

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    A little nap and feel so much better..
    Still tired but will take a few days to get back into the swing of things
    Got my son a key chain of the ship its nice and not gaudy
    Heather- been thinking of Penny im hoping she is ok..
    We had a trivia question about Tromso and it made me think of her.
    Was listening to Jimmy Buffet radio on Pandora earlier

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Heather, I’ve been meaning to ask, since you’re a Cas fan: Which clutterbug are you? You have probably said, but I can’t remember. From looking at the pictures you post of your house, I would guess a cricket or a ladybug. I am a bee. I think a combination of Dana K White’s decluttering and Cas the Clutterbug’s organizing is the perfect storm for getting your house in order. I was a member of Dana’s super secret Facebook group for a while, but I just dropped my membership. I’m working on decluttering some of my automatic subscriptions. I do still belong to Take Your House Back, but I haven’t visited the site for a while.

    Kim, your experience with cat sitting is why Dave and I are reluctant to travel together. I’m afraid your experience would be what happens with any cat sitter we might get, and we don’t want Dance staying out all night. He comes when we call him most of the time, but he is shy around everybody else, even our kids. Our neighbor travels all the time, and we feed her cat for her, but he is totally an outside cat. After losing Pip, I didn’t want to let Dance out at all, but Dave convinced me to let him out during the day. He does love our two-acres of woods.

    I am reading Karin Slaughter’s newest book. It is good. I’m also reading a couple of series from Kindle Unlimited, one by Mary Stone and the other by Kay Somebody about a place in Georgia called Hart’s Ridge. They are okay and entertaining. The Hart’s Ridge series annoys me because there is a Hart County in Georgia, but it is NOT where she has it. She has it north of Atlanta, and it is east on the South Carolina border. Karin Slaughter also toys with the geography of Georgia, but I can handle it a little better.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    edited September 2023
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Cat update - I went back 3 times spent about 2.5 hours there... no cat. (last time was 9-9:30pm) I kept texting with the owners and they said to leave it out overnight. I did but got little sleep. I am in a suburban area, but we have open space (a few thousand acres of private ranch land) just 1/2 mile away, so we have regular visits from fox, coyotes, and wild boar. The coyotes have had a bunch of kits this year and when it is quiet at night or early dawn you can hear them vocalizing. So 1:15 am I am awake to coyotes that sound so close - I could see 3-4 out the front window - I was not going out ! I just kept hoping that the cat was safe. This morning I found him in his front yard. He is hurt, limping but no broken skin. And will not let me get close, it took most of an hour of moving the food closer and closer to the front door, then in the house with me hiding behind the front door and watching until he was inside then closing the door quickly.

    I told the parents that I was not letting that cat out again while they were gone.

    this cat tends to spray, but never when I am there - I truly think it is because I clean the litter boxes 2 times a day - they do it 2 times a week. But for the extra time each day to clean boxes is far less then I spent yesterday and today dealing with getting the cat in. And of course the worry!

    Kim, the tired cat sitter.
    N. California

    I am glad the cat is back inside ... and I wouldn't let it out again either!

    Rhody is an inside cat or outside on his leash. We don't let him roam. It's actually illegal to let him roam where we are.

    There are several boarding facilities where we are. Some for cats, some for dogs, some for both.

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,415 Member
    Debbie: The birds you originally posted are juvenile avocet. The RSPB use avocet in their logo.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Kettleworx Cardio DVD then walked to Food Lion and got more of the pretzels that are on sale and some cheese. I didn’t realize it was still on sale. Bought gas then went to Aldi. Now have one of those pineapple angel food cakes in the oven. I’ll go in the pool when it comes out of the oven. Vince is volunteering at the fair today from 2 to 10.

    Katla – I’m glad you get to be with your husband. I was getting concerned just because you hadn’t mentioned him in a while.

    Lanette – Loki was always an indoor cat and to this day he has no desire to go outside. Maybe if you got a kitten and from the get-go he wasn’t allowed outside, he wouldn’t go? I love the smell of sheets and blankets in the sun. Wish we could do that here. I do put the bedspreads, etc. on the porch, but it’s just not the same. Missing that “sunshine” smell

    I clean the litterbox at least once/day. The downstairs one, since it doesn’t get used much, only twice a week.

    Went in the pool earlier then walked around the neighborhood, had dinner then pulled some more weeds around the pool. Now getting ready for bed.

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,415 Member
    edited September 2023
    New semester starts with a vengeance today 😝 Life just got busier.
    I have Creative Writing before lunch, and Monday Painters after lunch.
    Wed I have Garden group,
    Thursday Shakespeare Study Group,
    Friday Card-making Group.

    August Update:
    I had a successful month, maintaining around the middle of my range.
    Sticking with my Solid Habits.
    September Solid Habits
    💎Right This Minute initiative
    💎Just Do it! initiative
    Morning Routine

    💎Daily Meditation
    💎Right This Minute
    💎Just Do It
    💎CleanToilets/Walk/Make beds
    💎Post Sole Mates steps
    💎Weigh < 140/log
    💎Monitor %age Fat/Muscle
    💎Log CI<CO/Balance macros
    💎Herbal tea/supplements
    💎Self care
    💎Quality time with DH
    💎Ablutions/dress/Shiny sinks
    In between
    💎Daily chores
    💎Fitbit Zone minutes > 25
    💎Intentional exercise > 60 minutes
    💎Cardio > 5000 steps
    💎Strength > 15 minutes
    💎Flex > 15 minutes
    💎Active hours > 6
    💎Declutter > 15 minutes
    💎jigsaw/puzzles/TV favourites
    💎Meet with friends
    💎Quality family time
    Evening Routine[/v]
    💎Sole Mates evening reminder
    💎Close Apple rings
    💎Building Better Habits
    💎Duolingo Latin
    💎Update Women over 50

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Lisa yup that’s Tumble. She’s a Daddy’s girl.
    Barbie that “never miss an opportunity to keep my mouth shut” is a spiritual principal I need to adopt :laugh:
    Debbie Carquinez bridge closed from Thursday to Tuesday on the Labor Day holiday weekend? Must be some major repairs!
    Kim that is one lucky cat, as are your neighbors. Karma points to you. And perhaps time to find alternative care for Levi?
    Heather any plans for you to paint that night sky? Gorgeous!
    Yesterday got the skeleton mix and winter white violas in the ground. Today planted lily of the valley that’s been sitting in the garage way too long. Fingers X’d. Also planted the little spring bulbs (crocus? hyacinth?) that showed up when I was clearing the space for the violas. Glorious, cool (65F) blue sky weather.
    Yesterday’s (9/2) gratitude: golden puppy at dog group.
    09/03: Move: 2 sets PT w/D , dogs to powerline, Jeopardy walking. Steps:7988
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=13 CI<CO net=586
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AD, ptT. ptS ,church, play with plants. Wt:131.8
    No line dancing tomorrow so need to strategize on how to replace those steps.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    September: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live mindfully with people, dogs, open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.