

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did a Jackie Warner DVD then went for my walk. I switched because I almost forgot that I have a dentist app and I wanted to be sure I got in my walk and had time to cool down. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD

    Tracey – thank you for sharing about the COVID. Makes me feel A LITTLE bit better about going to church Saturday.

    Just got back from the dentist. They were going to give me novacane. I mentioned that I normally don’t take it and, of course, they didn’t give it to me.

    Julie – I do feel that I should honor my commitment to lector at the church. I most likely will be lectoring to a VERY small crowd, which to me is a blessing. I also plan to leave as soon as the lectoring is over, which is usually about 20 minutes into the mass. To be honest, I probably won’t go next week. I would be very concerned if I wasn’t vaccinated.

    Just took Lexi to the vet. She has intestinal issues and it seems to be getting worse.

    Went to the Newcomer lunch then Vince wanted to stop at this one WalMart. Later we needed to go pick up a prescription for Loki, go the vacuum place to get the part, I wanted to stop at Publix, then another WalMart to see about distilled water, then home. I swear, there’s a shortage of distilled water.

    Julie – I bet that the shooting stars that you were able to see were spectacular

    Went for my evening walk. Now cooking some turkey burgers for me. I wanted to get the turkey meat out of the refrigerator, especially if we have to go to FL. I will start to get my sourdough starter revived. Hopefully, I can make some bread Sunday.

    Friday here: Guess I forgot to post yesterday.

    Anyway, did Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD today then went for my walk. The plan for tomorrow is to do Kathy Smith’s Shaper Ball DVD

    kylia – how I wish I was in Ohio to help you out!!! It would certainly be a real shame if son in law quit. What pill is it about the skin cancer?

    Rebecca – glad you had a good trip...even if it was long

    The door is supposed to be in today and then they have to check it out (the door for FL). Then we’ll probably go down to paint it, etc. I called the Y down there. Even tho I’m no longer a member at the Y, I thought maybe I could use their facility while I was there. I called and they said that they verify your membership. Really? Would they lose that much money if someone who wasn’t a member used the facility? Oh well, I see that the place I used last year has a week free trial. I just need to call to get my card activated so I can go earlier. I doubt that’ll be a problem.

    Soup kitchen today. Looks like a nice day so I’ll probably go in the pool when I get back.

    Julie – safe travels

    pip – do you like the bed higher? Some people do, but I remember when we were looking for a new mattress for MIL, there is a kind of box spring that’s about ½ the thickness of a regular box spring.

    Michele NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    Kelly I am not one to visit a doctor very often. I did get vacine and I did try to go in when I had the wasp stings. I do regularly go to the dentist. I missed a year when I was young and my gums suffered for it. I too had a super high deductible and insurance was super high even with that before medicare.

    You might look into dental clinics tied to a University. Much more reasonable. Dental work can get pricey fast if problems are not caught when they are small.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    HAPPY Friday the 13th!!!

    We have poor air quality this morning. My opinion. There is smoke in the air from fires elsewhere, likely BC. :ohwell: Air Quality information for this morning is good but right near the line. There is an air quality station right across the river from us in Washington State. We had planned to go to the grocery store first thing this morning. Now should be good, but DH isn’t up to it. Air quality is a big factor for him. I prefer first thing in the morning, or after 7pm for shopping.

    Heather & Terri – I didn’t like tapioca pudding, either. I didn’t like the texture in my mouth. I have never eaten it since moving out of my parent’s house to go to college. :noway:

    I am planning to go to yoga this morning and will probably stay a at home for much of the day, knitting and watching TV. I had a serious problem with the baby blanket so I unravelled the whole mess and started over last evening. I spent happy hours watching TV and knitting.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    Guess what! The gutter man didn't make it. Phone calls, texts, ..... then he showed up on the doorstep to apologise. He is coming tomorrow early he says and he is taking £200 off the price. ;)
    In my opinion, that's the price it should have been in the first place.
    That's why it's usually me who deals with tradesmen, but, as I had given the job to DH I tried my best not to interfere.
    Grateful that we are getting the job done for the right price in the end

    Homemade pizza tonight with green salad. Friday night is wine night. :drinker:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    Its hotter than the shades of hades here ,but I am blessed with AC and a fan and 2 pups so cant ask for much more than that,Tom getting out early and will pick Homer up and will throw a load of laundry in ive been weeding out clothes that I no longer fit in and will rehome those it feels good to get things picked up..
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    lol i love tapioca
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    I am in pizza and wine heaven. :D:p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    the fact that we have talked (written) about tapioca for a week cracks me up! For the longest time my dad told us kids it was elmers glue and fish eyes - mom made it for him as medicine --- I knew it was teasing as my mom would say in that exasperated voice " Stannnn!" But the idea was enough it took years to try it, while he got it all (probably his plan all along)! I do keep some around though as it is the best thickener for berry pie i know.

    Kim in N. California
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Kylia great doctor follow up on gallbladder!! Inside body images are intersting. Thanks about the meds. Ill have to see what docs say. Im not gung jo on asking for longterm meds. Here ive heard to avoid sun between 10 am and 4pm.

    Terry, you re right. My sister brought it up. She had a major accident about a month ago and had said she was feeling lonely and isolated. She lives w spouse, but still. Since she has always been very community family etc oriented i suggested she contact people 1nd welcome visits. Its then that she told me she had been etranged from most family and friends..who at least dont want to visit her unvaccinated. I said its conceivable she want to rethink choices post accident.. also because she lives remotely...she had low risk...but now she has to go to hospitals often enough = crossing a lot of people including sick people.... i didnt put pressure but i put forth various bits of info different than what she had heard... (how that relates to my experience family experience). It is her choice.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2021
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I guess the opinions about tapioca could run the same as opinions about cilantro! :) Some like it and some hate it!

    Carol in GA
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Losing posts!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,030 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    kizanne2 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka “CT scan”?
    Thanks for mentioning about your lymph glands and the Pfizer vac, that explains my reaction. Olympic events? Sleeping, reading, and alphabetizing :laugh:
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    Yes ... I've got a kidney stone in and cyst on my left kidney, and a cyst on my spleen (all left side stuff) ... and a lot of pain on the right side.

    My kidney stones don't show up in ultrasounds but always do on CT scans. It's high up so it won't likely pass for a while.

    We don't know what the right side pain is all about. Everything is testing normal.

    M in Oz

    Right side pain can be gallstone/gallbladder check your symptoms see if it's a match. Or have they looked there?
    Can also be liver.

    Ultrasound and CT scan show nothing wrong on the right side with gallbladder, liver or right kidney.

    Gallbladder was my guess.

    So unless it's something with my gallbladder that doesn't show up in an ultrasound or CT ...

    M in Oz

    mom's gallbladder didn't show any thing wrong in the tests but when they did exploritory-found out it was bad- this was MANY years ago.
    Hope you find out what is wrong and they fix it soon

    As for retirement- dh retired six years ago but went back to his old job part time- he was 52 so too young to fully retire. He gets full pension (his employer has an 85 and out clause that he was a part of) and can work up to 63 hrs a month. If he went over, they would take his pension for the full month so he was always very careful not to go over. As of a year ago May, they lifted the restrictions and he can now work as many hours as he wants- over 92 hrs a month and they consider him full time and they reimburse what they had taken out for his medical. He will work extra hours while they are available but is getting tired of it- working graveyard shifts to limit being around people is his choice.
    For me, I would love to totally retire and financially we could- I only take care of one kid and she starts school this next week so my hours with her are going to be even more limited. I am still working for the tax write offs. For a few years he just said he needed me to keep up the daycare for the write-offs but never said how much. Now that he finally did, I understand and will keep doing it but really am ready to drop this one kid, take a few months off and get a new one, part time, so I can have more time for me and for going up to mom's.
    I have to wait until Ezie leaves today then head up to mom's for the weekend then head home early Monday morning so I can be here when Ezie comes in. Her mom has been off work all week but she has brought her every day as usual, except today, she brought her early. After 40yrs of teaching preschool or doing in home daycare, I am ready for a break- six years with the triplets 55hrs a week starting when they were three months old really wore me out. I miss them but not enough to want to work 55 hrs a week again.

    My bags are packed, raspberries for mom are picked and chilling(her favorite), have gumbo, fish, and lasagna to have for our dinners while I am there. I like cooking for her. She appreciates it.
    It is a working weekend- lots of weeding. She has a wedding to go to tomorrow afternoon so I will be on my own weeding for a while but that is ok- have my MP3 player packed. Looking forward to seeing how all the things I planted on the other trips are growing and spending time with mom.
    Have let a few friends know I will be in town- haven't heard from two and one will be out of town. That is ok- if I get to see any of them, it is a bonus.

    Have a great weekends ladies

    Napa Valley
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,030 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    I guess the opinions about tapioca could run the same as opinions about cilantro! :) Some like it and some hate it!

    Carol in GA

    love both of them. Need to make some fresh pico de gallo on Monday after I get tomatoes from mom. My cilentro is doing amazing but no tomatoes yet- I need to plant more cilentro so it comes on when the tomatoes and jalapenos are ready
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    Had a post and it went poof,oh well
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »

    I realize I will probably get kicked off for bringing some of this up. I'll go back under the radar for now.

    Lanette <3B)

    Don't you dare go back under the radar!! I've missed seeing your posts!!
    Beth near Buffalo
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dear Kelly,

    This list of resources might help.


    It is great that you are keeping an open mind about getting the vaccines and are seeking out reliable information to help you make your decision. It's who you are. A nudge: I will appeal to your altruistic nature. Because Covid-19, original & variant, is perfectly capable of infecting one asymptomatically, rendering one contagious but not ill, one could inadvertently infect a vulnerable other, even with mask-wearing. It is less likely to happen with masking & distancing, but a gap at the side or nose of your mask & the wrong airflow while standing in a grocery line could transmit the virus to someone nearby. And certainly maskless indoor interactions exponentially increase transmission from an asymptomatic-but-infected nose to an other. You will probably never know, of course, that you have harmed someone else, which is why it takes acknowledgement of the possibility and a decision in your own mind of what you are willing to live with. We can't live in the world without harming others, as awful as that sounds. Of course we don't mean to. It is up to each of us to balance potential harm-to-self vs harm-to-others. When I decided to be vaccinated, it was an easy decision because I believe Covid-19 vaccinations benefit me and those I love. The altruistic purpose of protecting "others" was a factor, too, but it wasn't the only reason or even the main reason. If it had been, it might have been easier for me to procrastinate getting the vaccine. Wishing you wisdom in making your decision.

    Love, Karen in Virginia

    This is one of the most thoughtful responses to whether one should vaccinate or not that I have read. Thank you for sharing.
    Beth near Buffalo