Would you date someone overweight?



  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I'm overweight, and I'd date myself, so yes.
  • madisonsmith1297
    I did, and the sex was great but going out was not so good

    Jealous. I had the opposite experience, which ultimately ended both of my long term relationships. I can go all night, so overweight or not thats something I need in a man.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I did, and the sex was great but going out was not so good

    Jealous. I had the opposite experience, which ultimately ended both of my long term relationships. I can go all night, so overweight or not thats something I need in a man.

    All night? Who has the time?
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I did, and the sex was great but going out was not so good

    Jealous. I had the opposite experience, which ultimately ended both of my long term relationships. I can go all night, so overweight or not thats something I need in a man.

    And with this post you're amount of pervy PMs from guys are going to double lol. I always dated heavy folks because it never occurred to me i could get anyone else.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    eh. A little chunky yes but not super fat.
  • madisonsmith1297
    I did, and the sex was great but going out was not so good

    Jealous. I had the opposite experience, which ultimately ended both of my long term relationships. I can go all night, so overweight or not thats something I need in a man.

    All night? Who has the time?

    If someone doesn't have the time to do that at least once and awhile I won't be happy haha.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I did, and the sex was great but going out was not so good

    Jealous. I had the opposite experience, which ultimately ended both of my long term relationships. I can go all night, so overweight or not thats something I need in a man.

    And with this post you're amount of pervy PMs from guys are going to double lol.

    Was most likely the intention.
  • madisonsmith1297
    I did, and the sex was great but going out was not so good

    Jealous. I had the opposite experience, which ultimately ended both of my long term relationships. I can go all night, so overweight or not thats something I need in a man.

    And with this post you're amount of pervy PMs from guys are going to double lol.

    Was most likely the intention.

    I thought we were all discussing dating, which sex is major part of. I promise I don't need to go on message boards and hope for attention from people I don't know. I'm sorry if it came off that way.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I did, and the sex was great but going out was not so good

    Jealous. I had the opposite experience, which ultimately ended both of my long term relationships. I can go all night, so overweight or not thats something I need in a man.

    And with this post you're amount of pervy PMs from guys are going to double lol.

    Was most likely the intention.

    I thought we were all discussing dating, which sex is major part of. I promise I don't need to go on message boards and hope for attention from people I don't know. I'm sorry if it came off that way.

    Some people don't like talking about sex. It is icky to them. :laugh:
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    If they outweigh me more than 3x then no.
  • moniquelovescats1
    moniquelovescats1 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes. A person can always gain or lose weigh, but you cannot change who your are inside. There are a lot of in-shape, sext a-holes out there that I would not touch with a ten foot pole. It's about the person-not their height, weight, etc.

    I am really attracted to dark-haired men, but my two longest, most meaningful relationships were with blondes. It's really not about someones outward appearance.
  • madisonsmith1297
    I did, and the sex was great but going out was not so good

    Jealous. I had the opposite experience, which ultimately ended both of my long term relationships. I can go all night, so overweight or not thats something I need in a man.

    And with this post you're amount of pervy PMs from guys are going to double lol.

    Was most likely the intention.

    I thought we were all discussing dating, which sex is major part of. I promise I don't need to go on message boards and hope for attention from people I don't know. I'm sorry if it came off that way.

    Some people don't like talking about sex. It is icky to them. :laugh:

    Yes valid point. I just assumed since the question at hand had to deal with dating I would explain my reasoning. I guess I should have just provided a yes or no answer :P
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I was married to someone overweight...well he still is and technically we are still married until our court date.....but no, never again. I need someone who will support and encourage me.....
  • BeingFatSucksss
    BeingFatSucksss Posts: 368 Member
    My boyfriend is dating me. And says he doesn't care how i look.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    character is what is important and if he is a little overweight. But if he is so overweight he cant ride rides at the amusement park or go biking with me NO WAY. Someone big eating all the time in front of me would be bad also but if he had character he would not do that.
  • SweetTrouble_
    SweetTrouble_ Posts: 933 Member
    Would you date someone overweight? Why or why not?
    Absolutely...a number on the scale doesn't matter very much to me.
  • irapino65
    irapino65 Posts: 71 Member
    Its about the person not the number on the scale.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    Would you date someone overweight? Why or why not?
    Absolutely...a number on the scale doesn't matter very much to me.

    Exactly. :)