvonne my best friend was also 6' tall. We called ourselves "Mutt and Jeff." As for the Ides of March, this made me laugh...

    Glorious sunlight, blue skies and temp finally warmed up enough to enjoy going outside. Could it be Spring?
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 15/31, 60 g protein 14/31, rx/vits 14/31, meditate 10/31, knee exercises 10/31, SWSY 1/8, play with Tumble 10/31, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 11/31.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    03/15 LT: SWSY-N MT: start artichoke, cucumber, tomato, pak choi, quinoa, red romaine, snow peas-Y ST:Scooter ears-
    That’s just an old picture. We take the front wheel off and attach it to those boards, so when we put them in the car they don’t flop around her stable. That’s when we were getting ready to go to work and you and MS Bike Ride.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Saturday!
    Barbara- LOve the ceasar salad! lol I think you also posted the article with the graphs of violence, wars, etc over the years? That was a very interesting and enlightening read. Thank you for sharing!
    Machka- I bet you are really going to like your rowing machine. That is one of those machines that I am always looking for a "second hand" one. I loved using the rower at the gym.
    Suebdew- Enjoy your golfing! I have never golfed; but I have caddied for my father. So...if you ever need a caddy and I am in the area...
    PIp- Floyd looks very cool in his sunglasses! lol Nice picture of the three of them. What's up with the bikes? Are those your "warm weather" bikes? Getting them ready for the road?
    Heather- Love your breakfast table (and bowls)! So pretty! It is nice to have someone whose very presence keeps aware of what you are eating.
    Janet R and Dana- at 5'8, I can vouch for the difficulty in finding long enough pants that also fit right. Once I find a brand that fits well, I try to stay with it.
    b4leaving- Love your kitties! I adore their names! Very creative. What is your name, again?
    Tracey- Still thinking of you and your job interview! Yes, take the extra time to prepare and to think positive thoughts.

    When the term "networking" was new; I found the idea of it to be cold and calculating (yes, like "Iwanttogettoknowyouifyoucandosomethingforme"). Now, I find networking to be a really handy tool to get the job you want. I figure most people would rather hire someone that they know, or that comes referred from someone that they respect. I have a couple of social media sites (local) that I use to network and find childcare clients, but the majority of all of my families come to me by referral from a current/former family.

    Networking brings to mind the admissions scandal that has come to light. IF you have helped your child with college admissions (I don't mean bribery and illegal means- just applications, fees, testing), you probably have realized that a LOT of "getting in" to certain colleges depends on who you know (with a little bit of "financial backing" thrown in). When we went through all of this with our daughter, Lauren, twelve years ago, it was a HUGE disappointment to me to know that things were that "skewed" toward the children of the families that have money/status. She didn't get admitted to the college of her choice until she was in her sophomore year of a local college. She got an apology letter from the admissions dept at the college of choice stating that her "application and information package were misplaced; and that they had been following her progress at her current school and would love to have her reapply for the upcoming year." By that time, she was in the middle of her study abroad year in France and was mad as a hornet when she got that letter. The thing that turned the tables for her was the fact that there were a quite a few students from her "top choice" college studying at the same college in France; and she had become close friends with them. So...everything worked out for the best. She applied and was accepted and her Junior, Senior years (and her Masters program years) were all paid for by her college of choice. So... I think, that although the application/acceptance process into colleges in the US (I can't speak for other countries) is slightly nefarious; if you have the qualities the school is looking for, they will come after you. BUT...as a mother of two very average students (both my boys), these are the kids that would be overlooked in the bigger (more noteworthy) colleges. Lauren has always had lots of drive and ambition and endless energy. The boys were in school mainly for the social aspect (they come by that trait honestly -me) and the drive and ambition was not there. They did just fine at community colleges and local colleges. As someone who never went to college, I feel any higher education you get (whether it is formal education, apprenticeship type, or taking small classes to keep your knowledge current) is beneficial.

    OMIGOD! I just saw my first "string" of cyclists going by! lol I heard them talking before I saw them- about a dozen! Spring is here! It is official!

    Well, I have got to get my grocery list made up and get busy with my day. Love to you all! xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    PIp- Nevermind about my question on the bikes! Saw your answer, above^! B)
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Barbie! Great news! So pleased for both of you...

    Lisa in AR
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited March 2019
    Barbie so happy for you and Jake.

    Katla and Barbara thanks for your comments over my basement battle.

    After seeing those pictures of Nebraska I am humbled. My problem is so small compared to that devastation.

    I needed to order the extra gutter extension regardless. There is one on there now but it is not long enough when we have heavy rain. The downspout from our garage and the second story converge into one gutter. This would work if the grading took the water away from the house. The extra gutter will make sure it is far enough away.

    We have had water come into our basement from this spot in the past. If I had not been bailing all day it would have happened again with much more water. I know what a pain dealing with that water and that again is small compared to a foot of water throughout a basement or worse.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Off to Bea's birthday party! :D<3 Poor DH has to miss the last half of his team's important soccer match. :'(

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Great news Barbie!!

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Margaret I live in Virginia, but am a native Nebraskan...so devastating...makes me very sad.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yvonne: Yoga is available at my health club three mornings a week. Most of the students are 50+. I don’t know of any evening yoga classes there. There is also a parachute “yoga” class held in the same space a couple of mornings a week before the scheduled yoga classes. I’ve watched part of a class but have no desire to take the class myself. :noway:

    Machka: You have lived such an adventurous life. I love to hear your stories about work and jobs. :smiley:

    Lisa: I am delighted with your job satisfaction, and wish you great success with the Federal grants you will be pursuing. :star:

    Barbie: Congratulations on the good medical report for Jake! :heart:

    My DH has been scheduled for a colonoscopy and it is weeks away. I want it done NOW. You don’t always get what you want. :ohwell: The outcome of the test could have a big impact on our travel plans to visit our kids. I'm hoping the results will lead to improvements in his digestion problems.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon