

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Kyla! I was born and raised a Buckeye! Where are you in Ohio?
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Fun username, welcome! Tell us what you’d like us to call you and an idea of where you live, it helps us relate to you even better. We’re a gossipy bunch, sharing tips, fun and struggles. We’re delighted to have you join us.

    Sharon Near Seattle]
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    @trucker743- you look awesome!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,837 Member
    Wow run around for a day and takes you pages to fill in..so good to see everyone.. I went grocery shopping this morning ,then went with Trudy to a discount store ,then took Alfie to visit a friend if mine and to Tom and Elena's to visit and then home.. geedh I'm pooped.. will catch up in the am
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,753 Member
    stats for the day:

    walking yogi, playing kickball- 21.48min, .41mi= 64c
    treadmill jog- 30.57min, 5.8-7.0speed, 9.59min mi, 5k= 326c
    walking yogi, playing kickball- 10.30min, .43mi= 45c

    total cal 435
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,250 Member
    edited January 2020
    @Machka9 congratulations on your work done and exercise. Do you like dressing up for work?


    I have developed a collection of comfortable dressy clothes, so that helps.

    But about 2 seconds after I'm home, I'm either into exercise clothes (if I'm going to exercise) or as little as decently possible. I spent the last 16 days in comfy shorts, undies and tank top ... and that's one of the reasons I like summer rather than winter. Winter involves too many clothes.

    Ever since I had measles in 2016, and especially with the way my hot flashes are, I find many clothes way too scratchy and irritating. Occasionally I find something that is OK, so I try to get several of them.

    Machka in Oz
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,985 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    Beth – the absolute best comfort food is the food someone else makes, I’m with you.

    Bananas – that’s why Vince keeps all the boxes until he’s satisfied that the item works.

    Well, my neighbor called to say that she wasn’t coming so it was just Jess’ friend, her hubby, her son, and her MIL, Jess, Vince and myself. Vince does NOT want to do this ever again after the holidays. To have to keep all the decorations up for 2 weeks and Denise won’t even come. (I know I’m just talking right now) Denise had better think twice about how she treats us, the only thing she’s entitled to from our will is $1. M – don’t worry, I will cool down in a bit.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Sharon near Seattle – congrats!

    When you make an apple pie, do you slice your apples or leave them in chunks? By chunks I mean like using an apple slicer and then just cutting the apple segments up into maybe 4 pieces.

    Michele NC