

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,197 Member
    edited January 2020
    Machka So…if in 2020 I accomplish anything close to what you accomplished in 2019, I shall be proud, indeed! You have high standards & a determined spirit.

    Thank you ... sometimes I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything, just spinning my wheels.

    This week has been a wheel-spinning week!

    Got to work on Monday, first day after the holiday, got a bunch of documents ready to submit to one of the organisations I do submissions to ... start to submit them, when I got an email. Something had caused their system to crash. I don't think it was my file, but it crashed trying to process my file. So I've got all my files ready to go, but can't submit yet. And I've written most of an instruction manual for that process. But it would have been nicer to be able to tell my supervisor that I had finished the submission.

    And at home ... I'm still not fully unpacked and I'm half done several other jobs. Tonight I was trying and trying to do one of the jobs on my list but just couldn't work it out. Still haven't. But I've done some of the prep work.

    Oh well, it's the first week of the new year. There's time.

    Machka in Oz
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,833 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Languages - What are you all using or have you used to learn a foreign language? I need to get on my goal to learn some Spanish.

    Tina in CA

    I started using Duolingo in January 2018 for about 10 minutes per day. I'm now studying Spanish with Duolingo up to an hour each day. Really increased my ability to read the language, understand if someone is speaking slowly, vocabulary, grammar and some speaking ability. I like Duolingo on the computer more than on my smart phone since it is not a game losing hearts when I mess up and all the advertising. It is FREE ... you do not need to buy it.

    I've also listened to a number of podcasts all FREE:
    * NIS - Notes in Spanish beginners, intermediate, advanced
    * Coffee Break Spanish

    Website: News in SLOW Spanish which has current news reports that you can read as they read them out loud. However, this one does have a fee if you want to use it on a regular basis.

    I receive a new vocabulary word in my email daily :)https://www.spanishdict.com/wordoftheday

    YouTube: Tons of options ... Super Holly is funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J8_JM7Qiss&feature=youtu.be
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    "Todo"s and "done"
    Done: BB&B, Post Office, Farmers’ Market, Freddie’s, 5 mins engagement training Tumble
    to do: invest 10 mins DR, carryover invest 10 mins GuestBth, Dust LR, start taking tree down, Patient Hist form to Dermatologist (also toward med history 20/20), call Carolyn, listen to SuziQ recommended podcast on habits https://www.npr.org/transcripts/787160734

    Not letting myself feel guilty for slipping on cleaning yesterday, instead celebrating 2nd BB&B session. In the past it was exercise that always fell off the plate first. This way is better.

    Heather Admire your ability to listen to utube and pick out your part, envy you your ability to sing, period!
    Machka love the new neurons poster and especially the Future You one.
    Rori ((Hugs)) and bon voyage for your mental Maui mini vacations.
    Karen in VA Vegemite? YUCK! Worse than black licorice but fortunately not as common. Brava for your DIL coping with GS faint/concussion. Scary! Prayers and thanks continue for Josephina Ballerina.
    NYKaren “please note…” so noted! Love the image of an Irish dancing battery re-charger!
    Lisa hoping for productive positive MD appointment. Safe travels.

    Split pea soup, yum, with ham hocks and brown bread. Mostly abstain for same reasons as Heather.

    Holding good thoughts for you all.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    January: get up and go outside 10 mins EVERY day, even in the rain!
    daily: steps=4116, vits 7 log=8 CI<CO=8 CI<250<CO=4 Tumble 5/10=6 mfp=8
    wkly: BBBorTC x3=3, rx=1 dance=1.2 pack walk=1
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= outside=4
    Bonus AF=5 dog group email list= sew= play=
    2020 phrase: Pay attention! Open ears, eyes, heart.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Long hair most of my life, have gone as short as chin length but thinking about going shorter, now and I have ALWAYS dreamed of shaving my head. Wouldn't it be fun to shave it, then let an artist paint a very cool design on it? For extra money, you could rent your head for advertising space! lol

    LMAO! But, what a great second income stream! I could rent my head out at events!! I seriously love the idea.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather Grandson had breakfast but I think he had only a sip of water so that may be a factor. SuziQ - I had to chuckle at your banana suggestion because I totally ruined him for bananas when he was small. He used to love bananas until I gave him a piece of banana not realizing his tummy was getting upset from a stomach virus. He at the banana just before he got sick. He can't stand the sight or smell of bananas since.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Oh dear, you've all got me going on the split pea soup! I bought a ham hock from the butcher when I went out to buy my haggis. :o Then I bought a packet of split green peas. I've got onion, carrot and celery. Watch this space! :D
    I will have to be rigorous about freezing sensible portions. :#

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Now up to page 26. Off to flower arranging for the afternoon.

    Live! Laugh! Learn!
    Now up to page 26. Off to flower arranging for the afternoon.

    Live! Laugh! Learn!

    Please post a pic! I have a class Friday evening. I am looking forward to it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Pip- ouch Vaseline heals bruises faster after you ice it.

    Same weight as yesterday. Found out JR thinks Grover from Seasame Street is a bad kitty cat. Meow 😸. Rather him think that than fear monsters lol.
    Thinking a few of JRs pants are getting tiny again. Not sure tho I still have the bigger sz 5’s mixed in with the 6’s he may be outgrowing some of them.

    Still looking for a paper showing milestones for 3yr olds that’s accurate (I may be looking for 20yrs ago’s not bows in my mind I have no clue what they consider it to be now). JRs computer skills are getting better so new device for him to learn. Their era is technology like Daughters (nothing like ours where phones were strapped to walls). Cousin bought him wood blocks so we can catch up on those skills the LEGO blocks he was limited. Learning 1-20 now so hopefully he catches on fast so we can tackle more.
    He still recognizes letters by name so doing good. Got no clue what toys are his age group so sticking with basics for his birthday to come. Cars to a map 🗺 you push buttons tells you facts. Too hard finding stuff his size range so sticking to things any size can play with.Had enough headache for Christmas. Doctor office measured him wrong so according to them he shrunk since they measured him last lol 😂...his feet were spread apart nurse was in a hurry . I like accurate only for JR but oh well they just don’t do it like they used to at all. I remember chest to back measurements even now guesstimate head,height,weight only y go. Of course the old way took more time but caught things faster. Reading kid articles just confusing me anymore it’s all about neutral toys y clothes to unisex all. I just want to know if sons on the mark with other boys his age group not what neutral colors Hollywood likes today.

    Amber Tx