

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,399 Member
    As I was sitting here typing this, the cat came up and jumped on my chair. Let the dog out (no, I don't take him for a walk). they're going to get spoiled with someone home all the time

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,399 Member
    Karen in VA – I’d be afraid to foster a kitty. I know that Vince would be a foster failure just like Jess was. I had to return the service dog much to my dismay after the year. I had really grown attached to him. Which is why I know that I wouldn’t be a foster failure, but Vince would be, that’s for sure. Awwww…they are sooo cute

    Barbie – I recognized you in an instant!

    Tracey – when you put something on a coffee cup, is it dish-washer safe? Do you maybe put some sort of coating on it to make it safe?

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,242 Member
    edited May 2019
    🍁 If I ever win the lottery and can get my PhD, I think I would like to do it on some combination of brain injury and IT. :)

    But I'd have to win a lottery or come into a lot of money for that to happen ... I wouldn't want to work and go to uni like I'm doing now for my Masters. I think it would be too stressful.

    Just a thought I had as I was trying to explain an aspect of brain injury to the collection of RTW people dealing with my husband. :lol:

    🍁 Anyway, we went to the symphony tonight ... good as usual, but we think we prefer the violin version of the violin concerto. Cherubini's Médée, Overture was great! I'll have to see if I can find more from Cherubini. And Schubert was good too.


    Cherubini: Médée, Overture
    Beethoven: Violin Concerto (version for Piano and Orchestra)
    Schubert: Symphony No 4, Tragic

    🍁 It's the eve of the Federal Election so we figured we'd better have a look at the candidates.
    Reaction: "Are those our choices? Seriously?" :neutral::anguished:
    Oh dear.

    🍁So glad it is the weekend!! Because we were in Melbourne for a conference last weekend, it wasn't restful. I feel like I've just put in a 12 day week!!

    It's 10:50 pm, I'm my pyjamas watching a home building show now. :)

    🍁 6.8 km of walking + 16 flights of 20 stairs today.

    Machka in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning and happy Friday, I'm working late and all day tomorrow :s DH is insisting that next year I slow down and take on less work. He's says I'm too stressed, but he just misses me ;) Honestly this has been a little much but I sure do need the extra income so for now, I'll just keep pushing. Scale is rewarding me, too busy to over eat, lol, the real secret has been packing healthy choices for breakfast and lunch and going meatless for most meals. For some reason, maybe the Spring weather, I am enjoying my green leafy veggies stuffed in a spinach wrap, yummmmmm.

    Checking in with you wise women helps keep me grounded. NYKAREN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,833 Member
    morning again ladies~
    I am sort of edgy.. I watched Joyce this morning.. her message today was all about self care.. and be the best you can be.. so I am trying..
    I am guessing some people from Joyce Meyers entourage are staying here somewhere as there is a tour bus outside my window..
    I am going to relax this morning and then maybe go use the treadmill for a bit..
    might even hit the hot tub again, if I can get it to work...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,379 Member
    We made lots of mistakes in our practice session, but I think we got it right about 1 time out of eight. It really doesn't matter as the tent will be so crowded no one will be looking at us. We will hardly be able to move I guess! It's more to give DH confidence. He still won't lead though, I find myself saying 'PUSH'. :o
    We did two run throughs of the Shim Sham (the tune really is an earworm! ) I still am useless at it, but I shall just ease in at the back and have a go. :laugh:

    Just been out to buy some soft rolls for a quick early lunch. It starts at 1 pm tomorrow.

    My single summer duvets have arrived. I often migrate upstairs at 3 am to read or cough then sleep. The duvets up there are too thick now. The new ones will also be good for the grandchildren next weekend.
    They are seconds from the factory, so really inexpensive.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,242 Member
    This is a picture of the mama kitty and her kitten my grandchildren are fostering. They got the kitties last night. I can't wait to get over there to meet these little sweeties:


    Happy Friday!

    Karen in Virginia

    I'd like to figure out a way to get more "cat time" in my life, and thought about fostering when you or someone else here mentioned it, but I'm not sure I could do it. I see a cat in the distance, and I want to adopt it forever! Plus I'm not sure our landlord would allow it.

    I have kind of toyed with the idea of volunteering at a cattery / cat boarding place or similar ... in my spare time. :grin: Maybe one day I'll have spare time and be able to do something like that. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,440 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    cmsavells wrote: »
    Pip-congrats on finding Kirby. Seems yours is a relationship meant to be. I’m sorry for the way your family treated you and Lenny. All the education in the world can’t make somebody change their views. I lost a very dear friend to HIV/AIDS in the late 80s. It’s a horrible disease that people are sadly still misinformed.

    Connie in KY

    so very true. i'm sorry for your loss as well. 5/15/93 was when we were married. it would have been 23 years, geez, time flies but the memories of it all are still so fresh.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,399 Member
    Kelly – welcome. We always welcome someone new

    Pip – “the best thing was laying in the bed with lenny when he took his last breath”. You sure do know how to put tears in my eyes

    This is getting ridiculous. They’re laying in bed (since 9). It’s now 12. Denise came down one time for about 3 minutes (not even). I’m sitting here in the kitchen alone. I think I’m going to go out and invite Denise to go with me. I saw a kitchen store in Rehoboth. If anything, I’m sure I can get them a pizza wheel. I’m sick of just sitting here. I’ve already taken the dog out, taken the garbage out. Now for me. I haven’t even seen PJ all day.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Kelly – welcome. We always welcome someone new

    Pip – “the best thing was laying in the bed with lenny when he took his last breath”. You sure do know how to put tears in my eyes

    This is getting ridiculous. They’re laying in bed (since 9). It’s now 12. Denise came down one time for about 3 minutes (not even). I’m sitting here in the kitchen alone. I think I’m going to go out and invite Denise to go with me. I saw a kitchen store in Rehoboth. If anything, I’m sure I can get them a pizza wheel. I’m sick of just sitting here. I’ve already taken the dog out, taken the garbage out. Now for me. I haven’t even seen PJ all day.


    Yeah it was getting to me too