

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Bubble Bath Day!

    "Bubble baths are created by a layer of surfactant foam on top of water. ... Besides making bubbles, some bubble bath products may be used to wash skin and hair as well. Originally bubble baths were made with soap. Today the substances used to make bubble baths may be liquid, gel, powder, grains, or tablets. By the 1960s, surfactants were mass marketed, and bubble baths were the norm for children."

    Rebecca - What a sweet text from your son - and what a sweet response! Sorry about your pen pal. Sometimes I think people who are deeply entrenched in their views cut people with other views off because they don't want to hear anything that might force them to examine their own beliefs.

    Viv - Decluttering is on my list for this year too. Ultimately we want to sell this house and move to a much smaller one when we're ready to retire. To be honest, for me the problem is less about being too attached to stuff and more about finding the time to deal with getting rid of it. Sometimes I fantasize about calling an estate agent and saying, "Come in here and take it all away!"

    Allie - It definitely sounds like you need a new job with someone who appreciates you! Hope sometimes turns up soon so you can tell Dr. P. to deal with the insurance on his own from now on!

    Terri - Salted licorice? {makes a face} Guess that would be an acquired taste. I'm not that fond of licorice in the first place.

    Heather - You have inspired me to look for a singing group here! I haven't had a group to sing with since I left the women's chorus after we moved, and I miss it.

    Luci - I don't have insurance because we make too much to qualify for federal subsidies but not enough to afford paying the equivalent of a second mortgage for insurance that doesn't cover anything. We're both self employed so we have to pay both the employee and federal shares of Social Security, which doesn't help. Anyhow, we were spending so much on premiums that we didn't have money left over to pay for medical expenses ($12,000 out of pocket before the policy paid). Now we can afford to pay for routine care out of pocket and we joined a healthchare ministry to offset any potential big-ticket expenses. Should one of us have a catastrophic diagnoses we'd be in trouble so I'm just praying we can hang on until we're eligible for Medicare.

    Evie - I hate what the rise of medical tourism says about the state of health care in the U.S. Seems like a problem we should be able to solve, if we only had the will to do it.

    Philip and I are continuing to recover from the respiratory illness we had over the holidays although we're both still coughing a lot. However, cedar pollen counts are at record levels right now so it's hard to tell - we may be recovered and are now just showing allergy symptoms! Whatever it is, I hope it clears up soon because I want to be 100% for our ski trip.

    I met with the contractor who is going to replace our garage yesterday and gave him a down payment, so now we're officially on the clock. We have about two weeks while we're waiting on city permits to get the old garage completely empty and remove anything we want to salvage from it. We're taking a break to go to the beach between now and then, though, so we'll just have to do a little extra before and after the beach trip. We're so excited to get this done as we always have projects going and have been desperately needing a place to work on them. Our old garage is unspeakable.

    While I was packing up the pet supply cabinet I found a set of doggy saddlebags we had for our border collie mix - I set those aside for our vacation, thinking Luna could tote a small amount of water and some doggy snacks while we're out on the crosscountry trails in February.

    Wish I could take a bubble bath! Maybe once the garage is finished we can finally get back to work on the bathroom where the clawfoot tub is going in! Hope you enjoy some bubbles if you've got 'em.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    Rebecca - spilt pea soup is my favorite, my mom makes the best -- but even with her recipe mine never comes out as good.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,118 Member
    I love split pea soup! My ex used to make it thick with just peas water garlic salt and more garlic. My mom adds meat to hers, turkey or ham hock, and onions.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Languages ... I've attended classes at uni and community classes. I've also used Duolingo.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Federal aid insurance, you have to read the fine print because it has to be paid back when you die. They went after my DDil mother’s house after she passed...
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    I came back to write some more. Now y’all have moved on to another yucky food - split pea soup!

    I had some Amazon credits built up so I ordered the Gretchen Rubin decluttering book to add to my collection. I need some new inspiration. Thanks, @barbiecat, for the recommendation.

    Hugs to Carol. I’m so sorry about your dog.

    I think my Silver Sneakers card will let me visit a gym while on vacation, but I don’t think it will let me visit multiple ones on a regular basis. I’m not really sure since that’s not something I’d be inclined to do anyway.

    I love the leopard print shoes and new outfit. Is it Suzi? I can’t remember the name for sure, but you look fantastic!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Well, it’s been nice knowing y’all. It looks like I can’t associate with you anymore. Way too many of you like black licorice! Yuk!

    Just kidding!

    I’ll be back when I have more time.

    I almost cried!💖. Don't leave ussss! Then my brain read just kidding... Phew.😜😁