

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Usual daily stuff.
    Hi I'm tired again ! not new!
    I was working on writing but it' snot going well today. Mind wandering non-stop almost. After nearly a day thus - I have given up, at least for now.

    My new GP recommended a plant-based thing for helping to sleep. finally the ingredients say mostly valarien (which I already have) and a bit of Hawthorn. I tried taking it and fell asleep maybe at 1am or so- not really progress so far. but I'll keep trying. I'm happy to go for the placebo effect with plants, if need be. I thought Valerian was rather scientifically proven but that doesn't seem to be the case. otherwise he suggested melatonin, which also doesn't seem to be very efficient statistically.

    I did reach my advisor- I wrote to her and called in July, then early this week- no answer. finally I called her assistant who suggested sending an SMS. I wrote - "I dont know if you got my mails and calls from July and this week S. suggested I write an SMS so here goes." plus I asked S to tell her I called. and finally my advisor called. 2 months later... Better to talk. I had to tell her I had medial issues which slowed my work. I read my doctor's not to her but she said it won't be considered serious enough - so I'll have to have sick leave - to justify prolongation. She said the commission to ask for extra time already took place in June. I didn't think I'd need the extra time in June but also I thought that they would notify us about the commission before having it.
    I'm behind but with COVID etc, we get a bit of extra time. I'm ready to be done with this. But I need Better focus days than today. August was dead quiet and people were not around and I was more concentrated. Now with the business of back to school period - even if I have time off for writing - is distracting.... meeting a rather good friend for dinner this evening - but my motivation is medium !

    I tend to be a bit of a homebody...

    feel sleepy too from falling asleep late.


    She had said It was 100% covered but then afterwards was going to have me pay for it (whereas I don't have to pay in 100% coverage! Then gave me a form to ASK the insurance if it's covered. And seemed to say in her experience this laser is most efficient at this point (which I later found doc to corroborate), but that most of her colleagues would say it's too early for laser. So basically she was saying it was covered was going to charge me 120 euros that was very likely not reimbursed....

    Anyway. Trying to rest to at least enjoy dinner out this evening...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather – Congrats to your DH for getting a decent night’s sleep and is feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    Terri – Your switch from “goals” to aims or habits makes very good sense to me. It is an excellent idea. :star: I discarded loads of paper items when I retired from teaching. I kept one teacher’s text book and thousands of good memories of students and fellow teachers. :star:

    It is currently 56 degrees Fahrenheit here and is expected to reach 75 F later in the day. Fall will officially arrive here on September 22. It is almost here. We are looking forward to travelling to VA to help with our grandson while his mom and dad are off to have a new baby. The challenge is air travel with many strangers. We are both double vaccinated against CoVid but would be more comfortable if we can get the third vaccination before we go across the country by air. Shared air on an hours long flight is worrisome. My doctor has suggested that we talk this over with the pharmacist who administered our first two Pfizer vaccinations. I hope to get that visit and an appointment for a consultation done later today. .

    I am building a to-do list for the day. My first task was to brew coffee. Done. I want to go to Walgreens to talk to the pharmacist about safe air travel for our trip to Virginia later this fall. We would both like to get our third Pfizer vaccinations, as well as flu-shots, before we get onto a jet along with many strangers.

    Coffee with DH calls. :smiley:

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Enjoying reading all the post but haven't much to say!
    Welcome to our new posters.
    Healing thoughts to those in need.
    Blessings to all!

    Carol in GA <3
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,039 Member
    Kelly- congratulations-getting a large family daycare license is on thing I never wanted to do.6-8 was plenty for me. Our house is not big enough for more than that. It was a bit much when I had 8. I am so glad I now am license exempt and just deal with one family and not with the licensing here. There visits were always unannounced and always took two hours. Even when I thought everything was fine, they always found some thing and tended to come during nap time so no nap for any of the kids. The worst one was when I had the triplets here. I know we are not supposed to have exersaucers but I had a letter from the doctor for each of the triplets stating that he wanted me to have them and use them for the little ones to help with their muscles as they were preemies- NOPE-letters didn't matter. Got a class A violation, posted on my front door, had to send him pictures of the exersaucers in the shed and a picture of the lock on the shed by 5pm that day. I then had to tell all the daycare parents about the violation and have them sign that they were aware of it. Parents were very understanding except the triplets parents- I had just bought the extra two(first one I had for my son which I found out at another visit I couldn't have in the house during daycare hours, even if it was for my own son). Their parents wanted to follow the doctors orders.
    I hope your workers are better than the ones I have dealt with down here.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    Beth--Pray you get good news at the orthopedic doctor today. Baby steps and you are getting there.

    I am feeling rough today, but have no one to cover so at work. It's a 12 hour shift and I am praying it does not drag on. Taking motrin every 3 hours. DH tells me his left eye and teeth or numb. But we are not letting it keep us down. I am off the weekend and tomorrow we are meeting my brother at the family cemetary and place the marker for my nephew. Then I will just have to arrange a date for the burial and let the rest of the family know. I will feel so much better when this is all done.

    I am not sure what is going on with the strange dreams. This morning it was my dad (gone 18 years) and my DSIL that passed from ALS almost 3 years ago. Rest of famiy was in it too. We all moved into a motel for a year and could travel anywhere free. It was something my dad's wife won. Woke up just feeling werid.

    Drkatie--Prayers for you SIL and brother.

    Tracey--What great memories for you and your grandson. I love his puggerton band. Sounds like that lego store has great customer service.

    Lisa--Hugs, have missed you.

    RitaRV--Sending hugs and prayers.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND NE <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    My car had an oil leak after we had it serviced. We took it back in for repair at no cost and the car is doing well. The car is now working as it should. I am working to clean up the oil where the car was parked.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member

    Did a Boot DVD then went for my walk. The plan for tomorrow is to do Denise Austin’s Boot Camp DVD

    Went to the dermatologist. Everything’s fine. I do have a skin tag on my back and I wondered if it could ever turn into cancer, he said it couldn’t. They could surgically remove it, but it’s not bothering me so I really can’t see the need, at least not yet.

    Terry – let’s put (the mermaid) it this way. I have it at the rec center to paint. They turn it around...lol I’ll post a pic of it in bisque. I think we’re going there Monday evening. I love going food shopping early in the day. You’re right, it isn’t busy which means that you can check out faster. For the most part, the shelves are stocked. But I especially like the not busy part.

    Covid restrictions. I absolutely hated not being with people. I missed certain things – ceramics, the gym. But there were other parts that I enjoyed. Not having commitments (except to the soup kitchen). At least the Salvation Army was open so when I cleaned, I could make donations.

    Vince took Loki to get shaved. He has a lot of mats. So right now Vince went back to sleep. I was wondering where he was!

    Sharon – you’ll get lots of support here.

    Tracey – I’m wondering if my hip has anything to do with the fact that I took spinning Wednesday. I adjusted my seat and looked in the mirror. It did look like my legs were at 90 degrees. Maybe they weren’t?

    Volunteered at the soup kitchen then at the Green Room.

    Katla – we’ve always found putting cat litter on oil helps soak it up.

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    Well Alfie and I are in bed ,not going to sleep yet but im achy all over. Not Flu or Covid ache ,just Allie did over did ache ,will take some tylenol with my nightime meds before I go to sleep.
    My little furry nephew was soooo happy to see auntie and I was Happy to see him....
    I go to the kidney Dr on Tuesday...
    Im hoping i sleep well tonight, being up in N.H. in the sea air i slept like a rock..
    Even though Alfie had a grand time with Tom and Elena he is happy to be back with mom.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Tracey – I’m wondering if my hip has anything to do with the fact that I took spinning Wednesday. I adjusted my seat and looked in the mirror. It did look like my legs were at 90 degrees. Maybe they weren’t?

    Michele NC

    The seat is supposed to be high enough that your stretched out leg is almost (but not quite) straight.