

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Tracey – while I was out, Denise called me wondering where I was. Then she said mentioned how I’ve been alone so much. I apologized for yesterday saying that I should probably have asked if she needed help. I know how scary it can be. Later I’ll tell her that giving a bath does not even come close to the scardness of cutting his nails for the first time. I remember how I felt. If I cut too low, she’ll (jess) start bleeding and I don’t want to do that. Plus, her fingers sometimes would curl around my finger. Good for you swimming in the deep end

    I was very surprised that the first store I went to didn't have a pizza wheel. They had lots of gadgets but no pizza wheel. But there was a kitchen store next door that had one

    Michele who found a pizza wheel.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    NYKaren-Sounds like a great time was had by all. What a neat experince for everyone.

    Barbie--Love the picture, thanks for sharing.

    Pip-Thanks for sharing your story. Sounds like Kirby was right where he was to be at that time.

    Lanette--I answer phones all day at work and when I am home I let it ring unless it is someone I REALLY need or want to talk to.

    Mary--Prayers for you and Linda.

    Katla--Happy Birthday to DH, the cake does sound good.

    Beth--Glad the surgery went well and pray DS does well with recovery.

    Rori-I hve never heard of a cane that can be a stool. That could come in handi, let me know what you find out and where to get one.

    Tracey- I agree with Heather, you should sell your projects. Looks so good.

    Katiebug-Hugs. I know it seems like this year I have been to so many funerals and visitstions. It makes me sad to think I know more people that have passed then I do alive.

    Michele- I agree that they are not being fair. Hugs!

    Lisa-I hope you feel better soon.

    Well ladies I have gone on long enough. I have the weekend off and planning a motorcycle ride Sunday with our group.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Good News! The physical therapist told me today that I will probably be finished at the end of the next two sessions. I will be so glad. Still having trouble going down/up steps using the replaced knee. But, will do exercises to strengthen. Hoping to get up the courage to see about joining the gym near me that has the Silver Sneakers program and equipment that might help.

    I seem to have lost 7 lbs since my surgery. :) I hope I don't gain it back.

    DH's brother and his wife are driving up from South Florida on Monday, so, we have been trying to clean up the house a bit. They will be visiting her elderly sisters and our brother-in-law who we got into a memory care facility this week. He hates it there so I don't know what we will end up doing. My husband plans to get his house in condition that he might can go home, but, I am sure he doesn't need to be there by himself.

    Allie ~ I hope you will enjoy the Joyce Myers meetings and that you will find someone in your hotel to share the experience with.

    Michele ~ Safe travels home. I guess Denise did not go shopping with you, but, at least she must have finally realized that they had left you alone to much. Young people are single minded and sometimes not considerate at all.

    Tracey ~ I agree with everyone else who has said that you should start selling those crafts. Have you ever tried Etsy?
    I used to sell vintage jewelry there and on eBay before the market became so glutted with the jewelry.

    We are going to my grand daughter's hip hop recital tomorrow. It will be sunny and glad to have something to do as the weekend days always seem so long.

    Carol in GA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2019

    Carol Awesome news about your knee progress!

    Vicki I know how busy you are at work. ((Hugs))

    Michele Are you packed? Car full of gas? Air in the tires? Snacks & drinks for the road? :)

    Tracey SOLs = Standards of Learning.
    Public schools in the USA have to prove, through testing, that their students are proficient in certain areas of study in order to be accountable to the Federal government and to remain accredited. Students can opt out of all but 5 SOL tests, I believe, although the schools don't advertise that, and let students and parents believe they are mandatory. The tests are given in elementary, middle, and high school, but I think the only 5 that are required to graduate from high school are the end-of-course SOLs for high school level math, science, history/social studies, English, & foreign language/fine arts.

    We would have opted my grandson out of SOL testing if he was still attending brick & mortar school, but for online school re-enrollment, SOL testing is mandatory, so he took SOL tests last year to get into online school and this year to be able to stay enrolled.

    Machka I met the kitties this morning and I am in love. The mama cat is a purr monster, & the little guy barely has his eyes open, but is already so playful.

    Allie ((Hugs))


    Grandson made it through Math SOLs this morning, and seemed really relaxed & calm afterwards. I had decided not to ask him anything about the test, but it didn't take him long to offer that he thought he had done pretty well. I am so proud of him. He doesn't think he did quite as well on the Language Arts SOL last week, but I'm sure he did fine. He has his final SOL next week in Civics & Economics, then iReady benchmark tests on his computer at home, and then he will have completed all of his work for the year! 3 weeks ahead of time! In the meantime, I am reading a creepy book to him and he loves it, so I will probably just keep reading the books in that series out loud every day while he configures cars for his virtual garage. He used to read voraciously, and I am trying to get him back into reading books, so he can read this summer instead of spending so much time on screens. :D

    Work Wednesday night was one of the busiest, most difficult work shifts I have ever had. Didn't get home until after MN, didn't sleep well Wed night or last night. Now I have a headache. I ate leftover salmon and Caesar salad for lunch, and now I might just take a nap.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen in VA: SOL as Standards of Learning make sense. We use those letters for bad luck. :ohwell:

    Michele: Loving and spoiling PJ while mom and dad are out is an excellent plan. Enjoy every minute of it! :heart:

    I was having trouble with my iphone and went into an apple store because the phone was down to the red zone and didn’t charge at home. I spent quite a while at the apple store at Washington Square Mall. They checked out the phone. Its only problem was that it wasn't charged, so I stood there charging my iphone for quite a while. I must have a bad cord at home and I think it is the one by my bed, so I bought new cords. Now I can replace any cord that doesn’t work as it should. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »

    We are going to my grand daughter's hip hop recital tomorrow. It will be sunny and glad to have something to do as the weekend days always seem so long.

    Carol in GA

    It’s not at Hilgrove HS, by any chance, is it? My granddaughter has a hip hop recital tomorrow, too.

    After two funerals today, I’m looking forward to something fun tomorrow.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    ": Loving and spoiling PJ while mom and dad are out is an excellent plan. Enjoy every minute of it! :heart:" I think I just died and went to heaven!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.23min, 12.8amph, 123mhr, 1.57mi= 64c
    apple watch- 61c
    ELIPTICAL- 30min, 133mhr, 107ahr, 4160steps, 10incl, 5-9resist, 2.93mi= 196c
    apple watch- 231c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 4.59min, 17.7amph, 118mhr, 1.47mi= 55c
    apple watch- 41c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 14.57min, 12.2amph, 139mhr,3.04mi= 131c
    apple watch- 107c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 4.55min, 131ahr, 145mhr, 9.32min mi.51mi= 64c
    apple watch- 56c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 139mhr, 4.06min, 8.56min mi, ..45mi= 65c
    apple watch- 51c
    bike ride dome 2 hm - windy 19.52min, 144mhr, 7.9amph, 2.61mi= 220c
    apple watch- 149c

    total 795
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Aarghhh! Going to have to buy new refrigerator. Anybody have a recommendation?
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning all! Happy Friday! I don't have Trentin this weekend! Woo-hoo! So...this weekend will be filled with yard work and mowing the back yard. I also need to get my playhouse and picnic table taken apart and moved outside, then put back together. I think I will have Colin do the playhouse and picnic table job. We will see. It rained last weekend and I couldn't have a fire in the fire pit and do s'mores with Trentin, so maybe we will try to do that tonight. No s'mores for me, though. I splurged last night and ordered a pizza with cheese, red onion and mushroom on half and yes, I ate all four slices (1/2 the pizza). It was a 12 inch (thank goodness I didn't order a bigger one). I also had a Mike's Hard Black Cherry. So naughty, but so enjoyable as I ate and watched about four episodes of Grace and Frankie. Love that show! Lily Tomlin kills me.
    Pip- I am a firm believer that people are put into our lives at the right time and for a reason. Kirby was there for you at that time; just as your boss was, as well,( and most likely) a catalyst in putting you onto "Kirby's path" quickly and decisively.
    Barbie- LoveLoVeLOVE that pic of you and Jake! Where was that taken? Looks like a vacation pic. Seeing you with your dark hair is neat. It brings it full circle, because I immediately can see you with your gray/white hair. Just as beautiful. Same face. I know we all change, so to say "you haven't changed" would not be right; but ... you haven't changed! lol
    Tracey- You are doing amazing work with your crafting! So many different things you are doing! That cup. Um...is the saying supposed to be a little naughty? Or is that just where my mind is going? lol I know it is talking about coffee (or tea) but it is a very vague phrase; and with the word "swallow" hidden on the bottom... I think I might want one of these. lol >:)
    Rebecca- I met Tim when we were 14, at the mall. My friend asked me to go to the mall with her to meet a boy that she liked (Tim). Well, I don't think I said two words to him. I thought he was gorgeous and felt awkward and ugly and like a third wheel. I went home and told my mom I met the boy I was going to marry. She thought that was funny. He called me 30 minutes after I got home. Found my phone number in the phone book (after calling a few other folks with the same last name in the area, finally called the right house). Lost a friend-gained a boyfriend/husband (many years later). Some things are meant to be.
    Lisa- Glad you are feeling better!
    Heather- 8k!! I see a half marathon in your future!

    Well, time to fly. My little potty trainee is here. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Awe cute story, yep some thing's you just know. I remember going out with my girlfriend, and guys would ask me out. Nope, I have a boyfriend! Oh where is he, he's out to sea. They all thought I was nuts. My aunt told me, when he comes home from being out to sea, I had to take him to a doctor! You know because sailors have DISEASES! Um, thanks auntie for that piece of info!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,227 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Good News! The physical therapist told me today that I will probably be finished at the end of the next two sessions. I will be so glad. Still having trouble going down/up steps using the replaced knee. But, will do exercises to strengthen. Hoping to get up the courage to see about joining the gym near me that has the Silver Sneakers program and equipment that might help.

    I seem to have lost 7 lbs since my surgery. :) I hope I don't gain it back.

    Carol in GA


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    DrKatiebug, im being faced with similar things - hearing of acquaintances, mostly, or relatives of in-laws, etc. it just seems like at the end of winter there’s a spate of these. Once summer begins it seems to improve. The ones that devastate me, even though I may not know them, are when someone of my daughters’ or grandchildren’s age gas a serious health crisis or dies. That hits too close to the horrid fear most parents live with - and the correlate thought “Thanks heaven it wasn’t mine!” which horrify me, but I know is instinctual.

    kellymlowder - you’re very welcome here. We’re a very chatty bunch, but just pop in with questions, comments, or whatever is crossing your mind. Please give us a name and locale, so we can keep you separate in our minds from other Kellys.

    Machka, do think about volunteering at a shelter or rescue organization. There are so many kitties who just need a temporary person to keep the loving spirit alive in them. Or who just need touch, just the same as we do.

    Ginny, I held my brother as he died from liver cancer much too young. He wasn't even 59 yet. He'd gotten out of hard drugs years before but Hep B and C - he wasn't a good candidate for the treatment they had then. Depression problems even before treatment. I was hokdingy husband as he went. Later, after the girls went to bed, I crawled in beside his body and cradled and crooned and cried for him until the undertakers arrived a couple of hours later. It was so healing! He never did feel cold or stiff. I could tell him things I never did tell him. He had real problems hearing love talk. So it was my chance to tell him how happy the times he'd written a poem for me or made a special trip to get flowers just because or fixed my salad before work every night meant that he lived me just as much as I loved him! I think his death gave me back happiness with him in ways I hadn't had it for the last 6 months. He was not happy being taken care of. He lived to give care, and was embarrassed to take it. Being born in 1929 to a poor family with an alcoholic father and an emotionally abusive mother was something he never fully recovered from.

    Allie! I'm so delighted for you! What a special chance! I hope tomorrow is wonderful too, especially since you get to take back memories and MIRE.

    Machka, you and your DH clean up very nicely, as the expression goes. Don't you live to dress a bit now and then?

    Sharon, Undressed, Near Sesttle
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    ✔️ 1. weighed in 59;(weight back up!)
    X 2. tracked yesterday
    ✔️3. 30 min exercise yesterday
    ✔️ 4. five minutes meditation yesterday
    ✔️5.Spend at least 2h on long term writing project yesterday
    x 6.produce at least 10-finished pages per day average long term yesterday(from May 13 to May19 )
    X7. Take care of at least one shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count)
    ✔️8. At least 15 min cleaning
    ✔️ 9. At least 15 min filing/paperwork
    X[/b10.average 1100 calories net

    • Overall Feeling : discouraged
    • Tracking yesterday : not at end of day
    • Exercis yesterday :little walk and cleaning
    • 1100 calories net average yesterday :no, went over
    • Long term writing 2h: meeting with teacher
    • produce at least 10-finished pages per day average long term project yesterday(from May 13 to May19 ) yesterday : no
    • Short term writing/admin :no
    • Bright Spots : slept ok
    Grateful :
    1. ok night's sleep
    2.comfy bed