

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    So I just ordered Dr Guthry's proplant shake mix. I suck at eating-there I said it. Too tired after work, no real breaks at work, and not hungry in the morning. I haven't been eating well. One meal on thursday morning. I cooked and ate friday night, but was processed meat. I didnt eat but a half of cinnamon roll all day yesterday. I just haven't been hungry. I wasnt hungry friday night either, but DH was. Maybe the shake will at least give me fast and easy protein during the day. I will keep you posted. I read all about the wonderful food y'all fix and am a little envious😉. I will get my act together hopefully sooner rather than later. I have a freezer full of fresh caught fish that I have no idea how to cook and venison that I just need to cook. If it takes more than 30 minutes for prep and cook, I am without the energy.
    Maybe that should be my goal this month, to get my act together. Okay ,I know, little changes.

    Thanks for listening.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Kylia glad your car bump was minor! I can imagine that was scary especially with DH getting upset.

    I'm another one who doesn't have energy to cook for myself. I cut up chicken breasts and boil the pieces once a week, then eat four ounces cold for each dinner. It goes down quickly enough that I don't worry about flavor. Plus my dog stares at me and tells me it smells delicious!

    I eat eggs for breakfast and overnight oatmeal with protein powder and blueberries for lunch. The great part about overnight oatmeal is that it's ready when you are hungry and then you mix up the next bowl after you eat. Then I snack on Greek yogurt. Quick nutritious food without cooking!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DH is sleeping in his chair. This is bone density day for me. I take alondrate sodium on Sunday morning before anything else. It keeps my bones healthy. Time is up up & my morning coffee is ready and waiting. 😊
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 622 Member
    Kylia! That's it! smh... I just feel sorta jealous! So glad your accident was minor. Just be sure to watch for how you're feeling physically the next several days.

    Thanks ALL for understanding.

    The party was WONDERFUL! OMG... the food was amazing. PRIME RIB on the buffet?!? Who does that? Well, my brother, that's who. It wasn't a huge party, so I suppose they felt they could do that. They had a slide show of his career and I saw a lot of pictures I'd never seen, which was really cool. Several pictures I had seen, like one of him in riot gear (2020), which brought back some horrible memories.

    Lisa, that's actually a GREAT attitude. However, I do let them know if the food isn't to my "liking", especially if it's, as you say "overloaded" with anything. Lots of people can't digest that kind of thing and many kitchens will take that into account in the future. With Corey eating what you had leftover, they wouldn't have to worry about accommodating your meal, so it would just be a suggestion.

    Annie, I know this is drastic, but have you ever thought of getting a safe for the medication? I mean that's what they do in the assisted living facility at my mom's place. They have to give her her meds and so they do not ALLOW her to even have Tylenol. Absolutely NO meds if she is on a med plan and all meds are in a safe in her kitchen. Just a thought. I know that it might make your mom feel very violated, but it would keep her "SAFE"!

    Blessed SONday!

    Carla, in MN
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,379 Member
    Tracey ~ Great pics of you and the grands at the fair. They are so cute!

    Rebecca & Machka ~ Oh how I would have loved to tan like you two. Every summer I would burn, burn, and burn some more but no real tan. Now I am paying for it!

    Heather ~ Such lovely family photos!

    Kylia ~ Glad your accident was minor and y'all are safe.

    Carol in GA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Morning or afternoon ladies
    Well Alfie woke me at 6 this morning and i got him out and put his food out stayed a wake and then fell back asleep until noon.
    Got up and did some stuff around here..
    I dont know but i think maybe the a-fib might be back just not feeling 100% i have a physical Tuesday and will bring it up.
    Heather- wow glad your son was able to pull off getting that vacation set..
    Annie- i dont know if this helps at all but they have a automatic pill dispenser that is locked and is only programmed to open at the times that are set by caregiver.. might be worth a shot..
    Its beautiful outside.. but im just lying down inside after doing a few things..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Annie - If you have sacrificed your life to look after your parents, then you need to insist they do it safely. No half measures. You are either their carer, or you are not. Big girl pants on! You are the adult in this situation.

    Behind us, in the next street, quite some way away, they are obviously having some kind of Jubilee party, with loud announcements and music. Very annoying. The weather isn't great, so I hope it will stop soon. On our walk home we passed at least three street parties. DH has been irritated all four days with all the nonsense. I've found it annoying, but also amusing. Apart from the loud thumping music. :#

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,043 Member
    edited June 2022
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Barbara - the gas prices are insane. I am very fortunate that I do not have far to travel to work so I’ve only been buying a little at a time in the hope it goes down. I did out $50 in last night because I knew I would be going to get the Grands today. I got a 1/4 of a tank less than I should have for that amount.
    I went to pick up a few necessities this morning and less than a bagful was $77.00. I don’t know how people are going to get through this.

    $2.20 a litre here.

    Something like $6/gallon in USD.

    M in Oz

    Ours is about $6 a gallon here, someplaces a bit higher. A former classmate/friend who lives about an hour and half north of here just posted this

    in Mendocino County,CA
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,524 Member
    Husbands and vegetables, Joe was always a “pig for breakfast, cow for dinner” guy until he finally listened to the Dr. Now he actually eats plant based protein most days, stir fried with the bowl of fresh veggies I prep for him. While I was down for the count he added frozen mixed veggies most days. So grateful. We both cook for ourselves as we eat at such different times.

    Lisa I can just see you zipping around on that mower, doing doughnuts, mowing patterns in the grass…
    Debbie, loved your travelling with cat, hamsters and first husband story. Before I met Joe, I tried to camp at Kennedy Meadows by myself. It snowed, so I slept in my Toyota Corolla SR5 with two dogs. Fortunately it was a liftback! :laugh:
    Machka great idea for Annie’s family to do their meds together. Might dance around Mom’s resistance. Do you have full spectrum lights?
    Kylia SUV rear-ended your Miata with no damage done? Thankful for that miracle! Let us know how you like the plant based protein shake.
    Lanette added “Gone from my sight…” to my list of “Lanette recommends:…” Thank you.
    Ginny safe travels. If you like the complex would you share?
    Tracey we have the Hee Haw collection too. Thanks for reminding me, will get it out and make popcorn when we need a lift.
    Katla the female humming bird stopped by my feeder this morning. Did you send her? Thanks!
    Welcome back, @gilliebee63 Gillian in ON!
    Viv ((hugs))
    Heather Glad your son is so resilient, quick thinking and resourceful. Hope they are recompensed for most of their costs. :love: the celebration pics.
    Barbie hoping Jake has not had any scary recurrences.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    2022: Be still and listen.

    June 4 done:
    1. Move more= 4744 steps, intentional: 124 mins incl pt, laundry, grooming & rainy dogwalk at HBCG
    2. Fuel better= CI 121><CO, Vit:1, F:0, V:4, P:58g, L:1, AF:0, H:6
    3. Live now= Joe
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I went outside to prune a rhododendron beside our front walk. The new leaves are very sticky. The rain that just started has rescued me. ❤️
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,043 Member
    it rained last night and this morning- it was wonderful- we very rarely get any this time of year. It wasn't a lot but we will take what we can get. I will have to dry out the catio- the tarp moved and now there is a puddle in the bottom of it.
    Went to church by myself. DH worked last night and came home about the time I was getting ready and went to bed. Many were missing today- some on vacation but others sick, including the pastor- tested positive for Covid on Thursday. He was supposed to go out of town to speak at a graduation then preach at another church this weekend. His son who is the associate pastor said he was at home getting better. Sorry he is sick but maybe he will take this just a bit more serious. Up until now, most of them there just think it is just a bad cold(even though we have lost at least two members to it)
    Going to try and make some seafood chowder in the pressure cooker this afternoon. Usually use the frozen seafood mix for my version of pho but want something different tonight- hope it turns out ok.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,592 Member
    Having a fabulous time at the coast this weekend. The family went to the Tillamook cheese factory, and the dog and I are resting in the car. Some pictures of our walking/hiking adventures.

  • gilliebee63
    gilliebee63 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks Lisa!

    Although I do love spicy Cajun food and onions, like you I do love being the age where I don’t have to pretend to like anything I don’t!