Women 200lb+, Let's Make No Excuses This November!!!



  • stefsc1
    stefsc1 Posts: 77 Member
    edited November 2019
    zericksen wrote: »
    Good Morning! i have enjoyed reading everyone's post. I am curious what is your go to breakfast? I do best when I eat a high protein breakfast. My go to is either scrambled eggs w/fresh spinach, hard boiled egg or protein drink. I am looking for some variety, any ideas?

    I absolutely live for Belvita brand bars! The soft oat bars, and the crispy cracker 4-packs. I have them constantly, in a wide range of flavors. Each pack is 200-230 calories, and it's a really quick easy thing to grab in the morning. I feel a need to eat SOMETHING in the morning, but don't have a large appetite at all. If I do feel a little more hungry, I'll just grab a second pack! I also find that on days when I've eaten a large breakfast, I feel like I have no calories left for lunch or dinner, so for me it's a better choice to keep breakfast small.

    My other go-to is overnight oats! Just throw the ingredients together before I go to bed, and my breakfast is ready for me in the morning. My choices are pretty carb-heavy, haha. Several days a week I wake up at 4am, to be at work by 5:20, so I really just need something quick and palatable at that hour, and for me that's carbs! :p The Belvita bars do have a 'protein' line though, with 10g of protein per bar. I've found it's a bigger gamble on good flavors for those ones, but the blueberry almond flavor was pretty good!
  • aliciap0116
    aliciap0116 Posts: 231 Member
    @stefsc1 congrats on the shopping trip - that is huge progress and how rewarding!!!

    @zericksen, I have three go-to breakfasts. My preference is to save my calories for lunch and dinner but these all keep me full and happy.

    Oatmeal - 1/2 rolled oats, 1 cup water, some cinnamon and vanilla. microwave 2 minutes. Stir in about 2 Tbs of almond milk, 1 TBs hemp seeds and flax seeds for textures and nuttiness. Then I add 1 cup fresh fruit - cut up apple, strawberries, blueberries or blackberries (cook frozen berries with oatmeal and add a minute or so longer)

    Yogurt - 1-1/4 cup plain not fat yogurt with a tsp of honey and cup of fresh fruit. Sometimes I add about 1/4 cup Purely Elizabeth chocolate sea salt or pumpkin granola on top for texture. Those granolas are expensive but the flavors go a long way!

    Egg frittata - this makes six servings - 6 eggs, one can black beans, 1/2 cup non fat cheese, and a few shakes of season salt. I start this on the stove and finish it in the oven. Keeps great and I add salsa to eat. I have also done it with beans and canned corn and it is good too; just takes longer to cook.

  • marthaaustin74
    marthaaustin74 Posts: 28 Member
    Good job!!! I love posts like this because we are almost the same size and you’re absolutely gorgeous!
  • sharpdust
    sharpdust Posts: 105 Member
    @zeriksen I have not been eating bfast at all for the most part. I never really did and don’t find myself hungry so early in the day. One the rare occasion I am, I have yogurt and granola at work as an emergency snack so I can have some of that.

    I try to intermittent fast and eat between 11-7 so this works with skipping bfast. May not be for everyone but works for me
  • marthaaustin74
    marthaaustin74 Posts: 28 Member
    sharpdust wrote: »
    @zeriksen I have not been eating bfast at all for the most part. I never really did and don’t find myself hungry so early in the day. One the rare occasion I am, I have yogurt and granola at work as an emergency snack so I can have some of that.

    I try to intermittent fast and eat between 11-7 so this works with skipping bfast. May not be for everyone but works for me

    Have you lost weight by doing this?
  • savannahs21
    savannahs21 Posts: 364 Member
    11/11/19 weight: 213.8

    My goals for the rest of the month is to only eat when i'm hungry.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    @bluffgirl67 I would definitely get that bad boy out of storage. Give it a few months before you decide if you love it or not, but any new workouts you can do would be great to change things up. And it's free!!!
  • cinm2014
    cinm2014 Posts: 15 Member
    I started the Keto diet about three weeks ago. A couple of days ago I was feeling really bloated, full, and constipated. I decided to try fasting for a full day to see if that would help. I don't know if the scale is right, but I dropped 6 pounds! in a couple of days! Maybe it had to do something with the fast (I only drank water morning to morning and took a Keto supplement before bed)?

    Has anyone else had this experience? I want to know I'm not crazy. :smile: On my way to my goal weight.

    Height: 5" 2"
    SW: 274 (Some of the loss was before I started Ketoing)
    CW: 254
    GW: 180
  • amlundie
    amlundie Posts: 53 Member
    I hit my monthly goal of 15m sessions on the elliptical. So today I changed my exercises goals to reflect that with 4 (15m) weekly workouts. Considering I started on Oct 10 and was struggling with my then 5m goal I'm super happy.

    Question: My fil bought a total gym a few years before he died even though he was in no shape at all to use it. It is brand new except for dust and stored away. I know it isn't designed for true body building but would it be worth bringing out of storage for the toning type stuff I do? Right now I have my elliptical, #3 dumbbells, and youtube for my workouts. I can't use any heavier dumbbells esp with my left arm due to nerve damage from a fall. I just don't want to drag it out if there isn't going to be any benefit over what I already have.

    absolutely pull i tout of storage, it definitely has benefits and will help you build strength.
  • sharpdust
    sharpdust Posts: 105 Member
    @marthaaustin74 I have had success skipping bfast in the past. I’ve come to learn to listen to my body and eat when I am hungry and I’m just not hungry in the morning so rather save those calories for later when I feel the hunger.

    @bluffgirl67 if you can you should definitely check it out! Would be a great way to spice up your routine

    @fnarrrrrr eating out and not cleaning my plate is a struggle so good job having leftovers.

    @RavenStCloud I like how you formatted your exercise goal/calorie deficit days, I think I’m gonna copy you lol especially because you can see progress even if not meeting the goal. Way to improve, hope you meet all 3 goals this week

    @cinm2014 I’ve done keto in the past and although I don’t know what exactly happened to make you lose 6 pounds, it sounds like keto lol I recall being stalled and then having nice drops for what seems like no reason but its due to the change in eating. Keep it up!
  • cinm2014
    cinm2014 Posts: 15 Member
    @sharpdust That's what I'm experiencing, too, on the Keto diet. Stalling or even gaining a pound and then dropping a lot in one day. Six pounds though was a big surprise!