How is it prisoners build muscles on junk no macro watching



  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Women have a hard time putting on muscle.

    When I overate I found strength gains steady to a point but my muscles and tendons were very prone to injury. My clothing was tighter due to the fat that accompanied the minimal muscle growth, despite following a philosophy of going as heavy as possible. I assume most strong men would simply eat to excess, lift weights as often as possible and possibly obtain anabolic steroids if at all possible.

    Obsessively tracking protein macros, meal planning after workouts and was just a whole level of obsessiveness that I don't care to follow anymore.
  • zerryz
    zerryz Posts: 168 Member
    I think I found the title of my next book: The Prison Diet: How to Bulk Like a Criminal

    Bwahahahahaha! It would sell too.. No kiddin'!

    Start touring the US prisons and conduct some investigative journalism (to show you have acquired a bit of valid data and give at least the illusion of some credibility) Then hire a ghost writer (faster than if you scribe it yourself). Find a couple of obscure Phd's with some vaguely related research to preface it and back up your stuff. Finally sit down, relax; just wait and watch your book climb the NY times best seller list! :D:D:D I volunteer to be your agent, Jerry!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I think I found the title of my next book: The Prison Diet: How to Bulk Like a Criminal

    Chapter One - Commit a crime

    Chapter Two - Make sure you get caught

    Chapter Three - Go to Prison

    Chapter Four - The End :laugh: :laugh:
  • Jkowals123
    Jkowals123 Posts: 133 Member
    Protein shakes- 3 per day and 3 small
    Meals and lift! At one point in time I
    Did this and went from 23% body fat
    To 18% body fat! I followed Bill Phillip's
    book Body For Life. You don't have to
    consume tons of calories to get muscle,
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Protein shakes- 3 per day and 3 small
    Meals and lift! At one point in time I
    Did this and went from 23% body fat
    To 18% body fat! I followed Bill Phillip's
    book Body For Life. You don't have to
    consume tons of calories to get muscle,

    You can drop bf% without gaining muscle, so this example is not necessarily proof of anything other than dropping weight. Also, no calorie count of the meals and shakes are given. For all we know, each shake is 300 cals and meals are 500 each, totaling out at 2400 calories.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Okay. I know a few guys who went to prison and ate like ****. They didn't go in wanting to bulk up but they did without watching their diet. I'm having a hard time with this macro thing to build or tone up formula mess. I'm thinking about just doing what i do and not stress myself out on this and hopefully I will build muscle and tone my butt.

    No way I can eat 2400 cals a day! Crazy...

    Any thoughts?

    Thoughts? You can send your spare calories my way...I average about 2400 a day (low days less, high days more) and purposely choose lower calorie-dense carbs so I can eat more volume :P

    Your friends...ate, trained and most importantly probably sat around and did not a lot for the most part. Don't underestimate the importance of rest!
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Okay. I know a few guys who went to prison and ate like ****. They didn't go in wanting to bulk up but they did without watching their diet. I'm having a hard time with this macro thing to build or tone up formula mess. I'm thinking about just doing what i do and not stress myself out on this and hopefully I will build muscle and tone my butt.

    No way I can eat 2400 cals a day! Crazy...

    Any thoughts?

    Thoughts? You can send your spare calories my way...I average about 2400 a day (low days less, high days more) and purposely choose lower calorie-dense carbs so I can eat more volume :P

    Your friends...ate, trained and most importantly probably sat around and did not a lot for the most part. Don't underestimate the importance of rest!

    Good point about rest! Good point.

    And, why yes help yourself. Lol
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Protein shakes- 3 per day and 3 small
    Meals and lift! At one point in time I
    Did this and went from 23% body fat
    To 18% body fat! I followed Bill Phillip's
    book Body For Life. You don't have to
    consume tons of calories to get muscle,

    I do protein smoothies once a day at least, twice if needed. I add fruits green leafy veggies to them most the time.

    My base ingredients being whey protein and banana = 270 ...
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    They DO eat as much protein as they possibly can. Ask your x-convict friends again... They lift HEAVY. Some do cardio. Don't nobody wanna go to prison to be a prison *****. Part of surviving in there :glasses:
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    They DO eat as much protein as they possibly can. Ask your x-convict friends again... They lift HEAVY. Some do cardio. Don't nobody wanna go to prison to be a prison *****. Part of surviving in there :glasses:

    Lol! Trust me they ain't no squares going in mama. Lol

    They just ate what they liked and lots of commissary and lifted. I'm sure they did eat a lot of protein... But I think what some are missing here is they didn't keep track or discuss it.

    Like I said before on here they acted and didn't think about it like we are. They didn't sit around talking about macros! That's the point I'm making. Lol.. They just lifted. They didn't discuss all that.

    And one said he ate a lot of cup of noodles, pepperoni, chips and candy, just sweets in general.

    But it is what it is. Lol
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    Lol! Trust me they ain't no squares going in mama. Lol

    They just ate what they liked and lots of commissary and lifted. I'm sure they did eat a lot of protein... But I think what some are missing here is they didn't keep track or discuss it.

    Like I said before on here they acted and didn't think about it like we are. They didn't sit around talking about macros! That's the point I'm making. Lol.. They just lifted. They didn't discuss all that.

    And one said he ate a lot of cup of noodles, pepperoni, chips and candy, just sweets in general.

    But it is what it is. Lol

    Actually, that's the part you keep missing. Tracking and discussing ain't a requirement to get yoked just like discussing your future family plans ain't a requirement to get pregnant.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I think I found the title of my next book: The Prison Diet: How to Bulk Like a Criminal

    Chapter One - Commit a crime

    Chapter Two - Make sure you get caught

    Chapter Three - Go to Prison

    Chapter Four - The End :laugh: :laugh:

    You forgot these:

    Chapter Five - Eat all the foodz

    Chapter Six - Lots of pushups. Lots.

    ETA: There isn't always gym access in prisons. Don't ask me how I know this. I guess it depends on the state and/or county.
  • W0rthless_Her0
    Its all the extra testosterone injections they receive nightly
  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    Simple reason....

    One of my former colleagues did some time in prison... His words:

    "I came out huge, because all I did in my cell was train! Push ups\Pull-ups\Sit-ups, Then in the gym smashed heavy weights, ate a S**t load of food, and slept loads as Lights out was early"

    Nothing more than simple basics of Bulking:


    He didn't get fat because he was training for close to 4/5 hours over the day!

    Not that I'd recommend that much training for anyone
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Coming from someone who has never been in prison...shut your mouth you have no idea what your talking about!!!! Besides, each prison is different.. so f off

    Wow... you sound pleasant.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    A friend (an old friend lol) came out absolutely jacked...due to steroids. I know OP your friends didn't do that, but any time people are blown away by someone going to jail and coming out JACKED (not just in better shape but dem gainz) don't discount the potential of PEDs.

    He claims they were easy as hell to get in there...of course he went to jail for selling them soooo your mileage may vary :laugh:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Coming from someone who has never been in prison...shut your mouth you have no idea what your talking about!!!! Besides, each prison is different.. so f off

    Wow... you sound pleasant.

    She was drunk. :frown:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Yeah 2400 is torture. Wish it was 3500 :sad:

    ^^ So much this!

    2500 is my maintenance.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    They also trained everyday. They weren't worried about spontaneously combusting if they trained more than 3 days a week.