My Experience with Dr. Oz Detox/Cleanse Smoothies



  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sorry that others can be rude. I don't come on the message boards often and I think it's probably because when I do read a lot of them I am disappointed in the way others respond. I have seen so many negative responders that I just don't like wasting my time listening to them. There are many responders that give good feedback but so many more that are just nasty. Why would you waste your time writing "too long, didn't read???" The only reason someone would write that is to be rude. I think that if someone wants to share things here then it should be a safe place to do that, not one where you get bombarded with negativity! I thought this was a website where you are supposed to get support? I appreciate the sharing. I don't know much about cleansing as I have never tried one but I do appreciate your take on it. Thanks!

    Nicely worded! Thanks!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I do believe in detox/cleanse juices or smoothies, I personally like the "green juice" but only do it once a day for two weeks to replace snacks,and for those two weeks I cannot drink alcohol because this juice detox colon and bloodstream. If it works for you why try it? I recently watched a documentary called FAT, SICK AND NEARLY DEAD, is about an Australian guy that was obese, went to the dr. and asked if he can have nothing but that juice for 60 days, he got the green light from the doctors, he did and lost all the overweight drinking the juice and working out.

    You just took this to a new level of crazy/ Nothing but juice for 60 days is a terrible idea and NO real doctor would recommend that.

    Remember, there are doctors out there willing to do just about anything for money, that doesn't make them right.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Coincidentally, that guy also sells juicers.

    OP, good luck with your cleanses. We'll all be here in 6 months when your post again to say "I''ve tried everything and nothing works" We will answer your questions about losing weight with a moderate calorie deficit and no restrictions. Suddenly, we'll stop seeming so mean.

    or you could come to the dark side sooner. It is rumored that we have cookies.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Misinformation is ALWAYS HARMFUL. Maybe drinking juice for 3 days won't cause any noticeable, physical harm. But the attitude that even though science tells us there's no benefit to detoxing we're just going to do it anyway, and anyone who thinks it's a bad idea should just STFU, is harmful.

    It's the same attitude that has caused my MiL to take my 16-year-old sister-in-law to a naturopath who consults with the spirits instead of to a real doctor. Anti-science sentiments do cause harm. To believe that they don't is naive.
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    Why all of these rude comments. She clearly stated if you do not agree with this then ok - I believe she posted it for those interested in something like this. From her title if you disagree then why even stop by to read her post???

    Seriously, the level of snark on this site is incredibly annoying. I swear some people do nothing more than troll through posts all day, looking for the chance to berate someone else. Nobody made you read her post. If it's too long for your wee attention span, or you don't share the share the same view (and aren't able to articulate a constructive counter-viewpoint, it's quite simple really, just move on.
    Oh, the irony . Thanks for the contribution

    What do you mean wee attention...oh another gif...
  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    And to the ones complaining about the snark...well, you're in a community full of people who have tried every milkshake, pill and trick in the book, and who KNOW it's all pseudosciencey BS. When I see responses from people who have lost 50, 100, 200 pounds in a healthy, sustainable way...yeah, I'll listen to them over Dr. Oz or any other shill.

    Whatever the reason, it's hard for me to grasp that there are folks who believe, especially in a public forum or 'community full of people' like this, that sarcasm and 'snark' are helpful ways of communicating valuable information, or that that sort of tone provides effective support. A demeaning tone seems more likely to end participation and discussion, rather than encourage it, which, imo, is unfortunate.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    I would like to throw in my 2 cents. To those of you who think people are--rude, mean, insensitive etc. etc--on MFP, I would just like to say that I was amazed a couple of weeks ago when a young girl on here was going on and on about her troubles and low calorie diet and was losing too much weight. I thought she was trolling and maybe she was, but the veterans on here stuck with her, trying to convince her she had an ED and needed help. This went on for pages, and you could tell they were concerned. I'd just like to say thankyou guys--keep it up.

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    To the poster that wrote this...
    This has been a really negatively received post, and I don't understand why. Thanks for sharing your experience!!

    I feel like as a community we should be lifting each other up, not bashing each others choices.

    And to the one that wrote this...
    Why all of these rude comments. She clearly stated if you do not agree with this then ok - I believe she posted it for those interested in something like this. From her title if you disagree then why even stop by to read her post???


    Even though others have explained this already but I'm going to try to make it really simple.

    If someone posted they were going to jump off a bridge or kill themselves in some fashion...should we all just skip that post? Because it's not just the OP who might be thinking about doing it, others may read, be at a point in their lives and think it's a good idea also.

    The act of drinking a few blended salads, or even a three day juice fast isn't an emergency, nor do I believe it invites ( or deserves) rude feedback.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    And to the ones complaining about the snark...well, you're in a community full of people who have tried every milkshake, pill and trick in the book, and who KNOW it's all pseudosciencey BS. When I see responses from people who have lost 50, 100, 200 pounds in a healthy, sustainable way...yeah, I'll listen to them over Dr. Oz or any other shill.

    Whatever the reason, it's hard for me to grasp that there are folks who believe, especially in a public forum or 'community full of people' like this, that sarcasm and 'snark' are helpful ways of communicating valuable information, or that that sort of tone provides effective support. A demeaning tone seems more likely to end participation and discussion, rather than encourage it, which, imo, is unfortunate.

    Well, you can't control the reaction you're going to get from a public post so there's no point in being butthurt over it. I've only been reading the forums for a short while and cleansing/detoxing/magic potion/latest fad comes up basically every day so I think as a community MFP is "over it" and has lost patience. The OP even started with "If you don't like Dr. Oz or have your arguments over detox and cleansing that's fine" she knows.
  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    Whatever a least I don't believe in pizza, and those juices are blended vegetables!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    And to the ones complaining about the snark...well, you're in a community full of people who have tried every milkshake, pill and trick in the book, and who KNOW it's all pseudosciencey BS. When I see responses from people who have lost 50, 100, 200 pounds in a healthy, sustainable way...yeah, I'll listen to them over Dr. Oz or any other shill.

    Whatever the reason, it's hard for me to grasp that there are folks who believe, especially in a public forum or 'community full of people' like this, that sarcasm and 'snark' are helpful ways of communicating valuable information, or that that sort of tone provides effective support. A demeaning tone seems more likely to end participation and discussion, rather than encourage it, which, imo, is unfortunate.

    Sometimes the best approach for dealing with someone who is incompetent is letting them explicitly know that they are indeed incompetent. Thus they can become self aware of their incompetence and learn
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    To the poster that wrote this...
    This has been a really negatively received post, and I don't understand why. Thanks for sharing your experience!!

    I feel like as a community we should be lifting each other up, not bashing each others choices.

    And to the one that wrote this...
    Why all of these rude comments. She clearly stated if you do not agree with this then ok - I believe she posted it for those interested in something like this. From her title if you disagree then why even stop by to read her post???


    Even though others have explained this already but I'm going to try to make it really simple.

    If someone posted they were going to jump off a bridge or kill themselves in some fashion...should we all just skip that post? Because it's not just the OP who might be thinking about doing it, others may read, be at a point in their lives and think it's a good idea also.

    The act of drinking a few blended salads, or even a three day juice fast isn't an emergency, nor do I believe it invites ( or deserves) rude feedback.

    Where was I rude? Please show me!!!

    Now that ^^^ That may be a little rude...

    People...last time...


    Let me repeat...disagreement does not equal rude.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Whatever a least I don't believe in pizza!

    I do!

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Whatever a least I don't believe in pizza!

    What? How can you not when it's so tasty!!! Plus I had some today. So you don't have to believe in it, it is real whether you do or not.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Whatever a least I don't believe in pizza, and those juices are blended vegetables!
    The product of education by documentaries...........................................................
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Whatever a least I don't believe in pizza, and those juices are blended vegetables!

    Here's a could just eat the vegetables! It would actually be more beneficial and better for you to actually eat them. Juicing them you lose the fiber.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Whatever a least I don't believe in pizza, and those juices are blended vegetables!

    Here's a could just eat the vegetables! It would actually be more beneficial and better for you to actually eat them. Juicing them you lose the fiber.

    Eating vegetables and fruits? The heck you say! What new fangled mode will they come up with next?! :D

    Oh and I'm personally waiting for people to report back on the Ice Cream detox. This one looks like more fun.
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