

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,549 Member
    Rebecca-I searched the world over and thought I found true love ,you found another and fllllt( raseberry) with the tongue) you were gone !!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Ginny in OH — We have cat loving neighbors who keep their cats inside. There are dangers here from predators. There was one feral cat. He killed some hummingbirds which saddened me. I haven’t seen the cat in several days. I saw a hummingbird this evening. 😊

    Several neighbors have dogs. None roam free. We are looking for a puppy, and a new pup will be leashed when outdoors. We will take many walks with our future puppy. Keeping my fingers crossed that we get a new pup in the next while. 🤞🏻
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka — I’ve been taking Vitamin D3 for a long while. It has been a blessing. ☀️
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Lanette - Thank you for posting your thoughts and the book on dying. Dying, death, medical intervention, and grief are some of the 'bees in my bonnet', as my mother would say. :D I have read many books on dying, and listen to podcasts. I belong to two groups on assisted dying. Just yesterday, I was watching a TV programme about cancer. Our worries and feelings about death cause us so much suffering and grief. Your husband was a wise man. One thing is certain, we are all going to die. I do not want my life prolonged at the expense of its quality.
    My DH is frightened to even talk about it. He won't do a POA. He thinks I am morbid for wanting to understand the process and how to approach it with acceptance and dignity. For me it is calming. Why avoid the inevitable? (I'm not talking here about terrible, traumatic deaths to younger people or children)
    I wish you lots of love as you negotiate this stage of your life. Whatever you feel is perfectly OK and it will change. When I have known grief it came out in all kinds of peculiar ways. Once I became totally obsessed with the doctor who told me about the death. I ended up writing a story about it. It takes us in weird ways. It's all fine.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    edited June 2022
    Barbara - the gas prices are insane. I am very fortunate that I do not have far to travel to work so I’ve only been buying a little at a time in the hope it goes down. I did out $50 in last night because I knew I would be going to get the Grands today. I got a 1/4 of a tank less than I should have for that amount.
    I went to pick up a few necessities this morning and less than a bagful was $77.00. I don’t know how people are going to get through this.

    $2.20 a litre here.

    Something like $6/gallon in USD.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Yesterday ...


    Today ...


    Another could be plantar fascitis...and im thinking with all the running and biking you do it might be more so that.. its basically shards of bone that flake off and iritate your heal

    Fortunately, we cycle with the balls of our feet on the pedals. No heel pain with cycling. :)

    My heel pain is almost gone now that I've spent about 2 days with my feet up.

    I'll have to choose my footwear carefully for work tomorrow.

    M in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    hello everyone! my 1st post of the month. Thanks @barbiecat for starting us off as always!
    nothing really special at present over here.
    tracked most days but not all. 63000 steps last week. I step a lot during weekdays and less on weekends! 9000 to 18000 weekdays last week (sometimes 3 or 4000 in morning little walk + rest of day running around. since I run around a fair bit some weekend days I often choose to stay local on weekends. tracked most. a bit less last 2 days.
    after morning in café, running off at lunchtime as it's getting busy to go home and follow up on my day. wishing you all a good Sunday!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    edited June 2022
    Machka - I would stay there as well. That is acceptable leave. I think some employers here are understanding they need to do more for employees to have breaks.
    I hope that you win this battle. It’s terrible you have to fight for it.

    Even with that leave, I haven't really been able to take a true vacation since before my husband's injury.

    I'm working a 9-day fortnight, which gives me every other Friday off. These days I use my leave to take the other Fridays off. While it's nice to work only 4 days a week and to have 3-day weekends, it's not really a holiday.

    But there's no point to accumulating the leave time and taking a good 3+ weeks off, like I used to do. We're still stuck in Tasmania and while it's nice to go a few places here for a week or so, I wouldn't really want to go for much longer. Plus I usually end up "working" whenever we decide to go somewhere. It never fails ... there's always something with regard to my husband's situation that comes up and urgently needs doing right when we're trying to take some time to ourselves. <<sigh>>

    At Easter, for example, I had Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Easter Monday, Easter Tuesday on April 19 and ANZAC Day on Monday 25 April off as stat holidays.
    Friday 22 April was also my usual Friday off. So I took the Wednesday and Thursday as annual leave. A whole 11 days off! Wonderful! We went away for some of it and stayed home for some.
    BUT ... I had a massive document to prepare for the Wednesday in the middle of it all so I couldn't relax.

    I hope you're able to take a vacation this year ... even if you get the other job!

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    Heather- I am in your camp.. Tom and my dad were in Johnnys and in my dads situation it came down to when he was in the hospital the last time with a cancer diagnosis and me sitting there with paperwork in front of him that he actually finally started the process and thank goodness.we stopped and got it notarized at the town hall a week before his passing ,when my son called me I grabbed the papers and when I got to the house and handed them to the paramedics and told them to stop,legally they had to.
    I have my affairs in order.
    My dad did not ,we had to do all that. I dont want to put my kids through that. I have already paid for my cremation so thats taken care of.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Rebecca That is awesome about meal planning.
    Carol my DH is the same way. He will eat a salad (romaine and cheese) and tries vegetables sometimes, but preference is burgers and fries.

    Our life is so different that it is hard for me to plan meals. I never know what is going on most evenings. I have wasted so much food by planning, then plans change. So I still fly by the seat of my pants. We eat a lot of breakfast for dinner.

    Lanette Your strength continues to amaze me. I believe that people begin that journey to death subconsciously, like nesting before a baby is born. Looking back we see it in little things that we were oblivious to at the time. Hugs!

    Machka You deserve a down day too! We have your back. You take care of you. Hugs!

    Annie I imagine caring for a parent would be extremely difficult. Could a nurse or friend be arranged to stay or come in daily just for a few days so you can take your trip? These ladies continually tell each other that we must put our oxygen mask on first. I hope something like that can happen so that you can still get a few days away.

    Kylia (pg9)
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Carla I hope you enjoy your brother's party. I feel you on the retirement thing. My brother (2 years younger) "retired" at 53. He does still restore cars, but that is on his schedule. He has one employee at his shop just so he can get health insurance. My sister and her DH have been retired since he was 45. She got bored when they moved to SC a couple of years ago and got a job as a fund raiser for the athletics department at Clemson. Lots of freedom provided with that job. Insurance costs is what keeps me working. I believe we are all ready to sell the shop though in some ways.

    Tracey what a great way to teach your grands the cost of things. Great memories too!

    Macka Play- I like lots of things on that list, but apparently need to incorporate more as I do few play items.

    Well, yesterday our oldest GS had a baseball game that it was feasible for us to attend. DH was grumbling when I said I was going and he could do what he wanted. It was about an hour away. He chose to go with me. We did take the Miata with her top down. Grands were happy we were there. On the way home we got rear ended at a stop light. DH was HOT! There was amazingly no damage to either vehicle or any people. I told him to chill out. Everything was fine. Scary yes, but no damage was done which was amazing as it was a SUV that hit me. Angel's were watching over us at that busy intersection. Oh, I got 30 mpg at 80 mph!

    Today is granddaughter's grad party. I really need to get some things done before hand. Lol, I am catching up with y'all instead. 😊

    I really should get off here and do a few things.

    Kylia in Ohio where the sun is shining and the doors are open.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Machka You deserve a down day too! We have your back. You take care of you. Hugs!

    Annie I imagine caring for a parent would be extremely difficult. Could a nurse or friend be arranged to stay or come in daily just for a few days so you can take your trip? These ladies continually tell each other that we must put our oxygen mask on first. I hope something like that can happen so that you can still get a few days away.

    Kylia (pg9)

    Thank you, and I'd love that! Meanwhile, I'm sitting here in my PJs on a Sunday evening, working on yet another large document - version 3 or 4 of this one.

    But I did get to watch Naked Gun 33 1/3 and Back to the Future III while ... so that's almost like relaxation.

    Annie ... I agree! Start looking now what's on offer in the way of carer respite. I know that your parents might not like that idea, but you might need to put your foot down and do it.

    I'd also do some research on dementia. These days, there are lots of good information in websites.

    I am one of many involved in the Island Project
    The Island Study Linking Ageing and Neurodegenerative Disease (ISLAND) Project will involve a range of studies that relate to understanding who is at most risk of dementia and how we can self-manage risk behaviours to build resilience to dementia.

    Associated with the Island Project are a collection of courses: https://www.utas.edu.au/wicking

    I have done the Understanding TBI MOOC, and if I ever have time again, I would like to do the Understanding Dementia and Preventing Dementia MOOCs. They are free, short, online courses available to anyone ... including people in the USA as far as I know.

    It might be worth taking these courses or some like them to help gain an understanding of what your mother is going through and what you can do to help her.

    You don't have to guess your way through it all. There are resources.

    In my situation, with my husband, I am so glad I did as much research as I've done. It has helped.

    Machka in Oz