2011 - New Year, New Me (final thread)



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    momtofours Weigh ins:
    Nov 1 SW 175.8 - CW 175.8
    Nov 8: GW 174 -
    Nov 15: GW 173 -
    Nov 22: GW 172 -
    Nov 29: GW 171 - (GW 171 BY 27TH O/H AND F/I/L B'DAY WEEKEND)
    Dec 6: GW 170 -
    Dec 13: GW 169 -
    Dec 20: GW 168 -
    Dec 27: GW 167 - (GW 168 or less by Xmas day)
    Jan 3: anything less than above would be an achiement

    sorry these are my goal weights for each week to the year ending i will post my actual weigh-in on the corresponding dates each week
    thanks x

    i understood yours...my question was the another member...i couldnt tell what she was reporting..yours is clear
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    renaegry (Renae) Weigh ins:
    Nov 1 SW 152.6
    Nov 8: GW 154 - (I gained this week, I think last week weight a fluke)
    Nov 15: -
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29: GW 152 -
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20: -
    Dec 27: GW - 149
    Feb 1 - GW - 146
    Mar 1 - GW - 143
    Apr 1 - GW - 140

    I decided to revise my goals and take it slow. I get so discouraged when I don't reach them, so I am aiming for 0.5 pound each week, and if I achieve more (which I most likely will) then that is a bonus.
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    "i understood yours...my question was the another member...i couldnt tell what she was reporting..yours is clear"

    to the above post

    thanks was just making sure lol !!! x x
  • porterbaby38
    hi everyone i'm not a very good moo today, TOM left and i was hoping a big drop since i was woring my butt off during TOM, but NOPE not me. as of today i weigh again 166.8lbs. i'm so tired of being in the 160's. i'm sorry i just feel like giving up, because i've been in the 160's almost this whole year and it's getting very frustrated. i was hoping to be in the 140's at least by january, but it not going to happen. besides my smaller jeans i had do quiet fit. :angry: :explode: :mad: :sad:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    here is the chart from this week's weigh ins...if you are in bold you reported something...

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    ohhhhhhh, in case you didnt see my post in the threads.....i weighed myself last night and i was DOWN to 204.4...that is my goal for saturday and i'm hoping if i push myself today and really stay the course maybe tomorrow will be an even better OFFICIAL weigh in...
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well I am up 2 pounds today. Last week I think was a dehydration fluke, but oh well. Still had a great week. Worked out for over 250 minutes this week so that is good.

    Didn't feel like doing much today, plus my knees are sore, and my back isn't sitting right but can't get into chiro till Tues, so I just did 30 minutes on treadmill at 3.5 (so i could read) and burned 251 cals.

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i did it!!! i did it!!!!
    204 today
    i made and passed my 1st saturday of november goal of 204.4!!!!!
    i actually moved my weigh in for the month date to the 2nd saturday of the month because my TOM was playing with my starting month weigh ins and i wanted to have a success to keep me motivated BUT i ended up having one anyway even with my TOM at the start of this week....i was up to 210+ on monday/tueday....and today i am 204...i keep jumping on the scale to make sure it is right lol...i went to group power this am and really pushed myself with my weights and when i just got home now after having 1 1/2 waters and a few sips of a diet coke and 3 aunt annie's pretzel sticks and my breakfast and coffee earlier before i left the house and i'm STILLLLLLL 204....i'm actually looking forward to next week's weigh in...i'm officially the lowest i have been since before getting preggers with my daughter in 2007....i got down to 208 after being on Jenny Craig for a year (my son was 2) and so i am officially the smallest i have been since Novemeber 2001 (wow 9 years ago when i first lost the weight on WW after gaining sooo much when i met my now husband)....

    sorry for the book but i am literally jumping out of my skin i'm so happy with how i'm doing....hope everyone is having a good weekend...oh ps, i'm trying to figure out how to get another "fun" workout in with my kids today....one went with me to the gym to the playroom and one stayed home...i'm thinking i'll take my daughter (stayed home earlier) to the park for a stroller ride while i do a jog or a quick loop around in rollerblades....seriously??? who is this woman?? i am looking for ways to move my *kitten* today....

    thanks for reading :)
  • my2loves04and06
    Congrats Denise on making your goal! Keep up the great work!

    I also hit a milestone today. Nothing weight-wise, but I was able to wear a dress for my daughter's bday party today that I haven't worn since my honeymoon almost 7 years ago! Woot woot!
  • porterbaby38
    bluiz great job.
    my2loves awesome job on the dress.
    i'm not into working out, for awhile, the flu got a hold of me during the night. i'm still very sick today.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    my goal is to lose 1lb a week forever until i get where i am happy...

    Bluiz13's (Denise) Weigh ins:
    Nov 1 ~~~ 208.8
    Nov 8 ~~~ 204 (Met my goal for 11/6)
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13: (12/11 - Goal 199.4)
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: (1/1 - Goal - 196.4)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    congrats on the wardrobe win trace....keep up the good work....are you back on track yet?? i want you to be trying so when i pass you i'll know its cause i'm good not cause you are being bad ;) J/K
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    momtofours Weigh ins:
    Nov 1 SW 175.8 - CW 175.8
    Nov 8: GW 174 - CW 175.8 This is the first time i have not lost since i started :sad: but still i didnt gain either
    Nov 15: GW 173 -
    Nov 22: GW 172 -
    Nov 29: GW 171 - (GW 171 BY 27TH O/H AND F/I/L B'DAY WEEKEND)
    Dec 6: GW 170 -
    Dec 13: GW 169 -
    Dec 20: GW 168 -
    Dec 27: GW 167 - (GW 168 or less by Xmas day)
    Jan 3: anything less than above would be an achiement
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Nov 1 SW 208.0/ CW-204.9
    Nov 8: GW-205.0
    Nov 15: GW-204
    Nov 22: GW-202
    Nov 29: GW-200
    Dec 6: GW-198
    Dec 13: GW-196
    Dec 20: GW-195
    Dec 27:X-Mas eve GW 194
    Jan 3: GW 194 (if I make it though christmas without weight gain I will be happy)

    Congrats sounds like everyone is haveing a good week.
    I am not expection good numbers this week. My niece/god daughter was a stillborn Oct 28 and I have not been doing good. I finally have the motivation to workout again, I still want to eat sugar but the cravings are better now. I am going to weigh in tonight, give myself sometime to flush out all the crap I have eaten and get another good workout in.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    ohhhhhhh, in case you didnt see my post in the threads.....i weighed myself last night and i was DOWN to 204.4...that is my goal for saturday and i'm hoping if i push myself today and really stay the course maybe tomorrow will be an even better OFFICIAL weigh in...

    Congrats on meeting your goal that's awesome keep it up!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    congrats on the wardrobe win trace....keep up the good work....are you back on track yet?? i want you to be trying so when i pass you i'll know its cause i'm good not cause you are being bad ;) J/K

    Hahahaha nothing wrong with healthy competition!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Bluiz I was guessing on the Nov 8th weigh in and now you have it all on the chart so pretty I don't want to have it erased :frown: I am scared to weigh to see the truth LOL!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Oh I am too stoked I actually weighed in at 160.8 almost wanted to wait til I go to the bathroom this morning I think I like the guess method!!

    Cnbethea's Weigh ins:
    Nov 1: 163.2
    Nov 8: 160 (guess) and 160.8 (actual)
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6: 150s lower end
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: 140
  • my2loves04and06
    Hahaha, Denise! Game on! I'm not tracking my foods or exercising, but I'm still in the game. I'm not eating crappy and I'm watching portion sizes. I like that I'm still losing and and I don't have to be hardcore strict with logging/measuring, kwim?

    I'm down again this week to 201.4 (-1.2 lbs). Woot! Oh, and Happy 6th Birthday today to my little girl!

    My2Loves04and06's (Trace) Weigh ins:
    Nov 1: 202.6
    Nov 8: 201.4
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: (goal: 194 - halfway to goal weight)
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby's weight in:
    nov.1st. 166.8lbs.
    nov.8th, 162.4lbs.( because i have the flu)
    jan3: (hopefully be in 140's)