

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hope the swelling and bruising goes away soon and you get lots of rest
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2022
    🎄 ❤️ 🎄
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Worked then after I took Jerry home I stopped at this place where I’m having 2 quilts made, then to Belk’s since Vince needs a bathrobe (the one he has is ratty looking although he doesn’t think so) and I had coupons for $25 off, got it there. A $100 bathrobe on sale for $30. Then Aldi. Do I have your permission to get sick now after going food shopping? Newcomer bowling tonight

    katla – so glad you’re doing the knitting and keeping yourself busy

    You know, when I work every other day, it seems I need a day of “catch up”. Oh, they (the other workers) do prep, but just the absolute minimum. Well, they asked me to work tomorrow since they’re having some sort of meeting and won’t be able to do the prep (the managers I’m guessing). I really don’t have a problem with it. But it should be interesting to see just how much I have to do tomorrow since I gave them the full prep today.

    Allie – feel better fast

    Vince ordered this reference book for Jess for Christmas. $225.00. For one book. But it’s a reference book that she really wanted.

    Vince brought in the wrapping paper for the gifts, but first we need the empty boxes. Don’t know why he did it the way he did. Update: he did bring them in the house. After work tomorrow I'm thinking I'll make the crust for this chocolate cream dessert I'll take to Jess and as long as it isn't raining, I'll go for a walk while the crust is cooling before I put the filling in.

    Vince mailed a package and the Christmas cards.

    Debbie – what wonderful news!

    Vicki – that makes sense about the bottles smashing versus rolling. I never thought of that

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    If you're interested in the Action for Happiness Calendar ...
    Do Good December
    This month, we're encouraging you to carry out small acts of kindness.

    Or we could post something we're thankful for, or happy about, related to the holiday season.

    December 1 - I love the Christmas music. :) Come December 1, that's almost all I play. Christmas music or classical music (when I have to think at work or when we're in the car).

    December 2 - Christmas decorations! We're lagging behind a bit because I usually like to decorate on December 1. But we got the decorations upstairs on Dec 2. Today I'll rearrange furniture and make a start.

    December 3 - Summer. My favourite season. And we are finally having a few days of decent weather after a very wild and woolly spring. That's not saying the good weather will last (thanks La Nina) but there should be more of it.

    December 4 - Memories. So many of the Christmas songs and traditions remind me of my parents and grandparents and happy Christmases with them.

    December 5 - Christmas Displays. I like how many of the shops have Christmas Displays, and some are quite detailed and intricate.

    December 6 - Greetings. People smiling and wishing each other Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

    December 7 - Shortbread. So much delicious shortbread!

    December 8 - Family. Christmas seems to bring us together a bit more.

    December 8 - Trees. All over the world, millions of people are putting up trees in their houses and work places and decorating them. :)

    December 9 - Sparkly Things. I love how everything becomes sparkly at this time of year.

    December 10 - Yummy Things. Mince tarts and cookies. Fudge. Special Chocolates. All sorts of nibbles that only come out at this time of year.

    December 11 - Colours. Reds and greens and a few other combinations out everywhere.

    December 12 - Christmas Stories. Twas the Night Before Christmas. A Christmas Carol. Jesus Birth.

    December 13 - Wrapping things up, and I don't just mean presents.

    December 14 - The Christmas songs i know by heart. I sang them to myself during my surgery to help keep me calm and focusing on something else.

    December 15 - Rest. Except for one Christmas, I think I have had a holiday time over every other Christmas. Today I'm on enforced rest.


    Just saw your post, Barbara ...

    auntiebk wrote: »
    Aha, finally found a December daily gratitude calendar.
    “This time of year, there’s a lot of pressure to think about what we want instead of what we have. Every day for the month of December, celebrate what you’re grateful for corresponding to the theme of the day. Snap a photo or update your status on IG or FB with #spaceforgratitude”

    1 What is something that makes you laugh? Rhody! We're so very glad we got our little COVID Cat!

    2 Something about the current season you’re grateful for. Rest. There will be a lot of rest over Christmas.

    3 What about your body do you love/are you grateful for? I like my nose and want to keep it. But my official answer will be legs - for transport (walking) and recreation (cycling).

    4 Who is someone in your life that you’re grateful for? I've said husband and parents last month, and that's true, but this month I'll say ... my manager. She has been supportive and encouraging regarding my input into my job.

    5 What is a book that changed your life? The Bible. :) With the Christmas season in mind, I'm reading the gospel of Luke now.

    6 Think about something you’re good at. I think I'm good at planning and organisation.

    7 What is a lesson you’re grateful you learned? To speak up. To say my piece.

    When I was young, up till about 17-ish, I was quiet and shy. Then I went through a bolder phase from about 17 into my early 20s. Then the quiet shyness resumed for the most part until my husband's accident. And then the bold me reappeared!

    Where I once guessed what people might be thinking and thought my answers, now I'm vocal and even told I'm quite blunt. :smiley:

    8 A basic need that has been met. Shelter. I'm very thankful for our particular shelter.

    9 What are you most grateful for in the city/town where you live? The proximity to both mountains and beaches. :)

    10 What rejection in your life are you most grateful for? Oh that's an interesting question. Either there haven't been many or I don't remember them but I'm drawing a blank. Although ... about 18 months or so ago, I didn't get a job I was going for and thought I wanted. I think I prefer the one I have now. I think it is providing me with more opportunities for experience and learning.

    11 Something you use every day. A coffee cup to hold my morning coffee. :)

    12 Something you don’t need anymore. What don't I need anymore? Perhaps some of the time consuming traditions like writing the Christmas letter, doing Christmas cards, heaps of baking ...

    And outside of Christmas, I'm making choices that work for me. Picking and choosing what I want to do ... and don't want to do. I'm grateful I can make a few more of those choices.

    13 Refuge – space you love in your home - my chair. I bought a wing chair about a year or so ago and it's my spot.

    14 Item of clothing - rain jacket. Because it appears that it isn't going to stop raining! Also comfy pjs. :)

    15 Taste - I am grateful that I still have a sense of taste. That was one thing my husband lost with his brain injury.
    16 Touch
    17 Smell
    18 Sound
    19 Sight
    20 Texture
    21 Color
    22 A song that makes you happy.
    23 Type of weather you love.
    24 Professional who helps you.
    25 Something you take for granted.
    26 A TV show that you look forward to watching.
    27 A movie you watch over and over.
    28 An opportunity you’re grateful you had.
    29 A place you love to visit.
    30 A tool you find incredibly useful.
    31 A daily habit you’re happy you’ve cultivated.

    Machka in Oz

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lisa … good tips on the cookies!

    Debbie … great pathology report!

    Allie … do you think you and the baby might have similar allergies? Hope you feel better soon!

    Annie … do you use a thermometer when you cook? I have become wry dependent on mine especially with food I’m not familiar with.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    🎄. ❤️🎄
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,539 Member
    Ah Machka, but did you win? Hugs to you during your healing process!💖🤗
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Morning ladies
    I woke up,but still feeling yucky.. texted Tracy but will call her,I think I should just stay in bed today..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Allie - Yes! Rest, rest, rest. <3

    Machka - Sending best wishes for a quick healing. :flowerforyou:

    Had a good morning, although I didn't do any actual 'writing'. Woke up in the night for several hours, so was feeling a bit below par. Managed my normal exercise session. Then washed my hair, which sorely needed it, and changed the bed linen. DH helped with the huge duvet cover!
    So, a nice, clean, start to the day. :D
    Then decided I needed to do a new Instagram post, so had a happy time fiddling around in the Polish app with a cruise holiday photo and adding bits to it on the Canva app. Enjoyed myself and got it uploaded at last. I think that counts as 'work', don't you? :p

    My son is collecting us later this afternoon for us to babysit the girls while they go to Max's carol concert. We will have to put Bea to bed, but Edie can choose. I will order a delivery of fish and chips with mushy peas for us, but the girls will have eaten.
    I think we'll have done our fair share of childminding this week! Yesterday was a bit too long, but DH took the brunt of it. o:) Tonight will be easier. We do love their company so much. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,114 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Beth that's a good idea. I have a thermometer and use it for roasts.

    Machka Debbie and Allie, keep us in your pocket while you heal! Speedy recoveries to you all!

    I went to bed early and now I'm up early. It's supposed to be a gloomy rainy day. Maybe I will get into the book I'm reading. So far, there are too many names to remember. A sad but harmless symptom of my TBI.

    Well, have a great day! Make excellent choices!

    Annie in Delaware

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    14 Item of clothing – hiking boots, both the recent waterproof new balance, and the old ?Italian leather ones from ? Ankle support=priceless.
    15 Taste: dark, 70% cacao, bittersweet, chocolate. Snap!

    Just skimmin’ will update stats later, but had to thank you all for the kind comments about Joe and to say Hallelujah for Debbie’s “All (margins) Clear!”

    Lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2022: Be still and listen.
    December: Move more, fuel better, live NOW.
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    15 Taste: that's a tough one, I geneuinely like almost everything... I'm a sucker for salt, unfortunately. I love steak and seafood.
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN