Nobel Prize Winner picks Diet of the Future



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    lol - this OP keeps delivering the internetz . . .
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    I'm guessing none of those are in science since you seem to be very confused over orders in taxonomy.

    PS my grandma is 81 and never sees the Dr either. She also loves steak, chicken, eggs, fish, bacon, vodka, whiskey etc etc etc
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    lol - this OP keeps delivering the internetz . . .

    Three degrees in this case = a lot of wasted money.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    Why is it that with your vast university degrees that you know nothing of how to research? You are asking everyone else and their dog to do it...but don't know how to do it yourself. How did you get through writing your term papers?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member

    Members of the mammalian order Carnivora are the descendants of a successful late Paleocene radiation of mammals whose primitive food habits were carnivorous. The name "Carnivora" is sometimes taken to mean that members of this group are all carnivorous or that all carnivorous mammals are members of this group. This is not so. Members of Carnivora have diverse food habits, although many are primarily carnivorous, and carnivory is widely distributed in mammals, being found in many other orders including bats, marsupial mammals, primates, and dolphins and whales.

    Very good so far. Consistant. Now do it for Herbivores and Omnivores.

    Do what? quote science that you could find if you could be bothered?

    I want to see three consistent mutually exclusive definitions. Look up anything you want. I am saying you cannot do it. Prove me wrong.

    You have been demonstrably incorrect on numerous occasions in this thread. What is interesting is your own refusal or inability to see that. You are starting to remind me of The Poster Who Shall Never Be Named . . .
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Members of the mammalian order Carnivora are the descendants of a successful late Paleocene radiation of mammals whose primitive food habits were carnivorous. The name "Carnivora" is sometimes taken to mean that members of this group are all carnivorous or that all carnivorous mammals are members of this group. This is not so. Members of Carnivora have diverse food habits, although many are primarily carnivorous, and carnivory is widely distributed in mammals, being found in many other orders including bats, marsupial mammals, primates, and dolphins and whales.

    Very good so far. Consistant. Now do it for Herbivores and Omnivores.

    Do what? quote science that you could find if you could be bothered?

    I want to see three consistent mutually exclusive definitions. Look up anything you want. I am saying you cannot do it. Prove me wrong.

    But you keep bringing up Carnivora, which has nothing to do with definitions with the diets of animals you keep asking for and receiving.

    I think you might really need to understand what Carnivora is and stop trying to use it as a basis to prove your point, because it doesn't. In fact, it is harming your credibility in understanding what you are trying to convey.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?
    Confirmed troll.............reverse IP'ing
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Hmm, a cheeseburger sounds really good right now.

    Maybe with some bacon.


    mouth watering and hating you for putting picture up. lol...

    Simply beautifullll
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    Members of the mammalian order Carnivora are the descendants of a successful late Paleocene radiation of mammals whose primitive food habits were carnivorous. The name "Carnivora" is sometimes taken to mean that members of this group are all carnivorous or that all carnivorous mammals are members of this group. This is not so. Members of Carnivora have diverse food habits, although many are primarily carnivorous, and carnivory is widely distributed in mammals, being found in many other orders including bats, marsupial mammals, primates, and dolphins and whales.

    Very good so far. Consistant. Now do it for Herbivores and Omnivores.

    Do what? quote science that you could find if you could be bothered?

    I want to see three consistent mutually exclusive definitions. Look up anything you want. I am saying you cannot do it. Prove me wrong.

    You are confusing taxonomy orders with common phrases to describe animals eating habits.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    lol - this OP keeps delivering the internetz . . .

    Three degrees in this case = a lot of wasted money.

    There are quite a few cheap "universities" out there "educating" the uneducable. This thread is a great example of why we need to bring back trade schools. Or why one does not believe French models on the Internet. Either or . . .
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    My great gram is in her 80's and drinks scotch, straight up, before bed every night, eats bacon and eggs cooked in bacon grease every morning, and then swims laps at the Y for an hour every morning. Except Sunday. She does see her doctor fairly often, but it's because 'That young Indian man has a very fine behind!'

    That's an actual quote, btw.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    My great gram is in her 80's and drinks scotch, straight up, before bed every night, eats bacon and eggs cooked in bacon grease every morning, and then swims laps at the Y for an hour every morning. Except Sunday. She does see her doctor fairly often, but it's because 'That young Indian man has a very fine behind!'

    That's an actual quote, btw.

    Are we related? :laugh: :wink: :laugh:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    My great gram is in her 80's and drinks scotch, straight up, before bed every night, eats bacon and eggs cooked in bacon grease every morning, and then swims laps at the Y for an hour every morning. Except Sunday. She does see her doctor fairly often, but it's because 'That young Indian man has a very fine behind!'

    That's an actual quote, btw.

    Are we related? :laugh: :wink: :laugh:

    Either that or we're both lucky enough to have amazingly fun and badass grandmothers.

    I learned all of my trash mouth tendencies from my great gram. Nothing like speeding down the parkway and watching her honk, scream, and wave her finger at people daring to do the speed limit. Those were the days.
  • Grizzly Bears are in the class carnivora. The link attached is to a US Fish And Game publication:

    Now how about my $1,000

    Really? Then why are they in the Order Carnivora?

    First line from your link:
    The grizzly bear, like its cousin the black bear, is omnivorous, meaning it will eat plants, as well as insects and other animals.

    Did you even read it?

    Yup. The Genius I posted this for said that carnivores eat ONLY meat. Did you read it? Do you think it said that?

    It didn't say a damn thing about it, because grizzly's aren't carnivores.

    Really! Why don't you stick your head in one's mouth then?

    But they'd still eat you because they are OMNIVORES.

    Really? Then why are they in the order Carnivora?

    You obviously missed my post in response before to this. I'll copy and paste for you again.
    Ummm no. From the reading in the article in your post: "The grizzly bear, like its cousin the black bear, is omnivorous, meaning it will eat plants, as well as insects and other animals"

    They are in the order of Carnivora...order meaning the classification of the species based on certain shared physical characteristics. Carnivore is the description on the diet of an animal/species.


    And where does the word "carnivore" come from?

    Let me ask again: What is the precise definition of a Herbivore, an Omnivore, and a Carnivore? Your definition should make it clear that the Grizzly is not a carnivore as you claim, but you should also give some examples of animals that are carnivores, and explain why they are different from say the Grizzly.

    Good luck.

    Who ever claimed a grizzly was a carnivore?

    A jellyfish is a carnivore. It eats meat. A beat is an omnivore. it eats meat and plants. A cow is an herbivore. It eats plants.

    Is that defined enough for you or...?

    Also, side note
    Members of the mammalian order Carnivora are the descendants of a successful late Paleocene radiation of mammals whose primitive food habits were carnivorous. The name "Carnivora" is sometimes taken to mean that members of this group are all carnivorous or that all carnivorous mammals are members of this group. This is not so. Members of Carnivora have diverse food habits, although many are primarily carnivorous, and carnivory is widely distributed in mammals, being found in many other orders including bats, marsupial mammals, primates, and dolphins and whales.

    Very good so far. Consistant. Now do it for Herbivores and Omnivores.

    Ummm...but herbivores and omnivores isn't an order of taxonomy. So what/how are you trying to make comparisons?

    Yes! Give the girl a cigar!

    You and others have used the terms herbivore, omnivore and carnivore and have objected to how I have used them, specifically that I referred to one of the most famous cardiologists in the United States who said that humans were herbivores/ He in fact gives a definition that is meaningful and useful. If you had watched the video, you would know what that was, but since you don't want to watch the video, I will tell you: Only herbivores can get atherosclerosis. Carnivores cannot. Most animals are capable of eating whatever is in the environment. I daresay a polar bear would very likely eat a tomato, if he could find one. There is an evolutionary advantage in being able to get nurishment from whatever food is in your environment, animal or vegetable. Therefore, every animal can eat both plants and animals. Even cats which are obligate carnivores can eat plant based food, but that cannot eat only plant based food. Therefore, the term omnivore is virtually meaningless, since all animals are in fact omnivores. The only real distinction comes between herbivores and carnivores. And the difference between them is that only herbivores can get atherosclerosis. Watch the video. It is well worth the time.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member

    Members of the mammalian order Carnivora are the descendants of a successful late Paleocene radiation of mammals whose primitive food habits were carnivorous. The name "Carnivora" is sometimes taken to mean that members of this group are all carnivorous or that all carnivorous mammals are members of this group. This is not so. Members of Carnivora have diverse food habits, although many are primarily carnivorous, and carnivory is widely distributed in mammals, being found in many other orders including bats, marsupial mammals, primates, and dolphins and whales.

    Very good so far. Consistant. Now do it for Herbivores and Omnivores.

    Do what? quote science that you could find if you could be bothered?

    I want to see three consistent mutually exclusive definitions. Look up anything you want. I am saying you cannot do it. Prove me wrong.

    herbivore noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
    Animal adapted to subsist solely on plant tissues. Herbivores range from insects (e.g., aphids) to large mammals (e.g., elephants), but the term is most often applied to ungulates. Adaptations for a herbivorous diet include the four-chambered stomach of ruminants, the ever-growing incisor teeth of rodents, and the specialized grinding molars of cattle, sheep, and goats. Certain herbivores eat only one type of food (e.g., the koala), but most have at least moderate variety in their diet.

    omnivore noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
    Animal that eats both plant and animal matter. Most omnivorous species do not have highly specialized food-processing structures or food-gathering behaviour. Many animals generally considered carnivores are actually omnivorous; for example, the red fox eats fruits and berries as well as mammals and birds.

    And carnivore is posted above.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    My great gram is in her 80's and drinks scotch, straight up, before bed every night, eats bacon and eggs cooked in bacon grease every morning, and then swims laps at the Y for an hour every morning. Except Sunday. She does see her doctor fairly often, but it's because 'That young Indian man has a very fine behind!'

    That's an actual quote, btw.

    Are we related? :laugh: :wink: :laugh:

    Either that or we're both lucky enough to have amazingly fun and badass grandmothers.

    I learned all of my trash mouth tendencies from my great gram. Nothing like speeding down the parkway and watching her honk, scream, and wave her finger at people daring to do the speed limit. Those were the days.

    She sounds excellent - at my grandmas 80th last year we had a huge party at her house, and we stayed up until 6am finishing the night with cheese, crackers and sambuca shots :bigsmile:

    Here's to awesome grandmas :drinker:
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    My great gram is in her 80's and drinks scotch, straight up, before bed every night, eats bacon and eggs cooked in bacon grease every morning, and then swims laps at the Y for an hour every morning. Except Sunday. She does see her doctor fairly often, but it's because 'That young Indian man has a very fine behind!'

    That's an actual quote, btw.

    Your great gram sounds like the cutest person to ever live. I actually squee'd a little bit while reading that.
  • No problem. I knew you couldn't do it It was only a matter of when you would admit that you didn't know what you were talking about.

    This from the guy who clearly states on his profile that he doesn't know how to edit his profile. I mean, if we're attacking intellect now...
    OP is 70 years old, I am sure the nice lady at the Nursing Home didn't have time to show him everything about the computer. Oh, and recreation time is almost up.

    Yup, I'm 70, I have a black belt in Shaolin Kempo Karate, and I work out 4 times a week. I am vegan and never see a doctor, except for check ups. I have three university degrees. Anything else you would like to know?

    lol - this OP keeps delivering the internetz . . .

    Three degrees in this case = a lot of wasted money.

    There are quite a few cheap "universities" out there "educating" the uneducable. This thread is a great example of why we need to bring back trade schools. Or why one does not believe French models on the Internet. Either or . . .

    My undergaduate university was the University of Pennsylvania. How many people on this board do you think could get into Penn?
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member

    Yes! Give the girl a cigar!

    You and others have used the terms herbivore, omnivore and carnivore and have objected to how I have used them, specifically that I referred to one of the most famous cardiologists in the United States who said that humans were herbivores/ He in fact gives a definition that is meaningful and useful. If you had watched the video, you would know what that was, but since you don't want to watch the video, I will tell you: Only herbivores can get atherosclerosis. Carnivores cannot. Most animals are capable of eating whatever is in the environment. I daresay a polar bear would very likely eat a tomato, if he could find one. There is an evolutionary advantage in being able to get nurishment from whatever food is in your environment, animal or vegetable. Therefore, every animal can eat both plants and animals. Even cats which are obligate carnivores can eat plant based food, but that cannot eat only plant based food. Therefore, the term omnivore is virtually meaningless, since all animals are in fact omnivores. The only real distinction comes between herbivores and carnivores. And the difference between them is that only herbivores can get atherosclerosis. Watch the video. It is well worth the time.

    So humans are in fact Omnivores - thanks for proving yourself wrong :laugh:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Grizzly Bears are in the class carnivora. The link attached is to a US Fish And Game publication:

    Now how about my $1,000

    Really? Then why are they in the Order Carnivora?

    First line from your link:
    The grizzly bear, like its cousin the black bear, is omnivorous, meaning it will eat plants, as well as insects and other animals.

    Did you even read it?

    Yup. The Genius I posted this for said that carnivores eat ONLY meat. Did you read it? Do you think it said that?

    It didn't say a damn thing about it, because grizzly's aren't carnivores.

    Really! Why don't you stick your head in one's mouth then?

    But they'd still eat you because they are OMNIVORES.

    Really? Then why are they in the order Carnivora?

    You obviously missed my post in response before to this. I'll copy and paste for you again.
    Ummm no. From the reading in the article in your post: "The grizzly bear, like its cousin the black bear, is omnivorous, meaning it will eat plants, as well as insects and other animals"

    They are in the order of Carnivora...order meaning the classification of the species based on certain shared physical characteristics. Carnivore is the description on the diet of an animal/species.


    And where does the word "carnivore" come from?

    Let me ask again: What is the precise definition of a Herbivore, an Omnivore, and a Carnivore? Your definition should make it clear that the Grizzly is not a carnivore as you claim, but you should also give some examples of animals that are carnivores, and explain why they are different from say the Grizzly.

    Good luck.

    Who ever claimed a grizzly was a carnivore?

    A jellyfish is a carnivore. It eats meat. A beat is an omnivore. it eats meat and plants. A cow is an herbivore. It eats plants.

    Is that defined enough for you or...?

    Also, side note
    Members of the mammalian order Carnivora are the descendants of a successful late Paleocene radiation of mammals whose primitive food habits were carnivorous. The name "Carnivora" is sometimes taken to mean that members of this group are all carnivorous or that all carnivorous mammals are members of this group. This is not so. Members of Carnivora have diverse food habits, although many are primarily carnivorous, and carnivory is widely distributed in mammals, being found in many other orders including bats, marsupial mammals, primates, and dolphins and whales.

    Very good so far. Consistant. Now do it for Herbivores and Omnivores.

    Ummm...but herbivores and omnivores isn't an order of taxonomy. So what/how are you trying to make comparisons?

    Yes! Give the girl a cigar!

    You and others have used the terms herbivore, omnivore and carnivore and have objected to how I have used them, specifically that I referred to one of the most famous cardiologists in the United States who said that humans were herbivores/ He in fact gives a definition that is meaningful and useful. If you had watched the video, you would know what that was, but since you don't want to watch the video, I will tell you: Only herbivores can get atherosclerosis. Carnivores cannot. Most animals are capable of eating whatever is in the environment. I daresay a polar bear would very likely eat a tomato, if he could find one. There is an evolutionary advantage in being able to get nurishment from whatever food is in your environment, animal or vegetable. Therefore, every animal can eat both plants and animals. Even cats which are obligate carnivores can eat plant based food, but that cannot eat only plant based food. Therefore, the term omnivore is virtually meaningless, since all animals are in fact omnivores. The only real distinction comes between herbivores and carnivores. And the difference between them is that only herbivores can get atherosclerosis. Watch the video. It is well worth the time.

    I get a cigar because I pointed out you keep using Carnivora wrong (in the sense that you are trying to compare terms of taxonomy with diet)? And that you still are using it wrong if you think this somehow proves that all species in the order of Carnivora (which is based on physical characteristics, not diet) aren't all carnivores - which we've explained several times over already?