

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Karen in VA, I have been meaning to ask you about the LG frig. Sorry to hear that you are still having trouble with it. It was just a lemon. :s Hope you will be able to replace it with a new frig at some point. Do not get another LG or Samsung as I have read that they are very difficult to get parts for.

    Allie, you've been given good advice by others. Good thoughts for you and continue to wish for a better job.

    Heather, when my DH was doing the 4 day antique shows, I felt just like you are feeling now with the cricket matches. It is just good to know that there is another human in the house even if you are both in other rooms doing different things much of the time.

    Carol in GA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Allie I second the other comments. As hard as it is keep looking for something else while you have your job. Having a job can make it easier to find another. If you are working 20 hours it gives you time to find something else. If he fires you then you can more than likely file for unemployment. If you quit you more than likely you cannot. I would be careful about threatening law suits too. Again that might make it harder to find something else.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    last 3 days, no gym workout, just riding to sumner instead.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,812 Member
    Lisa - You described perfectly what I am going through using a DOS program at work! You just said it in a much more colourful way than I would have. Thanks for the laugh!

    Sharon - Thank you, they are quite happy, they have been together for 10 years and this day was a long time coming.

    Karen in VA - I can't believe the issues you have had with that fridge! LG is not an inexpensive product but it sounds cheap from the troubles you have had. I hope that they come good for it for you. Lilliana Belle what a pretty name.

    Evelyn - My hubby gets under my feet when I clean too, but I don't think a cat would be much better LOL Maybe we need to build a women's only retirement community. Rosalie is such a pretty name too. A lot of the older names are coming back into style now. I like that much more than some of the made up names over the last few years.

    Terri - It sure feels different learning a whole new industry after all of the wedding planning. I am feeling quite lost at home as I don't have any projects on the go and feel rather lazy about it. I may give it another few days and then start thinking about some Christmas projects as it will be here before I know it.

    Kate in UK - I have been struggling controlling my eating as well, I'm not sure why and hope that since the company has gone and things have calmed down I can get back on track.

    Allie - I wish you great success today talking to the doctor.

    Was up early and thought I had time to get caught up before going to work, but guess not. I will check in again this evening. On page 52.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Allie, I'm sure that there are a lot of spiritual principles you've learned from Joyce that will help you approach your current job with an attitude of gratitude and a feeling of usefulness. Also reread everything that the others have said about approaching your boss.
    <3 Barbie
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,583 Member
    Allie I second the other comments. As hard as it is keep looking for something else while you have your job. Having a job can make it easier to find another. If you are working 20 hours it gives you time to find something else. If he fires you then you can more than likely file for unemployment. If you quit you more than likely you cannot. I would be careful about threatening law suits too. Again that might make it harder to find something else.

    Here's another thing to check. Are part time employees eligible for unemployment? I tried to research it, but the articles only talked about working part time while receiving benefits and moving from full time to part time and being eligible for partial benefits.

    Find a job before quitting a job is important,I think.

    Good luck, Allie.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    Her class in Toddler relationships while abroad came in handy last night.They had a conversation tailored to him.Sounded like he was talking about the Aquaman movie as her job lol 😂.

    JR - Where you goes?
    D-I'm in a Special Magical Place
    JR-Why?? Why? Why's you no there?
    D - I go here to fight the bad guys to keep everyone safe including you
    JR- Supershero?
    Me-Yes she a superhero 🦸‍♀️
    D-(caught off guard) guess I'm a superhero then
    JR -What's you Powers?
    D -Brains
    Me- she's super smart like some superheroes she has the circles coming from her head when she thinks.
    JR- Ooooh KOOL!
    Does she have shoes 👞?
    D-Yes I wear shoes
    JR -What shoes? Water shoes?
    D- No land shoes
    Me-Black shiny shoes their for boats
    JR-Do you get a Wet Suit???
    D-No I'm on boats not in the water
    JR -Do you get swimming shoes?
    D y me-No just shiny shoes
    JR- Wet suit you wear wet suit?
    D-No wet suit
    JR- oh okay you pow pow bads guys get wet suit.
    D- okay I'll ask for a wet suit
    JR-Yes Yes So you can fight bad guys in the waters.
    Me-Think he's thinking of the aquaman movie you watched with him before you left.
    JR-Green wet suit you get. Then he said night night started rubbing his eyes y crying to go to bed.
    So his sister is Aqua-man superhero now lol

    Amber Tx

    Hurt my back lifting JR again heard the breast bone to back pop .Not the 1st or last time just got to watch,rest,y Tylenol it for awhile.My Cousin hurt her back too but lifting the dog it got hyper while picking it up wrenched her back.Lol we joked JR/her dog are one in the same.JR y her dog squeal at each other while we’re on the phone then they do the same things lol. Think they got a collaboration going on.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Another idea - when you get resume created, why not post it here and let the fabulous writers on this board proofread and tweak it :)

    SW WA State

    In a private message or maybe our group ... not here in this thread.

    Way too much personal information in a CV for it to be broadcast to the general public. Remember, everything here is searchable and accessible by anyone.

    Machka in Oz
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Allie I second the other comments. As hard as it is keep looking for something else while you have your job. Having a job can make it easier to find another. If you are working 20 hours it gives you time to find something else. If he fires you then you can more than likely file for unemployment. If you quit you more than likely you cannot. I would be careful about threatening law suits too. Again that might make it harder to find something else.

    Here's another thing to check. Are part time employees eligible for unemployment? I tried to research it, but the articles only talked about working part time while receiving benefits and moving from full time to part time and being eligible for partial benefits.

    Find a job before quitting a job is important,I think.

    Good luck, Allie.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    Good point on part time and Unemployment Felicia! I didn’t remember she was officially part time.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,114 Member
    I am just relaxed waiting for lunchtime. Good luck to those looking for better jobs. The work market has gotten so harsh. Sad that bosses can't play nice.

    I am trying to eat under my 1200 so the average comes out at 1200 after my weekend splurge. This upcoming weekend is my brother's funeral. That is bound to involve lots of food again. Always a challenge. Maybe it is petty of me to be counting calories the weekend of a funeral, but I guess I have my priorities.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Allie I second the other comments. As hard as it is keep looking for something else while you have your job. Having a job can make it easier to find another. If you are working 20 hours it gives you time to find something else. If he fires you then you can more than likely file for unemployment. If you quit you more than likely you cannot. I would be careful about threatening law suits too. Again that might make it harder to find something else.

    Here's another thing to check. Are part time employees eligible for unemployment? I tried to research it, but the articles only talked about working part time while receiving benefits and moving from full time to part time and being eligible for partial benefits.

    Find a job before quitting a job is important,I think.

    Good luck, Allie.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    Felicia - your post spiked my curiosity, so I checked WA State unemployment benefit rules. They have a nifty calculator. Benefits here are based on a formula taking into account the past year or so's quarterly earnings, full time or part time makes no difference. Looks like in most cases, the weekly benefit will be around half what the regular income was, unless you were a high earner (then it's considerably less!), and it's subject to FIT of course.


  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Annie- Don’t worry about it a lot of us do to gastric bypass, surgeries,health issues,y needing to get down for better health have to count calories or watch what we grab no matter the event. Can even do what a friend of mine did he carried a Tupperware in his bag (manpurse) to put on a plate at events when he sat down.He had gastric even tho family members didn’t understand he had to measure so worked for him. I grab a protein reasonable portion a lot of veggies to fruit.Skip breads to desserts y drinks. Stick with water. Can add it up after or under the table then skip something on your plate if need be.
    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Annie- Don’t worry about it a lot of us do to gastric bypass, surgeries,health issues,y needing to get down for better health have to count calories or watch what we grab no matter the event. Can even do what a friend of mine did he carried a Tupperware in his bag (manpurse) to put on a plate at events when he sat down.He had gastric even tho family members didn’t understand he had to measure so worked for him. I grab a protein reasonable portion a lot of veggies to fruit.Skip breads to desserts y drinks. Stick with water. Can add it up after or under the table then skip something on your plate if need be.
    Amber Tx
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2019
    Lanette wrote "Janetr - wow, tremendous Monday Fitbit stats! My Fitbit would catch on fire if I logged that many steps in one day, lol."

    Thanks, 3 miles came from my treadmill workout. My daughter say as I'm addicted. Before having my knees replaced I pretty much gave it up, since knee surgery I started slowly and worked up speed and length of time walking. For my 5'2" frame, 3 miles in 45 minutes is a hustle. I love it.

    Janetr OKC
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Janet ~ Do your knees not bother you when you walk that far and when you do the kettle squats?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Janet ~ Do your knees not bother you when you walk that far and when you do the kettle squats?

    Yes, Carol, they do hurt, sometimes worse than others. At least not excruciating pain like they did before replacement. I have to say I've never been completely pain free since the replacements which has been pretty disappointing. I do use knee braces when on the treadmill, which helps. I had to start out very slowly and for a very short time, its taken several years to get here. Right knee was January 2015, left, September of 2015.

    Janetr OKC