

  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Barbie-congrats on Jake’s Medical report. That’s wonderful.

    Thursday night my sister called, drunk, and said some very hateful stuff to me. Last night, equally drunk, she calls and apologized for all she said the night before. So today is a new day, and it’s bright and sunny...a bit chilly though.

    Yesterday, Ides of March and my daughter’s English class is finishing Julius Caesar. I’m guessing that was pre-planned.

    Colleges-sort of glad she’s just an average kid who will probably go to a state university. Can’t imagine being under that much pressure that one would feel the need to “buy” their admission.

    Connie in KY
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Heather - Love your breakfast nook, so peaceful looking. I had one of those hungry days too yesterday. I tried just picking a couple of small things to curb it, but it didn't work. I should have just made something and been done with it.

    Allie - I really hope that you find a job that is more to your liking. It seems there is a lot of drama at the job you currently have. In my experience though, new ownership is a roller coaster for at least a year. I hope it settles for you.

    Lisa - I am right there with you about adult children being at home. In 2012 both of our daughters moved back home. Lauryn, her husband and 1 year old Jonah moved back in after the apartment they were renting flooded on the 4th of July. We told them not to look for anything until we all returned from a trip to NB in August. We were all going for different lengths of time throughout the whole month of August. When Kaitlyn came back from NB she was moving back home from Manitoba so she came at the beginning of September. It was the 5th of November before they all left again and got their own places. Kaitlyn worked in a neighbouring city as a caregiver to three children. I had to drive her both directions every day as she didn't have her licence. It was a long couple of months and I cheered the night they all left. I can't imagine doing it again, but of course would if the need arose.

    I talked to my daughter about sharing the Costco membership cost and she is going to split the cost with me. She will do the shopping when I go as her name is not the same as mine. We do a lot of shopping together anyway so it's not out of our way.

    I have noticed that most of the companies that I apply for are through recruiting companies. I have my resume submitted with probably 15-20 of them right now. As a matter of fact, the interview I am going to on Monday is with a recruiter that received my resume through another position that I had applied for. I really miss the days of walking into a business and dropping off a resume. Most companies will not even accept walk ins now. I have talked to a few people that still do hiring for the companies they work for and they told me they are still receiving 250-300 applications within 24 hours of an ad being posted. It is still a very poor job market in Alberta. So many vacant buildings and so many professionals out of work. Everyone I have talked to that has been through layoffs and the job market have told me that they were out on average 6 months. I just need to be patient.
    Kim - I so admire what you have done to create your own business. I can't imagine the fear that must have been at first though.

    Yesterday I took a drive through the city on the routes that I walk checking out the sidewalks. I think by Monday I will be able to get out for my walks again. The only obstacle right now is getting out of our trailer park as the water and ice is up over my ankles. My thought is I can drive to the grocery store and park and go for a walk though. I can't today as I have the kids, and tomorrow I am going shopping for my MOB dress with Kaitlyn and will be walking all day. Monday I think that will be a nice way to relax after my interview!

    I am off, have a great Saturday everyone!
    Tracey in Edmonton, where the snow is melting and the sun is shining FINALLY!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) My friend who walks with me, shares a Costco membership with her daughter who has a different last name and lives in a different state. Each has her own card.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Barbie: Can you hearing me cheering over Jake's news?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited March 2019
    If a member purchases a Costco Cash Card, a non-member can go to Costco and use it. They don't expire.

    Also, non-members can use Costco's pharmacy or optician.

    Costco members are allowed to bring 1-2 "guests" each time they shop at Costco. There is no scrutiny; the member just shows his/her membership card and the guests walk in with the member.

    It's to Costco's advantage for people to come through the doors, so they make it pretty easy to do so.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Carol in GA - sending thoughts of strength and peace to your BnL and your family.
    Everyone - thanks for all the Costco info. Now to convince my Mom that it's really ok. Old people can get so set in their ways-LOL!!!
    Barbie - Great news for you and Jake!!!
    Tracey - Hope the interview goes great! And really there was more fear in losing the house and everything I worked so hard for that the fear of starting a business never occurred to me. I was just doing what ever I could to keep my creditors paid. It was probably 2 years before I even realized that I had done something that others would not; and even now it surprises me that more folks don't just do what I did. We all have more skills than we know and have more areas we would pay for someone to help us than we have thought of.

    Kim in N. California
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    PS - Connie, I am sorry to hear that you have family with alcohol problems. It is such an impact on everyone.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    Morning dear ladies from Nebraska. So far the town I live in has not had flood water, but most the towns around us do. This is crazy weather.

    I was off work yesterday as I work all weekend and the doctor called with the lab report from my colonoscopy and it was pre-cancer. I will have another one done in 5 years unless I start having problems. Not sure how I feel about this.

    Barbie--Great news on Jake's tests. Happy dance for both of you.

    Heather--What a beautiful place to start the day. Like your choice of bowls.

    Tracy--Keeping you in prayer about the job interview. I keep thinking at my age I would be terrible at trying to find a job. I have been at my current job going on 32 years. I just pray I can hold on to it for another 4and half years until I can retire.

    I friend texted me wanting to know if we can come out after work and help her unload a trailer of stuff she bought back from where she was living. She owns a farm outside of Wood River which is about 15 miles from here and they are under water, but she just left the guys she has been living with the last 7 years as he has been being abusive and she broke away while he is in the hospital. Have to see how close we can get.

    Take care and stay safe. Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3<3
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Vicki ~ Please take care and maybe another opinion on the pre-cancer concern. Why in the world would you wait 5 yrs to have another test.

    Beth ~ Glad your son is wanting to improve his diet and congrats on your weight loss.

    Kim ~ My father never went to college but he was a hard worker and started 5 businesses in his lifetime. He became very wealthy for an uneducated country boy. Your business sense is great!

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Heather love the twirly skirt.
    Dana great new hair cut!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Heather ... I love the blurry photo of the girls twirling ... something "artsy" about it!

    Question: I need some help using up my vegetable box contents this week. What do you like to do with red kale and black kale (dinosaur kale). I received both and don't have much experience with them.