

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,747 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Night night dear friends
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @fanncy0626 ill look into it. online I saw that for visa infinite whereas I have gold. but why not try?
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,363 Member
    Lisa -congratulations on Levi-he is gorgeous!

    Julie -good job fitting exercise in with the work day. Grading can be draining and doing it in too long a stretch used to make me lose my critical eye.

    Work went well today. Was able to leave a bit after 4:30 and get a workout in at gym and then go to visitation for staff members mother. Arms a bit sore after weights (shows I've been away from them). Nothing hurts, I can just tell I worked out.

    After I got home my face started itching like crazy. No idea why. Had another spell of this a few days ago, but not as severe. Haven't ate anything different. Going to take a benadryl to ease it off. That probably will also help my stuffy nose and ensure a good night's sleep.

    Sorry to hear so many have been hit with the cold/flu or whatever it is going around. Saw on the news where there is a new virus hitting China. Staff at work continue to get sick. In addition to the respiratory thing, lots of step throat also. We are telling people with fevers to stay home-I hope they listen.

    Off to get some rest.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Machka9 cool for the work options.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    @ JRsLateinlifemom Amber- Congratulations! You recognize why you feel like munching. Don't do it unless you have the calories left. Think of something else you could do.....dance to a song, do some jumping jacks, drink some water, have some hot tea, or if calories allow pop some popcorn (low calorie and fiber) I too am munchy tonight, but mine is still low on calories but high on sugars. Nothing sounds good....can't decide if it is sweet, salty, crunchy, or chocolate, so choosing nothing.

    It sucks when our children leave even as adults. YOU can do this!

    Kylia in Ohio
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @ginnytez I had to take mini breaks to get through. I knew this semester would be rough so 1/2 is quick to grade and the other half short essays. has the Benadryl helped?
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Rebecca - Wow how great he responded! and so sad about the penpal friend "dear johning" you - I think that the attitude if we don't agree completely, we can't be in conversation is part of the reason for the divide in America. And for most of us there are tons of things we agree on and just a few that we don't. If we had to agree on everything this forum would not exist. Heck I love black licorice and if we had to have that in common I would have few friends indeed.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Took the extremewpump class today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Bob Harper’s Ultimate Cardio Party DVD.

    Yesterday went better than I expected. Although Vince and I agreed that we’d never do this again, have Christmas 2 weeks after Christmas. Right now I put all the Christmas items (towels, tablecloths, etc) into the washer so that we can put them away. I started making yogurt yesterday and couldn’t understand why my IP didn’t have any pressure. Dhhh…if I’d just looked at my cookbook I would have seen that no pressure is needed. So it should be finished in about ½ an hour, then I’ll put it in the refrigerator to drain. Hope the milk didn’t get too low on the temp. Update: didn't get thick, not sure why. I'm trying again today. If this doesn't get thick, then I'm going to try using full fat milk

    Not going to go to mahjongg tonight. Jess is going to go to ceramics with us tonight and her friend who was here last night, Amanda, said that she was coming. Now will she? Who knows? Update: she did come and said that she'll be coming back

    NYKaren – I’m so sorry about your mother. Think of the many years you had with her. How you feel about her OCD really warmed my heart.

    Well, getting back on track today. I had some corn muffins and last year I would have eaten the last 2 since I feel guilty throwing perfectly good food away. This year I did throw them out. Well…the fact that Jess used the convection cook feature on my oven might have added to it. The muffin was soft on the inside but crispy on the outside. That’s not something I expected. Well, I never use my convection feature. I probably should.

    Found this recipe for this soup for the IP. Something about it being a weight loss soup. Well, I just want to try it anyway.

    Vince said that tomorrow we’ll start taking the outside decorations down. First thing will be the inflatables. I wish somehow we can get the totes that go in the house taken in before we inflate the inflatables in the garage because that really fills up the garage.

    Lisa AR – Congratulations!!!! Levi is so adorable

    Rebecca – I’m so happy for you

    Michele NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :)Rebecca, I'm so glad you heard from your son.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,524 Member
    "Todo"s and "done"
    Done: BBB&B, Post office, make tuna salad, safety hint,
    Bonus: 120 mins sorting, filing and Part B reconcile, 5 mins engagement training both Tumble and Shadow, firehall grant quote.
    to do: invest 10 mins cleaning kitchen/laundry, carryover invest 10 mins, (including dusting) cleaning LR, MBth, Dr. Holley voice mail, call electrician, start taking tree down, call Carolyn, line dance, look at 20 for 20 what can you do and when?
    Cleaning investment flop again today. Tomorrow I will not wait for a moment when Joe’s outside but will find something I can do NOW.

    Frustrated today trying to reconcile Part B invoices. Claims for invoices are mixed across several different Medicare EOB and Medigap Insurance statements, none of which cover the same time period. Grr. Dogs roughhousing, Joe wanting to chat all while I’m waist deep in paper. V. cranky and almost late for BB&B. Was so rushed, left cell phone at home so didn’t get step count for exercise class or shopping. Thankfully hip cooperated, and, funny thing: after BB&B I felt so much better, calmer, happier, not mad at anyone. Go figure ;)

    Welcome Lilylady3k from Texas,
    Lisa Welcome Levi Matthew!
    Ginny in OH, I’ve suddenly become “sensitive” to citrus, buzzing, burning lips and mouth after clementines, grapefruit even navel oranges. Could something that you’ve always used on your face before, be triggering an allergic reaction now?
    Rebecca Halelujah for your son’s contact. As for the penpal who couldn’t maintain a friendship with you because your political views differ, how sadly misguided! I’m sure you had more in common as human women than your political differences. Her loss indeed.
    Kim ditto all you said except about the black licorice. Yuck! :laugh:

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    January: get up and go outside 10 mins EVERY day, even in the rain!
    daily: steps=2375 , vits 5 log=6 CI<CO=6 CI<250<CO=2 Tumble 5/10=4 mfp=6
    wkly: BBBorTC x3=2, rx=1 dance=.2 pack walk=1
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= outside=4
    Bonus AF=2 dog group=1 email list= sew= play=
    2020 phrase: Pay attention! Open ears, eyes, heart.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,899 Member