

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    heather cute shoes! Have a fun time. :)

    Allie love hearing about your healthy choices and strategies. It sounds like you are in the zone :D

    I too am making healthy choices while traveling and having packed snacks is a big part of success for me. I’ve brought nuts and clementines when dinner choices were not super—-steam tray pasta bakes and breaded chicken :( The hotel has oatmeal and fresh fruit for breakfast, hooray And I scarfed extra fruit and hard boiled eggs for later. Long day of listening/evaluating students—last festival of the year for me and I’m looking forward to a beautiful spring day tomorrow.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    need refrigerator recommendations

    not LG please
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,227 Member
    Saturday -- First cycling in a month!! Great to be back on the bicycle again. :)

    Distance: 12.11km
    Elevation: 127m
    Moving Time: 56:07
    Elapsed Time: 1:05:17
    Speed: Avg: 13.0km/h | Max: 34.2km/h

    And then rowing ...

    Distance: 3,188m
    Elapsed Time: 20:08



    Machka in Oz
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Karen in VA ~ We got a Frigidaire Galaxy French Door. It is huge and has so much storage room. Having the freezer on the bottom is great...no huge packages of meat falling out on your toes. LOL
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    KetoneKaren - I'm afraid I may be in your shoes before too long. We love our KitchenAid french door fridge, but it is getting quite old. I believe it is about 10 years old without looking up the receipt. We have been very happy with it. I would look at the new ones if I was looking now.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country where we are expecting thunderstorms soon so I can sit outside on the covered porch with my book and be in one of my happy places
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,435 Member

    need refrigerator recommendations

    not LG please

    Oh Karen! When we first moved into this house 11 years ago we got the top of the line Amana with French doors, bottom freezer. A month after the 3 year extended warranty went out, it stopped working..... finally got a repairman out and he fixed it and said we could get another extended warranty. We figured since he just fixed it, it would be good to go for a long time, right? No, within a year the very same part went out. So disgusted. :s

    So I went to Sears and got literally the cheapest Kenmore with a bottom freezer they had on the floor that had enough room for our needs. And a few weeks after the 1 year warranty .... the fridge light started blinking and went off! So we deal with it. Light in freezer works tho.

    If I had the bucks I'd probably get a Bosch or Thermador or expensive high-end one.

    Otherwise, our little local appliance store sells and services Frigidaire so when this cheap one conks out, that's what we'll end up with. I figure this small businessman cannot stay in business if he sells brands that aren't quality to start with. And that he can come fix within a day (maybe quicker) and not have to wait several days or a week to get on the repair schedule.

    So I guess my recommendation would be to not go to Home Depot or Lowes, but deal with a small local store and see what they have if you haven't done so already.

    Good luck! I don't envy you!


  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited May 2019
    Refrigerators: our kitchen aid side by side was still going strong at 18 years old when we sold it. It’s only problem was it did not match our new kitchen. The Samsung we replaced it with starting rusting on the door after 3 years. When it started making a horrible noise we chose to replace rather than repair. We got another Kitchen-aid, this time a French door. I like it, but only because we have an upright freezer in the pantry that meets most of our freezer needs. I’m not a real fam of the freezer on the bottom. I miss my side by side. But I do love all of the fridge being up top, so I guess I’m just a whiny-butt!

    The point of all this rambling is I do not trust Samsung at all! I advise against the brand.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :)Refrigerator We have a Kenmore. We've had this brand before at another house. Before we shopped, we got clear with ourselves about what features we wanted so we weren't diverted into paying a lot of money for features we didn't need.

    :) Our company is gone. Jake loved every minute with his brother. I enjoyed my time with both of them together and with my SIL who came to line dance yesterday morning and went out in the afternoon with me to walk the dogs and to walk the Olympic trail so our husbands could have some time for "boy talk".

    :) My morning walking friend is gone for two days so my walking this morning with the dogs will be alone. I am looking forward to some time alone after two days filled with other people.

    :)Carol, great news about your continued progress after surgery.

    :)Allie, Your weekend sounds perfect and you've done a great job of making the most of it.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,101 Member
    Refrigerators: We are limited by the space we have to put a refrigerator.

    I would start with weighing pro and cons to what type you want first. Bottom freezer, top, side by side. Extras ice makers etc. Color or stainless steel. I know there is a brushed stainless steel now that doesn't show the fingerprints.

    For brands I would look up reviews on line.
    Consumer reports mights be helpful too.

    I know when ours went out a few years ago. It is over fifteen years old. DH was able to fix it. I looked and looked because I was trying to find one that would fit our space. Plus even though they are out of style I like cream colored appliances. We were lucky DH could fix it.

    I have heard the same about Samsung too.

    Good Luck!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »

    I don't mind getting shots in the arm. I don't mind bloodwork. Medical people can do a lot of things to me. But I have a real "thing" about my eyes ... or anyone else's eyes. And shots in the eye .............. I might have to be sedated for something like that!!

    Machka in Oz

    Pip, by the way, you’re pretty cute too, and it looks to me from that earlier photo a few pages back, like he’s pretty much delighted with his catch all these years later. I mived Allan (my late husband) in with me and my family after knowing him about 10 weeks, 4 of which he’d spent on a psych ward for serious depression. He warned me he had a life-threatening illness (depression) the girst night we spent together. I managed to keep my deepest heart in check for the next two years until he had ECT, or shock treatment and was discharged again. When he was prescribed Wellbutrin he was able to reveal the man I knew was living inside him. I let myself live him wholeheartedly from that point on.

    Long-Winded Sharon Near Seattle

    thank you so much for sharing, that was a beautiful story of your life. that pic from a few pages ago, I was not a cutie but thanks anyway. I too told kirby when we met what my husband had died of (back then, people were afraid to hug or kiss you then) so this way if he couldn't handle being around me, I wanted him to leave right then. he just stuck it out I guess. I was a waste case for the 1st 5 years of our relationship. spent a lot of time in bed
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,817 Member
    Michele - Lauryn was born with long sharp nails a friend who was in the maternity ward with me cut her nails for me the first time. Then My SIL cut them and Kaitlyn’s the first few times. I couldn’t force myself to do it. I am so glad you are getting that alone time. My daughter would tell you that her stomach still hasn’t gone down since Jonah who will be 8 in September. 😂

    Vicki and Carol - the maid of honor that is brave been crafting with was really pushing me to start selling too.

    Carol - you have done so well with your knee replacement. I bet it will be fun to see tour GD’s dance.

    Karen in VA - that is the same as our provincial exams. Same years as well too I believe.

    Katla - that was a great fix, better than a new phone.

    Katie - Hugs

    Sharon - I would love to visit you on your sun porch and just listen to you telling me your life story.

    Heather - you look so happy and ready to swing! Have fun.

    I am about to get dressed and ready to go to Calgary for the shower. Had a late night (130 am) crafting for the bachelorette. Couldn’t sleep in, woke up at 745 for the third time so got up.
    I can’t wait to see Kaitlyn’s face at the bachelorette she truly appreciates the little things and her Maid of Honor is giving her a piece of her heart.

    I will probably be way behind tomorrow when I get a chance to check in.

    Tracey In Edmonton

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all,

    Pip – Thank you for your story. Explains a few shorter comments you’ve made in past years. Toughest person I know that I haven’t met yet.

    And to share a little joy with y'all... I woke up with energy this morning for the first time in months. Small victory. I think I'll go clean something. :smiley:

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR

    thanks.. that means a lot..I wish I had the patience to type a lot more of my story... if you think I'm strong now, you really would be blown away :0)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    Rebecca - GORGEOUS Athena Rose. <3<3
    I bet you can't wait to get your hands on her.!!!!

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Rebecca - GORGEOUS Athena Rose. <3<3
    I bet you can't wait to get your hands on her.!!!!

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX

    It is a new feeling to be so in love with a baby, you haven't met yet! I get teary eyed just typing that. Soon!

    Looks like you had a ball at the dance! Your outfit was awesome! We attended a swing dance many years ago. My husband wore his double breasted suit, with a fedora hat. I need to find that pic.
    The venue you attended your dance in was grand as well. Such fun!